I Am In Konoha, I Can Simplify Skills

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 The Mission Of The Country Of Water, Suspected Traces Of Three Tails

“So, do you want to ask me to do this task?”

Qingshan Liu Yun has almost guessed,


Nara Shikamaru did not deny,

He nodded seriously,

“I don’t know why, but I always feel that the task this time is not that simple. In our class, you are the strongest, so naturally I can only seek the help of you, the light of Konoha!

In the end, I joked a bit,

For such ridicule, Qingshan Liu Yun just smiled,

Didn’t care!

“The land of water!”

Thinking eyes!

The monster that appeared in the kingdom of water, what could it be?

Three Tails?

It seems possible! The last Three Tails Jinchūriki was Fourth Mizukage Yagura-!

Just a badass!

Not long after he was promoted to Mizukage, he was first controlled by Uchiha Madara with illusion, and then by Uchiha Obito with Sharingan-control,

During these years of Mizukage,

There are not many days when I do things with my own thoughts!

Pure bad luck!

However, since the citrus Yagura was gone, the Three Tails have no Jinchūriki, and have been living in the sea,

And, due to the chaos in the land of water,

Never got around to waving Three Tails,


The monster in the kingdom of water is most likely the Three Tails!

“I agreed!”

Qingshan Liu Yun did not refuse, whether it is Three Tails or not, just go out and relax,

Staying at home to collect experience all the time, even Qingshan Liu Yun will be a bit boring!

“Very good!”

With the consent of Aoyama Liu Yun, Nara Shikamaru smiled easily,

“I’m going too! I’m going too!”

Hearing Qingshan Liu Yun agree,

Ino immediately bluffed and said that he also wants to go together!

“You forgot, we were originally a small team!”

Seeing Ino like this,

Shikamaru is more or less helpless, it’s okay for others to yell, but you also yell,

We were originally a small team, and this was your task in the first place!

“Ugh! Right!”

After being told this, Ino finally realized,

I’m even happier!

Shikamaru could only roll his eyes at this, and didn’t have much to say!

“Then I’m going too!”

Little Sakura didn’t think too much, and immediately stood up!

“Ha! Let’s go to the task, what do you do next, wide forehead!”

“Are you stupid? Liu Yun is my teammate. I will go with you. Is there any problem?”

“You bastard!”

Little Sakura said the truth,

Even Ino, there is no way to refute,

I can only look at little Sakura with dissatisfaction,

For a moment, I just feel that this little Sakura is getting in the way!


Facing Ino’s gaze,

Little Sakura didn’t give in at all, she also stared back with unabated momentum!

“Although we really want to go together, we have other missions tomorrow!”

On the side, Inuzuka Ya could only shrug his shoulders helplessly,

Land of water!

Never been there yet!

They just received a mission today, so they can’t be together!

“Flow, Mr. Liu Yun!”

Hinata also secretly glanced at Aoyama Liu Yun,

It’s a pity that I can’t do tasks with each other!

“it’s okay no problem!”

Shikamaru waved his hand and said in a nonchalant tone,

“Anyway, the main invitee this time is still Liu Yun, it’s okay if you can’t go!”

I don’t care about it!

“I said, you are too straightforward!”

Even if it were true,

But don’t say it so directly, at least cover it up!

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Seeing Inuzuka like this, everyone looked at each other and smiled,

Obviously, everyone understands that this is just a joke!

“It’s a pity! We can’t do anything!”

Not just the Inuzuka team,

Xiao Li and Hyuga Neji also shook their heads and said,

“We also just received a mission, and we will start in two days, so it’s too late!”

Said helplessly every day,

“I really want to go with you!”

What a pity!

“Haha! Next time! There will always be a chance!”

Shikamaru said haha,

The atmosphere at the party has returned to liveliness again!

the next day,

Aoyama Liu Yun stayed up all night to say goodbye to Tsunade,

Then he left Konoha!

“It’s very early!”

When the time comes,

Shikamaru and others have arrived,

“In that case, let’s go!”


To the country of water, there is a sea, although ninjas can walk on water,

But if it is a sea where you can’t see the edge at a glance, there are probably not many people, really stupid enough to walk on the water!

sailing for several days,

This is the destination!

A small island in the land of water!

“It feels like the sea is all around me!”

Ino and little Sakura and the others. After all, this is the first time I have come to the land of the country of water,

So I am very curious about everything around me,

Unlike Konoha,

Around this water country, you can see the endless sea everywhere!

Qingshan Liu Yun, who was walking in the middle, explained a sentence!

“The Land of Water is a place formed by countless small islands, so there are many islands here, and the ocean can be seen everywhere! And, the closer to Kiriage Village “the more you can have ten conno

Wuying Village is surrounded by dense fog all year round, so it got its name!


“Mr. Liu Yun, you know a lot!”

Upon hearing such an explanation,

Whether it’s little Sakura or Ino, they are all full of admiration,

He looked at Qingshan Liu Yun with admiration,


After praising at the same time, the gazes of little Sakura and Ino suddenly confronted each other,

“You are too fake!”

“You are, you are just perfunctory!”

Fighting started again!

Shikamaru, who was walking in the front, sighed helplessly, looking very helpless,

Along with me is Akimichi Chōji,

However, from the beginning of the mission to the present, Chōji has been holding snacks and eating them constantly,

Didn’t notice the quarrel at all!

“Let’s collect some news first!”

The place has arrived, the next step is to collect information,

At least know where the monster is!

“give it to me!”

At this time, Ino suddenly stood up,

But I have long wanted to show myself in front of Qingshan Liu Yun,


Stand up Ino,

Found a regular villager!


“Heart Turning Technique!”

The secretary of the Yamanaka family can enter the consciousness of others, control the enemy,

And the main body will be in a fainted state,

are our own people,

So I know Ino’s ninjutsu very well, and immediately protect the fainted Ino!


After about an hour, Ino ‘woke up’!

“found it!”

Obviously, this is the successful collection of messages,

So Ino’s mood seems to be very good,

“The sea area where the monsters appeared is not far from here. On the contrary, I also got news that there is a merchant ship that will go to Wuying Village to deliver goods, and it will pass by that area! We can just take this merchant ship! ”

“well done!”

The secret technique of the Yamanaka family is indeed more suitable for collecting information!

Even Qingshan Liu Yun couldn’t help but nodded and praised!


Hearing Qingshan Liu Yun’s praise,

Yamanaka Ino snorted twice triumphantly,

Then he looked at Haruno Sakura’s gaze,

gave him a provocative look,

Look, for Qingshan Liu Yun, I am more useful!


Little Sakura is not stupid, how could she not notice such an obvious provocative gaze,

Although disdainful,

But little Sakura’s heart is more or less sour,

This is the difference between ninja ninjas and civilian ninjas,

Little Sakura who has no apprenticeship with Tsunade,

Also like many commoner ninjas, they lack the resources for cultivation!

“Do you know what the monster looks like?”

At this time, Shikamaru asked about his inner curiosity,

after all,

They are going to deal with such monsters next,

Always get to know each other!

“have no idea!”


Hearing this question, Ino could only shrug helplessly,

“I have already inquired about it. Basically, the people here just heard the roar of the monster, and then there will be rough waves appearing to repel them! So no one has seen the specific appearance of the monster!”

0 looking for flowers……

For this message,

Ino deliberately investigated for a long time, but unfortunately, the result is still the same,

No one has seen the specific appearance of the monster,

“That’s it!”

Shikamaru analyzed calmly,

“That is to say, whether there are monsters or not is still unknown!”

Perhaps, it is very likely that it is a coincidence that there is no such thing as a monster!


Regardless of whether it is a coincidence or not, they also need to investigate the specific situation,

Otherwise, there is no way to complete this task!

“No matter what! Let’s go first!”

people are meaningless,

But Qingshan Liu Yun, after listening to Ino’s information,

It has almost been determined that this monster should be Three Tails!

In the sea, Three Tails can control part of the power of sea water, which is the natural home field of Three Tails, and the power will be increased!


Even so, it cannot threaten Qingshan Liuya!

After some negotiations, Qingshan Liu Yun and others successfully boarded the merchant ship bound for Wuying Village!

The merchant ship is not too big, but it also has dozens of people!

Just in charge of transporting some food!

Due to the geographical reasons of Wuying Village itself, the dense fog does not disperse all the year round.

The sun can’t shine, the farmer can’t plant,

Therefore, food and grain can only be purchased from outside and brought into Wuying Village!

“Tell me! Will we encounter monsters on this trip!”

“Don’t talk nonsense! What kind of monster is there!”

“It’s true, I heard, that monster has already eaten many people!”

“have you seen?”

merchant ship,

There’s a lot of talk about monsters,

There are many people who don’t believe in the so-called monsters, after all, they have never seen them!

No matter what, this controversy has always been there!

Qingshan Liu Yun and others were just watching from the deck, and did not participate in such discussions!

“Turn on the fog!”

At this moment, Shikamaru noticed that a mist had begun to appear around him,

But so far, the fog is still very light, and it doesn’t affect the vision!

“After all, we are going to Wuying Village. The closer you get, the thicker the fog will be! If you don’t walk often, you will probably get lost in this dense fog!”

To be able to sail in such an environment, it must be at least a master who has more than ten years, or even decades of sailing experience!


Qingshan Liu Yun just looked at it for a while, but didn’t pay much attention to it,

“This voyage will take at least half a month. Let’s take a good rest and save the stone!”


After a few days of sailing, it was more or less boring,


Those who can sail on the sea must endure loneliness,

Otherwise, this voyage lasts for so many days, and I really can die idle!

but on this day,

Suddenly there was a crashing sound from the ship!

Qingshan Liu Yun and others appeared on the deck at the same time!

“A monster appeared?”

I thought it was a monster!


As soon as I looked up, I could see that it was a ship that was similar to the merchant ship, and it crashed into the merchant ship!


This ship looks a bit old-fashioned!

“Hahaha! Hand over all your treasures!”

First use the hook to hook the merchant ship to avoid escape,

Afterwards, fiercely dressed figures jumped onto the deck, watching everything on the merchant ship with greedy and ferocious eyes!

“Sea, pirates!”

“It’s a pirate!”

“How did you meet pirates!”

Merchant ships usually have their own routes to avoid pirates.

The chances of being discovered are very small,

It can only be said that this merchant ship is very unlucky!

“It turned out to be a pirate!”

On the side of Qingshan Liu Yun,

Akimichi Chōji, who was already serious, immediately started eating snacks out of boredom!

These vicious-looking pirates can be used against ordinary people,

But if you are facing ninjas like them, it is more or less not enough!


“What the hell!”

Ino and the others didn’t care one after another!


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