I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 214


Chapter 215 The Death of Mamel

“Die again…”

Lu Zhen frowned and watched Corpses on the ground.

The corpse was a man, typically mid-demi-human, with swollen cheeks, a fractured left arm, twisted behind him, and died in front of him in an eerie posture.

This man’s cheek was wounded by him, but he did not kill him.

“Whether you killed it or not, it will be counted on your head in the end.” Sara, who was standing behind Lu Zhen, said, “Or a vendetta, or some other reason, as long as you die, Everyone here will think it was you who killed them, and they will hate you even more.”

She now appears as a emaciated girl with dry hair.

It was completely different from the body she occupied before, but her eyes were the same bright.

“Until now, you’ve only returned unintentionally, and you’ve seen it several times, so it’s reasonable to speculate that those people you let go may have all been killed.” Sarah’s With pity in his eyes, “I don’t know how you judged that some people deserve to die and some people don’t, but now they’re all dead.”

“I didn’t kill people.” Lu Zhen crouched down and put his hand on the On the man’s chest, he felt for a moment.

Looking to find something, Lu Zhen put a finger on the corpse’s brow and closed his eyes.

“But he’s dead,” Sarah said.

Lu Zhen opened his eyes: “Then you should find the murderer.”

He didn’t look at the body again, got up and walked to the city not far away.

Mamel, 100 meters away, has already taken the lead to the city.

From a distance, the size of the city is not large, similar to that of the larger counties in China.

Sarah introduced behind Lu Zhen: “Nuristan is mainly distributed around the city of Nuristan. The people of Nuristan are brave and good at fighting. Under the rule of General Samim, they can still Keep calm.”

Lu Zhen asked, “How many ethnic groups are there in your country?”

Sara continued: “Tajiks, Nuristans, Pashtuns, The Uzbeks are the four major ethnic groups in the country, and the Wakhan Corridor generation you came from and most of the northwestern region are all under the control of the Tajiks.”

“These major ethnic groups are not always Unity, because there are complex tribes and clans under each ethnic group.”

“For example, the Pashtuns, there are five tribal alliances below, and there are more than 300 tribes under this, and Under the tribe, it is further divided into clan, clan and family, so each clan is a complex combination, the interests are not always so consistent, and occasionally there are internal conflicts.”

“In each other The beliefs of the major tribes are different, which is one of the root causes of the conflict, and the Foreign Domain forces have been deeply involved in the situation in Afghanistan since many years ago and have proxies, which is also one of the main reasons for the chaos.”

Sarah sighed deeply: “In the land you see, many tribes, old warlords, and conservative forces are fighting endlessly. Although it is a country, it has been divided into countless parts.”


“You probably don’t know.” Lu Zhen looked towards Sarah, “My country was no better than here several decades ago.”

“I have studied your country. History.” Sarah shook the head, “Your country does not have such strong ethnic conflicts, nor similar religious conflicts, and your beliefs are completely the same, so even if they are separated, they can be unified again.”

She pointed to the ground: “But here, even if there is unity on the surface, the conflict can’t be eliminated unless by the power of Allah…”

Lu Zhen asked back: “If Allah is true If I can help you, how come you will all split up and in pieces?”

The sky is getting darker, and there are not many people in the city, but the functions are complete, and small small pieces can be seen occasionally on both sides of the street. Vendors and restaurants can also be seen open.

Many of the people here are blond and blue-eyed, and they look a bit like Westerners, making Lu Zhen feel a little peculiar.

“The help of Allah is not like feeding food, which is fed into our mouth bit by bit. It will only point us to the right path. Ultimately, we must rely on our own will to complete our mission. “

Sarah said sincerely: “Only by our own efforts can we be qualified to receive God’s help, instead of lying down and waiting for God’s bestowment.”

“You think Use faith to bridge domestic conflicts and contradictions…” Lu Zhen asked, “But these tribes have different beliefs, how do you unify your religious thoughts? War, or preaching?”

” War will only bring endless harm, and no one will listen to preaching.” Sarah sighed again for her life, and said sincerely, “If the dead prophets can be resurrected, then the conflict between our religions will definitely be eliminated.”

Lu Zhen surprisedly said: “Your religion should not have the idea of the resurrection of the Prophet.”

Sarah slightly dissented: “Most of us believe that the caliph elected from the prophet’s disciple is the legitimate heir. , but some people don’t think so.”

“A certain minority advocates the principle of hereditary and believes that it is the correct way to choose the successor of the caliph from the descendants of the prophet’s cousin and son-in-law Ali.”


“They call their leaders Imams, and only Ali himself and his descendants are qualified to be Imams, and consider them to be wise men who are protected by Allah and never make mistakes, even above the Prophet.” p>

“Since Ali, eleven consecutive generations have been descendants of Ali, and many of them believe that the last Imam, the Twelfth Dai Imam, did not actually die, but died hundreds of years ago. Has disappeared, and will reappear as a savior in the future.”

“Are you a majority or a minority?” Lu Zhen asked.

“The overwhelming majority here believe in the majority, and so do I, only the Iranian minority believes in.” Sarah laughed at herself, “I was just telling a joke, and their imams also It’s also a joke.”

“But if the Prophet can really reappear in the world like the reclusive Imam they say…the best situation I imagined is merely this .”

“Just like you, don’t you think that those great characters come back to life again, and see what they say about your world?”

Lu Zhen who walked into the city Calmly said: “I sympathize with your experience, but I don’t agree with your opinion. My ancestors never imagined Immortal God’s blessing.”

After a moment of silence, Sarah said: “You and us It’s different.”

Not long after walking into the city, a beautiful girl in a waiter uniform appeared in front of Lu Zhen with a wooden plate.

In the middle of the plate is the hand-piled rice in a porcelain plate, and there are some meat skewers and various pouches on the side. The food is similar to that of new ginger.

Lu Zhen looked blankly towards the girl who covered her nervousness with a smile.

Sarah said softly, “It’s General Samim’s hospitality. You don’t hide your whereabouts. General Samim must know you’re here.”

“Thank you.” Lu Zhen grabbed a few pouches, took out half of the money from the corpse and put it on a plate.

The girl holding the plate was a little at a loss. When she reacted, Lu Zhen had already walked away.

“You’re giving too much,” Sarah said. “You could have eaten without paying anything, and even that maiden was something you could enjoy if you wanted to.”

Lu Zhen said lightly: “I don’t want to have a relationship with them.”

“You can only have relationships with people when you have relationships, and only when you have relationships can you have friends.” Shaking his head, “We have a saying here, a thousand friends is not too much, and an enemy is not too little, but you are doing the exact opposite.”

Lu Zhen did not speak, and followed Mamel, who was staggering and stopped after almost a few steps, walked into a gloomy and narrow alley.

In front of the dark and dilapidated hut, a young girl standing at the door hurriedly hid in the room and looked at Lu Zhen and Sarah cautiously.

The girl is thin, with a flat body, sunken cheeks, huge numb eyes, and poor lipstick on her lips, which looks like a minor who is doing a poor job of adult makeup imitation.

There is an immediate screeching sound in the room.

The girl walked out the door trembling with fear, and tried to smile at Lu Zhen, the oriental man, on her dead face.

Sara took out the banknotes from herself, gestured to the girl, placed it under her feet, and then turned around to follow Lu Zhen’s footsteps.

“It’s a prostitute,” Sarah whispered. “Women don’t have any status here. You can buy a woman for a small fee, if you need it.”


“The big brother will sell his younger sister, and the parents will sell their daughter… After these people are bought, they are nominally wives, but they are forced to go out to do business after marriage.”

“Rebels are brutally abused… I have seen people with their fingernails and hair pulled out, imprisoned in basement toilets, without enough water and food, and eventually starved to death.”

“It’s just a loss of money for the family, they can buy another woman right away.”

Mamel stumbled to the side of the road, fighting back the thorn in his head Pained, he sneered: “hypocritical…Every day here, I don’t know how many women are sold like goods, but…Sarah…what have you done? You call for respect for women’s rights, but do people listen to you? “

“Malzai controls such a vast area, how many women are executed every year just because of the women’s clothing…”

He looked towards Lu Zhen and grinned: ” You see, this is the region, people like me are aloof and remote…living recklessly, those ants…Oh, the ants have never lived.”

His condition is even worse now.

looked pale without a trace of blood, his shirt was gone, his bare upper body was covered with a mixture of mud and blood, and his left arm that had stopped bleeding was rubbed against the wall, and the wound cracked again, with tiny threads flowing out. blood.

The height of nearly two meters is shrunk under the dark corner, like a tiger that is about to end.

“There are many things we really can’t do.” Sara sighed, “But, Mamel, what do you think we should do? And what do you think we can do with our abilities? What?”

“I don’t think you should do anything, I just think you are hypocritical.” Mamel struggled to his feet, looking towards the weird sharp claw flag hanging on the roof not far away, his face With a cruel smile, “See? The point of contact…my butcher’s flag! They’re already here…watching you and me…if there is an opportunity…”

The only right hand left beating his head in pain, Mamel clenching one’s teeth and said: “If there is an opportunity, they will kill me without the slightest hesitation, and kill you too… A pity you couldn’t stop it They came to die!”

The last sentence was addressed to Sarah.

Sarah said: “Since they know the danger, they may not come in person.”

“No, they will definitely come.” The smile on Mamel’s face grew even wider. , “Whether or not they entered the city in person, but I know they must have arrived, and you didn’t stop them.” He walked out of the house of the banner and walked in the direction of Lu Zhen and Mamel.

Seeing this person’s appearance clearly, Mamel said with a sneer: “This person is just a small character, in your eastern words, but a dog-head military advisor who can be discarded at any time, If you want to kill them, you have to see if you have…”

Without warning, Lu Zhen’s right hand lightly pressed on Mamel’s chest.

No amount of power can make your heart as hard as your body.

There was a slight crack in the heart, and Mamel’s tired body slowly fell backwards.

Blood flowed continuously from his mouth, he gasped continuously, but did not die immediately, with a tragic smile on his face that no one could understand.

He murmured: “I can do it…”

Indifferent Lu Zhen raised his right foot and stepped down on Mamel’s chest.

Several bursts came from under his feet, Mamel spewed a large mouthful of blood mist, and his eyes gradually darkened.

The butcher Mamel, who is famous in Central Asia, died so simply at the hands of Lu Zhen, all the traces left were just a body, and the dyeing of Lu Zhen’s shoes. red blood.

Sara, who was looking at Mamel’s body, sighed complexly: “May Allah forgive your sins…”

The approaching middle-aged man stopped a few meters away , saw Mamel die with his own eyes, and his tense body relaxed, which shows how great Mamel’s deterrent force was on him.

He took off the cell phone he was talking on, hung up the phone, and looked towards Lu Zhen flatteringly: “Dear Oriental guest, first of all, thank you for killing this lunatic Mamel for us, to tell you the truth. , in fact we have long been dissatisfied with his cruelty, but…”

Lu Zhen walked towards the middle-aged man.

Under the huge oppression, the middle-aged man swallowed his saliva, but did not back down, barely maintaining the smile on his face: “But, as everyone knows, Mamel is too powerful! To thank you You helped us kill Mamel and ended his cruelty to us…”

Lu Zhen had already stepped beyond the middle-aged man’s arm, looking down at the man who was half a head lower than him. middle-aged man.

This guy is scarier than Mamel… the middle-aged man took a step back uncontrollably.

But their fear of Mamel is the fear engraved in the bones, but they don’t have that instinctive fear of Lu Zhen in front of them.

He suppressed his unease and said with sincerity, “We… We have prepared some gifts for you, I hope you will be satisfied. In addition, although we have been operating on the northern border for a while, we have done everything under the threat of Mamel. “

“Nevertheless, we do not deny that we have done a little excessive things at the border, and here I sincerely apologize to you…”

His words It stopped abruptly because Lu Zhen’s palm was already on his neck.

The middle age person’s face was flushed, his eyes were white, and he was lifted from the ground by Lu Zhen.

Abruptly The sound of gunshots sounded, and Lu Zhen and the middle age person disappeared at the same time.

Intensive gunshots came from the houses on both sides, the ground and walls burst at the same time, and it was unclear how many. People are ambushed in the house.

Under the coverage of the firepower network, there is no dead angle. Even if Lu Zhen’s speed is fast, it is impossible to walk out of this alleyway from the front intact.

These Humans should be specially trained and deliberately used to surround and kill Cultivation’s successful aliens.

With this kind of firepower network, when caught off guard, it may work for ordinary aliens, but for Lu Zhen However, there was not much pressure.

The sound of “peng”, the sound of the wall collapsing overwhelmed the countless gunshots, and Lu Zhen had crashed into the house on the left.

The screams suddenly sounded, and the gunshots suddenly became sparse.

A series of “boom” collapsed sounds came out, like an unstoppable huge monster, quickly heading towards the monster with the strange flag. The room closed in.

The gunfire didn’t disappear until the house under the banner collapsed with a bang.

A moment later, Lu Zhen, whose right hand was covered in blood, emerged from the dust of the rubble Get out.

The sudden gunshots came from the opposite room again.

Lu Zhen has already crashed into the opposite house.

In less than a minute, he reappeared in the alley, and quickly galloped away in a certain direction outside the city.

“Mamel is really dead. already? ! “

“Dead, Rajad saw him die!” Killed like a wild dog! “

“Oh, this Oriental Interesting.” “

“For doing a good deed, we can reward him a little more.” ”

In a residential house ten li or so outside the city, three men with extraordinary imposing manners were relaxed at the same time.

The heavy pressure felt all year round was disappeared, and all three felt Let the whole body relax.

The great situation is just around the corner, there is a chance for one third to become Mamel’s successor, why do they not relax?

Among them, the oldest beard said with a smile: “I want to thank this oriental man. Although he is a little reckless, he has done a good job. If he wants, I will collect a few more beauties and let him take him back to the East with him. “

Another vest standing brawny man sneered: “You’re not worried at all, he killed us together?” “

“Ali, if you’re afraid, you don’t have to come.” “The dark-faced man sitting opposite the brawny man in the vest sneered, “Why do you follow me like a dog?” ”

The brawny man in the vest stood up suddenly, and glared at the man of prey: “You…”

The old man got up, stood between the brawny man in the vest and the man of prey, and grabbed the brawny in one hand The man’s hand, the other hand patted the underworld man’s shoulder, laughed and said: “Everyone knows something, why do you say it so clearly? “

“Since Mamel is dead now, don’t we think of ways to ensure our own safety, and then discuss how to distribute Mamel’s inheritance?” “

The vest brawny man withdrew his arms angrily.

“Ali has a point, we should be wary of this oriental man, after all, even Mamel was killed by him.” The old man said, “His strength is too terrifying. If he doesn’t accept our good intentions, then we might have some trouble.”

“Strong strength, but unfortunately he has no brains.” Killing a few people and thinking that you can deter us is a fool.”

“Sarah is so terrifying about this person, I don’t think it’s good.”

The old man said with a smile: “But this fool is powerful and has helped us a lot.”

“If he doesn’t accept our kindness and falls out with Rajad, our arrangements may not be able to stop him. He, it’s not necessarily safe here, he may force us to find out where we are hiding at any time, we’d better move now…”

“It’s too late.” The door was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged man with bright eyes The woman walked into the room, “He’s already here.”

Before the three people in the room could react, the middle-aged woman pointed to the penetrating wound on her chest that was hit by the bullet: “This person is Did you kill them?”

Making up for yesterday’s.

(End of this chapter)

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