I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Cure

“Master, auntie is not suffering from ordinary rheumatism, right?”

Yang Xin checked, and then asked Mr. Chaotian.

As Tian Jiajia’s teacher, Yang Xin should be regarded as the same generation as Tian Jiajia’s parents, so it’s no problem for Yang Xin to call Tian Jiajia’s grandmother an aunt.

Auntie, this is the name given to the uncle’s wife in Long F County.

“I don’t know this! Anyway, the doctors in the city say it is rheumatism, and now they have to put on ointments every day, otherwise the pain will be severe.” Hearing Yang Xin’s words, the old man Tian said to Yang Xin.

While talking, he took out a plaster from the end of the bed and handed it to Yang Xin.

Yang Xin took the plaster and looked at the name on it, “Jin Gu Pain Pain Patch”.

Yang Xin smiled, and the old man Chao Tian said: “Rheumatism is rheumatism, but rheumatism is a big category. If I am not mistaken, the auntie should have rheumatoid arthritis.”

Hearing Yang Xin’s words, Old Man Tian nodded quickly: “Yes, that’s what the doctor said.”

Seeing Mr. Tian nodded, Yang Xin continued: “Rheumatoid arthritis is different from ordinary rheumatism. Ordinary rheumatism is caused by hemolytic streptococcal infection and can be cured without joint deformities and paralysis. .”

“Only rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune system disease, can cause joint deformities and even paralysis, and there is currently no cure for this disease.”

Yang Xin said: “Looking at the degree of deformity of the joints of the aunt’s whole body, you should have a history of more than ten years?”

“Yes, I have been ill for more than ten years, and there is no money in the family to treat it, so I can only do this.” The old man Tian was quite moved.

“Looking at the old lady’s condition is very serious, although this disease is not terrible, but if it is not controlled, it is easy to cause other complications, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, blood system and some complications of the nervous system.”

After a pause, Yang Xin continued: “Moreover, it is very painful to have this disease. Depending on the condition of the aunt, I am afraid that it is painful every day, right?”

Hearing Yang Xin’s words, Grandma Tian, ​​who was lying on the bed unable to move, spoke.

She said to Yang Xin: “Teacher Yang, what you said is right. It is indeed painful for me to get this disease. It is more painful than having a child. Sometimes it hurts. I really can’t stand it anymore, so let the girl and her father get some pesticides to drink.”

“Don’t think so, madam, living is better than anything else.” Yang Xin Chaotian grandma said: “Your family has no money, so there is no way to treat and control the disease. I can think of this. In fact, it is necessary to cure rheumatoid joints. Yan, no doctor dare to say such a big word, because there is no cure for this disease. But I know a prescription that can relieve the pain caused by this disease, which is much better than plastering. The price is also cheap, I don’t know the old lady. Would you like to give it a try?”

“What kind of medicine? Isn’t it expensive? Don’t you eat bad people?” Hearing Yang Xin’s words, Old Man Tian asked him.

“You can rest assured, this old man, this is Chinese medicine, even if a normal person takes it, it will be fine.” Yang Xin assured the old man Chaotian.

Without waiting for the old man to speak, he continued: “My prescription is also very cheap. You don’t need to go to the pharmacy to buy most of the medicines. We have them in the mountains here, and you can find them after a while.”

After a pause, Yang Xin continued to say to the old man: “This medicine can be tried by the old lady. If it works well, you can continue to use it. If it doesn’t work, you can use it without it. There will be no loss.”

Hearing Yang Xin’s words, Grandma Tian on the hospital bed quickly thanked and said, “Thank you, Teacher Yang, I’m willing to try the medicine you mentioned. Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor. My disease is getting more and more serious now. It’s not that I can’t worry about my old man, I don’t want to live a long time ago.”

“Okay, since ma’am you are willing to try, I will go to the city to buy some things and come back tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we will help you go to the mountains to find medicine.” Yang Xin agreed.

“By the way, when looking for medicine, old man, you and Er Ya also followed me. I will teach you which medicine to find. If this medicine is useful, you can find it in the mountains in the future, so you don’t have to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine.” Yang Mr. Xin Chaotian said.

“Okay, Erya and I will follow you to find medicine together at that time.” Father Tian happily agreed.

After staying at Father Tian’s house until five o’clock in the afternoon, Yang Xin left Tian’s house, and then it took more than an hour to return to school. It was getting dark when he returned to school.

The next day, Yang Xin took the township shuttle bus to Long F County early in the morning.

It took a day and Yang Xin bought a lot of things in the city.

There are frying pans for frying Chinese medicine, alcohol lamps for experiments, beakers and so on. In addition, he also bought some materials and tools for making manual centrifuges.

In addition to tools, he also bought a lot of chemicals, and some chemicals are generally unavailable, such as some dangerous chemicals. There is nowhere to sell such things.

In the end, Yang Xin inquired about a chemical factory in the outskirts of the county and “made up” with a factory supervisor. Only then did he obtain a small amount of preparations.

This is what he got because he thought the school laboratory purchased raw materials as a reason.

After buying things, Yang Xin went to a Chinese pharmacy again and purchased several medicinal materials that were not available locally. The total cost was less than two hundred yuan. These medicinal materials could be used by Tian Jiajia’s grandmother for three months.

After purchasing these things, Yang Xin spent hundreds of dollars on a second-hand motorcycle on www.com.cn and rode back to the countryside overnight.

Early the next morning, Yang Xin rode a motorcycle to the house of Mr. Murata in Chelaping.

“Master, these are some of the tools I bought, specifically for pharmaceutical use. Put them here first. Today, let’s go to the mountains to find medicine.” said the old man Yang Xin Chaotian.

“These are all for medicinal purposes! How can you help us treat the disease, how can you spend money, how much are these things? We pay for it ourselves. UU reading www.uukanshu.com” Hearing Yang Xin, Father Tian Hurriedly said to Yang Xin.

“Master, don’t worry about the money, and these things are not worth much. Let’s check the efficacy of the medicine first, and then let’s talk about it. If the medicine we are looking for is effective, we are talking about other things.” Old man Yang Xinchao said.

“Mr. Yang, I will go with you to find medicine, okay?” Just when Yang Xin was about to take Mr. Tian and classmate Tian Jiajia to find medicine in the mountains, Tian Wenwen asked Yang Xin with a mouth open.

“You stay at home and take care of your grandma. You can find medicine with your grandfather and your sister.” Yang Xin directly refused Tian Wenwen’s request.

Now he is mainly cultivating Tian Jiajia’s interest in medicine. He doesn’t want to bring Tian Wenwen on this road.

Tian Wenwen’s talent is in physics and mathematics, and it will be better to cultivate her interest in physics at that time.

After telling Tian Wenwen to take care of her grandmother at home, Yang Xin, grandfather Tian and Tian Jiajia left home and went into the mountains.

“Lord, look, the bark of this tree is the kind of medicine we are looking for. This kind of medicine is not recorded in the Chinese medicine spectrum, but it is an indispensable medicine…”

After Yang Xin found a medicinal material, he taught Mr. Tian and classmate Tian Jiajia to identify the medicine in detail.

“Master, look at this herb, it is also the medicine we are looking for…”

One day, Yang Xin was taking Mr. Tian and classmate Tian Jiajia to look for medicine in the mountains.

There are more than a dozen medicinal materials, most of which are common plants, and only a few are uncommon. However, after Yang Xin spent an integral to scan the system, he easily found all the medicinal materials.

Several of these medicinal materials are not recorded in the current Chinese medicine spectrum, and I don’t know how the system recognizes that they can be used as medicine.

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