I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 168


Chapter 168 The company’s response and Lu Family’s fierce reaction

With the sound of “peng”, Huang Boren slapped the table with a slap.

“Supercilious! Impossible! I just don’t care about the company! I just said, this Lu Zhen doesn’t have a big picture. If it goes on like this, what does the Inhuman World think of our company?”

The more he talked, the more angry Huang Boren said angrily: “We must recycle the magic machine Hundred Refinements! We must not open this hole! Otherwise, what do other people who are under review think of our company? , how are we going to get along?”

After receiving the phone, Zhao Fangxu laughed: “It’s useless to talk to him about the overall situation. Youngster is tired of listening to this kind of big talk. It’s better to talk to youngster. To be honest.”

“You can still laugh? We work hard to maintain the overall situation, and so many people are cooperating with us. Just this Lu Zhen wants to ruin the overall situation. What does he want to do?” Huang Boren Angrily said, “This is not just against the company, but against the society, against everyone…”

Bi Youlong leaned back on the chair: “Your big hat is really A set of a set.”

“Where did I say wrong? Those who do not support us to maintain order and maintain stability, don’t they just want to go against the whole society?” Huang Boren said with spittle, ” Lao Zhao’s measures are too mild, and he even asked him to come to the company to talk again… I think it’s not advisable!”

Glancing at the expressions of Zhao Fangxu, Bi Youlong and the other three directors, he was fiercely said: “I suggest, immediately take action against this Lu Zhen!”

“Bring him and all the people who have been in contact with the magic machine Hundred Refinements to the headquarters for review, if you have really cultivated the magic machine Hundred Refinements, then according to the rules, you can do what you want to do!”

“How to take action?” Bi Youlong laughed, “Who will be sent to execute it? Temporary workers? According to their feedback, we will take action together. It’s not someone’s opponent, if you can force them to take action, then you can also try.”

Huang Boren said dissatisfied: “must bring back the magic machine Hundred Refinements, all participants must go back to the company headquarters to accept Censorship, didn’t you say it? Why did you sing against me again now?”

“It’s not against you, it’s just telling the truth.” Bi Youlong spread his hands, “Now this matter It has exceeded our expectations, Qu Tong is behind it… Let’s not talk about this, just talk about the youngster’s strength, and now those part-time workers in Biyou Village can’t do anything about them, what’s the use of clamoring here?”

Su Dong, who shrank on the chair like a little old lady,shook the head: “This Lu Zhen is different from the old Heavenly Master, he won’t accept the company’s arrangement, I really want to bring him to the company, I don’t know how much trouble it will cause. “

“The company has been established for so many years, are you still afraid of him being a yellow-haired boy?” “Huang Boren coldly snorted,” with the energy of our company, why do things have to be so timid? “

Bi Youlong turned his head and looked thoughtful towards Huang Boren.

Huang Boren was a little uncomfortable: “What are you looking at me for?” Am I right? “

Looking back, Bi Youlong said Faintly: “It seems that since entering the Conference Hall, something is wrong with you today…too aggressive, too irritable…”

” Everyone knows that if you force a shot against a Lu Zhen whose strength may be no less than ten men, what impact will it have, but you don’t seem to realize, or you seem to have ignored this problem? “

“Why don’t I know?” “Huang Boren wiped his sweat,” but if he just let him go, where would the company’s face be? What face is there to censor Zhuge Qing? I see… Who would look down on such a company? “

“It’s not that serious.” Zhao Fangxu said, “The matter of Lu Zhen depends on his attitude. It can be postponed. The more important thing now is how to end the matter in Biyou Village. “

“Let’s not talk about a few mercenaries, now that Duke Tao Shan is dead, Chai Yan, Yun Xian are not dead, and a few foreigners who followed Qu Tong up the mountain left a sigh of relief, But they were all mentally controlled, or at least mentally affected, so we still need the Lu Family to assist us in interrogating these people. “

“The Yaoxing Society disappeared overnight without a trace, as if it was disappeared from the face of the earth, it should have been prepared.” “

“Even if we are not slow, and we have used the power of the various divisions, we have only caught a few small fish and shrimp so far, not even a single valuable person.” “

“It can be seen that this time Yaoxing Club has not suffered much loss of core strength except Qu Tong who died in Biyou Village and the few aliens who were caught. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible. And so much organizational skills. “

Su Dong nodded: “The power of Yaoxing Society has developed to this level in our unconsciously situation, which is worth vigilance. “

“Compared to a Lu Zhen, Yaoxing Society, which has been hiding for so long, needs to be more careful. Bi Youlong followed up, “Instead of dealing with a see-through Lu Zhen, I think all the company’s current energy should be focused on this force until the roots are dug out and exposed to the sun!” “

“Once they are given a chance to breathe, who knows what else they will be planning in the dark?” The thing about the slimming stove may be staged again. “

“Also, everyone seems to be deliberately ignoring one thing…” Bi Youlong’s face showed a horrifying smile, “Since everyone is reluctant to take the initiative to mention it, then Let me speak. “

“The aliens who go to Biyou Village are all aliens who are controlled or influenced by Qu Tong, and there are so many people in the alien world who have interacted with Qu Tong, and even there are different people in our company. The young man has dealt with Qu Tong. Tell me, how many people have actually been controlled by Qu Tong? “

No one answered the call, and you could hear needles falling in the Conference Hall.

Bi Youlong continued: “Lu Zhen was right just now, looking at the development of Biyou Village During the process, the traitor appeared in the company. The probability is very large. Compared with the importance of this matter, I think Lu Zhen is nothing, so I changed my original view. “

“If the influence of Qu Tong is not handled properly, I think people in the Inhuman world, including the company, will be alarmed.” “

Huang Boren swallowed: “Who in the company has never had an intersection with Yaoxing Club, not even Mr. Bi, you?” “

“I do.” Bi Youlong pointed to himself, “So I don’t think I can prove my innocence now. Everyone present, including Lao Zhao, who can prove my innocence?” “

“So I suggest that none of us can easily leave the company until we find out who the insider is, if there is one.” “

Zhao Fangxu sighed: “There is no need to make trouble to this point… I am still at ease with the directors, but Lao Bi also has a point. To confirm this, you have to find a professional Lu Family to take action. “

“Lu Family…” Huang Boren whispered, “I’m not at all worried about Lu Family now, who knows if there will be a character like Qu Tong in this family? “

“This is where I worry the most.” “Zhao Fangxu knocked on the table, “After the Qu Tong incident, we don’t trust our own people, and we don’t trust the Lu Family. When things spread, this kind of doubt will spread along with it, and it’s even more dangerous for everyone.” . “

“So, the main task at present is not to deal with Lu Zhen, to eliminate the impact of Qu Tong’s incident, but to deal with things well on the basis of not affecting the stability and unity of the alien world. top priority. “

“That’s why I’m not active on Lu Zhen, and even put aside anything about leading the younger generation of the Inhuman world.” “

Zhao Fangxu looked around: “Do you have any different opinions? “

After being quiet for a while, Bi Youlong said slowly: “In principle, I agree with your opinion, so let’s make arrangements according to what you said.” “

Su Dong nodded: “That’s right, I have no opinion. “

Huang Boren scratched his hair anxiously: “Although I know you’re right, I still reserve my opinion about Lu Zhen, a youngster. “

The other two directors glanced at each other and both were nodded.

“Okay, then I’ll make arrangements, you can see if there is anything you need to add.” “

The index finger tapped the table, Zhao Fangxu said solemnly: “The first point, the remnant forces of Yaoxing Society must be dug out, this can let Xiaozhan’s Mu You help, after all, only intelligence forces can The most knowledgeable intelligence force. “

“Second point, we need to confirm whether our people are reliable, especially our directors, this matter needs the help of Lu Family. “

“In addition to Lu Zhen, there is also a Lu Liang in the Biyou Village incident, not to mention the inexplicable relationship between Qu Tong and Lu Family, we don’t need to say anything, Lu Family Naturally it will be involved. “

“However, although Qu Tong has nothing to do with the Lu Family on the surface, and died at the hands of Lu Zhen, she knows Bright Soul Technique, which is what so many people have seen with their own eyes… so We also need to be vigilant about the Lu Family. “

“No one knows if there is any relationship between the Lu Family and Yaoxing Club. If there is, it will be terrifying.” “

“The third point, the investigation of other forces involved with Yaoxing Society has spread too far, and it is no longer something that the company can handle alone.” “

“So I will contact the rest of the ten members outside the Lu Family to hold a secret ten members meeting, and let the ten members who have not left for a long time discuss the solution together, as well as the follow-up impact of suppressing the matter. , is also about to suppress the Lu Family. “

“Of course, we can’t do nothing about Lu Zhen. At least we need to investigate the cultivation technique he has learned that can use the black and yellow Erqi. This may be possible.” Go to the old Heavenly Master for advice. “

“Originally, Lu Zhen never used this ability, but after spending a few days with the old Heavenly Master, he only showed this ability when he went to Biyou Village, which must be inseparable from the old Heavenly Master. related. “

After talking so much in one breath, Zhao Fangxu took a sip of tea and asked, “Do you have anything to add?” “

Looking around, seeing that no one was talking, Huang Boren whispered: “Ten fellows… are they sure to be reliable?” ”


Lu Family.


Opening the door, Lu Zhong and Lu Xiao walked at the same time Enter Lu Ci’s room.

Even with their years of temperament training, they couldn’t completely hide the excitement on their faces.

“Is it clear? “Lu Ci put on his jacket and tidied up his collar.

Looking at each other, Lu Xiao laughed and didn’t speak.

Lu Zhong looked back, lowered his head and said: ” I have already asked clearly, the incident happened in a place called Biyou Village, we have repeatedly confirmed…”

Lu Ci interrupted: “I don’t want to hear so much, I just want to know what was said just now. not real. “

“Should not be false. There was obvious excitement on Lu Zhong’s face. “Lu Liang has no motive to lie to the family. We can be sure that what he said is true, and he really should have obtained the magic machine Hundred Refinements!” “

“In addition, it is said that Qu Tong of Yaoxing Club will be able to use Bright Soul Technique… It is very likely that it has something to do with Lu Huan’s death. “

Lu Ci walked to the table, poured a glass of water and drank it: “In the end, it died at the hands of Lu Zhen?” “

“That’s what Lu Liang said. “Lu Zhong said quickly, “didn’t expect Lu Liang to bring such a big surprise to the family… I have recalled all the people who were sent to hunt down Lu Liang. If things are really what he said, the murderer is not him. , then our Lu Family will definitely recall Lu Liang and let him return to the family. “

“Once the magical machine Hundred Refinements is in the hands of our Lu Family, no matter what, we will spit it out!” “

Lu Ci said with a laugh: “Do you know what that means? “

“In the beginning, for the Eight Magical Skills, so many forces were swept away, and our Lu Family, as one of the four great masters, is about to obtain one of the Eight Magical Skills, so naturally some people will be dissatisfied, In addition, the Wang Family that we are friends with has also fallen out with us a long time ago, this time maybe we will face the situation of being isolated by the Inhuman World. “

Said, Lu Zhong had the same smile as Lu Ci’s: “But isn’t our Lu Family isolated in this mountain village? It’s fine if you talk about it, but if you dare to do something to us, we’ll cut off his hand! “

The left side half covered by white hair flashed cold light, and the scar on the right eye looked even more hideous, Lu Ci shook the head: “Hundred Refinements, it’s not the most troublesome place, Do you know where the most troublesome places are? “

Looking at Lu Ci’s face, Lu Zhong said hesitantly, “You mean Qu Tong and Bright Soul Technique… on the way here, I… I actually have doubts, Bright Soul Technique only has We Lu Family’s bloodline has been inherited, why…why…”

“ka-cha”, the cup in Lu Ci’s hand shattered into several pieces.

Lu Zhong complexion changed, he didn’t dare to say anything.

Lu Xiao buried his head too.

The room was suffocatingly quiet.

After a while, Lu Xiao Ci said lightly: “The problem lies in Qu Tong’s Bright Soul Technique…”

Lu Xiao said carefully: “Bright Soul Technique can be practiced to a higher level and can achieve the kind of what Lu Liang said. level? Can easily control, or influence the minds of others? “

“Yes, the former Lu Huan was the most likely Lu Family member to reach that level. “Lu Ci closed his eyes, “I don’t know how the company will deal with it, but we Lu Family must plan ahead and prepare for everything.” “

“Wang Ai, the Old Guy has been staring at our Lu Family, and now he won’t just look at it, plus those who have intersected with Qu Tong, or even been influenced by Bright Soul Technique… …for the Lu Family, the fire is not small. “

“Regardless of whether we are related to Qu Tong or not, as long as our Lu Family insists on inheriting Bright Soul Technique, the foreign world will be afraid of Lu Family.” “

After thinking about it, Lu Xiao said, “Old Heavenly Master had a great influence on the Ten Brothers Meeting. After being banned, some people must be happy.” “

“Now that Qu Tong dies again, the Yaoxing Society has been wiped out, and the forces of the Inhuman Realm are equivalent to a major reshuffle. Many people want to fill the gap left by the Yaoxing Society.” “

“They had a lot of fun, but our Lu Family can take it easy.” “

Lu Zhong said: “In the end, Xiaozhan must benefit the most. Even if Xiaozhan does nothing and only accepts the site of Yaoxing Club, it will usher in a leap in development. “

“But Xiao Zhan’s Mu Yu is an upright guy. As long as the matter really has nothing to do with our Lu Family, he will definitely not target our Lu Family.” “

“No matter who can benefit, whether it will target our Lu Family…” Lu Xiao took a deep breath, excitedly said, “As long as our Lu Family survive this time and get the magic machine Hundred Refinements, and Lu Zhen and Lu Liang are back in the family, then our Lu Family will be able to soar! “

“Especially Lu Zhen, Lu Liang said that with Lu Zhen’s strength, even the Ten Brothers can fight. If he returns, then the Lu Family’s confidence will be enough. “

“The hidden experts of other forces are no less than ten men, but who is as young as Lu Zhen?” With his speed of progress, he can reach the level of two heroes in just a few years, and it is more than enough to stabilize our Lu Family. “

“Lu Zhen…” Lu Ci’s fingers rubbed against the table, “As expected of the Lu Family bloodline!” “

“His cultivation base has progressed far beyond my expectations. It should be related to the old Heavenly Master. Last time, he accompanied the old Heavenly Master all the way north, and it seems that he has gained a lot.” “

Lu Xiao sighed: “Before he walked out of the Lu Family, he looked like a normal junior, but as soon as he walked out of the Lu Family, he seemed to be a different person… I even think that he is better than Lu Family.” Huan is even better, although he has not awakened Bright Soul Technique. “

After putting his hands together, he walked to the window and looked at the dark night outside, Lu Ci said, “I don’t know how big a storm will be in the Inhuman world…”

” Lu Zhong, you ordered to go down and let all the Lu Family members outside temporarily put aside their affairs and return to the village. Without me, no one can leave the village. “

“Remember, I’m talking about everyone!” Whether they came back from outside, or those who have been staying in the village, they should stay in the village obediently and honestly. Anyone who is disobedient will be treated as a traitor to the village. “

Lu Zhong bowed his head and replied, “I’ll do it right away.” “

“Besides, gather thirty people and come with me out of the village.” “

Lu Xiao couldn’t help but say: “You just returned to the village… Why don’t we go out for you?” “

“You can’t solve this matter. If I expect it to be good, the company will call immediately and invite me to discuss ways to solve the problem. “Lu Ci said calmly, “Beyond thirty people, notify your uncles and let them get ready, and those who can still move will accompany me. “


Lu Zhong and Lu Xiao looked up at the same time and looked towards Lu Ci’s back in shock.

Lu Xiao frowned and said, “Father , this… the Lu Family has not yet reached the moment of life and death, it will… will be…”

“Not yet the moment of life and death? “Lu Ci turned around and looked at the two with a faint gaze, “What do you think the Lu Family is? Is it a male lion that asks for all kinds of prey on the grassland? “

“If the Lu Family is a lion and can easily suppress any power in the Inhuman world, then no matter how we tease our prey, it doesn’t matter. Anyone who provokes it, we just kill it.” “

“But the Lu Family is not a lion, but a wild dog!” A very ruthless wild dog! What do you think bystanders will think of a dingo that doesn’t do its best to kill the offender and instead entangles the offender? “

“They’ll think the dingo is old and not as very ruthless as it used to be…they won’t be afraid of the dingo any more.” “

“How long will this wild dog struggle when they swarm up?” I can’t see the end other than being skinned and eaten. “

“I was slack. “Lu Zhong wiped his cold sweat,” I went down and informed my uncle immediately and explained the matter to them. “

Lu Ci said earnestly: “Don’t forget, our Lu Family is very ruthless in the Inhuman world. Once we are not very ruthless, those people will think that we are afraid, then the wild dogs will be very ruthless.” would be a dead dog. “

After finishing speaking, before Lu Zhong could speak, he turned around and looked towards the window: “Let’s go to work, arrange all the affairs before dawn, and you will also go out of the village with me.” ”

The two stopped talking and quietly exited the room.

After the footsteps disappeared, Lu Ci turned his head and looked towards the direction of the tomb with a blank tombstone on the mountainside, He murmured: “Qu Tong…Bright Soul Technique…is it related to you? Could it be that you… left behind? “

The breeze whipped his long hair, revealing the intact left eye.

“Lu Zhen…how much does he know?” “


There was a loud noise, and behind a wooden target, another wooden target at a distance of two zhang was smashed by the force of the punch.

Lu Xian wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, nodded with satisfaction: “It’s a little bit of progress, it’s worth my daily cultivation Ruyi Vigor. “

“Brother, is this in Versailles?” “Lu Cheng rolled the eyes next to him.” During this time, the elder brother even put down the Bright Soul Technique, and only practiced Ruyi Vigor exclusively. This progress is visible to the naked eye. “

He pointed to the wooden target in front of him: “Me and Lu Cong’s strength can hit the target a little over ten feet at most, and you have been able to hit the target near two zhang. A little progress? How many people can match the level of this test? “

Lu Cong, who was sweating, also nodded and said: “The progress of my first brother is really great. “

“What’s the use of making great progress?” “Lu Xian sighed,” Lu Zhen can use several strengths at the same time, what am I? Really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry. “

“What do you compare to him?” Besides Lu Zhen, in the Lu Family younger generation, whose Ruyi Vigor is comparable to you? “Lu Cheng touched the chin and said, “but this Ruyi Vigor is not the more the better…”

“I don’t know how he did it, but common sense tells me that Once the force is too much, it is difficult to control. We people are already at the limit of controlling one another. It is possible for Lu Zhen to use so much force at the same time, and still maintain control? “

Lu Cong pondered: “Lu Cheng is right, maybe your Ruyi Vigor has surpassed Lu Zhen. “

“You all say that, then I believe it?” “Lu Xian said with a smile,” I meet him again, at least I have to press him on Ruyi Vigor, otherwise, where will this face go? “

“How did you say he cultivated?” Killing the Wang Family first, then appearing at Dragon Tiger Mountain, and killing a few Lu Yuan easily is not an opponent’s completeness. Doesn’t that mean that he can easily kill us if he wants to? ”

Lu Cheng looked towards Lu Yuan, who was smothering his cultivation alone: “Lu Yuan must have been stimulated. He used to practice hard all day long, but now it’s even more exaggerated. You are more stubborn than my predecessor…”

Speaking of this, he suddenly said: “You say, is his strength about to catch up with the grandfather? When I killed Wang Family Su Lao, I felt that his strength was not lower than that of the older generation, and with his speed of progress, maybe…”

It’s obviously not Lu. Yuan.

“Catch up with the grandfather…impossible. “Lu Cheng snorted, “But it’s definitely not difficult to pinch us to death. “

“Speaking of which, I don’t actually envy his strength progress, but I envy his experience even more. “

“It was a wonderful experience to accompany the old Heavenly Master thousands of miles north to witness the confrontation between the old Heavenly Master and the ten men, and then to fight against the whole nature, especially the battle with Ding Shian, one of the two heroes. ? “

“If I can get to know him, I can stand with the old Heavenly Master and say ‘I support you’ to the old Heavenly Master, I would be willing to live less than half a year. “

“The old Heavenly Master needs your support? “Lu Cong laughed out loud, “It’s not ashamed to say it, and who is the opposite? There are so many ten men, our grandfather is also there, you dare to support the old Heavenly Master? However, Lu Zhen’s experience is really enviable…”

His expression became a little yearning: “The old Heavenly Master has seen it, and the rest of the ten guys have seen almost all of them, as well as the all-round expert. He has seen most of the scenery of the entire Inhuman world…it seems that we are already not in the same level as him. “

“Don’t think too much, obediently and honestly cultivation, when he is half of his cultivation base, you can ask the master if he can leave the village.” Hanging the handkerchief on his shoulders, Lu Xian asked, “I saw the uncle and the others going to the uncle’s side just now, and they were in a hurry. Is there a major event going to happen?” “

The voice fell, and suddenly there were shouts and shouts outside the shooting range, and there were a lot of footsteps, listening to many people gathering.

The three of Lu Xian looked at each other in blank dismay .

Lu Cheng said in surprise: “Is it true for my elder brother? So many people gathered, I haven’t seen the village for many years…”

Lu Yuan in the distance broke a target, wiped his sweat, and looked towards the outside of the shooting range.

(end of this chapter)

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