I Am In Konoha, I Can Simplify Skills

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: The Final Move, The Horror Of The Two Immortals

Jiraiya’s Sage Mode is very strong,

May Six Paths Payne’s Power! Stronger!


Seeing that Qingshan Liu Yun did not refute,

I didn’t take the opportunity to sarcasm, Konan was even more upset!

After casting a blank glance at Qingshan Liu Yun, he retracted his gaze, too lazy to talk to her!


Menstrual period?

“Daddy! Can we go back? The kids are hungry!”

Now that the opponent has been resolved, can they go back-


The food problem of the group of toads on Mount Myōboku was solved by the Shima sage!


Immortal Zhima thought that the opponent had already been dealt with,

But at this time, the Immortal Fukasaku was looking at the burning direction of the flame with scorching eyes,

Jiraiya is also paying close attention!


Is it possible that it has not been resolved yet,

Impossible! With the strength of Goemon, after being attacked from the front, it is impossible that nothing will happen!

“what is that?”

Immortal Shima, who squinted his eyes and observed carefully,

As if you noticed something,

Can’t help exclaiming!

I saw,

In the flames, a Yama head suddenly rose from the ground!

At this time, even if you can see the situation in the flames clearly!

Except for Hell Road Payne, all Payne have been scrapped!

turn out to be,

The moment Goemon blasted over,

The rest of Payne, all chose to protect Hell Dao Payne,

This is also the reason why the rest of Payne is gone, but Hell Road Payne can survive!


Yan Luo’s mouth suddenly opened,

Rolled the rest of Payne’s body into his mouth in an instant,

In the next second, the intact Tiandao Payne and others walked out of Yama,

This is the power of rebirth in hell!

No matter how severely damaged it is, it can be restored in a very short time.

It can be said,

In Six Paths Payne, as long as the hell path is not destroyed, you can continue to fight endlessly.

“It’s really worthy of you to reach this point, Teacher Jiraiya!”

Tiandao Payne’s gloomy eyes looked over again!

Nagato sighed inwardly,

To be able to destroy five of Six Paths Payne at once is really worthy of my former teacher,

But! So much for it!

“In the next battle, you will not have such an opportunity again!”


Jiraiya’s eyes were slightly lowered, and her momentum became serious again.

The position of the shoulders, whether it is a Shima sage or a Fukasaku sage,

No one said anything more,

They got serious,

It is very clear that the next battle will be more troublesome than before!

“It’s over!”

Qingshan Liu Yun, who has been watching the battle, said something,

Get up suddenly, move your muscles and bones!


This made Konan a little confused. He didn’t shoot before, but now Jiraiya has turned on Sage Mode, and he played back and forth with Six Paths Payne.

Even Jiraiya has destroyed several penns in succession,

Although they were all reborn in hell,

But looking at the situation, it is obvious that Jiraiya has the advantage!

Are you going to make a move?


Although doubtful,

But Konan still didn’t hesitate, and stopped in front of Qingshan Liu Yun,

“I said, as long as I am here, I will never let you pass!”

Konan said very seriously,

look at this posture,

Obviously planning to spend time with Aoyama Liu Yun!

“What’s more, you said that if there is no accident with Teacher Jiraiya, you will not make a move!”

you man,

How can you not speak credit!

Although I don’t think it makes any sense, Qingshan Liu Yun still explained,

“Six Paths Payne can be repaired continuously, but Jiraiya’s Sage Mode has a time limit! Sage Mode is Jiraiya’s last resort!”

Although this seems to be Jiraiya’s advantage,

But in fact, as the battle wore on,

Six Paths Payne is still alive and well, but Jiraiya is different,

The fatigue on the face is getting heavier and heavier, and the breath of the fairy Chakra is also starting to become thinner,


This is almost unbearable in Sage Mode!

“Then I can’t let you do it either!”


Konan acted more seriously,

Watching Qingshan Liu Yun warily, as if to avoid it, Qingshan Liu Yunxing will make a move!

Qingshan Liu Yun did not speak,

Instant Ninjutsu!

“Ninja – Adamantine Sealing Chains!”

Konan didn’t even have a chance to react,

On the ground, the chains exuding golden light broke through the ground in an instant,

Fix Konan’s figure firmly!


Konan who saw this scene was just about to struggle,

However, a sense of powerlessness caused Konan to sit on the ground paralyzed,

“How can this be?”

This kind of chain is consuming your physical strength?

Unheard of!

“Don’t struggle, Adamantine Sealing Chains is a sealing technique that can trap even tailed beasts, what’s more, with my improvement, Adamantine Sealing Chains has the ability to continuously consume the opponent’s physical strength, you can’t break it!”

That’s right, it’s self-made!

scold back?

No! Konan didn’t do that,

Although I was a little angry at the beginning, but more in my heart, it was a feeling of relief!

Finally! Don’t stop!

Obviously, in Konan’s heart, he still hopes that Qingshan Liu Yun can make a move and save Jiraiya!

“You bastard, I will never let you go!”


Even if you are clear about your inner thoughts, but on the surface,

Konan still looked back viciously,


You don’t think, I really can’t see your inner thoughts!

“You bastard!”

The simple two words made Konan’s face darken,

You are the proud one,

You are all arrogant!

“Little Jiraiya!”

Under continuous fighting,

At this moment, Jiraiya is already extremely weak, the celestial chakra in her body is very thin, and the celestial makeup on her face has gradually faded!

Afraid to fight for a while,

It will automatically exit Sage Mode!

“Run while the last magic Chakra, Jiraiya!”

Senjin Fukasaku and Senjin Shima have a good sense of Jiraiya,

So, don’t want Jiraiya to just die here!

“I’m going to lose!”

I know my own situation best,

It’s not the kind of person who wants to save face, looking at Six Paths Payne in front of him,

Jiraiya graciously admitted her failure!

“There is still no way to stop you!”

complicated heart,

I originally thought that with my own strength, I could pull the distorted disciples back on track,

But now it seems that I still look at myself!

The power of Six Paths Payne has exceeded Jiraiya’s imagination,

Even if Sage Mode is turned on,

Still not an opponent!


This is not going to die!

Seeing Jiraiya like this, Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage panicked,

“Don’t worry!”


“I can’t die! This time, I’m not alone!”

Thinking of this, Jiraiya is still a little lucky,

Fortunately, I didn’t come here alone, otherwise, I would really die!


What does it mean!

Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage are a little unclear, so,

But at this moment, Tiandao Payne has raised one hand, looking at the weak Jiraiya,

The originally cold expression became slightly lowered,

Maybe it’s unbearable!

But when I think of Yahiko’s dream, I am still determined!

“Shenluo Tianzheng!”

Anyone who stands in the way will die!


The powerful repulsive force suddenly swept towards Jiraiya!

Facing the attack of Tiandao Payne,

This time, Jiraiya did not choose to fight back,

“Fucking child!”

The unknown Fukasaku Sage, after calling out,

I plan to join hands with Immortal Zhima to deal with such an attack,

But next second!

“Dark Style!”

When the repulsive force of Shenluo Tianzheng was about to bombard Jiraiya,

Suddenly began to shrink sharply, as if attracted by something,

All the power is beginning to be absorbed,

…asking for flowers…

“This is?”

This similar scene made Nagato think of Kidō’s ability, which is also a means of absorbing Chakra’s ninjutsu!


The destructive power of Shenluo Tianzheng came to an abrupt end in front of Jiraiya,

The figure of Qingshan Liu Yun, at some time, has come to Jiraiya’s side!


Double bounce feature!

The power of the Shenluo Tianzheng that was just absorbed has been doubled, and it bounced back to Tiandao Payne!


Can not only absorb ninjutsu, but also release it?

Moreover, I can clearly feel that the power of Shenluo Tianzheng released by this is stronger than the one released by myself before!

“Shenluo Tianzheng!”

don’t hesitate,

Immediately choose to increase the output of Chakra, and use the same power to offset the rebounded Shenluo Tianzheng!

“Is it a new blood succession limit?”

This is the first time Jiraiya sees the scene where Aoyama Liu Yun uses Dark Style,

Look a little surprised!

“Hmm! It was just merged not long ago!”

nothing to hide,

The power of Shenluo Tianzheng is good, but absorbing it will not burden Qingshan Liu Yun.

Overall, the power of this Dark Style is still very good!

“Tsk! It’s really you!”

In terms of the level of monsters, it has to be you!

If you are talented, you can do whatever you want, if you want any blood inheritance limit, you can just fuse it yourself!


It’s outrageous!

“Little Jiraiya, do you know him?”

The appearance of Aoyama Liu Yun surprised both Shima and Fukasaku.

do not know at all,

“Looking at the means, it should be Dark Style and continue to limit!”

“Something is wrong. Is the power of Dark Style so strong?”

After all these years of survival,

Some of the weirder blood succession boundaries in the ninja world,

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima still have some understanding,

However, it seems that the power of this Dark Style is stronger than the power of the Dark Style that I have known before!

“Nothing surprising!”

For such a situation,

Jiraiya waved her hand casually,

Although, I have never seen Dark Style before,

But Jiraiya is no surprise!

“If it’s this guy, it’s not surprising what he did!”


so highly rated?

Even Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima couldn’t help looking at Qingshan Liu Yun,

Curious eyes!

“Konoha Zhiguang, did you really make a move?”

Even Qingshan Liu Yun showed the means to absorb ninjutsu,

But God Payne is not alarmed,

Instead, he glanced at Konan trapped in the Adamantine Sealing Chains,

Just trapped, no damage,

This reassured Nagato a lot!

“No way, it’s impossible to just watch Jiraiya disappear like this! As an uncle, let me educate you!”


This is still an outrageous title!

“The power of God is beyond your imagination!”

without much emotional change,

Six Paths Payne’s gaze shifted from Jiraiya to Qingshan Liu Yun,

Out of absolute confidence in the power of the Rinnegan,

Six Paths Payne didn’t even think he was going to lose!

“Boy! That guy is very strong, let us help you!”

Although I don’t know why Jiraiya believes in Qingshan Liu Yun so much,

But it looks like it should be a companion,

Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku don’t mind helping Aoyama Liu Yun!


“Lava Style!”


The hot lava began to burn on Qingshan Liu Yun’s arm,

With a punch, facing the direction of Six Paths Payne, he directly blasted the past!


What’s up with this level of Lava Style?

The scorching high temperature made the two immortals feel the heat,

“Great Eruption!”

Waves of lava covered the past directly in the direction of Six Paths Payne!

Hungry Kidō bear the brunt,

Start absorbing the power of Lava Style today!


“How can this be!”

Although it can be absorbed, the hungry Kidō’s hands seem to be corroded, and they are also melting little by little!


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