I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 232


Chapter 233 Helping Tang Miaoxing

Outside Tang Mound, Tang Miaoxing took Lu Zhen across a path and into the stone mountain .

all around is bare, with no greenery in sight.

The large and small stone tablets are inserted diagonally all around the road, which is extremely chaotic at first glance, but it seems to contain some indescribable law, which constitutes a special Formation.

Each stone tablet has some kind of strange curve drawn with thick lines of crimson, like some kind of line graph.

Tang Miaoxing noticed Lu Zhen’s bland reaction: “You don’t seem to be surprised? So you know what is drawn on those stone tablets?”

“The graphics are divided into three parts, The top one should refer to Upper Dantian, the spiral curve in the middle is Middle Dantian’s Qi, and the bottom is Lower Dantian, which is connected to Upper Dantian’s Qi.” Lu Zhen guessed, “It should be some kind of cultivation technique. The picture, it may be Dan Sect.”

Tang Miaoxing nodded: “Yes, it is Dan Sect, it is here… The dream of countless people in Tang Sect through the ages is here.”

Remembering that the Qi of his five internal organs entered the Upper Dantian, which actually connected the Lower Dantian with the Upper Dantian, Lu Zhen moved in his heart and suddenly asked: “I once heard that the Zhuge Family has a stunt called Samadhi True Fire, which is to put The three treasures of Essence, Qi, and Spirit are ignited into a flame that can burn the Divine Soul, which is somewhat similar to Tang Sect’s Dan bite.”

Tang Miaoxing was a little surprised: “Zhuge Family’s Samadhi True Fire has dozens of If there is no successor, most people in the Inhuman world probably don’t know the secret skill of Zhuge Family, but you know it, which makes me a little surprised.”

paused, he continued: “Dan Divine and Samadhi True Fire have something in common, both need to involve Essence, Qi, and Spirit three treasures, but the final direction is not consistent, the final form of Samadhi True Fire can ignite the Divine Soul, but Dan-chou… I can’t describe it, If you are fortunate enough to see it, you will know what happened.”

Lu Zhen asked again: “It is a coincidence that Danzhu and Samadhi True Fire both take Essence, Qi, and Spirit as one. , or is there some connection?”

Tang Miaoxing answered casually: “Essence, Qi, and Spirit are the most important three treasures of the human body, and the practice path is to mention Essence, Qi, and Spirit of the expert body after all. Make it different from ordinary people.”

“Samadhi True Fire is ignited by Essence, Qi, and Spirit, so it has some peculiarities, and Dan bite is Essence, Qi, and Spirit and Tang Sect’s poisonous powers matched, and went in another direction. ”

Lu Zhen, who looked thoughtful, stopped talking.

As he walked along, there were traces of Formation on both sides and under his feet.

Lu Zhen’s feet avoided Open an organ that stimulates Formation, and curiously ask: “How many Formations are there in Tang Sect mountainside. “

“There are nine formations from here to the Tang Sect forbidden area. “Tang Miaoxing said, “Where we are now is the seventh team. “

Lu Zhen looked around: “I once heard that the company asked major forces to demolish their own organs, and even the Lu Family demolished the organs in the village. Isn’t Tang Sect affected? ? “

“How could it not have been affected?” Tang Sect can ignore the company in many places, but in the company’s bottom line… So far, no force has dared to blatantly violate it. You Lu Family are the same, and so is my Tang Sect. “Tang Miaoxing said, “I was one of the negotiators with the company back then. “

He pointed to the underground: “In fact, Tang Sect’s large-scale mechanism has been dismantled for several decades,”

“According to the company, all forces must follow the company’s rules.” The developed non-individual large-scale organization control measures, not only Tang Sect, the organization’s Sect or individuals are not allowed to set up organizations without permission. “

“Involving automatic triggering, large-scale and concealed agencies are not allowed to be established privately, and establishment agencies must declare and register, make it public, visualized, and exist in the form of technical inheritance. ”

“Tang Sect is famous in the Inhuman world for its poisonous qi and organs, so it’s not so simple to let it go.” “He stepped on a trigger device with his right foot.

The trigger sound of “click” sounded, but no mechanism was triggered.

Tang Miaoxing looked up at the sky and said slowly. : “When the company negotiated with Tang Sect, it took a lot of effort to persuade Tang Sect to follow the company’s regulations, and Tang Sect took the lead, and the other small Sects naturally agreed. “

“However, the rules are dead and people are alive. As long as you use your brain a little bit, there may not be no way to avoid it…”

Go through the ninth formation and enter a A huge cave.

Tang Miaoxing, who was leading the way, had a complicated expression: “This is Tang Tomb, the Land of Buried Bones of Tang Sect’s ancestors, and the biggest forbidden place in Tang Sect, and you are the first An outsider who walked into the Tang Tomb…”

A man and a woman, two middle age persons with dull expressions, wearing white loose training clothes, appeared in the empty passage in the cave.

Tang Miaoxing nodded slightly to the two of them and passed between them.

Lu Zhen followed behind Tang Miaoxing, walked between them, and continued to go deep into Tang Tomb.

Walking through the passage, the space in front suddenly expanded and turned into an amazingly large circular cave.

In Lu Zhen’s field of vision, the most conspicuous place was the innermost piece of the cave with a drawing of Pill Bite.

A huge stone tablet with a picture of Qi.

On the cobblestone in front of the stone tablet is a shabby old man sitting barefoot in ragged clothes.

Xu Xin…the moment I saw the old man , this name appeared in Lu Zhen’s heart.

The muscles are slack, seemingly ordinary, but it can put more pressure on him than Tang Miaoxing in front of him, so there are only thirty-six thieves One of Xu Xin!

On the walls of the cave all around are small black lacquer caves.

Although I didn’t see the silhouette, but in Lu Zhen’s perception, every There is an obscure atmosphere in every cave.

In this so-called forbidden area of Tang Sect, Lu Zhen’s perception of experts has far exceeded what he has encountered in the outer sect of Tang Sect. All experts.

This is the essence of Tang Sect!

Tang Miaoxing didn’t know if Lu Zhen recognized Xu Xin, nor did he introduce Xu Xin to Lu Zhen.

Walking into the cave, he looked at the qi diagram on the huge stone tablet for a while, then turned his head and looked towards Lu Zhen: “I will give you the method you want to adjust the conflict between the five qi… Bit…”

He pointed to Xu Xin: “He will supervise you. During this period, if I lose consciousness, he will judge whether your actions are harmful to me, and if he thinks you are It’s hurting me, the result will definitely exceed your expectations, I suggest you don’t try it. “

Xu Xin opened her eyes and nodded to Lu Zhen.

Tang Miaoxing continued: “To tell you the truth, although I am willing to make this deal with you, I am still afraid of you.” … Your reputation is there, and even if I do my best, I’m not necessarily your opponent, so I have to take full precautions. “

Lu Zhen said indifferently: “I know Tang Sect’s concern. “

“To be honest, I’m really not very at ease with you when you suddenly come here.” Tang Miaoxing motioned to all around, “You may have also felt that this is the place with the most Tang Sect experts and the most tightly defended Tang Sect, so I chose this place. “

“Whether it’s you, or any expert in the Inhuman world, it’s impossible to sneak in here without being noticed, and it’s impossible to kill people here and easily escape from Tang Sect.” “

He turned his head and looked towards Lu Zhen: “If you tell me now, what you said was just a joke, then you can leave immediately, but once the transaction starts, you There is no room for repentance…”

Lu Zhen’s expression remained unmoved: “Tang Sect has been wandering for many years before the threshold of Pill Bite, all he lacks is the perception of life and death, just push the door open. , then the probability of mastering the pill is naturally greatly improved. “

“I will use a special method to make Tang Sect Chang fall into a situation of immortality and never die, always hovering on the edge of life and death, until Tang Sect Chang himself sees through life and death, or has enough insight to wake up. . “

Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin looked at each other.

Xu Xin nodded: “It sounds like the same thing.” “

Tang Miaoxing looked towards Lu Zhen and asked, “How long will it take me to wake up?” “

Lu Zhen shook his head: “I don’t know, there is no concept of time in that state, maybe you can wake up in a few minutes, or maybe you can wake up in a few years. “

“It’s also possible that you never wake up?” Tang Miaoxing laughed, but did not look hesitant at all.

After tidying up his collar, he sat cross-legged next to Xu Xin: “Start, what you want, monitor your bit will give you. “

Lu Zhen glanced at Xu Xin, walked behind Tang Miaoxing, and placed a palm on Xu Tang Miaoxin’s head.

“Don’t resist.” ”

The blue Qi poured out from his palm, secretly entered Tang Miaoxing’s Upper Dantian, and then descended from the Upper Dantian to the Middle Dantian and Lower Dantian.

There are many people here, so Bright Soul Technique should be used, and it should be used more secretly, so as not to be seen as a weak spot at a glance.


Tang Miaoxing’s His expression became a little dazed.

He felt that his consciousness gradually became erratic, and he seemed to be isolated from his body by a strange force, becoming an independent entity, losing the shackles of the body, becoming more and more It’s getting lighter.

The Qi in the dantian suddenly disintegrated, causing his consciousness to drift away continuously with the disintegrating Qi…

He seemed to see a magnificent world, But before I could see what was in front of my eyes, all my vision fell into darkness.

My consciousness was floating, my thoughts were sometimes or not, between being and not being…

With no time or space, Tang Miaoxing did not know how long he had been floating in the darkness, or even how many times he had regained consciousness, and panic appeared in his consciousness for the first time.

As Tang The head of the Sect, whether it is his own qi cultivation base or temperament cultivation base, has reached a certain level of Peak, but now his consciousness has produced irrational panic in this situation, which is far away. It exceeded his expectations.

As if he was imprisoned in a narrow environment of absolute darkness without light, the soul was constantly changing between life and death, making Tang Miaoxing’s thoughts wandering and uncertain. The state.

Perhaps only one second has passed, or it may have been countless years. It seems that Tang Miaoxing, who has become a dead person, gradually forgets that he is Tang Miaoxing, and even forgets that he is still a thinking person. Human.

All thoughts with faint emotions began to become pale and indifferent, just like the eternal darkness he faced, leaving only half-life and half-dead consciousnesses that continuously drifted between life and death.

There should be no life here…

Lan Qi continuously poured into Tang Miaoxing’s Upper Dantian from Lu Zhen’s palm, his eyes flashed magnificent rays of light, It was as if the world made up of Qi appeared directly in his eyes.

The matter is mysterious, but Lu Zhen didn’t do anything too mysterious.

He just closed Tang Miaoxing’s five senses with Bright Soul Technique, and then used methods to disintegrate the Qi in Tang Miaoxing’s body, so that his consciousness would follow the disintegrated Qi, and use Lu Zhen himself as a medium to come into contact with the magnificent world. .

The wandering consciousness and wandering on the edge of life and death are just hallucinations created by him.

The loss of time concept is a terrifying illusion woven by Tang Miaoxing against the background of the illusion created by Bright Soul Technique and the influence of that magnificent world.

After returning from a neighboring country, he has a deeper understanding of Bright Soul Technique and is closer to the world composed of Qi. Only then can he use Tang Miaoxing as the experimental object to verify what he thinks. .

For him, what he has done is not so much helping Tang Miaoxing to understand life and death, but rather testing his own ideas…

In Lu Zhen In an instant, Xu Xin’s eyes never moved away from Lu Zhen.

After the movement of the upper, middle, and lower dantians, the Qi in the body begins to run according to the dantian map behind him.

Xu Xin’s temperament hasn’t changed much, and he still looks unremarkable, but he is secretly ready to make a move.

Until Lu Zhen’s eyes flashed magnificent rays of light, the Qi in Xu Xin’s three dantians fell into chaos for a moment at the same time, and even the inexorable poison synthesized in his body appeared. shock.

Heart skipped a beat, and Xu Xin, who felt the danger, raised his right hand almost subconsciously…

But looking at the side face that remained unmoved, he looked again. Tang Miaoxing hesitated for a while, and finally did not choose who to help.

When the Qi had strange fluctuations, no one in the entire cave was unaffected.

In the dark caves on the walls all around, silhouettes appeared at the entrance of the caves, looking at Lu Zhen and Tang Miaoxing blankly…

After a few minutes, they were already sweating Lu Zhen retracted his palm.

Looking at the four-person Tang Miaoxing for a moment, Lu Zhen felt very satisfied with the experiment.

“Actually, you can take action at any time to wake him up, right?” Xu Xin said, “You did it on him so easily, and you didn’t worry about whether he could wake up himself. Come on, if he doesn’t wake up, no matter what he says to you, Tang Sect will see you as the enemy…”

“So, you should be able to wake him up at any time…I can guess He can guess this, so your deception doesn’t mean much to him.”

“It’s just to add a little negative emotion to him.” Lu Zhen looked towards Xu Xin, ‘senior should know , confinement is a very exhausting thing… there is no entertainment, only depression and darkness, a day or two, or even a few months is fine, but if the time is extended to several decades, or even countless years What about it?”

“Senior has spent a lot of time sitting here, so he should understand this feeling, and there are still people who can talk to the senior, but the current Tang Sect only has thoughts that can flow, but it is half-life and half-dead. time.”

“In this state, the Tang Sect has no concept of time, and every second, or every minute, has to experience innumerable times of death and resurrection. If the Tang Sect can survive in Persevering in this state should be of great help in understanding the Life and Death Trial.”

Xu Xin looked at Lu Zhen steadily, and after a while he sighed: “Good boy, worthy of being young The innate talent of the generation is the most powerhouse, I underestimated you… If you can really do what you say, how much will it help him? But the premise is that he has to survive the inhuman torture like you, otherwise…”

As the Ancient One of the Inhuman World and the witness of the Jiashen Rebellion, Xu Xin’s He has a lot of knowledge, so he knows that to do what Lu Zhen simply said is by no means an easy thing to do.

So far, he has never seen anyone else do it. to what Lu Zhen said.

Lu Zhen said humbly: ‘senior overpraised. “

Xu Xin shook the head: “Tang Sect trains killers, not pure cultivators, so what Tang Sect often says is that Tang Sect Disciple has only goals and no opponents.” “

“As a killer, Tang Sect Disciple has always valued his understanding of the Life and Death Trial…Since childhood, every Tang Sect Disciple will be told that the true insight into life and death is the indifference of seeing life as nothing. . “

He picked up a stone at random: “Killing people should be the same as picking up this small stone, without any turbulence in my heart.” “

“But we are born as human beings, whether it is resistance to murder, or a perverted pleasure, we will not ignore it without waves… This is human nature. “

“Countless Tang Sect Disciples got stuck at this level when they were cultivating pills, and the temperament of the headmaster also lingered at this level for an unknown number of years.” “

Lu Zhen agrees: “Being contrary to human nature is really difficult. “

Xu Xin said with a sigh: “With what you said, if it can be implemented successfully, it will definitely be of great help to him if he is not crazy. “

“Unfortunately, your method is a bit too rude, and you have to walk the distance that others have not gone through for several decades in less than a day… Except for someone like the head of the gate, I am afraid there is no one in the gate.” Dare to take risks. “

“This method is not suitable for others except Tang Sect length. “Lu Zhen said.

He understands that what Xu Xin said is true.

This method implements his own construction philosophy, and like his own cultivation method, it is brutal to the extreme. .

Except for characters like Tang Miaoxing, among the rest of the Tang Sect common disciple, few people go down this tortured cultivation method.

I can’t insist on it, and the final result is wrong. Death is madness, and there is no good end.

“You have a clear understanding of yourself. The most difficult thing for a person is to know yourself…”

Speaking of this, Xu Xin suddenly asked: “You already guessed who I am, right? “

“A little guesswork. “Lu Zhen said calmly, “Xu Xin senior, one of the Thirty-six Thieves…is that right?” “

“You really know…” Xu Xin said flatly, “Thirty-six thieves are already in the past, and now there is only Xu Xin of Tang Sect.” “

“The method you want to adjust the five qi is actually not difficult. I can tell you the method right now. As for whether you can do it yourself, that is your own animal matter. “

Lu Zhen’s eyes lit up: “many thanks Xu Xin senior!” ””

(End of this chapter)

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