I Am In Konoha, I Can Simplify Skills

Chapter 38

Chapter Thirty-Eight Uzumaki Phosphorus

“Finally found you! Uchiha Sasuke!”

Sasuke at this time, Naruto, little Sakura,

Encountered the most powerful enemy ever,

Sannin Orochimaru!

Just a simple killing intent drifted away, and the surrounding air became a little frozen!


“Help! Help! Someone help me!”

In the forest, a conspicuous red hair,

The woman who looks very weak is running away quickly,

Behind him was a strong black bear, roaring and attacking!

The beasts in the dead forest are still very threatening to Genin!


Qingshan Liu Yun, who was rushing to the central tower, obviously heard the cry for help.

Out of curiosity, I went to have a look.

“That’s, Uzumaki Kaphos?”

The iconic red hair of the Uzumaki family is so conspicuous that it can be seen immediately!

Qingshan Liu Yun remembers,


It was Uchiha Sasuke who appeared and saved Uzumaki, and then fell in love with Sasuke,

But now it seems that

Uchiha Sasuke doesn’t even know where he’s staying, he’s not around at all!

“never mind!”

Uzumaki has a special physique, and is born with the special ability of the Uzumaki family, Kagura Mind!

It’s not a loss to make a fate!



Stumbling, Xianglin fell to the ground,

Looking at the black bear that keeps approaching him,

In fear, Xianglin closed her eyes directly,

In the past when Cao Ninja Village was used as a tool person, the mother died to protect herself, all kinds of emotions add up,

Xianglin was completely desperate.

Anyway, even if someone like me died, no one would care about it!


next second,

There was a deafening roar,

Xianglin opened his eyes blankly,

I can only see that the original black bear has fallen to the ground at this moment,

On top of the black bear, the figure of Qingshan Liu Yun was standing on it with a gentle face, smiling and looking towards him,

“How is it! Are you okay!”

“No, it’s okay!”

Xianglin nodded in a daze,

Such pure Chakra!

The natural Kagura mind-eye allows Xianglin to perceive the good and evil of the other party by feeling the other party’s Chakra!

purely! powerful! clean!

This is what Xianglin feels, Chakra belonging to Qingshan Liu Yun!

Never seen such pure chakra,


“This Forehead Protector, are you a ninja from Kusanagi Village?”


Qingshan Liu Yun simply dealt with the black bear, the fierce black bear during the day,

It’s now considered a barbecue.

Looking at Uzumaki Xianglin curled up beside him, Aoyama Liu Yun pretended to be puzzled and asked!

“Yes Yes!”

Xianglin was a little flustered,

Nod quickly!

“I am the ninja of Kusanagi Village, Uzumaki!”

“There’s no need to panic!”

Seeing that the state of Xiangphos is not right,

Qingshan Liu Yun waved his hand with a smile,

“It’s all right now, it’s safe here, my name is Qingshan Liu Yun, nice to meet you! Xianglin!”

“very safe!”

From childhood to adulthood, this is the first time Xianglin has felt what it feels like to be safe.

“Speaking of which, where are your teammates?”

“They had an accident!”

Xianglin said in a low voice,

But there are some words that Xianglin did not say,

For example, Uzumaki’s teammates actually gave up Uzumaki directly after encountering danger.

It’s just that those two unlucky guys were unlucky, so they died by themselves!

Xianglin doesn’t want to talk about such things,

Worried that Qingshan Liu Yun would despise herself because of such a thing,

“That’s it!”

But what Xianglin doesn’t know is that Qingshan Liu Yun already knew everything,

nor debunk,

“By the way! What about Mr. Liu Yun’s teammates?”

Xianglin wants to change the subject!

“If you participate in this assessment, I will be one person and one team!”

“Hey! Mr. Liu Yun is so amazing!”

Can actually be one person and one team, Xianglin’s small face looked over adoringly,

“The barbecue is ready, let’s chat while eating!”



Although the assessment time of Death Forest is endless, it only takes a few days.

After a few days of idleness,

Qingshan Liu Yun still brought Xianglin to the central tower,

“After we get here, we will be separated!”

“Divide, separate!”

Shannon lost his mind.

yes! I am a ninja from Grass Ninja Village, and Aoyama Liu Yun is a ninja from Konoha,

Destined to be separated,

During this period of time, it is definitely the time when Xianglin feels the most at ease.

I don’t want to end here!

Seeing Xianglin’s absent-mindedness,

Qingshan Liu Yun said with a smile,

“I’m in Konoha. When you want to find me, you can come at any time. If there is a chance in the future, I will go to Kusanagi Village to find you!”

“Really? Is Mr. Liu Yun coming back to find me?”

Xiangphos was delighted,

“Most definitely!”

at last,

Although reluctant to give up, Qingshan Liu Yun and Xianglin still separated,

There was only one left in the three-person team, plus the Heavenly Earth Coiling Axis was not collected, Xianglin naturally failed the assessment!

“The seeds have been planted!”

Seeing the back of Uzumaki Xianglin leaving, Aoyama Liu Yun smiled easily,

With Xianglin’s special physique, it may be a good help in the future,

How, the future will know!


After bidding farewell to Phosphorus,

Qingshan Liu Yun came to the central tower,

However, what Qingshan Liu Yun did not expect was that,

It just so happened that I met Naruto, Sasuke and little Sakura who also came here!

it’s easy to see,

The three of them have obviously gone through a lot of hardships, and they all look rather embarrassed!

“Liu Yun!”

After seeing Qingshan Liu Yun,

Naruto and the others were also surprised!

Especially the little Sakura, after being dazed for a while, ran over and rushed towards Qingshan Liu Yun,

“Great! Great!”

The pressure brought by Sannin Orochimaru cannot be replicated. The current Class Seven has not grown up yet.

It’s impossible to deal with Orochimaru!

“It’s all right!”

Although unexpected,

But after seeing this scene,

Qingshan Liu Yun softly comforted the little Sakura who rushed over,

at this time,

Little Sakura suddenly leaned into Aoyama Liu Yun’s ear, and said in a low voice,

“Sasuke, Sasuke! It’s getting scary!”


The Curse Seal of Heaven!

Aoyama Liu Yun knew that this must be the Heavenly Seal that Orochimaru bestowed on Sasuke,


Looking at the little Sakura in front of him strangely,

No matter how scary Sasuke becomes, it shouldn’t affect your personality, right?

Wake up! You are a dog licking love brain!

“Why did you complete the assessment at this time!”

At this time, Sasuke and Naruto also came over!

Sasuke looked at Aoyama Liu Yun strangely,

“If it’s you, you should be able to complete the assessment soon!”


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