I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 483

Chapter 471 Hualuomajia

Based on everyone’s opinions, Xie Yufei finally prepared to choose an old professor named Ma Zeyu.

The old professor is almost 70 years old. His character at Peking University is very good. All the students he leads have very high evaluations of him.

The most important thing is that his academic accomplishment is also very good at Peking University. After Xie Yufei considered it, he finally decided to choose this Professor Ma.

When many professors were vying for the student of Xie Yufei, this professor Ma has always been indifferent.

It’s not that he has never thought about fighting, but the competition is too fierce, and he is getting older, and he will retire in a few years, and he has no thought of fighting.

And he was not the top group of professors at Peking University, so he gave up.

Although he didn’t argue, he didn’t expect that Director Zhou would bring Xie Yufei to him that day.

Originally, Director Zhou wanted to inform Professor Ma to let her come, but Xie Yufei refused. What was the matter if the teacher came to visit the students?

So she is going to visit the teacher in person.

Jingle Bell!

At around five o’clock this afternoon, Professor Ma and his family were eating at home, and their doorbell was rang.

Soon, a young woman opened them.

“Director Zhou, are you looking for my grandfather?” the woman asked Director Zhou.

“Dongmei! I brought classmate Xie Yufei to your grandpa, is your grandpa at home?” Director Zhou asked the woman.

“It’s here!” The woman heard Director Zhou’s words and glanced at Xie Yufei next to him, with a look of joy in her eyes.

Many professors competed for a Xie Yufei in the past few days. This has caused a lot of trouble at Peking University. Now Director Zhou brought Xie Yufei to her grandfather. What does this mean? She was excited thinking about it.

“Director Zhou, Xie Yufei, please come in soon.” The woman enthusiastically said to Director Zhou and Xie Yufei.

“Dongmei, who?” In the room, an old man’s voice asked.

“Grandpa, it’s Director Zhou and Xie Yufei, they came to you.” The woman said to her grandpa in a joyful tone.

“Oh! Director Zhou, please come in soon, and this classmate Xie Yufei, please come in soon.” Professor Ma Zeyu ran over to greet him.

“Director Zhou, please sit down, please sit down.” Professor Ma greeted the two enthusiastically.

“Director Zhou, it’s a coincidence that you are here. We are eating. Since you are here, we are eating. Jia Ming, please bring a pair of chopsticks to Director Zhou and Xie Yufei.” Professor Ma’s wife also warmly invited them to dinner.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   At this time, the room is Professor Ma’s family, Professor Ma and his wife, as well as Professor Ma’s son and grandchildren, except for this There are also two seven or eight-year-old children.

Seeing Director Zhou and Xie Yufei’s arrival, these people also got up to get chairs and tableware for them.

“Since Professor Ma is so enthusiastic, let’s eat at his house!” Director Zhou said to Xie Yufei with a smile.

“Good!” Xie Yufei nodded.

Soon, Professor Ma’s family prepared meals for the two of them and arranged seats.

“Director Zhou, what are you looking for?” Professor Ma asked Director Zhou.

When    was only asking, he occasionally looked at Xie Yufei from the corner of his eyes, his expression eager.

“Old Ma, you must have guessed what I came to do with you.” Director Zhou did not sell him, he said directly to Professor Ma: “There are so many people vying for Xie Yufei to be a student, but Xie Yufei chose you in the end. She wants to go to your graduate school, what do you think you think?”

“Of course I would.” Professor Ma nodded in agreement without thinking.

Such a good student, a student who can’t be grabbed by others, if he pushes out, is he still a human?

“Old Ma, congratulations.” Director Zhou reached out to Professor Ma and shook it.

If it is an ordinary student who can become a student of Professor Ma, then everyone will only congratulate that student and think that the student who becomes a student of Professor Ma is worthy of congratulations.

And now it is a student like Xie Yufei who has been apprentice to Professor Ma, but in everyone’s opinion, we should congratulate Professor Ma for receiving such an outstanding student.

No one would think that Xie Yufei was able to worship Professor Ma as a teacher. It is worthy of congratulations.

Because of Xie Yufei’s reputation, she can choose a better tutor.

Hearing the congratulations from Director Zhou, including Professor Ma and his family, they all think it should be. The person who should be congratulated is Professor Ma, not Xie Yufei.

After learning that Xie Yufei had chosen to study his own graduate student, Professor Ma was already happy, and he became even more enthusiastic when he hosted the two.

Professor Ma’s family is the same, and they are extremely enthusiastic towards them.

“Lao Ma, Xie Yufei has become your student. You have to teach her well. Before she came to our Peking University, the principal promised that she can change tutors at any time. If your tutor doesn’t work hard, you will lose such a good student. Don’t blame anyone.” Director Zhou said to Professor Chao Ma.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   “Don’t worry, Director Zhou, I will try my best to teach Xie Yufei.” Professor Ma quickly assured.

Such a good student can’t teach him well, then who does he teach?

After confirming that Professor Xie Yufei Bai Ma was the mentor, the Ma family and the whole family were very happy.

“Lao Ma, I will leave Xie Yufei to you. You have to teach him well. After eating the meal, I will leave first. You can talk slowly.” After eating week The director left with everyone.

After Director Zhou left, Ma’s family suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at Xie Yufei, and for a moment they didn’t know how to speak.

They wanted to entertain Xie Yufei with the utmost enthusiasm, but they were afraid to say something that would make Xie Yufei dislike it, so they were a little daunted.

In the end, it was Professor Ma’s wife who broke the deadlock. She affectionately took Xie Yufei’s hand and started to pull the chores.

With the atmosphere of Grandma Ma, soon the Ma family and Xie Yufei disappeared.

Just after Xie Yufei chose Professor Ma, the news was passed out soon.

For a time, countless people sighed.

Many professors who competed for Xie Yufei felt very sad for losing a student like Xie Yufei.

Many students also sighed at Hualuomajia, and they didn’t watch it lively.

Xie Yufei studied news at Peking University, and it was quickly posted online.

Xie Yufei is very famous, and she is also a student of Teacher Yang, so she has a lot of attention.

When I learned that Xie Yufei was studying at Peking University and that there were many professors vying for it, it made the headlines on all major platforms.

“Xie Yufei is only 13 years old, now I am a graduate student at Peking University, alas! People are better than people, so angry?”

“Mr. Yang’s students are really not comparable to ordinary people, and even Liu Zichen did not receive such treatment.”

“Facts have proved that students who graduated from the Yang teacher’s class with excellent grades will eventually become geniuses in various fields.”

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