I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 31


Chapter 31 You haven’t figured it out yet

“How do you know I’m in City Z?” Lu Zhen asked calmly .

Once the influence of Bright Soul Technique on consciousness is stopped, distracting thoughts will come, as if from a place isolated from the world and far away from disturbances, it will return to the world in an instant.

Losing the perception of Qi, Lu Zhen felt an indescribable emptiness in her heart.

“Haha, don’t worry, don’t worry.” Lu Liang waved his hand, “I didn’t hurt the family, I just looked at the memory of the surnamed Wu man. On the contrary, we helped the family of three, if not I reported it in time, maybe other people have already succeeded.”

“Isn’t the company guaranteeing the safety of the ordinary person?” Lu Zhen’s face was still expressionless.

“What’s the use of those people sent by the company if they have no intentions? But after we reported it once, the company also paid attention to it and issued a warning. Now, few people dare to do it, and Even if you have the courage, it is not so easy to get it.”

Lu Liang laughed and said: “The Wang Family is too busy now, and probably has no time to trouble other people, and I can know you through the memory of that person. You can be traced, so the fastest, even if others can’t, they can find you in other ways.”

“You also know that all kinds of strange abilities in the Inhuman world are not uncommon, so if After some time, your hiding place will no longer be a secret.”

After looking at Lu Liang for a moment, Lu Zhen put out a breath: “You have changed a lot.”

The naive Lu Liang who used to climb up and down all day just to win the attention of others has disappeared. Now there is only the all-round Lu Liang, a Lu Liang who hides himself in a thick hard shell and shows a cunning demeanor Liang.

Like a wicked wolf, Lu Liang, who bared his teeth all day and showed a sinister face, tried to keep his maliciousness out.

“You haven’t changed. You still only think about cultivation all day.” The expression on Lu Liang’s face disappeared. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said, “I didn’t kill Lu Huan.”

“I believe you didn’t kill it.” Lu Zhen nodded.

Lu Liang was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened: “Do you really believe that Lu Huan was not killed by me?”

Lu Zhen said lightly: “Many people in the village may have been killed. Lu Huan’s murderer, but you are absolutely impossible, I believed it on the day Lu Huan died.”

“I knew it, I knew it…” Lu clenched his hands into fists on both sides, said solemnly, “No one believes what I say, Lu Gong doesn’t believe it, grandfather doesn’t believe it, my grandfather doesn’t believe it, didn’t expect you still believe me, I thought… thought… no one believed me…”

“Lu Huan is already dead, and you were the only one present when Lu Huan died.” Lu Zhen shook the head, “The Lu Family has yet to find evidence of the presence of a third person, so what if I believe you? It doesn’t make any sense.”

“It’s not the same! You don’t understand that it’s different from someone who believes it and someone who doesn’t believe it…” Taking a deep breath, Lu Liang said solemnly, “You never lie. If you say that, then I believe it.”

A smile suddenly appeared on his face: “If it wasn’t for my good luck, I would have died in Lu Family Village, and even some people believed that I don’t even know, how suffocating it is to die.”

“Are you referring to escaping from the Lu Family?” Lu Zhen asked rhetorically, “Do you really think you have such good luck? Is it?”

Lu Liang blinked: “What do you mean? It’s not my good luck, what is that? I almost died in the village, if it wasn’t for good luck, I would be right now Why can I still see you?”

“Have you not figured it out yet?” Lu Zhen’s expression was somewhat pitiful, “With the strength of the Lu Family and the importance they place on you, if no one acquiesced, do you think that Can you escape from the Lu Family? Why don’t you understand it yet, or are you unwilling to think about it?”

“You mean…” Lu Liang said stunned, “You mean Master?”

“Don’t you know the strength of the Lu Family?” Lu Zhen said calmly, “Do you think the guards of the Lu Family would be so negligent that they happened to let you escape? At that time, if you were injured, even if you escaped from the prison, with the control of the village by the Lu Family, you thought it was true…”

“impossi ble!” Lu Liang said categorically, “It’s absolutely impossible! Master…Master he doesn’t believe it…I said I didn’t kill anyone…no one…”

“You underestimate him too much! Well, he has watched you grow up since he was a child, do you think he doesn’t know what your temperament is? Not only that I don’t believe that you killed Lu Huan, he may also not believe that you killed Lu Huan. “

Lu Liang was stunned again, then shook his head vigorously: “Impossible, impossible, you don’t know how hard it was for me to escape!”

“I don’t know how hard it was for you to escape!” However, I know that if it wasn’t for someone’s acquiescence, with the strength of the Lu Family and the control of the village, almost no one could escape from the prison of the Lu Family intact. “Lu Zhen sighed,” Who knew that you escaped from the Lu Family, not only did not investigate the real murderer of Lu Huan, but instead fell into this state, he must be very disappointed. “

Lu Liang widened his eyes in vain, and said incredulously: “You…you mean that the grandfather deliberately let me out, just wanted me to investigate the murderer?” It’s all you…”

Lu Zhen interrupted, “Is it hard to guess? In the past, what he valued most was you and Lu Huan, and you were implicated by Lu Huan’s death. If you want to clear this grievance and let you return to the Lu Family, there are other options besides asking you to investigate the murderer. ? “

Lu Liang recalled the memories of his childhood that had been covered up by pain, and after a long pause, he said in a low voice, “Why didn’t the master himself investigate?” ”

Looking like a mess in his head, Lu Liang’s heart has actually been shaken.

At first he just didn’t want to think in this direction, but after Lu Zhen reminded him, he realized There were indeed a lot of things that were not right in the situation when he escaped from the Lu Family.

Those things that he never wanted to recall rose in the mind, the more he thought about it, the more suspicious there were.

Especially what Lu Zhen said was right. In the younger generation, Lu Ci most admired him and Lu Huan who were the best in Bright Soul Technique.

In Lu Huan In the matter of death, Lu Ci’s handling was very rude, not giving him a chance to justify at all. The change of attitude before and after was too big and a little illogical.

It is also the reason why his resentment is so great.


Now when I hear Lu Zhen’s analysis, it doesn’t seem to be the same thing. When Lu Liang’s heart is shaken, he inevitably recalls the warm scene…

Lu Zhen Instead of answering, he asked, “Do you know what he values most? “

As long as the Lu Family knows this, Lu Liang didn’t hesitate, lowered his head and said, “My grandfather is most interested in the family and the Surnamed Lu bloodline.” “

Lu Zhen asked another seemingly irrelevant question: “You have been in the alien world for so long, how many people do you think can quietly break into the village and kill, and it is Lu who is killed.” The younger generation that the Family values most, then retreats without being discovered? “

Lu Liang suddenly raised his head and said, “You mean, Lu Huan died at the hands of Lu Family’s own people?” !”

(end of this chapter)

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