I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 excellent

“You buy me skin? Really?” Hearing that Yang Xin was going to buy skin for himself, the kid Zhang Yuechi stayed.

“I’ll buy it for you now, which skin do you want?” Yang Xin asked quickly.

“How about you buy me a big western prostitute who Xun Wukong?” asked the kid Zhang Yuechi.

“Okay, let me see.” Hearing Zhang Yuechi’s words, Yang Xin hurriedly clicked on the mall, and then found Monkey King’s skin.

“That’s not the Big West, it’s the Red Dead.”

Yang Xin said to Zhang Yuechi: “The Red Dead Redemption is not good-looking, I’ll buy you a Hellfire skin.”

“Huh? Hellfire is too expensive. It costs 168. It’s better to buy a large western clientele. It only costs twenty yuan.” Zhang Yuechi said to Yang Xin.

“It’s okay, isn’t it 168? I bought it for you.” Yang Xin said very boldly.

Then, he directly recharged the 1980 points voucher, bought Monkey King’s Hellfire skin and gave it to Zhang Yuechi.

“Wow! You are so rich.” The kid Zhang Yuechi was very happy to receive the 168 yuan skin from Yang Xin.

received good-looking skin, so he promised to take Yang Xin to play a few rankings.

Just as the two were chatting, Yang Jun finally arrived on a motorcycle.

“Quickly, play with him for me, he despises my skills, I have to teach him to be a man today.” Yang Xin stuffed his phone to Yang Jun and said.

After Yang Jun took the phone, Yang Xin told him not to speak, and then he turned on the microphone to continue chatting with Zhang Yuechi.

Zhang Yuechi received Yang Xin’s skin of more than one hundred quick cash, and his attitude towards Yang Xin was very good. The two chatted in full swing while playing games.

While Yang Xin was chatting with Zhang Yuechi, Yang Jun concentrated on helping him play games.

Yang Jun played the hero of Lu Ban. In less than two minutes, Yang Jun relied on skillful technology to solo kill the opposite Sun Shangxiang.

“How about, I took a blood, the technology is good, I am too stuck on the Internet when I go to get off work, this is good for you, I can definitely lead you to win.” Seeing Yang Jun single-handedly kill Sun Shangxiang, Yang Xin immediately Blowed with Zhang Yuechi.

Just as the two were talking, the opposite jungler and middle lane came to capture Luban. Yang Jun operated Luban for a while, but Luban doubled the opposite jungler and middle lane with the remnant blood.

Luban’s head rose to three in a sudden.

“Wow, it’s amazing!” Zhang Yuechi’s kid suddenly praised when he saw Luban’s three kills.

In the next game, Lu Ban operated by Yang Jun was almost crazy, double kill, triple kill…

Within ten minutes of the game, the opponent’s base is gone.

And Lu Ban operated by Yang Jun also got 16 heads.

“How about? I’m okay? If it’s not because of the network card, or else, I won’t lose. If you don’t believe me, take a look at my record. More than 40 consecutive victories have been broken.” Yang Xin said to Zhang Yuechi.

Hearing Yang Xin’s words, Zhang Yuechi didn’t speak and didn’t know what he was doing.

Yang Jun was on the side, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

He felt that Yang Xin was very funny to brag in front of a child.

After a while, Zhang Yuechi said to Yang Xin in a surprised tone: “Wow, you are amazing. You are all victories. Both are MVPs. Are you so good at Zhao Yun?”

Zhang Yuechi really went to see Yang Xin’s record. When he saw the record showing a large victory and MVP, he naturally showed a surprised tone.

Hearing this, Yang Xin naturally wanted to flatter himself, and then the game began.

This time Yang Jun played Arthur. In less than ten minutes, Yang Jun took down the opposite crystal with 15 heads.

“Wow, you are so amazing, I feel like you are a hero.” Zhang Yuechi praised Yang Xin.

Hearing this, Yang Xin turned off the microphone, and then asked Yang Jun, “How about you playing with monkeys?”

Hearing Yang Xin’s culture, Yang Jun nodded quickly. “Monkeys are my strengths, and I am a monkey of shenfa.”

“That’s fine.” Hearing what Yang Jun said, Yang Xin had a bottom line.

Then, he turned on the microphone and said to Zhang Yuechi: “Actually, I am the best at playing with monkeys. This number is just my trumpet. There is a trumpet in my QQ zone that is named the King of Glory with a monkey.”

“Really, are you so good? How about you try to play with a monkey?” Zhang Yuechi asked Yang Xin.

“Yes.” Yang Xin nodded, and then recharged more than 100 to buy a monkey.

However, when the two were ranked, Yang Xin found out that the monkey he had bought was gone.

“What’s the matter? Where is my monkey?” Yang Xin turned off the microphone and asked Yang Jun beside him.

“The new hero needs to play two matches, and only after they have enough proficiency can they be ranked.” Yang Jun explained.

“It turned out to be like this.” Yang Xin nodded.

Then he said to Zhang Yuechi: “It’s better for you to play monkeys, my monkey proficiency is not enough, I need to play two matches.”

Next, Yang Jun used another hero to help Yang Xin win.

“How about let’s play two matches? I will show you my monkey.” Yang Xin said to Zhang Yuechi.

“Okay!” Zhang Yuechi agreed.

Next, the two began to match. Under Yang Jun’s operation, his monkey turned into a monkey of body style. After seven or eight minutes, he was basically a child with a stick.

In the last ten minutes, the opposite party collectively surrendered.

Yang Jun’s monkey even got an exaggerated 18 heads.

There were only 23 heads in the whole game, and Yang Jun took 18 heads by himself.

Of course, this is a matchmaking match, and the opponents in the matchmaking match are generally pretty good.

Next, the two played another match. Yang Jun still used a monkey, and he took the opposite crystal in less than ten minutes.

After    played two matching matches, the next two played ranked again.

Ranked to play with monkeys, it’s time to test your skills. UU reading www.uukANAnshu. cm

But Yang Xin felt that Yang Jun was playing with monkeys, and matching and ranking seemed to him to be a bunch of bronze.

Yang Jun didn’t deliberately push the tower with only the heads. In fifteen minutes, he had already got 21 heads, and his teammates had less than ten heads. It was terrifying.

In 18 minutes, all three high towers on the opposite side were lost, and the opposite side also chose to surrender directly.

At this time, the monkey operated by Yang Jun had already received 28 heads.

“Wow, your Xun Wukong is amazing, how did you play? Teach me!” Zhang Yuechi saw Yang Xin’s Monkey King got 28 heads, and immediately said to Yang Xin envy.

“If you worship me as a teacher, call me a master and I will teach you how to play monkeys.” Yang Xin said to Zhang Yuechi.

After saying this, Yang Xin’s heart beat quickly.

He has spent so much time these days, isn’t it just for this moment?

“I worship you as a teacher, will you really teach me?”

“Of course, if you worship me as a teacher, I will not only teach you how to play Monkey King, but I will also buy you hero skins.” Yang Xin continued to seduce.

“Okay, then I will worship you as a teacher, wait for me.” Zhang Yuechi said to Yang Xin.

After a while, Zhang Yuechi said to him: “Master, your historical rank is too low. I can’t be a teacher. My highest rank is Xing Yao three. Your rank must be above Xing Yao two.”

Hearing what Zhang Yuechi said, Yang Xin was stunned for a moment. Zhang Yuechi seemed to call his master, but why didn’t the system prompt the task to be completed?

After listening to Zhang Yuechi’s words, Yang Xin thought, is it necessary to confirm the master-disciple relationship in the game?

PS: Everyone, vote for a recommendation, I don’t want to be without JJ.

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