I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 135


Chapter 135 The Battle of XLGL, The Way of the Heavenly Master (Part 1)

“Many years…” Old Heavenly The Master stood on the endless grassland with memories in his eyes, “When the old man came here, he was still a hairless brat. Back then, the place was not so peaceful, and chaos could be seen everywhere, and the world changed after several decades. ”

Lu Zhen looked at the blue sky and green grass, took a long breath, and felt that the fatigue accumulated during the few days of travel had been swept away, and the dull thinking and the qi in the dantian became active. stand up.

“The sky is high and the earth is wide, and it makes people’s mind open. The Northland is indeed a good place to travel.” Lu Zhen said with a smile, “If there is a chance, Junior would like to go to more places in the future. The north has seen the world that has been frozen all the year round, and dealt with polar bears for a few days.”

“Surviving alone all the year round, tempering oneself with the cold and loneliness, this way is consistent with the philosophy of Buddhism and the crying cultivator in the west.”

Consistently, although my Taoist sect also pays attention to hermitage, I don’t advocate mutilating my body after all.” The old Heavenly Master said with a smile, “It’s good to go to see and broaden your horizons, but if you don’t travel all over the world, how can you know what the world is? What does it look like? People often live in their own narrow Small World, and the concepts formed are only their own narrow prejudices, so seniors also like to travel the world.”

“The transportation is much more developed now than in ancient times. , it is very convenient to go anywhere, so it is much more convenient to travel than before, and the threshold is not so high.”

“However, as the sage said, those who live in isolation, who are either gods or beasts, don’t go. To the extreme.”

The old Heavenly Master shook the head: “You are still young, and there is always a state of restlessness on your body. It should be noted that some things only take time to disappear. The so-called haste brings no success, that’s what it means.”

Lu Zhen listened silently.

Zhao Huanjin, who was urinating everywhere, interjected: “Youngster is not just pursuing a quick one? Listen… say, when you were young, your mouth was a quick one. As long as you know, those Martial Uncle teachers It doesn’t take a long time to know.”

The old Heavenly Master glanced at Zhao Huanjin: “There is a family in the north that claims to be directly descended from the neck. You can tell the difference between the strong and the weak, you leave such obvious traces here, maybe someone will come to you to join you later, you can choose to stay here to eat soft rice, or not go back to Dragon Tiger Mountain.”

“How dare you!” Zhao Huanjin lifted his pants, hehe laughed, “If you want to talk about powerhouse, you have to…”

The old Heavenly Master’s face turned black, and he slapped Zhao Huanjin, who was smirking. Shoot to the ground.

“Ai, what a sin, how could this old man accept such a Disciple from you.”

Old Heavenly Master sighed, stepping into the emerald green grass wafting in the wind.

The flocks in the distance came from far to near. Driven by a few horse-riding herdsmen, grandiose passed in front of the old Heavenly Master and Lu Zhen, and the momentum was amazing.

With the shouts of the herdsmen, the flock gradually moved away.

Across from where the sheep passed, seven or eight people quickly approached the old Heavenly Master.

The one in the front is a short, grey-white old lady, whom Lu Zhen doesn’t know.

And everyone behind the old lady is famous in the world of aliens, and stomp can make the world of aliens shake with great characters – Lu Ci, Lu Jin, Chen Jinkui, Mu You, Wang Ai, and Feng Zhenghao!

In addition to Na Ruhu, Guan Shihua and Xie Monk Kong, all seven other than the Ten Brothers were present!

Outside the old Heavenly Master two zhang, everyone stood still and looked at the old Heavenly Master with different expressions.

“Do you know what you’re doing?” Lu Jin spoke first with his hands in his pockets, “Old Zhang, stop it! It’s good for you and everyone!”

The old Heavenly Master laughed: “Since I’ve already come here, and the gang of bastards are coming soon, you actually told me to stop it? This hand is stretched out, and it doesn’t achieve its purpose, how can I get it back?”

Lu Jin finally broke the merit and said furiously, “Do you know what you are doing?! Sober up! Don’t make any more mistakes, or what will happen to you!”

“Don’t be impatient.” The old lady standing at the front waved her hand and opened her eyes wide, looking towards the old Heavenly Master, “You also know that the purpose of the company is to maintain order, and the reason for the existence of Holiness is well known to us. Ming, then on this matter, the company’s attitude is also very clear, I hope you can stop and don’t make any mistakes.”

“Zhao Fangxu said something arrogant, but it was used to express the company’s handling. The way is the most appropriate – whoever does things, the company does whoever! If you don’t want to stop, you will have to weigh the consequences yourself.”

The old Heavenly Master’s expression remained the same: “After doing this I’ll let the company handle the matter.”

The old lady sighed helplessly: “If you want to seek revenge on Gong Qing, why be so rude? Just tell us, and the company can help you take down Gong Qing, As long as you can stop.”

Wang Ai laughed behind the old lady, leaning on crutches: “Old Heavenly Master, as long as you stop, Wang Family can help you deal with Gong Qing just like the company. “

“It’s just a Gong Qing, why is it worth your troubles?” The tall Chen Jinkui touched his bald head and said with a smile, “Isn’t this just making the guy’s face out of thin air? You old man Just say a word, who of us dare not give you some face?”

Mu You, who was standing at the far side, said: “You just need to go back to Dragon Tiger Mountain, Jianghu Inn will be within half a month. , you can definitely find the trace of Gong Qing, no matter where he hides, but if you go on your own way, the consequences will be very serious!”

Lu Ci smiled and looked at the head: “Old Heavenly Master, a foreigner. The world can’t be chaotic yet, it’s good for everyone when you go back.”

Feng Zhenghao stood at the end in a low-key manner and did not speak.

The old Heavenly Master was silent.

The light wind lowered the grass tip and swept everyone’s clothes, and the atmosphere became heavier and heavier.

The old lady said again: “Since you don’t want to stop, can you explain the whole story clearly and let everyone know where is your difficulty?”

Lu Jin gnashing teeth said: “Don’t use revenge as a perfunctory, which one here is not a human being, and which one doesn’t know you Zhang Zhiwei for several decades? Who you are, everyone knows it!”

“If you have difficulties Just say it, in case… if Quanxing is really a must-kill, then why should I, Lu Jin, support you?”

Wang Ai whispered: “You can’t say that, what can you do now? The reason can kill the whole nature? Once the whole nature is destroyed, the Inhuman world will not be messed up?”

Lu Ci agreed: “Pharaoh said something human.”

Wang Ai squinted Lu Ci, coldly snorted.

The old Heavenly Master bowed his head, never saying a word, no one knew what he was thinking.

The old lady sighed again: “Old Heavenly Master, if you don’t stop and tell the truth, then things will be difficult.”

Wang Ai, Chen Jinkui , Mu You, Wang Ai looked at each other in blank dismay and looked back.

Lu Ci looked at the old Heavenly Master and stopped talking.

Feng Zhenghao’s expression is unknown.

“I don’t know what you want to do, but I really don’t want you to go wrong.” Lu Jinalone walked to the front, “We all came from troubled times, and we know that this kind of pattern does not come easily. , once you let go and do it, the alien world will immediately fall into turmoil, and you, Zhang Zhiwei, are the culprits!”

“Since we have rules ahead, you should take the rules into consideration when doing things. , if you really have a last resort, you can get it on the surface and say, if you have to eliminate the whole nature, I believe most people will support you, but what kind of stupid things are you doing now?!”

dantian As the Qi circulated, Lu Jin’s skin quickly faded, lost all color, and turned pale, even his eyes became as pale as thanks.

The invisible Qi spread out from Lu Jin’s body, and with it as the center, the force scraped the weeds outwards and fell to the ground, forming a big circle.

The huge imposing manner made even Lu Zhen, several meters away, feel the pressure from the pavement.

“This is the 3rd-layer of rebirth?” Lu Zhen closed his eyes and felt the flow of Qi on Lu Jin’s body.

Generally speaking, for ordinary aliens, even when exercising, Qi and body do not interfere with each other.

Qi walks between meridians, the body is still the body.

But Lu Jin, who is in the 3rd-layer state of rebirth, is completely different.

After he was transported, his body actually had a certain degree of qi transformation, and it seemed that he was about to return to an Innate qi. It was almost indistinguishable from the pure qi in his body.

At the birth of a human being, Innate’s Qi is transformed into limbs and bones.

Following the law of nature, there is no escape from death, but there is a glimmer of survival…

Lu Zhen opened his eyes, his eyes were burning.

The 3rd-layer of Inversion is really extraordinary. If you reach the highest level, you can completely reverse your physical body back to Innate Qi, and cultivate it to the rumored highest realm. What kind of style will it be? But how dangerous is it?

The soul and consciousness reside on the body. If the body is completely transformed, what changes will the soul and consciousness have? Will it live in the body of Qi Hua and emerge?

What kind of eclosion is the 3rd-layer cultivation to the highest realm?

All kinds of doubts flashed past, and Lu Zhen felt a little sorry for Lu Jin.

What happened once several decades ago will happen again…

“Hey, be confident…” Wang Ai looked towards Chen Jinkui, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune,” Jin Kui, do the math, how many tricks can Lao Lu support?”

Chen Jinkui said with a bitter smile: “Do you really look down on me? It’s really impossible to calculate, but I have to support it no matter what. Dozens of tricks, right? Or, you can also go up and compete with Master Heavenly and support Old Master Lu?”

“Hehe, my old bones are useless.” Wang Ai thumped He beat his waist, “If you go up, you have to be able to fight.”

Lu Ci said directly: “If I can’t beat it, I can’t beat it. I’ll be honest. I’m worried that I will be slapped on the spot and humiliated.”

Chen Jinkui said with a smile: “One of the best two heroes, it’s not shameful to fight! Oh, it’s about to start! Laozi Lu can’t stop the old Heavenly Master, we’re here for nothing today…”

“Old Lu, I’m sorry, we have fought countless times over the years…” The old Heavenly Master raised his head and looked towards Lu Jin, “Today, I’m not in the mood to spend with you.”

In the evening There is one more chapter, today is two chapters of 6,000 words. If you owe it, take your time and organize your thoughts.

In the future, except for the number of updates owed, or the explosion, it is usually 6,000 words.

It’s really hard to write, and it’s not fast to write…

I have something to do this morning, so I have to code the code until now, and try to send the first chapter on time at eleven o’clock from tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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