I am Kaka

Chapter 66 - The defender has no human rights

One of the biggest cups in life: youth is gone, acne is still there.

One of the biggest embarrassment of the human ball: the person has passed, the ball is still there.

Is experiencing this embarrassment called Mai Kong.

If a striker’s defense is unsuccessful, then everyone will choose to understand very generously, and even praise him for his attitude, because defense is not his job, and it is irresistible.

But if a defender’s breakthrough is unsuccessful, it must be blame and irony to greet him, because breakthrough is not a game he should play.

Is called surprise when it passes by, and it is called self-improvement when it fails to pass by.

And even more tragic is that if a defender is obsessed with attacking, his defense area will inevitably appear empty. At this time, if no one helps him to defend, the opponent is almost flat after the ball is broken.

Such as Argentina.

Is Romagnori.

His defensive ability is actually not very good, but the defender has scored, as long as the response is fast enough, good luck, Messi may be stopped by an unknown pawn.

Angelo was specially commissioned by Costonio, and he must always pay attention to the situation on his side when he stepped forward. Once Maicon was cut off, he would immediately make up the defense.

But as soon as he made up the area he was responsible for was empty.

Saviola has already entered the penalty area. This rabbit is famous. In recent days, they have heard the name and heard the ears have grown out of cocoons. It is really hard to say that leaving Anderson alone is impossible.

Just when Angelo hesitated, Romagnori had dribble the ball from the right side of the penalty area. Maicon was actively chasing back, but before he caught up, Romagnori had hung the ball to the goal. .

Although it is a high ball, obviously it is not expected that Saviola, who is not necessarily one meter seven, can use his head to compete for this ball, so this ball is actually passed to Saviola, the goal of football It was exactly half a meter in front of Saviola.

Saviola is a good choice whether to take a kick in the air or stop the ball first and then discuss it for a long time. The entire stadium that was still noisy at the moment seems to become a lot quieter at once.

Everyone clearly saw Saviola ’s left foot standing next to the football, and his right foot was swinging back. Seeing that it was a volley that stretched to the extreme, Anderson flew over and tried to put his right leg as far as possible. The ball stopped.

But Saviola’s shot was just a fake. When Anderson’s foot stretched out, he flicked it lightly, stopped and brought it to face Rubinho in an instant.

The Argentines on and off the court all screamed in surprise, but they soon saw a beast-like figure somehow approaching Saviola behind him, and hurried around when he had just buckled Anderson. The foot kicked the ball out of the bottom line and stumbled Saviola.

“Oh! Baptista arrived in time to save the Brazilian team from the death line. It is difficult to say that Saviola’s treatment was unreasonable, but we can understand his choice. For technical players, it’s more secure to pass everyone and then shoot instead of rushing a kick … “

Rinho, who was scared now, patted Baptista’s head gratefully, and glared at Macon with dissatisfaction.

Maikong touched his nose awkwardly and silently endured Rubinho’s eye attack.

The defender has no human rights.

When the assist or the shot is successful, the others cheer may not be smaller than him, and the guard with the knife, the offensive and defensive, etc. are called thieves loudly, but once the pretence fails, the people who call the most joy can’t wait to hang you up and fight .

Argentina’s corner kick.

Served by Rodriguez, the versatile frontcourt who will be the captain of Atletico after the transfer to Liverpool from Torres is still very green, and even a corner kick gives a soft and fluttering feeling.

This is of course an illusion.

Actually, the corner quality is very high. Although the speed is not fast, the route is very beautiful. It is easy to be hit by Herrera. Unfortunately, the header of the Argentine striker is really different. It was easily confiscated by Rubinho.

After playing together for so long, Rubinho has now reached some kind of tacit agreement with Kaka. After holding the ball, he looked at the front court for the first time.

Kaka is already running, but unfortunately the Argentinian has not relaxed his vigilance against him, Alca has already followed.

Rubinho had no choice but to throw the ball to the side and slowly organize the attack from the backcourt.

The target of his pass was Mai Kong. Obviously, the killing of the look just now was just a moment of emotional venting.

Maikong didn’t dread the ball because he lost a ball, and he didn’t know whether he was holding his usual heart or shamelessly before dribbling the ball along the right road again, and Romagnoli met again on a narrow road.

Angelo walked silently to the right while lying in the heart, but soon he was glad to find that his replacement became redundant.

Maikong didn’t overturn in the gutter this time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ successfully passed Romagnori, but he didn’t stick the ball anymore, but quickly transferred the ball to the left with a long pass.

Leo on the left jumped slightly and stopped the football that was about to fly out of the border with the inside of his right foot. After landing, his right foot was gently picked again. The football flew over the head of Dali Sandro and fell behind him. go with.

Leo was about to chase the ball, but Dali Sandro was forced out of the position, passing the ball to the half of Argentina.

Alaka, who was still defending against Kaka, rushed over to catch the ball, so the defensive player became Kaka.

Kaka’s defense, how to say, ah, very correct attitude.

So I lost my temper after being passed away.

“The Brazilian team’s first offensive ended in failure. Now it is Argentina’s counterattack. Alca broke through Kaka and passed it to Rodriguez. He will face Baptista, a very light change. , Baptista failed to stop the Argentine, the Brazil team is in danger. “

Maicon and Angelo were killed together, one cut off the pass between Rodriguez and Saviola, and one stepped forward to snatch.

Rodriguez was not at all chaotic. After pulling his sole, he turned around, turned his back to the goal of Brazil, and passed the ball back to Dali Sandro who came to support him.

This product was originally only a substitute midfielder in the Argentine team, but in the quarter-final match with the French team after the bench came out and conquered the head coach Pekerman with a perfect performance, and then both the semifinals and this final Sit in the main position.

Kaka knows this player, although he is not clear about his specific experience and technical characteristics, but remember his nickname.

The Wolfsburg people gave him the nickname of “big-headed giant”, and Chinese fans affectionately called him … big head.

It is a pity that there is no text and bad review.

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