I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 223


Chapter 224 Returning to the North, Zhang Chulan and the others waiting at the border


Saleh’s mind subconsciously thinks of the ‘stupid Oriental”.

His strength is mysterious, and he is not even a match for Mamel.

If the person in front of him is really the ‘stupid Oriental” who is regarded as a sacrifice, he doesn’t think he can fight against the opponent.

So in the heart he didn’t even have the idea of fighting the other side.

Without thinking about why Sarah was with the Orientals, Saleh turned into a wriggling black mist.

A black hole appeared in the black mist, like a hole that could suck any matter in.

The black mist formed by Saleh surged into the black hole, and disappeared in a flash.


Lu Zhen’s outstretched hand was grabbing where Saleh disappeared, but it was empty.

This ability is not a simple teleportation, it is more like connecting this place with another place, and then transforming itself into that atomized state and jumping to another place.

Although it is not a practice of Qi, there are fluctuations in Qi.

Lu Zhen closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the body moved, looked towards Northern Part of City and chased after him.

Sara chased after him: “This is Saleh’s ability, the jumping distance will not be too far, as far as I know, it should be within 500 meters.”

Lu Zhen jumped onto the roof, and in his sight, Saleh continued north.

“How long can this jump last?” Lu Zhen followed closely from behind, chasing north.

If Saleh can keep activating this ability, no matter how fast he is, he won’t be able to catch up to Saleh.

“I don’t know.” Sara, who was following behind, said, “No one knows his limit, but his ability can be used to teleport items. As far as I know, his teleportation of items is The distance is very far, and it can even be transmitted hundreds of kilometers away, but the frequency and weight are limited.”

“At the most, I saw him teleport more than ten times in a row.”

Lu Zhen accelerated suddenly, leaving Sarah behind.

On the pure speed, Saleh is not as good as Lu Zhen.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Saleh once again turned into a black mist and disappeared.

The two chased after each other. When Saleh turned into a black mist and disappeared for the fourth time, Sarah behind him had disappeared.

When it turned into black mist for the fifth time, Saleh’s anxiety grew more and more.

He has been impossible to escape like this, but no matter how he uses this method to distance himself from Lu Zhen, Lu Zhen will always catch up with precision.

Salih grew increasingly uneasy as the tried-and-true escape tactics were now useless.

More than 20 kilometers north of Maidan City, Saleh did not get rid of Lu Zhen.

The only thing I can do is attract the Orientals to the army, and then run away…

No matter why the Orientals can keep chasing him, as long as they escape a considerable distance, naturally Can find a way to avoid tracking…

Salih turned into black mist for the sixth time.

However, this time it wasn’t that simple. When his hands and feet had turned into black mist, Saleh suddenly felt a burst of extreme sharpness coming from the back of his head.

Salih was shocked.

The black mist dissipated, and he subconsciously ducked forward.

Feng Rui, who made his scalp tingle, was in hot pursuit.

Salih turned around suddenly and saw a somewhat familiar Spirit Physique.


A little white lightning chased after him and turned into Lu Zhen’s silhouette.

Sarri’s heart sank.

He has lost his last chance.

Not at the hands of the elders, but at the hands of the heretic of the East.

But the closer to death, the quieter his heart became.

He has done so much for Allah to bring Allah’s Roaming Great Dao to this chaotic place and to save more people, why not go to Allah now?

When Sarah chased after her, she saw Saleh’s body and Lu Zhen standing beside the body, and when she walked out of Nuristan , the scene seen is almost indistinguishable.

It’s just that the body on the ground then was Karzai, and now it’s Saleh.

“didn’t expect, you can catch up to Saleh so quickly.” Sarah said meaningfully.

“He’s approaching his limit.” Lu Zhen explained briefly.

On jade bead, he used the Bright Soul Technique and the Rescue.

There were Mamel, Laxman, Xia, and that fatty.

Except for Xia and Dharma King who returned to the highest peak, everyone else died.

Up to now, after killing Saleh, who had seen Mamel Spirit Physique, if he no longer shot, then no one has seen his Bright Soul Technique and slaying generals.

Sarah was silent.

Lu Zhen digested the memories extracted from Saleh.

After a long time, Sarah sighed: “You seem to have many questions to ask me, if I know, I will answer it for you.”

Lu Zhen rubbed his eyebrows: “I want to know, did the elder fail or succeed?”

“Failed and successful,” Sarah said.

Lu Zhen frowned looking towards Sarah.

“It’s not perfunctory.” Sara also looked towards Nuristan City, “In the sense that we had hoped that the Mahdi would reappear, the elder failed, but the elder failed. Without a complete failure, he came into contact with the highest being…knows what a Mahdi is.”

Lu Zhen guessed: “Your change is related to the highest being that the elders come into contact with?”

Sarah nodded: “Using the elders as a medium, I was fortunate to have had contact with the ineffable and unthinkable highest existence, and saw a higher level of wisdom… I really saw the world of Allah…”

“Allah… Really exists?” Lu Zhen looked up towards the sky.

Excluding the rambunctious things, if the highest existence mentioned by Sarah is understood as the “Dao” said by Taoists, Lu Zhen does not have any obstacles to understanding.

But Allah is not “Dao”, but a volitional being believed by many believers.

“Allah exists naturally.” Sara said reverently, “The natural phenomenon in Nuristan is the proof of the existence of Allah, and there is nothing but Allah that can create that between Heaven and Earth. A natural phenomenon?”

“Also, the elders and I have been in touch with the will of Allah… There are so many believers in the world, no matter who you ask, he can tell you that there are countless Divines of Allah that exist. Vestige.”

Remembering what happened in Nuristan, Lu Zhen was silent for a while, and then asked: “What exactly are you talking about Mahdi?”

He came from Sa There was no more useful pertinent information in Lich’s memory.

Salih, as an Imam, believes that Twelfth is the savior, and does not know more inside information.

In fact, Saleh himself is just a religious fanatic who has been manipulated by people with dual purposes of religion and politics.

“It was not the Mahdi that Karzai believed in that descended on the city of Nuristan, but the vast mind of the unconscious condensed by faith.” Sarah pointed to herself, “The elder told me, Mahdi Di is me, and every believer, whoever comes into contact with the highest being and has a savior in his heart is the Mahdi.”

“Everyone is a Mahdi, and everyone is a savior…” Lu Zhen looked towards Saleh’s body, “So, you were deceived, didn’t savior mean the missing Imam? Or, you all didn’t know what the real Mahdi was?” p>

Sarah didn’t answer, and said instead: “You asked me just now about my changes, wisdom is related to the world I have seen Allah, and my current state of immortality is related to this huge belief in thinking. The reason.”

Lu Zhen looked thoughtful and said, “Is this unconscious mind you are talking about your God?”

“Different.” Sarah shook her head, “If When you come into contact with the world of Allah, you will understand what a world it is… that world no one can refuse…”

Lu Zhen did not comment, but asked solemnly: “What the elder said After seven years, what does the final judgment mean?”

He had heard the saying “it’s not yet” on jade bead, so he was quite sensitive to the phrase.

Going to Alawi, he heard another ‘seven years”, which made him even more puzzled.

Even if there is no killing in the south, this question must be asked clearly.

“We believe that our present life is but a trial, a trial to enter the kingdom of God after death.” Sarah’s face glowed with piety.

“At the appointed time, the entire universe will be destroyed, and Allah will judge the dead and reward each person according to their faith and deeds.”

“Faith And those who do good are the inhabitants of Paradise, and they will live in it forever.”

“The heretic and the hypocrites will enter the 7th Layer Hell prepared by Allah, suffer all kinds of torment, and live in it.”

“This day is Judgment Day and the beginning of immortal life.”

Just a simple religious prophecy?

Recalling the hell scene he saw in Nuristan when he was trapped by Karzai, Lu Zhen fell into deep thought.

There are many prophecies about the end of the world in various religions around the world, but these prophecies have never been fulfilled, otherwise this world will not continue to this day.

But now this sentence comes from the mouth of the elder Allawi, and it seems to have some deeper meanings.

A moment later, Lu Zhen asked, “Is it the revelation that the highest being sent to you?”

“I don’t know.” Sarah shook the head, “all The news from the elder, I just made a guess based on the elder’s words, in fact, I don’t know if it is correct.”

Looking towards Sarah, Lu Zhen frowned: “Then you are from the highest existence. What did I get?”

“There are some things that can’t be said, can’t be seen, can’t even be thought, because just thinking about it is wrong.” Sarah pointed to her head, “I don’t know what I got, if Must say, I can only attribute it to wisdom.”

“My mind seems to be infinitely higher, every moment, I can…I can’t accurately describe the feeling… “

“Wisdom…” Lu Zhen said lightly, “You are not as good as the real wise man I have seen, and you are not as good as the elders.”

Sarah whispered: “I It’s not as good as the elders, she used to be just a little girl sheltered by the elders.”

“I lost my parents when I was ten…I have been wandering outside because of my appearance…I can only be a beggar … Later, when I met the elder, I could have a stable life.”

Lu Zhen did not comment on the relationship between Sarah and the elder, and finally asked: “I want to know, the elder is now in What state?”

Sarah sighed sadly: “Beyond the kingdom of Allah, we cannot see the elder again.”

So, in the biological sense It should be dead… Lu Zhen commented: “The elders can be called great.”

“I will continue to follow the path the elders see, until the elders say seven When the year comes, let the elder see the world he said he was looking forward to.” Sarah looked towards Kabul.

“I do not have the ability to create a heaven on earth without pain and sorrow. That is what the Almighty God can do, but I will not let the elders down again.”


Lu Zhen said straight to the point: “If your actions are still so weak and naive, only thinking about the so-called kingdom of heaven and not considering practical issues, you will be the worst at anything, you are powerless for those refugees, and you cannot control the situation here. , all the blood that is shed now is in vain.”

“In the end, you will achieve nothing.”

“I understand where my childishness and weakness are.” After many ridiculous thoughts and actions of her own, Sarah laughed at herself, “Oriental, I will do it… The elders have gone, Gani teacher has also gone, they put all the burden on me, they Trust me…and I’m no longer a willful little girl…”

She took a deep breath: “Really bishop instructs us to be honest with others and not to be cunning…in the city of Nuristan. , I have a plot against…”

Lu Zhen stretched out his right hand, and countless flashing thunderbolts appeared from his palm, wrapping Sarah in the thunderbolt.

Not looking at Sarah’s body, Lu Zhen turned and headed north.

Another Sarah appeared from the void, looking towards Lu Zhen’s back: “Oriental, you are used to being alone, you don’t know what a companion is, and you don’t understand Mahdi’s savior mentality… being alone… Like a stone, in the end, you will be completely cut off from the world, unable to know Allah, and unable to obtain salvation.”

“Salvation?” Lu Zhen’s step one stopped, and asked back, “How do you find your own Salvation?”

“Knowing the greatness of Allah and saving countless lost believers is my salvation.” Sarah said, “With the border line north of the Wakhan Corridor as the boundary, I will bind the country The cultivator, don’t let them go north.”


Lu Zhen murmured and continued to go north.

A force of force poured into the ground from the soles of his feet, came to Sara’s side, and shot out suddenly, hitting Sara’s head.

The head exploded, the body hadn’t fallen yet, another Sarah had appeared.

“Oriental, good luck…” Looking at the back of Lu Zhen heading north, Sarah sighed and turned to go south.

With the empty wilderness as the background, one headed north, the other headed south, and went separate ways…

Lu Zhen didn’t try to kill Sarah again.

Although he still had many means, he could try to imprison Sarah, but he didn’t do it.

As things come to this step, Sarah’s presence may make those refugees, the world that he sees as bad, a little better.

Perhaps these were long anticipated by the elders…

The kindness in his heart was hesitant, and it turned into a daze in Lu Zhen’s heart.

More than two thousand years ago, in the face of the highest question raised by life, Zhuangzi chose to twiddle his tail in order to seek a peaceful state, but Confucius knew that he could not do it and did it, and devoted himself to implementing it. To save the world from falling apart.

Or just cultivate oneself and regard the world as a foreign object.

Or repair Qi and Zhiping, with the mentality of savior, to save people in the world.

Regardless of the East or the West, since ancient times, no matter how you choose, you cannot escape these two mentalities in the end.

The redemptive mentality of knowing that it is impossible to do is the humane, the self-care and carefreeness is Heavenly Dao, the natural inaction Heavenly Dao…

Sarah and the elders Religious savior mentality, walking is humane, and although Lu Zhen did not eliminate the doubts in his heart, he actually followed Heavenly Dao, who was self-righteous.

The conflict between Heavenly Dao and humanity in Lu Zhen’s heart never faded away.

Now, Lu Zhen feels the disconnect again.

He admires the hearts of the elders, pity those innocent suffering people, but he is unwilling to take the same path as the elders.

The problem is that he has strong feelings in his heart, such as hatred and disgust for the wicked, sympathy for the suffering of the weak, and strong self-esteem, which prevents him from being the same as Zhuangzi. Willful and carefree character…

His mentality has been hovering between the two, and it is not pure.

He once asked the old Heavenly Master about this question, but the old Heavenly Master’s statement was not very convincing to him.

After feeling the words of the old Heavenly Master on the prairie to the north, this question still exists in his mind.

Lu Zhen has an intuition that the cultivation base of rapid progress will not be an obstacle for him to emerge immortal dao, and the hardest level he needs to face in the end will still be his mood problem.


Not far from the border, the old man as thin as a monkey is still sitting cross-legged on the roof.

Away from the lake, Feng Baobao, who has recovered to normal, wandered around beside the car, sometimes climbed on the roof, and stared at the old man with wide eyes, just like observing a monkey, not knowing what he was looking at.

There were also several bruises on her arms, apparently injured by the old man.

Xu Si, who was standing by the side, reminded: “Bao’er, be careful, don’t be cut again.”

Feng Baobao waved his hand: “This time I can hide… …Aiya…”

Without seeing the old man’s movements, a dazzling sword qi had already stabbed at Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao jumped out of the car nimbly, the sword qi was stabbing under her left arm, puncturing a hole in her coat, leaving only a shallow hole under her elbow. shallow wound.

The old man rarely opened his eyes and looked deeply Feng Baobao.


“You sister Bao’er can already dodge that old man’s sword qi initially.” Tang Wenlong, who was sitting on the ground and wrapped in bandages, looked at Feng Baobao The other side said, “There are so many of us. If we want to leave forcibly, the old man can’t stop us.”

Zhang Chulan, who grinned and checked his wound, said, “The old man’s sword qi is very good. Dangerous, difficult to deal with, in case of casualties, it is not acceptable to us…”

He glanced at the southern border: “Anyway, Lu Zhen will be back soon, wait a while longer. Time.”

“It stands to reason that I should be back.” Tang Wenlong also looked towards that direction, “After going out for so many days, killing a few people, there must be more than enough time.”

“Maybe there was an accident, and the company’s headquarters was contacted there…but I am quite relieved about the strength of Lu Zhen.” Zhang Chulan looked towards Tang Wenlong, “Speaking of, Brother Long, you… don’t seem to blame me? “

“What are you doing to blame?” Tang Wenlong said unfathomable mystery, “you came to save me, although it is useless… I am too late to thank you, why should I blame you?”

” I’m not talking about this.” Zhang Chulan rubbed his head, “I’m talking about… the Luo Tian grand ceremony.”

“Oh, the Luo Tian grand ceremony…” Tang Wenlong didn’t care. Said, “Don’t be nervous, do you think I’ll hate you because of Luo Tian Dajia? Think too much.”

“I was a little depressed when I came back, but the imbalance in my heart has long since disappeared. , To be honest, after I figured it out, I thank you a little bit.”

The young employee who is familiar with everything sitting behind them stretched out their ears and listened to the two chatting.

Zhang Chulan said embarrassedly, “Brother Long, you didn’t say anything ironic, did you?”

“What irony did you say?” Tang Wenlong leaned back on the stone, “I was indeed defeated at that time. Give it to you, if you lose completely, you win just and honorable.”

Zhang Chulan wiped her cold sweat: “It’s not upright…Brother Long, to be honest, I spent a lot of money at that time. Only your mind can win you so quickly.”

Tang Wenlong shook the head: “That’s your idea, not me, and I’m Tang Sect…”

“Although we are now Good citizens who abide by the law, but in the past, we lived by assassination… Stealth, efficiency, planning and action are the qualities that Tang Sect Disciple should have.”

“There In the Zhang competition, you did better than me, so I said that you won completely, but thanks to you, you made me understand my flaws.”

“In fact, it’s not just me, maybe Because of environmental problems, our Tang Sect youngsters are becoming less and less secretive, and more like thugs than killers.”

Zhang Chulan was even more embarrassed: “haha, Brother Long, you make me feel bad for your praise. Well…but, Brother Long, you seem to have changed a lot from the beginning, and you have learned a lot from Lu Zhen along the way?”

“You did learn a lot.” Tang Wenlong Self-confidence, “After I recover from my injury, I will fight with you again, and you may not be able to win against me.”

“I believe in this.” Zhang Chulan said with a smile, “Actually, I have a crush on Tang. Sect is very interested, Brother Long, tell me about Tang Sect.”

Tang Wenlong glanced at Zhang Chulan: “If you want to know anything, just ask, I will tell you what you can say, and you can’t say it. There’s nothing I can do.”


A night passed, and at noon on the second day, a youngster who had endured the hardships of a long journey finally appeared at the southern border. film.

(End of this chapter)

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