I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 417

Chapter 408 Security Level 2

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“Teacher Yang, what you enjoy in our country is the second-level security level of security.” Hearing Yang Xin’s question, Chu Quan quickly replied to Yang Xin.

“Second-level guard, I don’t quite understand, can you explain it?” Yang Xin asked Chuquan.

Hearing Yang Xin’s words, Chu Quan thought about it and replied: “In our country, the security level is divided into three levels, namely, security level 1, security level 2, and security level 3. However, we usually call them the first level guard and the second level. Guards, third-level guards.”

After a pause, Chu Quan continued: “The first-level security guards are the chairman, ****, general-manager, standing committee chairman of the National People’s Congress, high-ranking officials, etc., the level of security that officials at these levels can enjoy.”

“Second-level guards are the security level that can be enjoyed only by officials at this level, such as vice presidents, alternate members, members of the Political Bureau, and the executive vice chairman of the National People’s Congress.”

“As for the third-level guards, they are the president of the People’s High Court, the president of the Supreme Court, the president of the Supreme Court, the chief prosecutor of the Supreme Procuratorate, important government ministers, provincial secretaries, etc., can enjoy the security. level.”

Finally, Chu Quanchao Yang Xin said: “Teacher Yang, you are the most important special talent in our country. Your level is equal to that of Qian Xueshen and Qian Lao, so you enjoy the second-level security level.

Because of your importance to the country, all your travels need to be reported and reviewed by our security team, that is, the meals you eat every day are secretly inspected by our security personnel. ”

Yang Xin was very surprised when he heard Chu Quan’s words.

He asked: “Am I that important?”

Old Qian, is that the champion of the two bombs or the main person in charge. Can I compare with Old Qian?

“Teacher Yang, please be aware of your importance to the country so that we can better protect you.

In the last aircraft hijacking incident, our state secret officers found out after investigation that this incident was probably directed at you. If you didn’t get away with it, our country might lose one of the most important specials. Talented. “Chu Quanchao Yang Xin said.

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“So after you returned home safely, the above immediately strengthened your protection. At first, it was only a third-level security guard. Later, it was discovered that some moles had attempted to target you in the country. This raised the security level to a second-level security guard. .”

Hearing what Chu Quan said, Yang Xin knew that he actually enjoyed such a high security level.

Yang Xin thought for a while, and curiously asked Chu Quan, “Chu Quan, what rank are you?”

“I used to be a captain in the army.” Chu Quanchao Yang Xin said.

Hearing Chu Quan’s words, Yang Xin couldn’t help being speechless. A captain came to protect him personally, and there was no one else.

“Is Huanglong at the same level as you?” Yang Xinchao asked Chu Quan.

Huang Long, like Chu Quan, belongs to one of the personal bodyguards arranged for him by the state. He is now acting as a driver, driving the car with full concentration.

“Huanglong used to be a special force and also a captain.” Chu Quanchao Yang Xin said.

Yang Xin nodded when he heard Chu Quan’s words.

After thinking about it, he asked Chu Quan again: “Chu Quan, do you think I can really compare with a big man like Qian Lao?”

Hearing Yang Xin’s words, Chu Quan immediately said: “Ms. Yang, although you are not as old as Qian in the field of national defense and scientific research, you have not made any scientific research contributions, but the students you teach are incredible.”

After a pause, Chu Quan continued: “For example, your student Tian Jiajia, let AIDS and leukemia no longer be terminal illnesses.

Your student Tian Wenwen has developed a room temperature superconducting material, which has made a big step forward in all fields of science and technology in our country.

And your student Zhou Qian has researched the world’s most advanced aluminum alloy and titanium alloy technology, which has made a significant contribution to our country’s aerospace and national defense. ”

“And your students Zhao Zihan, Liu Zichen, Li Kexin, Zhang Yuechi, Wang Lingni, etc., they are currently the young scientists trained by our country. In the past two years, they have participated in many major national scientific research projects and have achieved many scientific research results. .”

Finally, Chu Quanchao Yang Xin said: “So, as a teacher of these talented scientists, your existence can train more talented scientists for our country. Its importance is not less than that of the old ones, so you enjoy the second-level security guard. The level of security is reasonable.”

“It turns out that I am so important! Last year, I didn’t realize this, and I almost couldn’t come back after a trip to Hawaii.” Yang Xin couldn’t help but said with emotion.

Just as Yang Xin was talking with Chu Quan, the convoy came to a tunnel entrance.

At this time, Chu Quan pointed to a few traffic policemen at the tunnel entrance and said, “Teacher Yang, look over there. As a person under secondary security, all the bridges and tunnels you pass through need to be controlled in advance. Those traffic policemen It should be the personnel who deployed control in advance.”

“Unexpectedly, I would have to make such a big battle on a trip. It would be too troublesome for the country.”

Seeing such a situation, Yang Qijin inevitably felt a little sorry.

It takes so much manpower and material resources to mobilize so many police forces just to protect his safety.

Yang Xin couldn’t help thinking, and try not to run around in the future, so as not to cause trouble to the country.

In fact, if it weren’t for these schools, he would have to go to these schools in person to arrange the halo relay props, he wouldn’t run around.

“Teacher Yang, please don’t think so. Compared to your contribution to the country, this little battle is nothing.” Chu Quan said.

“It’s still too much trouble.” Yang Xin said, shaking his head.

“Mr. Yang, in fact, this time it was mainly due to a rush. When I fly to Panzhihua tomorrow, I will prepare a helicopter from Panzhihua to Huaping County, Yun Province. The helicopter will be much more convenient and quicker to take the helicopter at that time.” Said to Yang Xin.

The two were talking, and it took three or four hours after a dozen police cars cleared the road before the convoy arrived at Laozhai Village Middle School.

“Ms. Yang, welcome home.”

At the entrance of Laozhai Village Principal Zhou Cheng brought a group of school teachers and officials from Laozhai Village to greet him.

“Old Zhou, long time no see, how do you feel that you are getting younger and younger.” Yang Xin said with a smile to Zhou Cheng.

“Haha, for your blessing, Teacher Yang, Laozhai Village Middle School can become the country’s No. 1 prestigious middle school. As the principal of the country’s No. 1 prestigious middle school, I feel that I am full of enthusiasm.” Zhou Cheng also smiled towards Yang Xin. Said.

“Mr. Yang, let me introduce to you. This is Comrade Wu Liqun, the secretary of our Laozhai village, and a deputy director-level cadre.” Zhou Cheng said to a middle-aged man who introduced Yang Xin to him.

“Hello! Teacher Yang.”

Before Yang Xin said hello, the middle-aged man shook hands with Yang Xin enthusiastically.

“Hello, Secretary Wu.” Yang Xin shook hands with Wu Liqun.

Later, Zhou Cheng introduced some officials and Yang Xin’s acquaintance.

“Lao Zhou, has Laozhai Village upgraded to a town now?” Yang Xin asked Zhou Cheng.

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