I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 23


Chapter 23 Conversation and miserable cultivation

Everywhere is connected to the company.

“I’m back at last, I’m really exhausted!”

Xu Si, in shorts, a long coat, and a cigarette in his mouth, pushed open the office door, and he was busy working in the office. Sit down at the table.

The opposite Xu San was used to it, looked at the document in his hand, and asked without raising his head, “How are things going over there?”

“President Zhao is talking about it in person. .” Xu Si said, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, “Wang Family dared to break taboos and attacked the ordinary person, causing such a big psychological shadow. This time they won’t let them peel off, and President Zhao will definitely not let them go. “

“The Wang Family is very strong.”

“Hey, how can one of the Great Families be weak? Compared to on the surface, which of those forces is not hidden?” power?” Xu Si exhaled two white smog from his nostrils, “But that taboo is the will of the ten elders as a whole, and also the will of our company. How dare Wang Family challenge it? This matter alone can suppress Wang Family. .”

“That’s true. For the time being, you can suppress the Wang Family and solve the problem within a certain range, so as not to cause too much trouble.” Xu San nodded, “Dragon Tiger Mountain How’s it going over there?”

“What else can I do?” Xu Si took the cigarette from his mouth, “Wang Ai is emotional, Lu Ci’s attitude is ambiguous, and talking doesn’t give Wang Ai any face, if not The old Heavenly Master is in town, and the two might have to fight on the spot.”

Xu San said with a laugh: “Originally, the two were united, and the pressure on the Heavenly Master was not small, so this kind of trouble , even if the relationship between the two is not completely broken, at least it will not return to the previous situation.”

“Recently, the alien world has been really busy, if not for the upcoming Luo Tian ceremony, which has attracted everyone’s attention. Look, what’s the impact of this matter?” Xu Si tutted, “That Lu Zhen tied Wang Bing without saying a word, and also did Wang Xu halfway, did he eat a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder? Can’t it?”

Xu San raised his head and stretched his waist: “The information of the Lu Family has always been confidential, and our company does not know much more about the Lu Family than other hearsay people.”


“According to what Lu Zhen said, it was for robbing something, but he had never had contact with these people before… Only they themselves knew how many things were hidden inside.”

“Anyway, we don’t need it now. Worry, think too much headache. “Xu Si put the cigarette back in his mouth, suddenly asked, “You said, that Lu Zhen really came here?” “

Xu San loosened his tie: “He is very cautious and has a very strong sense of anti-tracking, but judging from the direction of his disappearance, the probability of coming here is great, but now our energy is on On Zhang Chulan, there is also a Wang Family, how can anyone track him now? “

“Ha, what are you kidding?” ! Xu Si pouted, “With our level of control over this place, we can’t even find such a big living person?” “

“I really didn’t find it. What’s the difference between finding such a person in such a big city and looking for a needle in a haystack?” And we are understaffed right now. “Xu San crossed his hands and leaned back on the back of the chair, “The impact of what the Wang Family has done is very bad, and we must eliminate the impact of this as soon as possible. “

Xu Si rolled his eyes and said, “How can there be so much trouble, as long as it is a human, how can it not leak a trace? Send someone to monitor all the roads and roads entering the city, especially the vehicles along the way, is it possible that he can still fly? “

“Don’t you know how many people there are in the company?” Do we let the ordinary person investigate the aliens? “Xu San held up a pair of glasses, and the anti-light flashed away on the lenses. “Now, in this situation, we might as well…”

“Okay, don’t be long-winded, I understand your consideration. . “Xu Si waved his hands again and again and interrupted, “I know, now is not the time to contact each other. “

“It may not be that no one else has found his trace. So many eyes are fixed on us. As long as we really see him, the news of where he is tomorrow may reach the ears of those who care.” “

“If the other party doesn’t involve our bottom line and the ordinary person, it’s better to be like now, wait for a consensus on Zhao’s side, at least keep calm for now. “

“Judging from the feedback from the injured person, that Lu Zhen doesn’t seem to have any interest in hurting the ordinary person. On the contrary, he is quite reasonable to the ordinary person.” “

“But I still want to remind you, that Lu Zhen is a very dangerous guy, and there is still some power behind it. “

Xu San opened his mouth to speak.

Xu Si interrupted proudly: “You just like to be smart, don’t I know about these things?” I’m your boss now, what’s there to hide from me? “

With the sound of “Pa”, Xu San slapped his right hand on the table, got up and said angrily, “You are a stingy character, when will you think more about it…”

“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry. “Xu Si tactically leaned back, dodging the spittle stars, “Our character happens to be one civil and one military, and we complement each other’s strengths, so we can do things rightly, without resorting to any means, what can we do with just our mouths?” “

Xu San coldly snorted: “What means are you going to use? Find out where Lu Zhen was hiding and grab it? “

“I’m not too lazy to let them pinch themselves.” “Xu Si looked towards the window,” Speaking of which, how was Zhang Chulan the past few days? Luo Tian did not have much time left. “

Hearing Zhang Chulan, Xu San showed a slight smile on his face: “I have been in special training all the time. I have been cultivating in the uninhabited land for the past two days, and I haven’t even returned to the villa.” “

“That kid called me before and said that he has a way to improve his strength quickly. When he asked him what to do, he hesitated, and was cleaned up by Sister Baoer. Now he is honest and is practicing.” There has been considerable progress in Qi and Jing Gong. “

“The man who carved the sand of the palace in that place…” Xu Si laughed heartily, “Don’t tell me, although so many years were wasted, this guy has to catch up with the same age as the cream of the crop.” I’m afraid it won’t be long before we use the means, and the position of Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master is not all dreams. “


Somewhere in the woods in the suburbs.

The branches and leaves vibrated, and a flock of birds flew.

A heaven shaking, After the screams of earth shattering, a vague voice sounded: “Feng… Feng Baobao, don’t you have any points when you start? ! “

“What do you call me?” “The ethereal female voice sounded with a strong Sichuan accent.

“Sister Baoer! No, master! “

“Zhang Chulan, you have to practice Qi seriously. Only by meditating and focusing on Qi practice can you compete for the position of the next Heavenly Master. Do you really think that it is your cultivation base? , you can become Heavenly Master? No way? “

“Sister Bo’er, I know I can’t do it, so before I practice Qi seriously, I think…”

“It’s all a lie to you, so what if you’re distracted?” Practicing Qi? I tell you, don’t believe the nonsense you hear, even if there is any means to stimulate potential, it is the unorthodox way. “

“It’s just useful… Sister Bo’er, you can go with me. If there is a problem, can’t you see it from the eyes of Sister Bo’er?” “

“Oh, that makes sense.” “

“That’s right, Sister Bo’er, I… why… why are you hitting me again.” “

“Concentrate on practicing Qi. “

“Sister Bo’er…”

(end of this chapter)

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