I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 11


Chapter 11 Wang Family’s Doubt

But it was only a moment, when Lu Zhen walked towards the courtyard, the strangeness in his eyes disappeared and returned. Become the appearance of calm and composed.

There are six more uninvited guests in the yard.

A tall old man with squinting eyes and his gray hair combed into a big back stood in the middle of the courtyard with his hands behind his back, leisurely admiring the green scenery in the distance.

The old man was followed by two strangely dressed men.

One person wears a large black robe, even black gloves on both hands, and the face is also covered under the mask of evil spirits, and no skin on the whole body is exposed.

The other person wears sunglasses, the forehead above the sunglasses and the cheeks below wither like tree bark, showing a strange brown color, as if he is an old man with half of his body buried in the soil, just standing straight from it. From the perspective of a strong body, it is not the same.

The bald-headed couple was pinned to the ground by two men, and their heads were held down fiercely. No matter how hard they struggled, they could only make an embarrassing “wu wu” sound.

For the man who held them down, the two were as weak as children.

The bald-headed daughter was held in the arms of the old man, who was as thin as a monkey, and looked terrified. The tears on her cheeks were not dry, but she did not dare to cry.

Lu Zhen walked out of the room, glanced one after another over several people present, and finally stopped on the old man holding the little girl, his eyes were a little surprised.

The old man Bai’s abnormal face was flushed, looked towards Lu Zhen strangely said with a smile: “hehehe, youngster, didn’t expect to see Laozi? Ruyi Vigor, who fell in love with you, is not thinking of you for a moment!”

He gradually tightened his arms holding the little girl, as if to squeeze the little girl into his body, his expression was also Start to get crazy.

“The name is not in vain of Lu Family’s Ruyi Vigor, Lao Tzu’s internal organs are damaged, at least half a month can’t deal with others, it’s really amazing… Every time Lao Tzu’s internal organs hurt, Lao Tzu treats you I miss him a little more… ah, it’s a familiar taste!

” After so many years of debut, as long as I am willing to make a move, I can achieve my goal every time, but this time I almost missed… hehe, it doesn’t matter now… If you run away again, I will also gain something!”

The old man grinned, showing two rows of yellow teeth, picked up the little girl’s hand, and intoxicatedly inhaled the smell: “Yes Your taste! This time, I don’t come here for nothing… It’s so white and tender, it’s really…”

The big mouth bit down on the little girl’s forearm, and blood immediately flowed from the corner of the old man’s mouth , his expression became even more intoxicated.

The little girl cried out with a “wow”, her small body struggled desperately, but to no avail.

The bald couple also began to struggle, mouth He kept making vague voices.

Looking at the crazy old man, Lu Zhen’s expression was calm, but his pupils contracted slightly.

As soon as these people came to the ordinary person, they not only broke through The bottom line of the company was also stepped on his bottom line.

When he got into the bald car, he also didn’t expect the bald head to be implicated. Rarely does the fight involve the ordinary person.

didn’t expect Wang Family to act so recklessly.

“You’re going to die. “Lu Zhen said calmly.

The tone was light, and the statement seemed to be an undisputed fact.

“Haha, of course Lao Tzu will die!” The old man loosened and was bitten and bloodied His arms, the scarlet mouth opened exaggeratedly, “In this world, except for the legendary immortal, who can not die? “

“I will die naturally, but even if I die, I will only die after enjoying life to the fullest. Just like this white and tender arm, it will soon become Lao Tzu’s spoíls of war!”


“Now the youngsters are more confident than each other, which really makes us Old Guys feel ashamed. The big-backed old man has been looking at Lu Zhen with a smile, “Our Wang and Lu families have always been close together, I have always wondered, why are you youngster doing such a confused thing?” “

“The Lu Family declares that this matter has nothing to do with the Lu Family, and you did it privately. I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have not come up with your motives. Can you help me? ”

Lu Zhen looked towards the old man, his eyes were solemn, the old man put him under the greatest pressure of all.

The old man did not get an answer, nor was he annoyed, he lightly said with a smile: “Sure enough, it’s the taciturn youngster that Lu Family said. I also like you youngsters who focus on doing things and don’t talk nonsense. I didn’t want to care about the things between you youngsters, but this time you went too far. , only had to shamelessly do bullied the weak thing. “

“You remember, my name is Wang Xu, and I am the second grandfather of Wang Bing, who was beaten to death by you. If you can escape this time, you can come to trouble me.” ”

His voice was neither fast nor slow, in which there was great self-confidence, as if with Lu Zhen’s ability, in the face of these people, even the probability of escaping was not great.

“I won’t come to trouble you in the future. ”

Lu Zhen suddenly jumped up, grabbed the eaves with his backhand, bounced up, was already on top of the flat roof of the kitchen, and ran out quickly.

Surrounding the house On the periphery, the two closest to Lu Zhen’s breakout direction surrounded Lu Zhen who was running very fast.

Stomping on the edge of the roof with his right foot, flicking with one hand, blocked the two with flying gravel. For a moment, Lu Zhen simply got out of this not-so-tight encirclement.

But instead of feeling light, he felt heavier.

Since the other party didn’t try to surround him Dying here means that the other party is not afraid of him escaping, or that the other party is confident that even if he tries to escape, he will not be able to escape from the opponent’s palm.

However, Lu Zhen’s intention is not to escape.

“Youngster, where do you want to go? “Wang Xu’s voice sounded not far behind.

Lu Zhen was a little surprised. With the opponent’s speed, once locked on him, it was indeed difficult to have a chance to escape.

Out After arriving at the village, the national road when we came over, turned the direction several times, and came to a small hill with strange rocks.

Lu Zhen stood on the top of a stone and watched the group of people led by the old man quickly catch up.

Wang Xu stopped a few meters away from Lu Zhen, looked around, his eyes Squinting into a gap, he commented easily: “Is this the battle place you chose? It is suitable for your Lu Family Ruyi Vigor’s play. “

“I heard that your Ruyi Vigor and Splitting Sky Palm have both practiced quite well. Even the older generation in Lu Family may not be able to win you over.” ”

“You can achieve this level of cultivation at a young age, and it is absolutely impossible to do it without persevering in cultivation day by day. And at your current age, you have such a cultivation base, few of the younger generation in the Inhuman Realm can match it, and there is a lot to do in the future, so why should you die on such a barren mountain in vain? Didn’t you waste more than ten years of penance? “

Lu Zhen’s head was slightly tilted, and there was some doubt in his eyes, as if he was silently asking Wang Xu what he wanted to say.

Wang Xu said with a laugh after holding both hands.” I believe this matter is not simple, just think about it, why do you act on Wang Bing of my Wang Family for no reason on your own? “

“You don’t know Wang Bing, but you suddenly went to X city and caught Wang Bing. The motive is confusing, but it is this incomprehensible motive that makes me have to do more.” think. “

“If I know it well, you have never had a place in the Lu Family, and you haven’t even awakened to Bright Soul Technique, so why hide something for the Lu Family? As long as you tell the truth, I can guarantee that you can live. “

Lu Zhen said surprisedly: “Are you suspecting that Lu Family is actually instigating this? “

Wang Xu nodded: “It’s not me, it’s my Wang Family, otherwise I can’t explain the motives of your actions. You have been abandoned by the Lu Family now, and you managed to escape from the pursuit, so you didn’t get silenced. What’s the point of hiding it for you? “

“As long as you explain everything obediently and honestly, I will use the name of Wang Family as bailout, which will definitely save your life, and you will not be valued in the Lu Family, as long as you make a contribution this time, There is also the opportunity to join my Wang Family, and then learn the secret technique of my Wang Family, how refreshing is it to traverse the alien world? “

Although Wang Xu’s words sounded nice, Lu Zhen didn’t waver at all.

I don’t want to say whether there is a so-called conspiracy in this matter, the so-called life-saving and joining the Lu Family are empty words.

With Wang Bing’s bad character, once Lu Zhen is caught in his hands, it is impossible to leave him a second way except torturing Lu Zhen to death.

With Wang Bing’s status in Wang Ai’s heart, few people in Wang Family can refute Wang Bing’s will.

After saying that, Wang Xu is actually somewhat dreaded to Lu Zhen.

In case if you can persuade Lu Zhen, take Lu Zhen without hands, of course, is the best thing, but even if you can’t achieve this goal, you can let Lu Zhen have more options to think about, not As for the only way to die.

Who is more terrifying between an Inhuman who has only a dead end and his will is focused on the desperate fight, and an Inhuman who is half-hearted and distracted in battle?

Of course it is the former.

Wang Xu inherited Wang Ai’s character, smiling on the surface, but actually gloomy, even in the face of a youngster, he is not at all careless.

( End of this chapter)

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