I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 480

Chapter 468 Protect shortcomings

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“Jiajia, why do you like this kid from Wenbo?” Yang Xin turned his head and smiled and asked Tian Jiajia.

Hearing the teacher’s question, Tian Jiajia took back the expression of her teeth and dancing claws. She explained: “I admire his character and knowledge, and he is also very good. What he proposed last year helped our country solve the problem Regarding the energy efficiency of nuclear fusion control, the energy produced by nuclear fusion devices has finally begun to exceed the energy consumed. The state attaches great importance to him. He is protected by people in his current travels. I believe that it will be less than a few years before our country’s nuclear fusion power generation Not a dream anymore.”

“Of course, the most important thing is that he graduated from the Yang teacher’s class. I believe in the character of the students taught by you,” Tian Jiajia said in the end.

When she talked about Wenbo, she looked very proud of him.

Yang Xin was a little lost when he heard Tian Jiajia’s words.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology, when he used to exchange rheumatism treatment prescriptions with only a dozen points, it required 100,000 points.

Now when Yang Xin earns tens of thousands of points every year, this technology requires millions of points.

He feels that the system is robbing his points, reducing the price when he has no money, and increasing the price when he has money.

But when it comes to cultural museums, I didn’t expect that cultural museums have achieved such an achievement now, that is, controllable nuclear fusion technology.

He thought about it and found that Wenbo is really an excellent student. Not only is he good-looking, he is also very good at doing things. Most importantly, his IQ is also very high. Such a person is very attractive to the opposite sex.

Today Jiang Zhengjie got married. As a student in the same class, the cultural museum naturally came. Yang Xin turned his head and took a look and saw the cultural museum sitting in the back row and chatting with his classmates.

I have to say that with the talents of cultural and cultural activities, it is enough to achieve higher achievements.

Of course, not only is a cultural museum, many of his students are very talented, and after taking part in the work, they soon achieved important scientific research results in various fields.

The country also intends to cultivate students who graduated from the Yang Teachers’ Class, so that they can give them more opportunities in their posts.

And Yang Xin’s students did not let the country down, they only gave them opportunities, and they were always able to seize the opportunity to succeed.

Wenbo is just one of them.

There is also Zhang Yuheng, who has designed an aero engine with a thrust-to-weight ratio reaching the world’s top.

There is also Zhao Zihan, who participated in the current six-generation aircraft design and put forward many excellent suggestions for improvement.

Many people predict that Zhao Zihan should be the chief designer of the next generation of fighter jets, because she is so good.

There are Zhou Qian, Wang Lingni, and so on. These students who graduated from the Yang teacher class have helped the country break through many advanced technologies in various fields.

This is also the reason why Yang Xin, the teacher who taught these students, can enjoy the national level two security level.

Compared with the achievements of his students, Yang Xin, a hen who can lay eggs, is obviously more important than eggs.

After protecting the hen, there will be a steady stream of eggs in the future.

Although Yang Xin is only engaged in education, his credit and achievements are more important than countless top scientists combined.

This is why so many countries require students to be sent to study in Yangshiban.

Just a week after Jiang Zhengjie and Qiu Xiaohui got married, another pair of Yang Xin students got married, they were the third and fourth generation students accepted by Yang Xin.

They got married and chose the Dazhou Experimental Middle School, but compared with Jiang Zhengjie, there is still some gap in the pomp.

Thousands of people participated in the marriage of Jiang Zhengjie and Qiu Xiaohui, but only a few hundred of the students were married.

Senior brothers and sisters like Tian Jiajia, Tian Wenwen, Liu Zichen, and others, rarely come in person. Most of them just send messages in Moments or social media to give them blessings.

There are too many students in the Yang Teacher’s class, as many as thousands, and not all students are related to ordinary brothers and sisters.

Some of their relationships are very good, but some don’t even know each other.

For students who don’t have a good relationship, it is very good to send blessings to the friendship between teachers and students.

If they can follow the gift, they may follow a gift.

It’s just that the students of the Yang teacher’s class, no matter what kind of banquet, are not popular anymore.

Although Yang Xin did not expressly require that his students do not receive money for banquets at home, the students in Yang’s class regarded this as an iron rule.

Therefore, no matter if they hold a college entrance banquet or what kind of banquet, they basically don’t accept gifts.

Jiang Zhengjie and Qiu Xiaohui got married and invited thousands of people to eat and drink. They spent millions. The money came from Qiu Xiaohui’s family, and the guests were not asked to take any gifts.

As for why it came from Qiu Xiaohui’s family, because Qiu Xiaohui’s father is a capitalist with a net worth of more than 100 million yuan, while Jiang Zhengjie’s family is a farmer, so he can’t afford such a big banquet even if he changes his property.

Although Qiu Xiaohui’s family is so rich, she dare not look down on Jiang Zhengjie, the son-in-law.

The reason is that Jiang Zhengjie is a student of Teacher Yang, and the wealth of their family is not enough for a hair on Teacher Yang’s leg.

The most important thing is that Jiang Zhengjie is now working in an important national scientific research institution and is highly valued by the country. He believes that he will have an extraordinary future in the future.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

Regarding Qiu Xiaohui’s family, although Jiang Zhengjie is a rural child, he does not have any inferiority complex.

He believes in himself that if he wants to make money, it will be very easy, and the money will only be more than that of Qiu Xiaohui’s family.

Only with Tian Jiajia’s conditions can people such as Wenbo feel inferior.

Because Tian Jiajia is so good, the Nobel Prize winner, with a net worth of hundreds of billions, has an extraordinary reputation and status in China.

Through communication with students, Yang Xin found that many of his students were paired with male and female classmates from Teacher Yang’s class, and only a few students would find male and female friends who were not from Teacher Yang’s class.

Even if you find a boyfriend or girlfriend who is not from Yang’s teacher’s class, it is very good.

For example, Yang Yangyang, a student of Yang Xin’s student, found a girlfriend of the fourth generation, whose parents and elders were all high-ranking state officials.

There are also some female students from the Yang Teacher’s Class who have also been pursued by many powerful children.

Yang Xin’s student status also prevents those powerful and powerful children from engaging in that kind of casual play.

Even their elders warned them that if you want to pursue students from the Yang Teachers’ Class, you must either get married, or don’t chase them, like the kind of chasing after playing for a while and throwing others away, as long as you dare to do so, When the time comes, all their legs will be interrupted.

As for why this warning everyone knows, Teacher Yang is a very short-term person.

The student Zhou Yi was bullied and directly smashed more than one billion yuan to help him open a school of Yang Normal University.

And when many other students are bullied, Teacher Yang will also come forward.

If one’s own female student is bullied by a powerful child, with Teacher Yang’s personality, she will definitely help out.

Given Teacher Yang’s status and reputation in the country, and he doesn’t need to do anything, he only needs to say something, and the families of the powerful children who bully others will be criticized by the public opinion.

In fact, the students of the Yang Teachers’ Class, regardless of whether they are men or women, are very outstanding, and they have been pursued by many powerful children, regardless of whether they are men or women.

However, very few students from the Teacher Yang class would choose them, and more students from the Teacher Yang class would find an object in the Teacher Yang class.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Xin is thinking about it. In the future, when recruiting students from the Yang teacher’s class, the ratio of men to women must be balanced, otherwise it is easy for many people to find a target.

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