I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 476

Chapter 464 The brightest student

Many people in the old iron country knew for the first time that Teacher Yang was so awesome that one person taught two Nobel Prize students, and also taught so many top scorers in the college entrance examination.

Moreover, the TV station of Lao Tiejia also popularized the gold content of the top scorers in China’s college entrance examination.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, before Teacher Yang did not teach, there have been only one or two rumors about the number one scholar in the college entrance examination, and the credibility of these two people remains to be questioned. After all, they are rumors.

And the top scorer in the college entrance examination taught by Teacher Yang is a real full score, which is true by countless people.

A famous teacher like this does not even accept students from a hegemonic country, but now he accepts 30 overseas students from their old Tie family every year, which makes countless people of the old Tie family feel very proud.

Fort Islan, this day, a middle-aged man with a full-length tattoo met the president of the old iron country. This middle-aged man is the minister of education of the old iron country and a staunch supporter of the president.

“Your Excellency, I think it is a waste to send ordinary students to Teacher Yang to study abroad. We should select the smartest students in the country and send them to Teacher Yang to study abroad.” The Minister of Education said to the president.

Hearing what the Minister of Education said, the president thought about it, then nodded and said: “You are right, but I can’t give all 30 places. I can only give you 25 places. I can use the other five places. .”

Hearing what the President said, the Minister of Education immediately looked overjoyed. He had come here to meet the President and was ready to be rejected.

Unexpectedly, the President is willing to come out with 25 places.

“Your Excellency President Xie, I thank you on behalf of the scholars from the old iron country all over the country.” The Minister of Education said excitedly to the President.

“This matter is left to you, but I don’t want to be unfairly selected.” The president said harshly to the Minister of Education.

“Your Excellency, rest assured, I will be the brightest student in the country,” the Minister of Education promised.

“That’s good, if I find that you are unfair in this matter, I will definitely not be able to spare you.” said the president.

“I will do it beautifully.” The Minister of Education said to the president: “Your Excellency, when do you think the selection of students will start?”

“The sooner the better. I hope you can select a group of smart students as soon as possible, and then gather them to learn Chinese. I hope that it will take one year for these students to learn Chinese, so that when they are sent to Teacher Yang’s class, There is no need to worry about language barriers, and it will be much easier for them to learn at that time.”

What the president of the old iron country didn’t know was that the students sent by their country to the class of Yang Shi are now learning Chinese under the guidance of Chinese teachers.

Yang Xin predicts that when they fully learn Chinese, it should be next year.

Because these students have language barriers, Yang Xin must teach them Chinese first if he wants to train them.

Old iron domestic.

At eight o’clock in the evening, during prime time, the Minister of Education also announced on TV and the Internet an activity to select the country’s brightest students.

The details of the activities, and the provinces, cities and counties, must be selected within half a month of the region’s smartest students with the best academic performance to come to Eslan Castle to take the assessment.

For students who have passed the assessment, the state will judge their performance according to the number of students they recommend

The matter is about political achievements. Soon, officials from all regions of the old iron country all moved, and they mobilized their staff to start a census.

Many TV stations have also reported this matter.

Abdullah is a middle-aged man. Although his family is not rich, he has two wives and five children.

His youngest daughter, Sarina Abdullah, is 8 years old. Although she has never read a book, she is very smart.

Her smartness is not that her relatives think she is smart, but that anyone who has met her will praise her for being smart.

What impresses Abdullah most is that when his daughter Sarina watches TV, she only needs to watch it once. She can write down all the lines.

At this time, they discovered that their daughter’s memory is particularly good.

not only has a good memory, she is also very smart, and her emotional intelligence is also very high, plus she is also very beautiful, no one dislikes her.

On this day, the whole family was watching TV at home, and Abdullah saw a message from the Ministry of Education to find someone.

Seeing this news, Abdullah suddenly had an idea.

The country is looking for smart people, and isn’t his daughter exactly such a person?

If your daughter is chosen, that would be terrible. Their entire family may leap to a higher class because of this incident.

So the next day, after the family discussed it, Abdullah took his daughter to the county and found the county education department.

“We do not accept parental recommendations here. We only accept recommendations from schools. If every parent is like you who come to recommend their children, we will be too busy.” The staff of the education department directly rejected Abdullah. Father and daughter.

“Sir, my daughter is really very smart, or if you test her, her memory is very good!” Abdullah said to the education department staff very unwillingly.

“It’s said that we don’t accept parental recommendation here, you guys get out of here, I don’t want to say it again.” The staff member was very angry.

Seeing that the staff did not enter, Abdullah could only leave with his daughter very unwillingly.

After returning home, I learned that the education department did not accept Sarina. The whole family was very disappointed.

“I am going to take Sarina to Fort Islan tomorrow. I want to go there and try to see if she can be selected.” Abdullah announced his decision to the whole family.

As the head of the family his authority is very high, so no one opposes his ideas.

So the next day. Abdullah took his daughter Sarina and left his hometown and drove to Fort Islan.

Abdullah took his daughter to the Ministry of Education. However, waiting for him was not even seen by anyone who was talking to him.

Because they were ruthlessly driven out by security personnel.

“Dad, why don’t we stop going to school?” Sarina saw her father bend his knees in front of others, and her little heart was very uncomfortable.

She didn’t know what it meant to be selected by the Ministry of Education, she just thought that her father was bullied everywhere to let her study.

“Don’t worry, Dad will find a way to get you selected.” Abdullah comforted his daughter.

On this day, Abdullah took his daughter to the Ministry of Education again.

But when he came to the gate of the Ministry of Education, he did not rashly talk to the security personnel as he did last time, but waited at the gate of the Ministry of Education.

While Abdullah was waiting at the education department’s waiting gate, from time to time there were vehicles coming in and out of the education department.

“Dad, who are we waiting for here?” After half an hour, Sarina couldn’t help asking her father Abdullah.

“Dad is waiting for the largest official of our country’s Ministry of Education. I hope he can get you elected.”

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