I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 204


Chapter 205 Tigers do not live in groups

on Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The old Heavenly Master who was doing evening class suddenly opened his eyes, golden rays of light flashed away.

“Strange, why is my heart suddenly alert today…”

Without the silhouette left and right, the old Heavenly Master shook the head, closed his eyes again, and continued his homework tonight.

With his temperament cultivation base, he even had a shock during evening classes for no reason.

This is something that hasn’t happened in several decades.

Something strange might have happened… The old Heavenly Master didn’t think it was an illusion, but what could have alarmed him?

Two hours after Lu Zhen entered the stone gate.

The lama stands in front of the huge stone gate.

Xia, Mamel, black robe fatty, and Laxman, who was carried by the South Asian youth, all stood behind La.

“He’s back.”

At a certain moment, the Lama suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes shone with strange light.

His connection with Lu Zhen suddenly became clear.

Lu Zhen seems to have never belonged to a place in the world, and returned to the world again, making the connection between them extremely close.

Through this connection, he felt Lu Zhen’s mind again.

The other party’s mind is clear and transparent, free of impurities, and full of youthful vitality. Compared with two hours ago, it seems that some inexplicable change has taken place.

He couldn’t describe the other person’s mind in any language, but it was the most powerful Primordial Spirit he had ever seen in his life.

Even though he has been sitting in meditation all year round, his state of mind is extraordinary, and he has seen so many cultivators that he has never seen before. At this moment, the lama’s heart once again gave birth to a sense of joy for a youngster.

He turned around, and his piercing eyes swept across the Mamel people like knives: “I have established a mental connection with him through the secret technique, and learned that he has returned, at this time Shinjuku. The purple glow on the top is brighter than before, indicating that this person has achieved a lot in the stone gate, perhaps beyond my imagination.”

“I will use the secret technique to perceive his position. , everyone must be prepared to kill it.”

Mamel and black robe fatty both felt a little strange about the lama’s “coming back”, but at this time they didn’t care about the details. , all thoughts are placed on the upcoming Lu Zhen and the immortal dao that may exist.

Mamel asked curiously: “Master means that this person is not in the stone gate? Or does this person have sneaked out of the stone gate through the secret passage?”

“Jade bead is a place of great good fortune, how can I guess, just accept its changes, don’t be surprised.”

Lama seriously said: “This person has a Great Destiny , when you see this person, you don’t need to keep the idea of living, and you don’t need to consider any immortal dao issues. You must show your stunts and no longer have any thoughts of preserving your strength, otherwise it will be too late to regret it once you die. “

Mamel and black robe fatty looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

The current Great Dharma King still solemnly explained two “must’s even though he personally took action, which is enough to know how much he values that youngster.

But in the cultivation world, a few of them kill one person by fair means or foul. Even if this person has the blessing of Ghost God, I am afraid it is hard to avoid calamity.

even more how, behind them, there is an invincible archmage who is ready to shoot at any time.

Looking at the cultivation world, how many people can escape their joint pursuit?


The consciousness was heavy, as if he was in shackles and fell into a heavy prison, which was extremely uncomfortable for a while.

Lu Zhen opened his eyes.

Before that huge stone gate.

“A thousand years is too short, I still want to live another ten thousand years”.

His right hand is pressing on the stone gate.

The cold touch came, and Lu Zhen’s trance consciousness was quickly restored to sobriety and calmness.

“Is what I just saw real or fake? Who is that person? Why does it feel so familiar to me…”

sit cross-legged next , Lu Zhen was lost in thought.

If what he saw before is true, will he see Zhang Chulan and the others again after ten years of disappearance?

Lu Zhen looked around at the traces.

Everywhere showed that it was only a very short time before he entered the stone gate.

And he is impossible to stay here for ten years with nothing.

However, if what you just saw was just an illusion, why is the illusion so clear and organized?

More importantly…

Lu Zhen checked her body.

I found that my kidneys and spleen have been completely repaired, and my energy has been continuously generated from the kidneys. Whether it is physical exhaustion or mental exhaustion, it is swept away at the same time.

extend the hand, and dull skin is now radiant.

Although he can’t see his face, Lu Zhen knows from his own mental state that he must be bright and radiant.

In Upper Dantian, under the supplement of the black and yellow qi continuously produced by the kidneys and spleen, it is also extremely full now, and there is no sense of bulging.

Primordial Spirit is clear and relaxed, and can easily transport these black and yellow qi.

Lu Zhen’s state has reached the Peak state, which was not there before.

In addition, even the cultivation base of golden light spells and thunder technique is not a hallucination.

Thoughts move, the constant beating lightning in his hands shows that his thunder technique cultivation base has been very proven.

“Whether it is real or fantasy…”

Under the stimulation of thunder technique, the qi of heart fire and the qi of lung gold come out without any hindrance, just as before. As you have done, along the meridian, keep going up.

Have tried twice, Lu Zhen is now very experienced.

Before, it was because of the conflict between the qi of heart fire, the qi of lung gold and the qi of kidney water in Upper Dantian that the two qi failed to enter the Upper Dantian, and he almost hurt himself.

This time Lu Zhen was more careful and meticulous.

Much less gas enters the Upper Dantian than before.

The qi of kidney water, the qi of lung metal, and the qi of heart fire constantly clashed, but remained stable for a moment.

The joy came spontaneously.

But before Lu Zhen had time to experience the changes, the joy was disappeared.

He originally wanted to control the spleen-earth qi to reconcile the conflicts of the three qi of different natures, but it has not yet achieved results, and the three qi have already clashed.

The less heart-fire qi and lung-metal qi are quickly dissipated by the kidney qi.

The head was dizzy for a moment, but returned to normal immediately. Under his intentional control, the backlash was not as serious as before.

Kidney water belongs to yin, heart fire and lung metal yang, under the conflict of yin and yang, it is not so easy to adjust.

Even though it is known that spleen and earth can regulate yin and yang, in practice, there are still many problems, which are not as simple as thought.

Tang Sect is the expert on the reconciliation of the five qi…

Judging from the current state, he estimates that he can endure the backlash and enter the third calamity briefly, but he does not will last.

It must be followed by a strong backlash caused by the conflict of the fierce Qi.

Qi had a conflict in the Upper Dantian, and it was as severe as his first attempt, which would knock him unconscious in an instant.

Even if it is temporarily unable to step into the third kalpa, Lu Zhen does not force it.

The more important thing now is to find a way out first.

It would be a terrible thing to be banned here for ten years.

Lu Zhen moved forward, trying to push the big stone gate in front of him.

Without any natural phenomenon happening, the stone gate is completely motionless.

Lu Zhen was not too disappointed, but was surprised by the lightness and ease of control of his body.

It seems that Primordial Spirit is more closely related to the body, whether it is the control of Qi or its own body, far better than before.

Turning around, Lu Zhen walked along the stone wall on the right to the stone gate when he came.

After careful inspection, Lu Zhen determined that the probability of the existence of the organs on the stone wall is very small.

Walking to the stone gate, Lu Zhen’s body stopped.

Above the Primordial Spirit, his ties to this world, which had been maintaining the world ten years later, tightened again.

The extremely honorable Lama reappeared in his consciousness, looking into the depths of his heart with piercing eyes, and Lu Zhen was also looking at the Lama.

As vast as the sky, immortal, and capable of connecting the heavens through the earth…

This lama is so powerful and connected with him through mysterious ways, Tracking him is, of course, extremely easy.

Lu Zhen felt the pressure from the staring eyes and the heart, and was surprised.

It turns out that this lama has inadvertently maintained his connection with this world, or time and space, otherwise his trouble is not small, at least it is impossible to return to the present world so quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the image of the lama was already disappeared, which caused Lu Zhen a lot of doubts.

Why does he feel the same familiarity in his heart when he sees this lama?

He knew that he had never seen this lama, but he couldn’t suppress the familiar feeling that he had already known the lama in his heart.

It’s like walking into an unfamiliar place that you’ve never been to, but it feels familiar.

Then, another thought popped into Lu Zhen’s mind.

Maintaining contact with the normal world through contact with the lama seems to be in the plan…

If this is done so that he can see the future, where is the past?

How to understand the past, the present, and the future?

The doubt was born and then was cut off immediately. Lu Zhen’s hand pressed on the stone gate and tried to push it outward.

The huge stone gate opened slowly under Lu Zhen’s surprise.

There are no lamas outside, no black robe fatty and the others, only the icy lake water frantically pours in from the cracks in the door.

Unprepared, Lu Zhen grabbed the stone gate subconsciously and was not taken away by the lake.

A large amount of water flows in, as if there is no end, until the huge corridor is completely filled.

Lu Zhen kept climbing behind the door until the water flow completely submerged his mouth and nose, then he held his breath and rushed out of the stone gate from the gap between the door against the backwater current. .

The matter of the jade bead peak is amazing. Lu Zhen is not surprised that there is a huge amount of water flow outside the stone gate.

From the size of the current, he judged that there should be a huge underground river or lake beyond the stone gate.

After swimming out of the stone gate, he felt that the water flow outside was not turbulent. Lu Zhen felt that he should be in a large lake before relaxing.

As a foreigner, when he can’t do “physical breathing”, his breath-holding ability is much stronger than normal, but if he is thrown into a complicated underground river, Lu Zhen is also a headache.

The lake was so deep that it stuck out from the water. Lu Zhen took a breath of fresh air and swam to one side for ten-twenty minutes before reaching the shore.

Climbing ashore, Lu Zhen, exhausted from struggling in the water, sat down to rest anywhere.

A huge question appeared in his mind again.

Now that he has walked out of the stone gate and is about to come into contact with outsiders, what he saw before can only be attributed to an illusion?

Now is not the time to think too much… Pushing down the doubts, Lu Zhen began to adjust his breath.

Energy grows continuously, quickly relieving Lu Zhen’s exhaustion.

After a while, Lu Zhen looked all around, only to realize that he was already not on the jade bead peak, but on the edge of a huge lake somewhere down the mountain.

The lake has returned to calm. If it hadn’t just climbed out of the lake, Lu Zhen would never have imagined that there is such a big stone gate under the lake.

The Kunlun jade bead is really unfathomable…Lu Zhen lay back, looking towards the sky.

He didn’t know where he was, and he didn’t care where he was. His eyes were drawn to the stars.

In the vast starry sky, the Azure Dragon Qisu seems to have consumed all the accumulated rays of light, gradually becoming dim, and the purple light that appears to be more dazzling.

Somewhere, Lu Zhen felt that he had established some kind of peculiar connection with Antares, and the purple light he cast made him feel so warm.

He seems to have become a star, looking down at the thousands of things in the world from an infinite height.

Heartless, Faintly discernable, Lu Zhen’s face showed an undisguised smile.

The splendid world composed of Qi first showed a corner to Lu Zhen when he didn’t activate Lower Dantian’s old farmer’s Qi group.


The Great Dharma King, Mamel and the others, wearing stars and wearing the moon, galloped over the winding mountain range, all the way to the west, and the mountain range under their feet was like a mighty force Like the giant dragon, I don’t know where to take them.

At a certain moment, the Great Dharma King suddenly stopped with a solemn expression.

Mamel and the others stopped at the same time, looking shocked.

The Dharma King’s words and deeds are incomprehensible, and he rarely shows such a solemn demeanor. With such an expression now, it is natural that something important has happened.

Mamel tentatively asked: “Dharma King, is there a major event happening?”

The Great Dharma King closed his eyes and murmured: “Strange, in my senses , the man suddenly disappeared from the world, which is different from just now… It seems that he has completely disappeared from the world, and it seems that he exists everywhere, even in the stars.”

At this time, several people were Standing on a hill, the howling night wind blew, making the clothes of several people rattle.

Under the starlight, several people stood in different postures, like gods and demons, each with their own style.

hearing this, Xia said with a smile: “The air situation on the jade bead peak gradually dissipated, and the Azure Dragon’s seven breaks changed from bright to dark, which is a sign of the suppression of the Azure Dragon’s wood. At this time, the gold energy is strong. Sheng, we will follow the Kunlun and follow the Earth’s veins to the west, and we will find that person before dawn.”

“metal restrain wood, wood overcomes water, there will be setbacks in this trip.” Dharma King looked towards The hazy peak of jade bead, “I traveled all over the world to the south of the highest peak in half a period of time. There are many strong enemies, some vicious and merciless are more like wild beasts, and some are as determined as iron, but I have never seen them. Such an incomprehensible clear mind.”

“It seems to contain everything, and it seems to be clear and pure, containing nothing… With the wisdom I have taught inheritance for hundreds of years, I can’t read his mind. ”

Mamel and black robe fatty exchanged a glance with excitement in their hearts.

In the eyes of powerhouses like them, the ordinary person and the domestic animals that can be killed have nothing to do with it. The difference, only when they face the powerhouse can they be excited.

The strength of the youngster praised by the Great Dharma King is enough to make them happy.

Black robe fatty said sharply: ” It is already several kilometers away from the jade bead peak. Could the kid really appear so far away? It would be a shame to let him run away. ”

The Great Dharma King did not speak, but silently used the secret technique to sense the position of Lu Zhen.

Laxman, who was floating in the air, continued with the South Asian youth who was also floating under his control. Go west.

Xia surprisedly said: “Master, you…”

The South Asian youth turned back: “Master said, tigers don’t live in groups, and it is the limit to join forces with others to hinder the opponent. , Now, it’s up to the Master to take the first shot, and there is no danger of life or death. “

Mamel said with a smile: “What a tiger does not live in herds!” “

“Master has kind of it!” “Black robe fatty said sharply, “If the Master can kill him alone and retrieve anything from him, if we can share it, we only need to see it, if not, then let the Master enjoy it alone. “

Laxman turned back, nodded to several people, and led the South Asian youth, like a ghost, into the darkness.

Xia shook the head: “With that Human strength, Master may not be able to win. “


Came back to his senses from the trance, Lu Zhen didn’t know how much time passed, checked his body, and found that his body was full of energy again.

The strong wind made waves.

On the lake, layer after layer of waves hit the rocks on both sides of the lakeshore, making a crisp crash.

I don’t know if the stone gate is still under the lake. I can come to find out later, but now is not the time.

Looking at the stars to determine the direction, Lu Zhen chose to go east.

The image of the lama in red monk clothes that appears in consciousness from time to time makes Lu Zhen understand that that lama can watch him at any time.

As long as the connection that seems to have been entangled for countless lifetimes is still there , he will never be able to avoid the lama.

So no matter where the lama comes from, he does not need to go to avoid it, all he has to do is maintain his state at the pinnacle time That’s enough.

The lake is so vast that you can’t see the color in the dark, but the lake water in this area should be blue.

Although I can’t see what the lake is In the same way, Lu Zhen in the heart has roughly described the general appearance of the lake.

After going around the lake for half a circle, Lu Zhen walked to the east of the lake.

And then Outward, there is a steep mountain wall.

At this time, Lu Zhen painted the whole picture of the lake, which is a small lake on the top of the mountain.

From the top of the mountain Down, the melodious sound of the waves was disappeared and turned into the chirping of insects, and the chirping of birds of the night.

The foot of the mountain, like the top, can be seen everywhere, with rugged rocks.

Walking among the mountains and rocks in a happy mood, Lu Zhen’s mind has become as broad and free as the starry sky.

Irrespective of the mundane way, Lu Zhen felt free and free under this boundless sky.

Unconstrained freedom is the same thing he felt under the stars the day he walked out of the Lu Family.

Out of the range of the hill, Lu Zhen could already faintly see the tallest jade bead in the distance.

It’s not too far from jade bead, but Lu Zhen didn’t go any further.

Five feet away, on a huge rock the size of a single-family house , sit cross-legged with one person.

In the background of starlight, Lu Zhe n You can only see that the other party is short in stature and cannot see the appearance.

But under the huge mental oppression, Lu Zhen already knows who his opponent is…

I will recommend it tomorrow, save the prepared manuscript, and send the two chapters together. Two more chapters, for a total of four chapters.

I will try to write as much as possible the day after tomorrow, and finish writing here as soon as possible, and then enter the Tang Sect chapter.

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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