I Am In Konoha, I Can Simplify Skills

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 The Strongest Fengying In History, The Power Of Lan Dun


The moment the Scarlet Sand Scorpion wanted to make a move,

He was stopped directly by Deidara,


Looking at Deidara strangely at this time!

“The opponent’s Lightning Style is very strong! You,,”

Thought it was trying to be brave, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion said calmly,

After all, the Red Sand Scorpion also knew about Deidara being restrained by Lightning Style!

“so what!”


Before the Red Sand Scorpion could finish speaking, Deidara interrupted him directly,

Angrily staring at Qingshan Liu Yun,

“I don’t care about anything else! How dare you say that my art is nothing more than that, you bastard! I can’t let it go!”

When it comes to art, Deidara is always making it!

“I see!”

Is it because of something like this?

The red sand scorpion can understand,

Slightly lowered his eyebrows, not saying anything more!


Under Deidara’s control, a giant clay dragon about ten meters tall was summoned directly!

And Deidara jumped directly onto the dragon,

Utilizing the characteristics of the clay dragon staying in the air, it keeps dropping clay bombs in the direction of Qingshan Liu Yun!

“ZZ! ZZ! ZZ!”

Electric currents, like thunder snakes, swam around Qingshan Liu Yun!

Any clay bomb that wants to get close to Qingshan Liu Yun will be pierced by these currents in an instant,

Then become a Squib!

“Such a subtle Lightning Style!”

Rao is a mother-in-law like Chiyo who has experienced ninja wars. After seeing this scene,

Also have to admire it!

“Haha! After all, it is our Konoha Light!”

His own ninja was praised, Hatake Kakashi was very happy!

Scratching his head, he smiled and said,

Grandma Chiyo did not speak,

That’s right, even if the ninjas of other ninja villages behaved fiercely, it has nothing to do with them!

“I don’t believe it!”

All clay bombs failed,

This makes Deidara somewhat unacceptable,

“C3—Number Eighteen!”

Deidara uses clay to form a clay doll the size of his own body,

Throw it in the direction of Qingshan Liu Yun

“Lightning Style——Lei Guangzhu!”


The dazzling thunder light made everyone feel that there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of them!

The powerful thunder light, together with the clay doll, enveloped Deidara’s figure in it!

Lightning is fast,

With Deidara’s reflexes, he could only feel the flash of lightning!

There is no way to react!


last minute,

Or the red sand scorpion made a move,

Using the metal scorpion tail, Deidara’s figure was pulled out from the lightning!

“Phew! Almost died!”

Deidara who came out,

Still with an attitude of lingering fear,

after all

It was just a little bit short, and my life was about to be gone!

“Thank you! Brother Scorpion!”

Fortunately, the red sand scorpion made a move!

Deidara didn’t want to give up, looking at Qingshan Liu Yun who slowly retracted his arms,

serious face,

“I still have Garuda from C4, but it may be difficult to deal with this guy!”

The so-called Kage-level strong,

Deidara naturally has other cards,


Deidara didn’t think that with the power of C4, he could deal with Qingshan Liu Yun in front of him,

That being the case,

Then his only hole card is that one,


“If you use that trick, you should be able to solve this guy!”

Speaking of this, Deidara covered the position of his heart,

There is the key to self-destruction!

Deidara is not afraid of death, on the contrary, if you can show the strongest art before death, it is nothing at all!

“Brother Scorpion! I,”

Deidara wants to do it,


“Just stand on the sidelines and watch!”

Before Deidara can say what she wants to say,

It was directly interrupted by the red sand scorpion!

Having been with you for so long, the red sand scorpion knows what Deidara’s eyes mean,

“Now, there is no time to risk your life!”

This distance, if Deidara blew himself up,

The red sand scorpion will also be affected!

“Leave the next battle to me!”

Obviously, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion is ready to attack!

“Ah this! All right!”

Can’t show the strongest art, which makes Deidara a little dissatisfied,

But since the Scarlet Sand Scorpion is willing to make a move, Deidara can’t stop it, so he can only nod his head and give up his position.

“Next, let me be your opponent!”

The voice of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion was still hoarse and deep as before,

The scorpion tail dripping with special toxins pointed directly in the direction of Qingshan Liu Yun,

for a moment,

Scorpion Tail rushes towards Qingshan Liu Yun,



The Chakra armor protecting the whole body made Qingshan Liu Yun completely ignore the attack of the red sand scorpion’s scorpion tail!

“A child’s tricks, simply show them! If there are too many, it will be shameful!”

Grab the scorpion tail that strikes again,

Completely ignoring the sharpness and poison in it,

Under the power of Qingshan Liu Yun,

The scorpion tail made of special metal by the red sand scorpion immediately began to collapse and shatter!

“As expected of you! Konoha Light!”

scorpion tail is broken,

No matter how expressionless his face was, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion still cared a little in his heart.


Do you know how expensive this metal is? If you say it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

of all ninjas,

Only the puppeteer is the most expensive, every puppet is expensive!

“In that case, let me show you the art I am most satisfied with so far!”

The red sand scorpion is serious,

While speaking, a special scroll with words appeared!


white smoke drifts,

A special puppet appeared above the Scarlet Sand Scorpion,

“That is!”

“How can it be!”

The moment I saw this puppet,

Whether it’s Temari or Chiyo-grandmother, everyone is stunned!

“Who is that!”

Uzumaki Naruto and little Sakura looked confused,

Why does a puppet make Temari and Chiyo grandma have such a reaction,

After all, he has experienced ninja wars,

Hatake Kakashi said seriously,

“That is Sand Shinobi Village, the strongest Kazekage in history, Third Kazekage! It’s just that the opponent disappeared before the third Ninja World War, and I didn’t expect to appear here!”

The original Sand Shinobi Village used the disappearance of Third Kazekage as a pretext,

Said Konoha wished for Third Kazekage,

Finally, the third ninja war started,

But who would have thought that the Third Kazekage was actually killed by the Red Sand Scorpion born in Sand Shinobi Village,

Not only that,

After death, they were made into human puppets,


Grandma Chiyo looked pained,

I never thought that it would be my own grandson who did this kind of thing back then!

Thinking of this,

Grandma Chiyo looked in Gaara’s direction, her face became firm and determined!

But no matter what, those are his own grandsons,

Let me atone for the mistakes my grandson made!

“Third Kazekage’s sand iron ninjutsu is the key ability known as the strongest Kazekage! Hikari Konoha, let you experience Teshiro Kazekage’s sand iron ninjutsu!”

On the human puppet of Third Kazekage,

A layer of black mist began to drift gradually,

This is precisely the iron sand controlled by Third Kazekage,

Compared with ordinary fools, sand and iron are heavier and more powerful!

“Magnet Style——Sand Iron Shiyu!”

Under the control of the Red Sand Scorpion,

In the black mist-like sand and iron, the condensed and condensed sand and iron, like rain, rushed towards the direction of Qingshan Liu Yun densely and quickly!

“Aren’t you going to help?”

Seeing Kakashi and the others without any action, Grandma Chiyo couldn’t help saying,

“Well! If you really want to make a move, it may cause trouble for Liu Yun instead!”


Hatake Kakashi didn’t care about anything, but said very directly,

I don’t care at all whether I will lose face when I say this sentence,

after all

This is the truth!

Really sincere!


This is also the absolute belief in Qingshan Liu Yun’s strength!

After taking one last look at Hatake Kakashi, Grandma Chiyo looked away,

Nothing more to say!


The sand iron of the red sand scorpion is already head-on, heading in the direction of Qingshan Liu Yun, bombarding it intensively!

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The special fluid began to spread around Aoyama Liu Yun’s body,

When these sand and iron attacked these fluids, they were all submerged in it,

Still like a mud cow entering the sea,

Can’t see the slightest wave!

“This is?”

Seeing that your own attack is ineffective,

The Red Sand Scorpion frowned slightly,

Look at those fluids around Qingshan Liu Yun!

“Lan Dun?”

The red sand scorpion has not little knowledge, and he still knows a lot about some special blood successor boundaries in the ninja world.

This is like flowing thunder and lightning,

It is the combination of Water Style and Lightning Style, Lan Dun,


“Wait! There’s something wrong with your Lan Dun! Ordinary Lan Dun can’t melt my sand and iron!”

The red sand scorpion can feel,

The sand and iron that hit Lan Dun were melted by the lightning power contained in Lan Dun in an instant!

Ordinary Lan Dun doesn’t have such power!

“The only difference is that this Lan Dun is a fusion of myself!”

Qingshan Liu Yun simply said,

In fact, this is the characteristic of Qingshan Liu Yun Landun, high pressure!

High voltage lightning!

“Your sand iron is similar to the previous clay bombs, and they all have the characteristics of being Lightning Style. Under Landu, the so-called sand iron ninjutsu is only 253 is a joke!”


Ordinary Lan Dun can’t do this,

It’s Qingshan Liu Yun’s shot!

“Just a joke?”

I was still calmly analyzing just now, what happened to Qingshan Liu Yun’s Gangtong!


After hearing Qingshan Liu Yun comment on his ninjutsu,

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion is somewhat overwhelmed!

this moment,

The red sand scorpion can finally feel what Deidara just now is.

Waiting for emotions!

“How dare you say that!”

Sand iron ninjutsu is just a joke?

The red sand scorpion didn’t say much, but just used actions to express the anger in his heart!

Raising his hand slowly, the black mist around the human puppet Third Kazekage became thicker,

In the end, even the entire cave was shrouded in it!

“Since that’s the case, then come and try it for yourself. Is this sand iron ninjutsu a joke?”

Similarly, I can’t stand my own art being so underestimated!

“Magnet Style——Sand and Iron Realm!”

It’s like a world of sand and iron! The red sand scorpions immediately started to attack indiscriminately,

“Hey, hey! Brother Scorpion, I’m still here!”

Also affected, even Deidara,

No way, continue to summon clay bird, fly into the sky,

Only in this way can we avoid the attack range of Sand Iron!

Aoyama Liu Yun who directly practiced Sand Iron Ninjutsu,

complexion unchanged,

Naturally, there will be no thought of retreating!

“Land Dun——Dark Clouds and Thunder Boom!”

Like the bottomless Uzumaki!

With Qingshan Liu Yun as the center, the power of Landun spreads to the surroundings circle by circle,


In Lan Dun, the roar of high-voltage lightning kept ringing!

Any sand and iron that comes into contact with Lan Dun will be melted in an instant!

The original Sand and Iron Realm Law was also devoured bit by bit under Liu Yun’s ambush from Qingshan!

“How can it be!”

The puppet of the Third Kazekage that I am proud of has no benefit at all!

“Lightning Style!”

The Lightning Style with spreading characteristics quickly spread to the Red Sand Scorpion,

“What ninjutsu is this!”

Originally, it was just some electric current, and the red sand scorpion didn’t bother to care about it at all.

However, this moment of effort,

The current seems to produce itself,

It directly spread to the whole body of the red sand scorpion,

just for a while,

The entire figure of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion has been completely enveloped by these electric currents!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

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