I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 429

Chapter 419 No face

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Soon, the middle-aged man reported the matter.

It was heard that Xiao Chenggang’s disappearance had obvious clues, and the National Security Department immediately took action.

“Immediately check all communication and social accounts of this Han Tingting to see if there are any suspicious circumstances.”

“Send someone to Han Tingting’s hometown to closely monitor his parents and family.”

“The person reporting Han Tingting should be her friend at school, otherwise it is impossible to overhear her call, so if you check, it is best to find the reporter and ask for more details.”

Orders were passed on, and soon, countless police officers took action.

“Director, take a look at this. There are dozens of reports about students from Yang’s class being targeted by moles.”

“This one is to report that the girlfriend of Luo Yuxuan, a student of Teacher Yang, belongs to Mole, a foreign power.”

“This report information is that one of the suitors of Lin Ruyu, a student who reported to Teacher Yang, is a mole…”

Soon after Han Tingting’s report information was found, other reports that reported that students from the Yang School were targeted by moles were soon discovered.

“Students from Teacher Yang’s class are indeed being targeted by foreign forces. I think it is very likely that more than these people will be targeted. We must attach great importance to this matter.”

“Investigation must be strictly investigated. Anyone who comes into contact with the students of the Yang Teacher’s Class must be strictly investigated.”

Just when the national security department started to act, on the Internet, the disappearance of Xiao Chenggang was finally reported by the media.

The disappearance of Xiao Chenggang was only known to Xiao Chenggang’s circle of classmates and his colleagues.

In order to better investigate this case, the relevant department deliberately concealed this matter.

But after all, paper couldn’t contain the fire. As more and more people knew about it, some media soon learned about it.

The first person to report the news was a friend of Xiao Chenggang’s parents, because he discovered that Xiao Chenggang’s family had lost contact during a trip.

More than a month ago, Xiao Chenggang’s mother posted a circle of friends traveling to Bali on WeChat. However, a month later, there was no news for their entire family.

So soon, a friend of Xiao Chenggang’s parents called the police and told his friend about the incident.

After the friend knew it, he told other people the news.

Because Xiao Chenggang was a student of Yang Xin and a mathematics genius who graduated from Yang’s normal school, this matter spread quickly and was known to many people within a few days, including some of you from the media.

After the self-media reported this incident, other self-media one after another followed up, so soon, this matter formed public opinion on the Internet.

If ordinary people travel and disappear, it will not cause any disturbance at all. The main reason why this incident is so big is that Xiao Chenggang is a student of Teacher Yang Xinyang.

Teacher Yang’s students have disappeared from traveling abroad. Such a thing naturally has great news value.

Many reporters even wanted to interview Yang Xin, asking him if the disappearance of his student was true, and what his opinion about it.

However, Yang Xin was very upset and refused to allow reporters to interview at all.

Many people couldn’t interview Yang Xin, so they naturally focused their attention on Yang Xin’s students.

However, Yang Xin’s students were silent on this matter. Yang Xin did not speak, and they dared not disclose too much information.

However, in such a situation, a hack cracked the mobile phone of a student in the teacher’s class of Yang and found a lot of information from the mobile phone.

On this day, a screenshot was posted on the Internet, causing an uproar on the Internet.

This screenshot is the news that Yang Xin warned all the students of the Yang Teachers class in the group that they might have been targeted by foreign forces and told them not to go abroad.

This screenshot information reveals in addition to several pieces of information.

The first message is that Xiao Chenggang is indeed missing, and he was deceived to leave the country by his relatives and then hijacked by foreign forces.

The second message is that the students of the Yang Teachers’ Class are likely to be targeted by foreign forces.

As for the third message, Teacher Yang told his students not to go abroad more than once, but Xiao Chenggang didn’t listen to it, and as a result he disappeared as soon as he went abroad.

The fourth message, why did Teacher Yang tell his students not to go abroad several times? Many people speculate that this incident is probably related to the fact that Teacher Yang was almost killed in the last time he went abroad.

Even the last time Teacher Yang was almost killed, it was probably planned by foreign forces.

Therefore, this screenshot was reprinted by countless self-media and media, and soon, a huge hot discussion was formed on the whole network.

“Students from Teacher Yang’s class are all being spotted by foreign forces. It feels terrifying.” Some netizens commented.

“People who can be targeted by foreign forces indicate that they are all geniuses. I hope the country can protect these geniuses.”

“I hope Xiao Chenggang can return home safely…”

“Xiao Chenggang has been missing for more than a month. It is estimated that he was either kidnapped or killed…”

“Despicable and shameless, even hijacking our country’s genius…”

“Is it possible that Xiao Chenggang took the initiative to surrender to the enemy? Otherwise, how could the family disappear when they went abroad? Maybe their family has already lived in a big villa at this time and got a lot of money!

“I think Xiao Chenggang probably left by himself. Otherwise, Teacher Yang has warned the students not to go abroad several times. Why does he want to go abroad?”

On the Internet, countless netizens discussed this matter.

Some people scold the shamelessness of foreign forces.

Some people think that Xiao Chenggang’s disappearance is probably due to his own intention.

Such remarks were naturally informed to Yang Xin by Yang Xin’s assistant.

Yang Xin was very angry when someone said that his students took the initiative to surrender to the enemy.

If his student delivered it, he would have nothing to say, but he knew clearly that his student had died.

It is possible that his students did not yield, which led to the death.

So for this student, he admires it very much.

Now that there are so many people slandering his students for surrendering to the enemy, he is naturally very angry.

But on second thought, these people didn’t know that his student was dead, so their guesses were taken for granted.

The genius disappeared and was hijacked by foreign forces. Apart from death, he can only do things for the enemy if he is alive.

If Xiao Chenggang is not dead, he will betray sooner or later. This is the opinion of many people.

But Yang Xin couldn’t tolerate others who framed his students so much.

So he posted a message on Weibo.

[I saw many people on the Internet saying that my student Xiao Chenggang would surrender to the enemy. I, Yang Xin, pledged by my reputation that even if he committed suicide, he would not compromise with the enemy. Don’t worry about that.

Not only him, this is something that all the students of the Yang Teachers’ Class can do, because they love their motherland so much, and all of them are not afraid of death…]

After Yang Xin’s Weibo was released there were countless media reports soon.

At the same time, many students of Yang Xin also reposted this Weibo one after another.

Liu Zichen reprinted this Weibo and said: “The teacher taught us to be patriotic since we were young and not to do things that are sorry for the country and the people. We all have incomparable beliefs. If I encounter Chenggang’s situation, I will not survive.”

After Liu Zichen, many other Yang Xin students reposted his Weibo and expressed their support.

Only Luo Yuxuan and a few other students did not repost this Weibo because they had no faces.

Just after the screenshot of Yang Xin’s group news was posted on the Internet, the national security department couldn’t hide the news, so they arrested Han Tingting and others immediately.

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Luo Yuxuan’s girlfriend was also arrested, and he learned that his girlfriend turned out to be a mole. This was a big blow to Luo Yuxuan. He had no face to repost the teacher’s Weibo.

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