I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 13


Chapter 13 Injury

“Lu Zhen, I have to admit, there is no youngster in my Wang Family who can compare to you, Not only my Wang Family, how many youngsters in the Inhuman world can match you?”

Wang Xu looked at Lu Zhen in admiration.

“There are some things I don’t like to say too much, but for your sake, I am willing to make an exception. As long as you are willing to tell the truth, I can let you join my Wang Family and block the pressure of the Lu Family for you. Even if you tear up your face with the Lu Family.”

“You don’t have to worry about Wang Bing. When the Wang Family does not involve the core interests of the family, you can let him mess around. Once family interests are involved, what does Wang Bing count as? For the family, not only Wang Bing, Wang Family is not worth mentioning.”

If what Wang Xu said before was not sincere, but Now anyone can hear the sincerity in the words.

Lu Zhen kept his breath in silence, without any signs of wavering, as if all his five senses had been closed, and there was only a resolute thought of death in his heart.

The blood from the corners of his mouth kept flowing, dripping down a dark red mark on his clothes, but he didn’t feel the slightest pain in the back when he was hit, only numbness.

A very gloomy aura came along with the yin spirit, and as soon as it eroded into his meridian flesh, he lost consciousness where he was hit.

Although the Spirit Physique, who will be summoned by the lingering force, is silent, it is also not traceable.

As long as Spirit Physique appears, that gloomy atmosphere, the extreme coldness that makes people like falling in a ice hole can’t be concealed.

It’s just that Wang Xu shot too fast, and the timing was just right. When Lu Zhen felt the gloomy aura approaching, he could no longer avoid it.

Up to now, the surrounding tens of meters have been plunged into the terrifying cold, and the traces of Yin spirits cannot be concealed at all.

The surrounding fog was slowly shrinking inwards, and Lu Zhen had a hunch that when he was completely plunged into the fog, something extremely unfavorable would happen, so he didn’t have much time.

Wang Xu was neither in a hurry nor angry, and continued: “Lu Zhen, as a member of the Lu Family, you should know that the Wang Family has one of the eight magic skills, and this is a great deal to the alien world. For many forces, it’s not a secret, you see…”

He spread his right palm, and the Spirit Physique in front of him stretched as he wished, like a stretched noodle , entered his palm and turned into a dark sphere.

“This is the power of terrifying generals. You can’t imagine its terrifying without having practiced the Eight Magical Techniques.”

“Your Lu Family has Bright Soul Technique, but it’s a pity The ability of Innate’s awakening is not for everyone, but as long as I have aptitude, everyone in my Wang Family can learn it.”

“As long as you are willing to join my Wang Family , and make enough credit, I can guarantee that you will learn this skill, even if you are a foreigner.”

Wang Xu has never seen the eight strange skills that are not owned. Those who are tempted, not to mention the eight amazing skills that can be obtained.

He thought that as long as he said this, at least Lu Zhen would be surprised, but in his eyes, Lu Zhen who was standing there was always silent, and there was no slight change in expression. .

It seems like a stubborn stone standing in the river, no matter how vast the water is, Yu Lu Zhen can’t shake it.

Wang Xu felt a little strange in his heart. At his age, he has faced opponents many times, but this is the first time that a youngster like this can’t get in.

By this time, he already knew that no matter how much he said, it would be of no use, and only pure killing intent remained in his heart.

Taking a breath, Lu Zhen made the first move without saying a word.

The man in the sunglasses pushed away with two palms, and flashed in front of the black robe man like a ghost. Taking advantage of his weakness, he succeeded in a moment, and the hole in his chest was enlarged in half, becoming A terrifying wound that almost cuts through the chest.

But it has no effect on the movements of the black robe man.

Lu Zhen has seen that most of the black robe man’s body is a puppet, or the product of some kind of refining device.

And under the black robed man’s wide black robe, someone else should be manipulating this thing that looks like a human, but the other party is very strict in this aspect and does not give him a chance to hurt the manipulator .

A few times he almost succeeded by taking his punches or palms with unimportant parts.

The man in sunglasses is already close.

Lu Zhen threw away the black robe man who was suppressed by him, and used the complicated terrain and Splitting Sky Palm to deal with the sunglasses man.

The man in sunglasses has strange methods and is defenseless. He is the opponent he is most unwilling to hit hard, but even if he keeps using the terrain to dodge the man in sunglasses, he will inevitably inhale that kind of man in sunglasses. The strange fragrance emanating from his body made his heart irritate.

Based on the cultivation base of his state of mind, he can temporarily control the distracting thoughts of this level, so as not to have too much influence on his actions and choices.

But once he inhales too much, beyond what he can bear, in this situation, it will definitely lead him to uncontrollable madness.

And both the man in sunglasses and the man in black robe can enter and exit the fog, as long as they feel the pressure, they can retreat into the fog, which makes Lu Zhen helpless.

Although the side was a big rock, it made Lu Zhen feel the gloomy cold emanating from the Yin spirit.

He used Splitting Sky Palm to the fullest, the palm wind whistled in the field, withered branches and leaves flew, and temporarily repelled the man in sunglasses and the man in black robe, and even the shrinking mist was blown by the palm wind. Gotta expand.

The yin spirit passed through the stone and rushed towards Lu Zhen.

This yin spirit can be virtual or real, and it can pass through real objects at will between the transformation of virtual and real. For the fighting opponent, you can’t guard against it, it is an extremely distressing opponent.

That’s why Wang Xu let Lu Zhen choose the fighting place.

The suitable place for Ruyi Vigor to play must be the place with many obstacles, and in this place it is like a fish back in water for Yin spirits, which is more suitable, but can take advantage of its own advantages, Turn this place into Lu Zhen’s prison, so that Lu Zhen himself is bound.

Taking the palm of the Yin spirit, Lu Zhen’s right hand shook uncontrollably. The same cold aura penetrated into the flesh and the meridian from the part that touched the Yin spirit, and spread rapidly, causing him The right hand also felt stiff.

Without corresponding means to restrain Yin spirits, Lu Zhen could only rely on the Qi in his body to resist.

Lu Zhen wouldn’t feel so troublesome if he faced a Yin spirit alone, but in addition to the Yin spirit, there were two opponents who glare like a tiger watching his prey, so he had to split up. Mind to pay attention.

Each of these three people is an opponent that needs to be taken seriously by Lu Zhen.

It is normal to feel overwhelmed.

The Yin Spirit is extremely fast, even faster than Lu Zhen, and has freedom of movement, and it is almost impossible to take advantage of the environment to avoid it.

Even if it can be avoided, the dreary and cold aura that come with the ghosts are always lingering around, not just in name only, but also in reality everywhere, with no opportunity, It is eroding Lu Zhen’s body from time to time.

With just a few tricks, Lu Zhen’s hands were obviously stiff, and even his lips had turned purple.

Even at this disadvantage, Lu Zhen’s expression didn’t change much, he just dealt with every move of his opponent earnestly, as if he didn’t feel at all about the defeat he had already seen. fear.

“Kill him as soon as possible!” The expression of Wang Xu outside had become serious, and the offensive of the Yin spirit who felt his mind was a little faster, which made Lu Zhen feel even more difficult.

In the violent fight, Lu Zhen’s body suddenly stopped, and in the blind spot between the man in sunglasses and Wang Xu’s vision, he punched a protruding gray rock.

“Be careful!” A shrill cry came from the black robe man’s wide black robe.

Lu Zhen’s movements were secretive and fast, and the flying branches and dust blocked his sight. When the black robe man found out, it was actually too late. As soon as his words came out, the man in sunglasses had already been knocked out by Ruyi Vigor.

The surrounding fog was like a poisonous snake, drifting all around, and the fog circle quickly became thin and almost collapsed.

But at this time, Lu Zhen had no energy to pay attention to these changes. When he punched, he was hit in the shoulder, knocking half of his body completely unconscious.

Lu Zhen flew out almost at the same time as the man in sunglasses and smashed into a pile of gravel.

The room fell into silence for a while.

The man in sunglasses climbed up with difficulty, retreated out of the fog, slumped on the ground, said with a bitter smile: “Hey, Ruyi Vigor is strong enough… Master Xu, is that guy dead?”

“I can’t fight anymore, I can help you maintain the fog at the most, this guy, this guy… It’s really amazing, the Inhuman world is really talented… The three besieged a youngster who was not at all famous, He was also beaten up like this, saying that he wanted to… laugh to death…”

“He’s not dead yet, but it won’t be easy either.” Wang Xu looked at the pile of gravel, Reminds, “You don’t move, Ruyi Vigor is very difficult.”

(End of this chapter)

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