I Am In Konoha, I Can Simplify Skills

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: The Real Man Behind The Scenes

“I really didn’t expect it!”

on the way back,

Even if it’s been a while,

But Jiraiya still looked at Qingshan Liu Yun beside him with admiration!

“I said, the same thing, you have already said it all the way!”

You’re not tired of talking, but I’m tired of hearing it too!

“With such a thing, no matter who it is, there is no way to keep calm!”

What Jiraiya said is quite natural,

I don’t think there’s anything strange about my reaction like this.

This is Wood Style!

The legendary Wood Style!

“Hey! If people in the ninja world know that you have Wood Style, they will be scared to death!”

The meaning represented by Wood Style is too detached,

“What I need is not for them to be in awe of Wood Style, but for me to be in awe!”

“Hahaha! It’s really you!”

Shan Liu Yun is probably the only one who can say this!


Qingshan Liu Yun has no doubts about the meaning of this sentence!

“Mom, I’ll go find the Great Toad Sage first!”

“Then go!”

After returning to Mount Myōboku, listening to Fukasaku Senjin’s words,

Immortal Zhima didn’t stop him, Dang even nodded,

The Great Toad Sage, the oldest being on Mount Myōboku,

Already existed in the period of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji,

“Great Toad Sage!”

At this moment, the Great Toad Sage is dozing off,

As if he didn’t hear Fukasaku Sage’s call at all,

Fukasaku Sage, who has long been used to it, didn’t think much about it,

Loudly said all the things that just happened in Rain Shinobi Village,

“Wood Style has appeared! Little Jiraiya’s younger brother! That boy’s talent is definitely beyond anyone I’ve seen before!”

Sensei Fukasaku kept shouting,

The Great Toad Sage, who was still dozing off, has opened his eyes at this moment,

17 looked at Fukasaku Sage below,

It’s just that this look is not believing, but a look, are you awake?

Am I dreaming, or are you dreaming,

Such an outrageous thing, you bring it to me and tell me,

Don’t really think I’ll believe it!

“No! It’s true. Just now, little Jiraiya used Sage Mode and summoned us. That boy is really strong!”

with such eagerness,

When the Great Toad Sage realized that Fukasaku Sage was no joke,

But! Can such outrageous characters exist in the ninja world?

The Sage of Six Paths back then became the Sage of Six Paths,

More, in fact, there are blood reasons,

If it wasn’t for Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji’s son, how could he grow so fast without the corresponding bloodline!

“I see!”

After saying a word, Great Toad Sage closed his eyes,

As the most mysterious and ancient Summoning beast,

Great Toad Sage has a special ability to predict the future!

The Great Toad Sage back then found the Sage of Six Paths because it predicted the future.

Contributing to the seal of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji, also contributed to the birth of the ninja world,

Although more precognition is triggered in sleep,

But at a glance at the strength of the Great Toad Sage, if you want to simply predict a person’s ability, you can still do it.

Sensei Fukasaku who knows this ability,

He didn’t say anything to interrupt, but looked over seriously,

quite a while!

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

The snoring begins,

This made Immortal Fukasaku, who was waiting nervously, involuntarily put up little hashtags on his forehead,

“Great Toad Sage! Don’t sleep!”

After taking a deep breath, he called out loudly,


The awakened Great Toad Sage still looked dazed,

“That boy! Great Toad Sage!”

“Ha! Boy!”

As if just reacting, the performance is very slow,


“This time, I’m not dreaming!”

“It doesn’t matter whether you dream or not, the important thing is,”

What does this have to do with dreaming?

The most important thing is that Qingshan Liu Yun!

But after saying this, Fukasaku Immortal suddenly froze, and looked at Great Toad Sage in disbelief,

“Is it possible?”

The Great Toad Sage is at its most predictive when it’s in its sleep!

If you don’t have a dream, it means you can’t speak!

“That’s right!”

Great Toad Sage affirmed,

“It’s dark, I can’t see anything, that boy, I can’t predict it!”

That’s why,

When Fukasaku Sage first heard the news about Aoyama Liu Yun, Great Toad Sage would think that the other party hadn’t woken up yet,

Because, if such a character appears in the ninja world, there is no reason why I can’t predict it,

But the present fact is that,

“It looks like there is going to be a new turmoil in the ninja world!”

Does the unknown mean good or bad? In fact, the Great Toad Sage doesn’t know either.

“Sage Fukasaku, you need to take a good look at the next thing!”

Although the Great Toad Sage has a mysterious ability, at the moment, there is no way to leave Mount Myōboku,

Something about Qingshan Liu Yun,

It can only be understood by Fukasaku Sensei,

“I see!”

no rejection,

Instead, he nodded seriously and said,

“I will first find out what kind of person Jiraiya is from the little Jiraiya! After that, I will try to undo it!”


I’m afraid Qingshan Liu Yun didn’t expect,

I have already been targeted by a mysterious old guy like the Great Toad Sage!

“I didn’t expect that the kid back then would grow to such an extent!”

Seeing Aoyama Liu Yun back, Tsunade felt relieved,

After learning that the leaders of the Akatsuki organization are the little ghosts they met in Rain Shinobi Village back then,

And after being taught ninjutsu by Jiraiya himself,

Tsunade feels incredible,

“The news about Rinnegan, you didn’t say it?”

If this is not the case,

Tsunade probably didn’t know, but Jiraiya also accepted the holder of Rinnegan as a disciple,

“You know, Rinnegan’s news is too shocking [the fewer people know the better!”

With a wry smile, he explained,

This can be regarded as protection in disguise Uzumaki Nagato,


Such a thing is not difficult to understand!

After rolling his eyes angrily, he didn’t bother to answer,

“Liu Yun, how do you feel?”

Rinnegan’s news, though incredible,

But as long as there is Qingshan Liu Yun, Tsunade believes that their Konoha will definitely not have any problems!

“The eyes of Sage of Six Paths are not that weak!”

Aoyama Liu Yun did not directly say that those eyes are actually Uchiha Madara’s,

All conspiracies are Uchiha Madara behind the scenes,

Instead, it was analyzed with reason and evidence,

“What’s the meaning?”

Sure enough, Jiraiya and Tsunade, who didn’t think much about it,

After hearing what Qingshan Liu Yun said, they were stunned for a moment,

“If Rinnegan only had this level, he would be called the legendary eye!”

The three major pupil techniques in the ninja world.

Apart from Baiyan and Sharingan, the most mysterious thing is this Rinnegan!

“Whether it’s the cool-down period after Tiandao Payne uses his ability, or whatever, it has already shown that the opponent’s Rinnegan has not shown real power!”


No way, that won’t work, there is a bigger secret hidden in this Rinnegan,

“Do you have any guesses?”

Jiraiya looked over seriously,

This is not a joke, Jiraiya has put away her playful attitude and is very serious,

Qingshan Liu Yun did not answer directly, but asked a rhetorical question,

“If I’m not mistaken, that Nagato is from the Uzumaki clan!”

“It’s true what you said!”

When I met Nagato at that time, the other party did have red hair, which symbolizes the vigorous vitality of the Uzumaki clan.

This can be regarded as the exclusive symbol of the Uzumaki clan,

“Have you heard that the Uzumaki clan can awaken Rinnegan?”


There is no need for Jiraiya to answer, Tsunade on the side immediately refuted,

First Hokage’s wife, Tsunade’s grandma,

They are members of the Uzumaki family, and they are still at the level of the patriarch,

“Someone picked the physique of Nagato Uzumaki’s clan and transplanted the Rinnegan onto him!”

In the wisdom of Jiraiya,

Soon, something has come to mind.

looking horrified,

I always feel as if I have discovered some great secret!

“What’s the purpose?”

“It’s easy!”

Shrugged, Aoyama Liu Yun acted very relaxed,

“Besides finding a way to activate Rinnegan’s power, I’m afraid there is no other possibility. Perhaps, the other party knows that he has no way to activate Rinnegan’s power, so he thought of such a way!”

“But what’s the point of that?”

Let others activate this power? Why not do it yourself,

“Speaking of which, the hell path Payne can revive other dead Paynes, can’t it?”

“What’s the matter, didn’t we see it at the time? What’s the matter,,,”

What’s so strange about this!

The ability of the hell way is displayed in front of their eyes.

But, halfway through,

Jiraiya suddenly stopped, realizing a very terrifying thing, the whole body felt a chilling feeling,

Tsunade who has been silent all this time,

At this time, he also said in a low tone,

“Resurrection! Rinnegan probably has the ability to completely resurrect the dead!”

In addition to this analysis,

Then, you can immediately use this to analyze more things,

“The other party probably awakened Rinnegan when he was about to die, and had no time to stimulate the power of Rinnegan, so he transplanted Rinnegan to others!”

As a medical master,

Tsunade is more clear,

Such a thing is definitely very feasible! It is indeed possible to do this step!

460 “Then,”

for a while,

Jiraiya’s complexion became extremely ugly,

Even in Rain Shinobi Village, Nagato wants to kill himself,

But in Jiraiya’s view, it was only because his disciples went astray,

As long as you get back on track, you will still be your cutest disciple,

I can’t tolerate my disciple being calculated to such an extent!

“From the very beginning, the opponent regarded Nagato as a container to host Rinnegan. Nagato completely activated the power of Rinnegan after Yahiko’s death. In other words, this matter is probably also the opponent’s plan!”

Life is completely arranged,

It’s just chilling,

But Jiraiya at this time

more still angry,

To think so against his disciple, he must not let it go!

“Liu Yun!”

Shen Sheng looked at Qingshan Liu Yun,

“Any guesses?”

Whether it was the previous analysis of the power of Six Paths Payne, or the current reasoning,

All made Jiraiya very convinced of Aoyama Liu Yun’s analytical ability,

want to know,

Qingshan Liu Yun has no guess about the real host identity of this Rinnegan,

“Don’t think I’m too mythical, okay!”

Without directly stating the existence of Uchiha Madara,

but shrugged,

Said angrily,

“I don’t have any basis, I only know a Rinnegan, how to analyze it!”


scratched his head embarrassingly,

It’s really hard to be human,

“Damn! Is there nothing we can do?”

Jiraiya is very protective of the calf. Naturally, it is impossible to watch her disciple being counted on.

But right now, with a sense of powerlessness that can’t be grasped,

Makes Jiraiya very aggrieved!

“Of course it’s not impossible at all!”

Qingshan Liu Yun, who has long thought of rhetoric, is very confident,

Facing the eyes of Tsunade and Jiraiya, Aoyama Liu Yun smiled relaxedly,

“Since you don’t know the identity of the other party, why don’t you try it out?


How to test? How to do it specifically?

more curious,

“The other party has worked hard to find tools to stimulate Rinnegan’s power. The most unacceptable thing is that Rinnegan has an accident! It just so happens that in Konoha, there is such a person who is keen on a powerful blood successor!”

People who are keen on powerful blood successors?

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other,

At the same time a name was spoken,

“Shimura Danzō!”

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