I am Kaka

Chapter 180 - Who is the 1st midfielder in Serie A

In the 60th minute of the game, Kaka replaced Inzaghi and returned to the field after an interval of 20 days. AC Milan changed to 4321.

San Siro’s applause continued.

“Listen to this wave of applause. It took only half of the season for Kaka to conquer the most discerning fan in the world. His position in the hearts of Rosenners is ready to catch up with Maldini and Shev Qinke…”

After Inzaghi came off, the opposing Ferrara sighed with relief, while Davis and Tacinadi became a little nervous.

Kaka’s performance at Turin Stadium is still vivid, Lippi called Davis to the sidelines for the first time.

“Tougher, Edgar, make him afraid of you, he was just injured, he must be afraid of confrontation, do you know what I mean?”

“Relax, I know what to do.”

“Know what you need to do, don’t let him turn you into a clown.”

Davis nodded, his dark skin made him unable to see his expression clearly, his iconic glasses made him unable to see his eyes, but his first defense against Kaka made him see his determination.

“Pirlo’s accurate backcourt long pass, Kaka’s wonderful ball stop, football looks like sticky… Davis’s ferocious tackle! Kaka hid, but the football was broken, this is a very rough defense action……”

The shoveled ball went to Thuram’s feet, Davis stood up, without looking at Kaka, spit and ran away.

Juventus offense.

The football came to Camoranesi, he wanted to pass to Nedved, but was blocked by Gattuso, Nedved quickly rushed to steal, but Gattuso has already passed the ball to Pirlo, Pirlo passed to Costa on the left side of the frontcourt.

Kaka and Costa can be said to be double front waist, can also be said to be double forward, anyway, the two are left and right, mainly responsible for the midfield to the restricted area.

At this time, the tacit understanding that was often practiced together was manifested. As soon as Costa got the ball, Kaka ran into the penalty area, but Shevchenko in the penalty area ran out, and Juventus’ back line was suddenly ‘S transposition was caught off guard.

Rui Costa looked at Kaka, his right foot was straight, but it was Shevchenko.

Sheva ran forward with his back facing the goal, and it was easy to catch the ball head-on, but instead of stopping the ball, he swung his right foot behind his left foot, pushing the ball towards Kaka with the inside of his foot.

Davis used all his strength to squeeze Kaka’s receiving space, but Kaka still made a left foot shot during a high-speed run.

From a heads-up point of view, this round is barely a win or lose. Davis failed to stop Kaka’s shot, but because of his defense, Kaka’s shot failed to hit the force and failed to test Buffon. , Easily confiscate the ball.

After all, Kaka didn’t play for 20 days. During the healing period, he went around all over the place. He came back too quickly. Although his recovery is good, his feet are still a bit raw.

This Milan is considered to have really completed the reconstruction this season. Although there are many problems of various sizes, but on the whole it is going to the top. Pirlo and Costa are top passers in the midfield, and the team is far away. There is no such thing as the media implies that it is suffering from Kaka dependence, but Kaka does fill the most important piece of the puzzle. No one can replace the role in this team.

Speaking with statistics, Milan has scored 91 goals in all competitions this season, Kaka contributed 21 of them, and he has 18 assists, and many of these goals and assists are in the strong dialogue The completion is definitely a well-deserved big scene.

A group of old and weak sick in Milan in 2007, so Kaka’s thigh attributes are obvious. Almost one person carried the offensive banner of Milan. Now that the Milanese are strong, Kaka only needs to be a commando player, and often takes care of it. The last pass or the last shot, so his stats are pretty good, assists crush all midfielders, and the number of goals can also compete with most forwards.

Lippi also knew his importance, so he not only arranged for Davis to press tightly, but also asked Tazzinadi to help together. As long as Kaka was strangled, Milan’s offense could basically only go through the midfield pass forward shot That set is still very defensive.

Kaka’s fake thigh is still looking for a state, but the real thigh in Juventus, Nedved, is very aggressive and very active.

In the original time and space, this is a season of Nedved’s gods. Although there is only one Serie A champion and one Champions League runner-up in the honor book, the Czech Ironman won the Golden Globe at the end of the year against the background of his peers.

When people later commented on the golden ball, they often like to call Irving and Cannavaro the most water golden ball, but Nedved, who only scored 14 goals in the entire season, can escape, except in the Champions League. Nearly leading Juventus to the finals with his own strength, he was full of sorrow for being unable to participate in the accumulated yellow cards and earning a lot of sympathy. The Serie A champion’s aura is definitely not small.

The small World Cup is similar to “there is no regret in having a national championship career after winning the world championship.”

I don’t know if there is a real master in the midst, which makes Nedved feel the importance of this game to himself, and Juve midfield broke out.

Just after Kaka shot to no avail, Buffon threw the ball to Zambrotta and Juventus continued to attack from the side.

Zambrotta passed to Camoranesi, Camoranesi transferred the ball to the right, Thuram took the ball to the center line position, Gattuso rushed to intercept for the first time and kicked the ball out of the sideline.

Davis threw the ball quickly, Camoranesi stopped the ball in the chest and kicked to the frontcourt~www.mtlnovel.com~Nedved pressed Simić to give the ball to Piero.

Piero changed direction flexibly at the front of the penalty area and passed Nesta, but Nei Shao turned around quickly and stopped him at the cost of a foul.

This is a well-positioned free kick. The chance to score directly is even greater than Juventus’ first goal, so Dida attaches great importance and is preparing to greet his teammates to line up the wall. Who knows that Piero suddenly A free kick was sent quickly and the ball was gently transferred to Trezeguet.

This quick serve was obviously a temporary intention of Prince Zebra. Trezeguet didn’t expect it himself, but he didn’t see any panic. He adjusted his position before Karaze came to defend and shot at the right side of the penalty area.

When Dida wanted to save, it was too late. The team suddenly rushed out and kicked the ball in front of the goal.

The Milanese escaped, and the breath was just about to exhale. A muscular figure suddenly appeared at the football landing spot.

The right leg swings away, the blonde fluttering.

Football is like a rock, and it hangs at the dead end of the goal in an unprecedented attitude.

San Siro seemed to be quiet for a second, and then the crazy cheers broke out from the visiting team’s stand.

The voice of the DJ at the scene sounded slowly.

“In 69 minutes, the visiting team scored. Goal scorer: Nedved.”

“GOAL!!! Maldini’s assist, Nedved’s amazing long shot! This is a super world wave 35 meters away from the goal! This is a perfect long shot, strength, speed, The angle is impeccable!”

“Nedved scored twice, but Kaka, who was regarded as the savior by Milan fans, showed a downturn after playing. This first Serie A midfielder battle saw the upcoming answer.”

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