I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 207


Chapter 208 and the Battle of the Great Dharma King, is jade bead related to rootlessness? (Chapter Two in One)

Lu Zhen opened his eyes when the first rays of the sun appeared on the horizon.

Because of the endless energy generation and his super resilience, his complexion has turned from white to red, and the claw wound on his back has scabbed over within a few hours.

Lu Zhen doesn’t feel much pain anymore.

The heart is happy and the lungs are sad.

The qi of fire in the heart and the qi in the lungs entered the Upper Dantian, which should make Lu Zhen feel sad and happy.

But at this time, his state of mind was still in a sublime realm that was difficult to describe in words. All kinds of emotions were like a breeze, leaving a little ripple in his heart and then dissipating without a trace.

First defeat Laxman, then black robe fatty and Mamel join forces to gradually advance Lu Zhen’s spirit and mood to the incomparable Perfection Realm.

The essence, qi and spirit have all reached the Peak, and Lu Zhen is confident and confident against any opponent.

“Are you awake?” Tang Wenlong came from not far away while eating, “Last night you just left a sentence and meditated on the spot, I didn’t dare to disturb you, so I didn’t move, nor did I move. No messing around, just simply left you where you are.”

“Thank you.” Lu Zhen stood up and breathed towards the morning sun.

“People from the company chased Mamel last night, but not only did they not take down Mamel, but Mamel injured several people.” Tang Wenlong said, “When it was almost dawn, he lost his horse again. Mel’s trace, I think it is 80% impossible to kill that Mamel.”

Lu Zhen did not speak.

Tang Wenlong asked: “Aren’t you worried that Mamel ran away?”

“Run back to the nest?” Lu Zhen said lightly.

“It’s not that easy to run back to the old nest.” Tang Wenlong leaned on the stone and looked towards Lu Zhen, “This Mamel is really powerful, I heard from the employees who participated in the pursuit, that guy is simply Steel. Muscles Iron Bones, even standing there, the average person can’t touch him.”

He sighed pretentiously: “If you were late last night, I could barely pick him up and get the reputation out there. , there will be bragging rights in the future.”

“How is the jade bead now?” Facing the morning sun, Lu Zhen’s face was covered with a hazy yellow light.

“In the second half of the night, the natural phenomenon gradually disappeared, and it was completely invisible two hours ago. What the old man said, Azure Dragon disappeared and the natural phenomenon disappeared.” Tang Wenlong sighed. , “I can see this kind of miracle once… This trip to the northwest is not in vain.”

Lu Zhen’s heart moved, and he asked: “What is that old man doing?”

Tang Wenlong pointed to his arm: “Healing the wound, that Mamel’s strange power is amazing, and it hurts when rubbed. Many people are either fractured or dislocated. He has good bone-setting skills, and now he is very busy.”

“He’s coming from nowhere… I know what you’re worried about, don’t worry, I’ve been staring at him.”

Lu Zhen took a deep breath, the light distorted, as if the morning sun was also sucked in by him nasal cavity.

The breeze is centered on Lu Zhen like ripples and spreads all around, making Lu Zhen’s figure more ethereal.

Tang Wenlong felt the oncoming breeze, and suddenly said: “Your strength seems to be a lot stronger, just standing next to you, I feel the pressure… Older than I have ever seen. A generation of experts will terrifying.”

Stopping in one breath, Lu Zhen seemed to have returned to the human world, and his figure became clear again.

But his “existence” seems to be a little more, even just standing there, without any natural phenomenon, but eerily able to attract people’s minds and make people involuntarily aware of his exist.

The vigor and vitality revealed invisibly is not comparable to the morning sun.

The mind is clearer, and the entanglement with the lama is stronger.

In his consciousness, the honorable Lama looked over, his eyes shining brightly.

Lu Zhen felt where the noble Lama was, and even felt the Lama’s longing, and the Lama felt him and what he longed for.

Lu Zhen walked towards the place where the morning sun rose, and took a step that was more than ten feet away.

Tang Wenlong from behind quickly asked: “Where are you going?”

Lu Zhen’s voice came: “Go see a more powerful opponent…”

“Is there a more powerful opponent than Mamel?” Tang Wenlong froze in place.


The Great Dharma King stood on a raised rock wall and looked at the northwest earth under the morning sun.

The snow-capped jade bead peak stands behind him, shrouded in a layer of pale yellow rays of light, there is no natural phenomenon, but the whole mountain is even more vicissitudes of life.

As far as he can see, in front of him is a piece of flat land, extending to the mountain range outside several dozen li, with an unobstructed view in the middle, the deep blue lake like jewels is embedded in it, and countless cattle and horses are in the middle. Drink water by the lake.

Every morning, the same thing happens here.

It started countless years ago and will continue for an unknown number of years.

He was tired of this repetitive life long ago, so he began to look for a way out when he was not yet an adult.

It was not until he was accepted by the strange monastery on the highest peak that he touched upon the true path of liberation.

With his peerless talent and rapid progress in Cultivation, he is far above ordinary people and qualified to look down on most cultivators.

Except for a few people, the rest are not in his eyes, not to mention invincible in the world, and there are few people in the alien world who can match others.

With hundreds of years of wisdom and blessing, his achievements have far exceeded the imagination of other cultivators, but he still has not set foot on the real detachment.

In this sense, what is the difference between him and the following cattle and horses?

The ox and horse do not know the true self, so the reincarnation is endless, but although he has walked a long section of the road on the road of detachment, after all, there is no real clear comprehension of detachment.

Before liberation, there is no difference between ninety-nine steps and one step, so what qualification does he have to look down on all beings aloof and remote?

Watching the cows and horses drink water, the Dharma King has been standing here for hours.

Through that close connection, he knew that the youngster he was looking forward to was coming.

The moment is coming.

Actually, before heading north, he already had some kind of omen in his heart, knowing that the person who was most important to him was about to appear, so he went to find the beast master who was well-known in the northwest.

But after discovering that his omens did not fall on the beastmaster, he lost interest.

Until he had an inexplicable connection with Lu Zhen, he knew that the character in his omens had appeared.

His feelings for Lu Zhen are extremely strange, the incomprehensible entanglement makes his heart turbulent, and even hundreds of years of Supreme wisdom cannot make him stable.

In fact, he sat and watched Laxman and Mamel chase and kill Lu Zhen, but he didn’t really have the intention of letting the three kill Lu Zhen.

He just provided himself with the opportunity to spy on Lu Zhen’s spiritual changes through urgent oppression, in order to increase his own perception.

If Lu Zhen died, it would not leave a trace in his heart.

If Lu Zhen were alive, his insights would be deeper.

After Lu Zhen defeated Laxman, Mamel and the others in a row, his mind was sublimated and raised to an unprecedented level, the excitement of his mind made the Great Dharma King realize that his opportunity for transcendence was very close. .

He doesn’t know where this opportunity is or when it will appear, but he knows that at the right time, it’s the moment when he “begins to realize his own nature”.

When Lu Zhen’s mood sublimated, he actually helped Lu Zhen with Supreme wisdom silently.

With his state of mind, he is not afraid of life and death, nor is he afraid of victory or defeat.

Fall or victory, noble or insignificant, all events made no difference to him.

In his eyes, everything is just an experience, a realization, a key to begin his inherited Supreme wisdom and make him detached.

As he felt, Lu Zhen had already appeared at the foot of the mountain several dozen meters away.

The Great Dharma King looked down at the cows and horses by the lake affectionately.

People have inspiration and can still find a way to liberate, but these bulls and horses have no hope. It is really a thing worthy of sympathy.

He turned around.

Lu Zhen has appeared outside ten zhang or so.

Supreme’s wisdom operates, and the Dharma King’s eyes burst with strange light.

He was more spiritually connected with Lu Zhen, and the feeling that had been entangled in countless lifetimes rose in the heart.

Consciousness shakes, he doesn’t know what’s about to happen, but he knows that something strange is going to happen.

Lu Zhen saw the Lama’s face clearly outside the ten zhang or so of the Great Dharma King. He didn’t say a word, and his eyes were shining brightly. He had accumulated Peak’s imposing manner and climbed again and again. .

As the speed continued to increase, Lu Zhen swept straight towards the lama, with four-color luster looming all over his body.

The Great Dharma King’s robe, five feet away, was rattled by the strong wind, but there was no unnecessary reaction. It seemed that he didn’t care at all about the imposing manner of Lu Zhen.

The air of gold in the lungs and the air of fire in the heart had entered the Upper Dantian, and Lu Zhen had no choice but to feel the intense swelling.

Since the arrow has been wound, it is natural to send it heartily.

The two had already communicated in their minds.

This kind of communication without words allows two people to understand each other’s temperament directly, which is more convenient and quicker than language containing lies.

No need to say more, Lu Zhen just shot.

Three feet away, his palm fluttered toward the lama in front of him, and the magnificent four-color Qi appeared under the morning sun. There was no imposing manner of heaven shaking and earth shattering, but it was magnificent.

The scene before me suddenly changed.

Lu Zhen is still rushing forward, but the magnificent Qi in his hand has been disappeared, and now it is not on that mountain, but in a dilapidated town.

He was walking aimlessly, when suddenly a huge emptiness grabbed his chest, making him feel like he was missing a large piece of his life.

The strong feeling of discomfort made him burst into tears, grabbing a pedestrian on the side of the road blankly: “You know Xiao Zhou…”

“Oh, Little Daoist Priest, Are you crazy again? Xiao Zhou is dead.” The man shook off his palm.

Lu Zhen entered another life course.

Here, he is a Little Daoist Priest who has been taken in by the Taoist temple and has the opportunity to peek at the corner of the avenue, but the people who have been with him since childhood have disappeared.

How could he just spy on the avenue and leave Xiao Zhou alone? He must find Xiao Zhou and take Xiao Zhou on the path of seeking the Tao.

In this vast Heaven and Earth, finding Xiao Zhou has become his only goal.

He continued to dash forward frantically.

The scene before me changes again.

This time, in a small courtyard, a gray-haired, sad-faced old man stared at him with a hated iron for not becoming steel: “The pottery is also Heavenly Dao, the sky is round… I I teach you how to make the roundest circle, but I didn’t teach you to pass on your skills to others, and read it in master and disciple. Today, I will only break your arms, cut your life, and keep your life.”

I knelt down in front of the old man, with tears streaming down my face, but I didn’t have any complaints in my heart.

The broken arm still can’t offset one ten thousandth of his kindness to the old man in front of him.

The silhouette flashed, and his right arm was cut off.

The severe pain made his mind rise continuously, and he returned to Lu Zhen’s body on the mountain.

Somewhere in the world, he felt the call from the opposite lama, calling him to travel together in this strange foreign world that I don’t know if it was a previous life, transcend the limitations of time and space, and explore the Tao of everywhere.

The environment has changed again.

In front of him is an endless prairie, he is riding on a strong horse, followed by several Knights.

Intense pain filled his heart, reminding him that he was the bravest warrior in the tribe.

Five days ago, he returned to the tribe, only to find that the tribe had been slaughtered, including his parents, wife, and children.

The strong hatred made him swear revenge, and he must bloody his neighbors before he can take a break.

As he rode his horse, a huge lake appeared in front of him, and dozens of collar warriors were resting by the lake.

He stretched his bow and arrow, and when the opponent didn’t respond in time, he shot two people to death in a row.

With a slap on the horse’s back, the steed turned its direction, he turned around, shot two more warriors chasing after him, and burst into laughter on the horse’s back.

The other party was not as fast as his horse, so he could only hate it and let it go, and he took the opportunity to shoot another person.

He was in a good mood and vowed in the heart that he would not only kill people, but also let them personally feel the humiliation of their tribe’s women.

The horse was passing by a market, his eyes swept across all kinds of people, and suddenly stopped on a handsome young monk.

A certain emotion overwhelms the hatred, and the other self bursts out in my heart.

When he saw the monk, the monk saw him too.

Those eyes even brighter than starlight smiled, as if to say, I’ve finally found you.

The monk walked slowly to the side of the horse and extended his hand to him: “Come.”

He grabbed the monk’s hand in a mysterious way.

That ego broke through the barrier of perception and finally took hold of consciousness.

He realized that he was Lu Zhen, and the monk in front of him was the lama he had met.

But not the lama who fought against him, but a lama in another world, or another time and space.

The second time he saw the lama was in a school.

He is a middle-aged teacher, and the lama is his student.

Even if it was the first time, although the other party was nothing like that Lama, he knew that the little boy with his nose hanging in front of him was the most noble and imposing Lama he had ever seen.

He opened the book with a smile on his face.

The third time I saw the Lama, he became an alien and became the Lama’s Disciple.

Decades of Cultivation, he accomplished nothing.

Unwilling to see his old and powerless appearance, he left his last words: “May I see Heavenly Dao in the next life!”

He committed suicide.

I don’t know how many lifetimes one after another emerges. They are sometimes friends, sometimes master and disciple, and sometimes enemies.

Different lives have different experiences, they have experienced completely different lives together, different birth, aging, sickness and death, love and hatred.

At a certain moment, Lu Zhen had an idea——

He and the lama went through countless ups and downs in order to ‘seek the Tao”. The true clear comprehension self, knowing what the Tao is, can be free from the within reincarnation of thousands of lifetimes.

Suddenly remembering that the voice in the stone gate said “cut the past, cut off the present, cut off the future”, Lu Zhen suddenly had more clear comprehension in his heart.

The magnificent world composed of Qi appeared faintly in his world, driving his consciousness to rise continuously with irresistible power.

He felt that he was leaving the body, and he didn’t know if he could come back again. He felt terrified and wanted to resist, but it was useless, and he couldn’t even make a sound.

With a loud bang, Lu Zhen exploded, turning into a pure Qi in this magnificent world, and his consciousness was also scattered into countless pieces, distributed in every part of the world.

He felt like he was infinitely expanding and then infinitely shrinking.

When thinking infinitely small, nothing exists, when thinking infinitely, he is everything, that is, Lu Zhen, the lama, and even flowers and trees.

Many is one, so complex consciousness finally becomes one, and his consciousness falls into an empty state, completely one with the Qi in the world.

Lu Zhen opened his eyes and saw the lama sitting on the cross-legged ground half a zhang away, with a little tear streak on his cheek, and a strange light flashing in his eyes, staring at himself.

It was a nostalgic look at an old friend whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.

And he was also sitting cross-legged on the ground, and his body was extremely weak, as if Essence, Qi, and Spirit were being evacuated at the same time.

All kinds of emotions flooded his mind, making him feel that he and the Dharma King in front of him had known each other for a long time.

At this time, the fiery red still hung on the top of the mountain, making the faces of the two of them shrouded in a hazy red light.

all around is silent, only the wind is howling.

After a long time, the Great Dharma King sighed faintly: “Before seeing the truth, so that’s how it is…”

“I unintentionally used the secret technique to help you get through a disaster, Now that you have come out of the stone gate, you have brought the teachings in the fairyland, which has benefited me a lot. It is really a peck and a drink, and it has its own number of days.”

He also seems to have a lot of clear comprehension.

Lu Zhen’s tone is complicated: “Looking at the past… what you see is the reincarnation of the past?”

The Great Dharma King shook his head: “I don’t know, what you see is not necessarily me, I use The wisdom that has been passed down for hundreds of years has been entangled with you inadvertently, so the person you see may be the mark that exists in the wisdom.”

Lu Zhen said: “You have so-called Wisdom is branded, but I have only one lifetime…”

The Great Dharma King did not spy on his deepest secrets, but he still emphasized a ‘survival”.

He really has only one life in this world.

The Great Dharma King said meaningfully: “How do you know that you have only one life? The world is vast and vast, who can see through the future and see through the secrets of this world? If there are countless other times and spaces, other worlds, you I am afraid I have experienced countless times of reincarnation.”

His face showed a happy look: “Buddhism talks about emptiness, Nirvana, detachment from reincarnation, Taoism preaching, after all, they are all pursuing the highest law of the world. .”

“I have experienced the highest realm of the Tao together with you, and I have seen countless worlds in the past, and I have realized myself…”

“Now it is just a The experiences we put in our heads, from these realizations, we are still who we are, not much has changed.”

“But this realization is extraordinary, for me, it opens up The key to wisdom, if we achieve something in the future, it must be based on this, and it is the same for you.”

The Great Dharma King got up, his bearing changed greatly, and he flashed an unspeakable brilliance under the sun. : “This time I will go back to the top of the highest peak to retreat. If I can’t escape, I won’t go down the mountain for the rest of my life, but if I become detached, I’m afraid you and I will never see each other again.”

Lu Zhen also stood up. , and found that the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat.

As an alien, plus his own energy is inexhaustible, this situation will never happen. It can be seen how much energy has been consumed by what happened in a short period of time.

The Great Dharma King walked a few steps, then suddenly stopped: “Not many people knew about the Jade Bead Peak. Although those who know the details are now dead, many people saw what happened last night. You have seen the news of the fairy tales, I am afraid you will be in some trouble.”

“With your current cultivation base, you can be in the cultivation world, but the endless troubles will still give you a headache. And if you encounter a few cultivators that are dangerous to you, you are also in danger, so you need to deal with it carefully.”

“Besides, I see that you are engulfed in karma, and there will definitely be exciting and dangerous things in the future. Experience, I am afraid that it will be difficult to clean in a short time.”

Lu Zhen said: “many thanks for reminding.”

The Great Dharma King turned and walked away: “We have a lot of fate and can meet here. , no matter whether it has been entangled in countless lives… I have a hunch, whether it is you or me, the search for Dao Path will have an end in this life.”

His laughter came from a distance: ” Today’s fate is all here, so I can do it myself.”

Watching the Great Dharma King leave, Lu Zhen sighed.

This great Dharma King is temperament extraordinary and refined. He regards human feelings as nothing. He is really unrestrained and unscrupulous. He is completely two extremes from the old Heavenly Master on Dragon Tiger Mountain.

But Lu Zhen has a feeling that the old Heavenly Master is restrained by the Heavenly Master degree, and this great Dharma King will also encounter things that can restrain himself…

No matter how unrestrained or unrestrained Great Dharma King, Lu Zhen found himself in more trouble.

Originally, he walked in the alien world just to get rid of the shackles and focus on cultivation, but now, not only did he not get rid of the shackles, but he had more and more doubts in his heart.

The stone gate of jade bead…

The voice inside…

Reincarnation and the future…

Doubt in the heart The entanglement made him unable to purify, which corresponds to the karma entanglement mentioned by the Great Dharma King.

Especially the matter of reincarnation, if reincarnation really exists, then does his reincarnation happen in the previous life or in this life?

Does the “karma” mentioned by Dafa King imply anything?

After going down the mountain, you can find some scriptures related to karma…Lu Zhen has little contact with Buddhist scriptures and limited understanding of terminology, but he feels that Dafawang’s words definitely have deep meaning in.

After an hour’s rest, Lu Zhen felt that his energy was slowly recovering.

This time his kidneys were not damaged, so his energy would naturally recover slowly.

He stood up, feeling refreshed inside, as if something had changed in him.

But he couldn’t feel the difference, so he could only blame it as an invisible gain.

The Great Dharma King was right.

The two of them must have benefited from the experience just now.


After coming down from the mountain, Lu Zhen met another young lama halfway up the mountain.

The lama looked at Lu Zhen complicatedly, as if he was looking at monster.

“My name is Xia.” After a while, he said in amazement, “Please forgive my rudeness, in Tiannan world, Master is no longer invincible, see you today… so I have lost self-control. “

Lu Zhen indifferently said: “My name is Lu Zhen.”

“Lu Zhen…I seem to have heard of you.” Xia pointed to the cool place not far away. “Before leaving, the Master explained that if you have any questions about the jade bead peak, you can ask me.”

“After this time, I will also return to the temple with the Master. There is still a chance to come out, so if you want to know something, now is the best chance.”

Lu Zhen first said hello to Tang Wenlong, who had caught up with the mountain, and asked Tang Wenlong to wait at the foot of the mountain before joining Xia together. Go to a shady place.

“I would like to know the relationship between jade bead and you.” Lu Zhen asked.

“That’s a long story.” Xia sat down on the stone, “About two hundred years ago, there was a stranger from Celestial Phenomenon who happened to pass by jade bead and saw that this place was extraordinary, so he became infatuated. For the study of jade bead.”

“He has excellent innate talent in Feng Shui and Celestial Phenomenon, and the more he studies, the more he discovers the extraordinary mystery contained in jade bead.”

“But after a few years, he fell into a desperate situation, because he found that the mysteries of jade bead were hidden in a special atmosphere, and this atmosphere was only in special occasions, special Celestial Phenomenon. appeared.”

“It took more than ten years and tried countless methods, but he failed to bring this Qi situation into existence, and the days did not leave the year. At this time, he was old and could not live for a few more years, and he was not reconciled. Then he left his inheritance and told future generations that he calculated that the air situation and fairy trail on jade bead will be revealed someday in the future.”

“As for the specific time, he I didn’t leave it, just left a sentence like ‘Cangshan is covered with snow, bright candles are in the south’, saying that after the natural phenomenon occurs, the fairy trail of jade bead will also appear.”

“Later, one after another, How many people have discovered the mystery of jade bead again.”

Lu Zhen asked: “Is your sect senior one of them?”

“Yes.” Xia nodded, “After my sect decided to wait at jade bead, a total of five factions decided to stay on the side of jade bead.”

“Mamel and Hongcheng that fatty are the inheritance descendants of two of them. , but these two people are aliens awakened by Innate, and they are not the same as the cultivation technique that came from inheritance from their ancestors.”

“In addition, Master Laxman has some relationship with a certain family. , plus the next sect, and a mysterious force that is no longer in the world, there are five forces in total.”

“For a long time, the Five Great Influences competed against each other, and they all wanted to drive the rest away. They all attribute the ancestor who first discovered the strangeness of jade bead as their Ancestor Master.”

Lu Zhen looked strange: “I don’t know if that person is a lama or not. ? “

Xia said with a slight smile: “When I was young, I heard the old man in the temple say that that person is a lama, and the inheritance of my temple is also related to that person.” “

Lu Zhen stopped paying attention to these irrelevant things, and asked directly to the core: “Who is the fairy trail on jade bead related to? “

“I don’t know about this either. According to the first who discovered the magical ancestor of jade bead peak, he is not the strange person who first discovered jade bead peak. According to his later investigation, someone has already discovered it.” The difference of jade bead peak. “

“As for who built it, it is even more difficult to find out, but it can be traced back to the pre-Qin era at least two thousand years ago. “

“Actually, apart from the five of us, many people originally paid attention to jade bead, but after the war, less people paid attention to it. “

“Since you are so concerned about jade bead, why did you leave later?” “Lu Zhen asked again.

Regarding Xia’s statement that he didn’t know who built the jade bead peak, and the relationship between several forces and jade bead peak, Lu Zhen believed that there was a certain degree of credibility.

After all, the fairy trail on jade bead has already appeared, and he himself walked around in it, so there is no need to deceive him in these insignificant places.

Neither It is ruled out that the other party has concealed in some places.

The jade bead peak is still shrouded in many mysteries, such as what is inside the stone gate inside? Who is the person he saw? Also, what does that person mean by saying that the time has not come yet?

These people have been waiting on jade bead for hundreds of years before they see the Qi Bureau and fairy trail appear on jade bead, so this What time are you talking about before the time is up?

“This is a bit humiliating to the ancestors…” Xia said with a bitter smile, ‘several decades ago, there was a person who came to jade bead peak, and the other After defeating the Great Sect Ancestor Master, he drove the Great Sect away from the jade bead peak, so Ancestor Master led the Disciples to migrate south, and finally rebuilt the temple south of the highest peak. “

“My temple still has a foundation. The major forces where Mamel and the others are located have fallen apart not long after they left jade bead.” “

Lu Zhen said surprisedly: “Who can drive you away? ”

He has personally seen the proven cultivation base of the Great Dharma King. Even if those predecessors are not as good as the contemporary Great Dharma King, they are not masquerade as having an ability.

With the power of one person Driving away several major forces is naturally not a simple person. Even several decades ago, when the older generation of powerhouses in the Inhuman world had not yet broken down, there were not many people who could do it.

“I don’t know either. It is said that Master Ancestor was seriously injured after going out one night, and when he came back, Disciple prepared to move south, and most of the others did the same. Xia said, “Master Ancestor was very secretive. He passed away within two years after the injury. Before he passed away, he left a last word, saying that there is a devil on the side of the jade bead peak, and no temple Disciple can approach the jade bead peak. “

“Later, several senior characters violated Master Ancestor’s last words and went north to climb jade bead without authorization, and never came back.” “

“The reason why Mamel and the other factions have declined so fast, in addition to their own weak cohesion, there are also a few Great Sect ancestors who disrespected Master Ancestor’s words and set foot on jade bead without authorization. area, and finally died on jade bead’s sake. “

“Even my teacher was warned before the cultivation base was successful, absolutely not to approach the jade bead peak, which shows the deterrent power of the jade bead peak to our factions. “

Xia looked towards jade bead peak: “There is an elder who passed a few words back, saying that the other party is the devil without blinking an eye…”

“He passed The information returned is very small, but from his description of the opponent’s cultivation technique ability, I checked a lot of information, one after another compared with the possible characters, and finally think that the greatest probability is…”

He turned his head, looked towards Lu Zhen, and said word by word, “Sir without roots. “


The Great Dharma King hurried to the south of jade bead peak.

A new realization appeared in his consciousness every moment, and he urgently needed one. A quiet retreat to fully open up the Supreme wisdom inherited from oneself.

But at a certain moment, the fast-moving Great Dharma King suddenly stopped.

had a feeling in the heart , he looked to th

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