I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 166


Chapter 166 Five Qi Towards The Origin’s Second Realm

“This is…”

Suddenly bloody I saw a thing, Lu Zhen pupils shrank.

Stepping across the broken bones, he reached out and picked up a photo that had been blood-dyed into red.

Carefully wiped off the blood on it, he looked at the photo for a long time and was speechless.

It wasn’t until he heard footsteps that he quietly put the photo away.

“Dead? skeleton doesn’t exist?”

Wang also took the lead in approaching the scene full of debris and blood, looking at Lu Zhen’s eyes with horror.

“You killed it?”

Wang Zhenqiu and Hei Guan’er looked towards Lu Zhen in a strange way.

What kind of ruthless is this, that can smash people to crumbs all over the floor?

“I didn’t kill it.”

The black and yellow Erqi slowly dissipated, the diving light in both eyes disappeared, and the pressing imposing manner was then disappeared, revealing Lu Zhen’s slightly pale face and clear eyes as always.

“Didn’t you kill it? Did you blow yourself up like this?” Wang also hissed, “You really know how to play…”

After looking at the scene carefully, he frowned again Asked: “This way of dying is a bit of a mystery, did you see her die with your own eyes?”

“You saw it with your own eyes.” Lu Zhen looked at the blood stained on the clothes, nodded, “But I It doesn’t feel right.”

Not only did Qu Tong die easily, but these people who died in Biyou Village were not even traumatic for Qu Tong, more Also hidden behind the scenes.

How to explain this scene?

It can only be said that it is worthy of Qu Tong, whether it is life or death, people cannot ignore it.

“It’s too sudden, she seems to be performing a performance from the beginning, the purpose is to eventually die in front of you.” Wang also said solemnly, “Not only did things not become simple, but It’s getting more and more complicated.”

Lu Zhen looked towards Wang Ye: “What else did you see in Ma Xianhong’s fate?”

Wang also touched his neck “I know that in Ma Xianhong’s life, there is a woman who has a great influence on him. If he wants to live a stable life, he’d better stay away from this woman.”

“I didn’t quite understand the meaning of it at first, but after talking to you, I saw this woman here again today, and I completely understood the fate of Ma Xianhong I saw.”

“If Qu Tong is really dead, then it means that the woman you are talking about is someone else.” Lu Zhen said, “But if Qu Tong is not dead… After you recover, you can give Ma Xianhong another guess.”

“Ai, this matter has become… the future trajectory has also become a mess.” Wang also sighed helplessly, “I am also unable to do divination right now, but you can try to confirm whether Qu Tong is dead or not, Anyway, I’m a little uneasy.”

“Just now I can be sure that this matter is so involved, it’s absolutely impossible to end it so easily.”

Lu Zhen didn’t say anything about it. , looked towards the wound on Wang Ye’s neck, and suddenly said: “When Ma Xianhong was dragged in Biyou Village, no one could hurt you to such a degree… If you don’t know where the trouble comes from, maybe you can think about it. The problem of the Eight Magic Skills.”

“If it wasn’t for the older generation, except for the Inheritors of the Eight Magic Skills, I can’t think of anyone with such a high cultivation base.”

“Eight Strange skills…” Wang was also stunned.

Lu Zhen turned around and waved his hand: “This time, you have helped me once again. If you need, you can contact me.”

“Slow!” Wang Zhenqiu suddenly stretched out his hand, Stand in front of Lu Zhen.

Lu Zhen stopped, looked towards Wang Zhenqiu and Hei Guan’er, with some doubts in his clear eyes.

This matter should be called Zhang Chulan to come here… Complaining in the heart, Wang Zhenqiu said with a smile: “The matter here is over halfway through, and it’s just about the end, there are some things I want to talk to you about. Make it clear.”

“First of all, this Qu Tong died here, and our company will dispose of her body together to see if we can uncover the mystery of his life through modern technology.”

“She has always been mysterious, and few people even know her origin. Through modern technology, she may be able to gain something.”

Lu Zhen said lightly: “As you wish, but once there I hope you will inform me immediately of what you have achieved.”

With the advancement of technology, there may be some unexpected gains.

“Of course, she died in your hands, and you will be notified of any news.” Wang Zhenqiu said hesitantly, “There is one more thing, the company hopes that after this incident, you can Come with us to the company headquarters to be reviewed.”

“Review?” Lu Zhen raised his hand, and there was a dimine light in his eyes, “I don’t accept the company’s arrangement, are you ready to do it?”


The atmosphere that had just been relieved by the death of Qu Tong, the secret mastermind, became depressed again.

Heiguaner lowered his arms and his expression became alert

Lu Liang also carefully distanced himself from Heiguaner.

In the context of Qu Tong’s lack of even a single intact body, Wang Zhenqiu was a little flustered and said quickly: “You know, Biyou Village is very sensitive, especially when it comes to Hundred Refinements, one of the eight wonders, and a body-slim furnace, needless to say that this thing is destructive to the balance of the population, so in principle, anyone should go to the company headquarters for review.”

“The company will not allow Hundred Refinements to be rumored, and it will not allow the existence of the body-cultivating furnace.”

“Also, this has happened until now, and it has implicated so many people, one Tao Shan Gong, A Chai Yan, especially Chai Yan, is still the tiger-like master of the Ten Brothers, and now Qu Tong of Yaoxing Society is dead here again…”

Pointing to the blood all over the ground, Wang Zhenqiu continued. : “This is not an ordinary person, but the president of Yaoxing Club, one of the two largest intelligence forces in the Inhuman Realm. Well, through her medical ability, she has won over a lot of foreigners, and her influence is extraordinary.”

“Now she simply died in Biyou Village, in this barren mountain. If there is no reasonable explanation, I don’t know how many rumors and shocks will occur in the Inhuman world.”

“However, the company is still in the dark about this matter, and has no idea what happened. , so you need to go to the company headquarters and explain everything clearly, I don’t think it’s too much.”

“As I just said, anyway, the company has something to do with you in this matter. Help, oh, to put it a bit harsher, you took advantage of the company, so there should be a clear explanation.”

Lu Zhen didn’t speak.

Wang Zhenqiu and Hei Guaner were a little nervous.

After a while, Lu Zhen said: “I won’t go to your company’s headquarters, but I can make it clear and I won’t hide what I can say. If the company is sure, try to force me Go to the headquarters.”

Hearing this, Wang Zhenqiu instead relaxed: “This matter has nothing to do with us, the task of Biyou Village has been theoretically completed by now, so I am just a middleman now. , After this matter is over, Director Zhao will talk to you in person.”

“I hope you can stay out of our sight for the time being, and leave Biyou Village after talking with Director Zhao. Whether it is to go to the headquarters with us, or to go alone, after all, this must be made clear with the company.”

Lu Zhen nods: “I will wait.”

Zhang Chulan’s voice suddenly came from outside the woods.

“Wang Zhenqiu, hurry back! This bastard wants to take away Ma Xianhong!”

Hei Guan’er glanced at Lu Zhen, and ran towards Zhang Chulan first.

Hearing the voice, it was obvious that Xia Liuqing saw that the Biyou Village incident was over, and wanted to interrogate Ma Xianhong and find out the location of the missing grandmother Jinfeng.

“…death old fogey!” Wang Zhenqiu scolded, while running back in a hurry, he shouted to Lu Zhen, “The company doesn’t want to have any conflicts or misunderstandings with you, so no matter what you have Any ideas, it is best to talk to President Zhao in person.”

Seeing Wang Zhenqiu’s back disappearing, Lu Zhen nods to Zhuge Qing: “many thanks.”

” I didn’t do anything, what’s there to thank? I just ran up the mountain to watch a lively event.” Zhuge Qing narrowed his eyes and said, “I have to say, it’s really a worthwhile trip.”

Lu Zhen laughed, looked back at the blood on the ground, and walked out of the woods.

Lu Liang, who was hesitant to speak, quickly followed behind Lu Zhen.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Zhen said simply: “I didn’t get any useful news.”

Lu Liang was a little disappointed, but immediately cheered: “Even if it is not confirmed that Lu Huan’s death is It’s not related to this Qu Tong, at least we have confirmed that this Qu Tong really knows Bright Soul Technique! My grandfather will definitely be interested!”

“But now that someone dies, not only Lu Huan has no direction for investigation. , I can’t even investigate why Qu Tong has Bright Soul Technique…”

He lowered his voice: “It seems that the company attaches great importance to the magic machine Hundred Refinements and those slim furnaces, they don’t Dare to force you to go to the headquarters to participate in some audit, but I may not be able to escape.”

“Contact Lu Family.” Lu Zhen glanced at the sky, “Tell Lu Family about Qu Tong, and Lu Family will intervene. , you take this opportunity to return to the Lu Family.”

“Once the Lu Family intervenes, it will check and balance with the company, the company will not let the magic machine Hundred Refinements spread, and the Lu Family will not When you spit out what you get, you should finally reach a balance on your body, and naturally the Lu Family will pay more attention to you.”

“As for how much you can get from the magic machine Hundred Refinements, it depends on You have your own perception.”

“Besides, let me remind you one more thing.”

Lu Zhen turned her head, although the look towards Lu Liang didn’t change much, but The voice has become serious: “Don’t tell anyone about what you saw on Dragon Tiger Mountain, I’m talking about anyone, including everyone in the Lu Family, even… Master.”

“I understand.” Lu Liang solemnly nodded, “Unfortunately, it is still unclear how much this matter has to do with the death of Qu Tong and Lu Huan, and the grandfather may not be willing to continue to investigate.”

Lu Zhen shook the head: “I asked you to come out of the Lu Family, isn’t that the reason for investigating this?”

Lu Liang smiled awkwardly, and was silent for a while, then suddenly said: “You told me so much, you… Still not willing to go back to the Lu Family?”

“I still have work to do.” Lu Zhen said.

Outside the woods, the unconscious Ma Xianhong was already with swords drawn and bows bent.

Xia Liuqing and Wang Zhenqiu are spitting at each other.

Zhang Chulan and Hei Guan’er were watching the smiling Barron on guard.

Seeing Lu Zhen walk out, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Facing Zhang Chulan nodded, Lu Zhen walked past several people.

Until Lu Zhen’s silhouette was completely disappeared, everyone relaxed at the same time.

Wang Zhen pointed at Xia Liuqing and continued to spray.

Tao Shangong is dead, Chai Yan is in a coma, Elijah and the youngster who came with Tao Shangong were blocked by one after another company employee who went up the mountain to support them, and they are on their way down the mountain.

The fire in Biyou Village has been put out, but the original harmonious village scene has disappeared, replaced by a scorched ruins.

The green crops in the fields are floating, and the insects are still singing, but the villagers who listened to the insects have disappeared.

Perhaps, it will take many years before people continue to come here to listen to the insects.

Walking through the scorched and smelly village, passing by several employees who were searching for the villagers, and those employees were very wary of him and Lu Zhen.

Standing on the ridge and listening to the frogs croaking for a while, Lu Zhen returned to his residence.

The place where he lived was originally remote, so Feng Baobao didn’t put it here when he set fire everywhere. Later, the village ignited a fire, and it did not affect his residence.

Opening the door, Lu Zhen turned back and looked towards Lu Liang who was following: “Help me at the door, don’t let anyone come in to disturb me before I come out.”

Lu Liang was a little worried: “Your face is getting more and more ugly, are you… alright?”

“It’s nothing, just a little backlash from the secret technique.”

Lu Zhen walked into the room and closed the door with her backhand, her expression suddenly changed.

Yose, anxiety, fear and all kinds of emotions suddenly hit his face like changing faces.

Lu Zhen, who has never had many emotions, has shown several expressions one after another in just a few seconds, making him look a little weird.

The dantian Qi that was forcibly suppressed fell into a state of disorder in an instant, and the kidneys and spleen felt a burning sensation at the same time, as if flames were burning the two internal organs.

In the Upper Dantian, the slowly turning black and yellow Erqi fell into chaos at the same time, in a state of collapse, filling the entire Upper Dantian.

The black and yellow in his eyes alternated, his consciousness struggled to maintain clarity amid the burst of irrational emotions, Lu Zhen sat on the floor by the door.

He had a strange delusion, as if as long as he took one more step or moved a little more, Upper Dantian’s black and yellow Erqi would overflow from the dantian like water in a bucket.

The five senses were weakened, and the sound of insects outside turned into a weird, elongated torrent in Lu Zhen’s ears.

He felt a biting coldness out of thin air, as if he had been immersed in the bottom of a big river of unknown depth. Such a low water temperature made his consciousness also feel a sense of trembling.

The body kept sinking. Even though he had never seen the sand at the bottom of the river, Lu Zhen had a strange feeling – he was being swallowed by the sand.

This feeling made him terrified, all kinds of thoughts and anxiety like a vigorous flame, constantly burning the reason in his consciousness.

He tried his best to maintain the last bit of sanity, but he couldn’t control his sinking body.

“After the spleen is stimulated, once the forcibly suppressed backlash erupts… Really terrifying. ”

Lu Zhen clearly knows that there is no river or sand here, all of which are the backlash brought by him after he stirred up his temper with the immortals of the earth, and presented in his consciousness.

Once he can’t resist this sinking state, he will sink into the irrational emotions of worry and anxiety.

But no matter how he reminds himself, he can’t get rid of the present The state of mind.

“The spleen’s ambition and worry” is also related to the mind. After successfully arousing the temper, it also makes the worry riot, and produces anxiety.

In fact, he The calamity of fear has not been fully passed, and the consciousness is floating in the sea of fear and has not seen the other side, and coupled with the calamity of worry after arousing his temper, it will lead to a bad state where he has no resistance to the catastrophe.

“The limbs are not moving, but the mind is in the spleen.” After he stimulated his temper, his mind was fixed, his strength was persistent, and his control of strength was improved to a new level, which is why he became a big player in Ruyi Vigor’s cultivation base. It has improved.

When his temper was aroused, he also disturbed the old farmer’s qi group, so he could temporarily suppress the backlash of his temper.

With the old farmer’s qi group in the group Will, control the Five Qi Towards The Origin after the two qi is generated, and reach his strongest state, so that he can cope with the coming Qu Tong and other troubles with ease.

If only use primordial Gu to stimulate the old farm workers He is not sure that he will surpass Qu Tong’s strength before.

After seeing Qu Tong’s strength, Lu Zhen thinks his judgment is correct…

After he gets through this calamity completely, at least after getting used to this calamity, his strength will still improve a little.

Now his “Ima” is running out of control after being suppressed. However, once he can resist the backlash and really restrain the “Yima”, his ability to control the force can be further improved, and Ruyi Vigor can also become stronger.

In addition, using land to move Immortals to stimulate the Qi of the spleen seems to have caused some changes in the immortals, but he has not had time to study the specific changes.

Of course, after stimulating the Qi of the spleen, the more important thing is The changes caused to Lu Zhen’s body.

The spleen controls the transportation of the essence of water and grain to produce and nourish the muscles, so it controls the flesh.

After the kidney qi is stimulated, his own energy is endless , and after his temper was aroused, he felt that the flesh and blood of his body was changing every moment.

After this change was completed, Lu Zhen felt that it would be the second time that his body would change. The next transformation.

The premise of all this is that he can control the spleen Gas hair, bring backlash.

“The energy of the spleen, the Five Elements belong to the earth, and it is the thing that reconciles the yang of the heart and the yin of the kidney, so… it is called Sha monk, and it is also called Wu’jing’.”

” If you sink into the ‘hatred’ brought about by worry, cannot realize ‘purity’, and cannot see your true face, then how can you see the Tathagata?”

“Bright Heart See Though Nature…Cultivation, Cultivation, the cultivation is still an ‘I’.”

Consciousness continued to sink, but Lu Zhen didn’t feel any panic.

I don’t know how long it took, the familiar “hehe” sound came, and Lu Zhen was completely relieved.

“As expected…”

After the battle with Qu Tong, the will of the old farmer’s kung fu group has not been completely quiet, and it will naturally recover again after this kind of stimulation.

With the sound of “hehe”, the qi in the dantian and meridian seemed to have been sorted out and restored to order.

“Temporarily regained control, but the backlash’s emotions are still there, so I can only use Bright Soul Technique…”

Blue Qi poured out, wrapping Lu Zhen’s body, consciousness The restless emotions were temporarily suppressed.

Upper Dantian’s black and yellow Erqi no longer oscillate.

The sinking feeling disappeared, the biting coldness dissipated at the same time, the five senses returned to normal again, and Lu Zhen felt that he had returned to the human world.

With a look of innocence on his face, blue rays of light flashing in his eyes, Lu Zhen raised his hands like a child and scratched around curiously…

(End of this chapter)

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