I am Kaka

Chapter 171

Italy was still freezing cold in January, but Brazil was sunny, but Kaka failed to take advantage of the good times to enjoy the sun and the beach, but hurried to the United States.

In his commercial layout, North America is the most important piece and the most important piece.

Traditional industries, such as GE, oil, insurance, media, and finance, have long been divided up, not to mention outsiders like Kaka, even those real capital predators who want to grab food from other people’s bowls are thousands. Difficult.

In contrast, some emerging industries that have not received sufficient attention are the real opportunities, especially the network industry.

A degree of freedom far surpasses any circle, creating a mysterious industry of countless wealth myths.

Even if you are not proficient and familiar with the Internet, you should know that this is an industry that can change the world in the future. Even the most conservative traditional group has to make changes that adapt to this industry, either actively or passively.

No change means destruction.

Kaka did not become the ambition of the richest man in a country, but just wanted to use the little money he has accumulated and more advanced vision to exchange for a little bit of cake in this boom, to achieve financial freedom, to achieve private jets and luxury Things like yachts can be used as toys to a similar extent.

And now, the opportunity comes.

In 2001, technology stocks unexpectedly fell across the board. After the September 11th catalysis, the stock market of the United States fell sharply. In 2002, major stock indexes tried to gain momentum several times, but eventually fell back to nothing.

This year is the best time to enter, and the first choice is naturally Apple.

A few years ago, Apple was in a quagmire, and many people wanted to get out. Steve Jobs returned to Apple and not only accepted Bill Gates’ investment, but also actively raised funds.

Kaka remembered that Apple’s stock price fell from $36 to $12 per share in 2003, and then Jobs, the man who saved Apple, sold 55 million shares worth tens of billions of dollars later.

The minimum per share plunged to around $7.

$7 apple, can you imagine?

In 2003, Apple’s most important product was the iPod. Only people who buy Apple’s MAC computers can use this MP3 player. Therefore, iPods have only about 3% of computer users in this market. However, Apple was developing another version of the iPod at that time. Ordinary PC computers, after launch, users accounted for 97% of the computer market in one fell swoop.

Because of this epoch-making product, Apple’s stock will at least double next year, and then the company will gradually become a well-known technology giant in the world. Since the 2003 low, the stock has risen to more than 200 US dollars. .

Steve Jobs is an absolute human being. Apart from himself, he obviously doesn’t want anyone to be bigger at Apple, but Kaka doesn’t have the unrealistic idea of ​​controlling an Internet group, nor does he think of himself. Can do better than Jobs.

Old Joe eats meat, he drinks soup, it’s that simple.

Therefore, Apple is definitely the best investment object now, and almost all of Kaka’s earnings during this period have been invested in Apple.

But in this regard, he has been standing behind the scenes. The host is Silva. This guy is an old fritter on Wall Street. He is obviously more familiar with the various routines than Kaka, although I don’t know why Kaka is so optimistic. A half-dead technology company is prepared, but with the insistence of BOSS, it still bought a lot of Apple stock.

But Kaka ran the US not for Apple, but for Facebook.

He initially wanted to find Zuckerberg for investment, but somehow he discovered that the so-called Facebook is actually not technically difficult.

The important thing is to be the first to eat crabs, and then there are business plans.

In this case, don’t do it for Mao…

Although he knows the approximate development process of Facebook, and knows a lot of functional ideas that will be popular in the whole network in the future, he still understands the reason why he walks too fast, so he does not have a big fan, but like the previous Facebook. The development is the same, low-key development, frivolous development, starting from the campus route.

The founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg, a student of Harvard University. Facebook was originally started from Harvard, and then the scope of registration slowly expanded to other universities in the Boston area. Later, MIT and Tefoz University , Rochester University, New York University, Northwestern University, and other famous schools have all provided assistance, turning this instant sharing website that seems to be sparse in function and creativity in the future into a star company in the United States.

But Kaka chose not Harvard this time, but the Wharton School, not to avoid a collision with Zuckerberg, but because this is Silva’s alma mater, supported by his network here. The road will undoubtedly go smoother.

Wharton is known as the birthplace of modern MBAs, and is one of the eight famous Ivy League schools in the United States. Its influence is no worse than Harvard, and it is absolutely qualified to be the birthplace of Facebook.

Just because of the large amount of buying Apple stock, Kaka has insufficient funds now. Although the development of the website has been almost completed, it will require a large amount of capital investment in the future. It is not his salary in AC Milan that can be affordable.

Harvard’s Facebook should be online around 2004, and Kaka only has a time advantage of about a year. If he can’t take advantage of this time to occupy the market quickly, he will face a strong challenge from Zuckerberg.

Of course, the most important thing is that here is the United States, and he is a Brazilian, so it is imperative to find a partner in the United States.

Silva’s efficiency is top-notch, and he has found a suitable candidate, but he also needs his boss to come to interview and make a decision in person.

The United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Silva picked up at the airport again.

“It looks good, BOSS.”

“You are not bad,” Kakala put on a seat belt. “It looks like the American girl is very enthusiastic, eh?”

“No, no, I still like Brazilian girls,” Silva launched his Cadillac. “That’s right, when it comes to this, I’ll tell you clearly first, don’t make me shameful tomorrow.”


“Well, that’s the meeting tomorrow, the other party may not be the same as you think.”

“Isn’t it your alumni?” Kaka’s face grinned, “Is it yours… well, what?”

“How is it possible?” Silva said. “I’m a few years younger than me. I’m now studying for a degree in economics at Wharton. What I said is not the same…Forget it, I’ll know it when I see it, or stay a little mysterious. I feel better, and I still look forward to your expression.”

“Yo? There are people in America who can scare me?”

The next day, Kaka was really scared.

Silva is very satisfied with Kaka’s expression, but he naively thought that what scared Kaka was the beauty of the other party and the height of 1.8 meters.

“Hello, Ricardo. Kaka, you can call me Kaka.”

“Hello, Mr. Kaka, this is Ivanka, Ivanka*.”

Comrade Chuan Jianguo, who is ingenious in every aspect, is surprisingly reliable in the issue of training his daughter. He only provides enough living expenses and education expenses. Ivanka had to work to earn pocket money since he was a child. After graduating, he went to Georgetown University to study, and two years later transferred to his father’s alma mater, Wharton Business School.

This is a real woman. Of course, it’s not a fool to say that she doesn’t rely on her family at all, but the investment vision is indeed very good. When Silva first started to invest, she paid attention and was very optimistic about the instant sharing website, so It was only this meeting.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Kaka, I feel you have a familiar face, have we seen it before?” Ivanka was obviously not less shocked than Kaka.

He could not have imagined that the big boss behind Silva turned out to be a big handsome guy who looked almost as big as himself.

South American rich second generation? It’s a bit like Kazakhstan.

“The first time I came to the United States, you should have seen me on TV,” Kaka said. “I am a football player.”

Silva quickly provided an assist. “Brazil won the World Cup last year. Kaka is the main player and the youngest player in that World Cup. Now playing for the Italian AC Milan team, it is one of the best football clubs in the world. One.”

“It turns out that way,” Ivanka smiled. “Sorry, I don’t pay much attention to football.”

“Nothing~www.mtlnovel.com~ Just like I don’t watch football, it’s understandable.”

“So, can you be more specific? Your instant sharing website project.”

“Does Miss* know anything about the Internet?”

“Professional understanding is certainly not possible, but it has indeed done a survey of the Internet market. I think our views should be consistent in this regard. I think the Internet will bring a worldwide revolution.”

“But many Internet companies are now bankrupt.”

“That’s only temporary,” Ivanka said. “I think the Internet industry has ushered in the opportunity to take off…”

The keynote of Ivanka’s description on the previous life network is beauty, beauty, ability and ability, and personality charm. The husband is a good child and the family is good. Except that his father is a two hundred and five, a proper life winner, it is over.

In Kaka’s view, these things are superb, and they are basically spliced ​​from second-hand Chinese materials. It is obviously unrealistic to want to meet someone through those things, but after real contact, I found that this American girl is still quite good, except Inevitably, some people do not eat fireworks and porridge, there are not so many sicknesses that make people sick.

The same business woman, Kardashian, Hilton or something, in front of Ivanka is not an order of magnitude.

In addition, the other party’s investment requirements are not excessive. After some bargaining, the tone of the cooperation has basically been settled. Of course, it is only an oral agreement. Commercial investment is very complicated, not just a few words, but many details. Perhaps, a seemingly insignificant clause in the contract can disturb a commercial cooperation.

After getting Apple and Facebook, Kaka’s business empire has basically taken shape. There is no need to be exhausted in this area. All you need to do in the rest of your life is to enjoy life and enjoy football.

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