I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 70


Chapter 70 First Meeting with Ding Shian

In a bus, Lu Zhen lay sleepily on the seat, like a salty fish.

Although he did not lose the ability to reflect and knew that his state was wrong, he still could not control his thinking.

As if he was drunk, his brain was numb and weak, without the slightest passion, let alone killing intent, even practicing Qi could not make him emotionally excited.

The whole brain is like a rusted machine that just wants to keep it empty.

But it’s not the state of being in a daze, or the state of being in stillness, but a sense of emptiness that is different from the two states.

Although you will not think too much about anything, you cannot enter the cultivation state either.

I never thought that he, Lu Zhen would become such a salted fish one day…

Even using Bright Soul Technique to suppress his emotions as much as possible, his dantian The flow of Qi is still intermittent, sometimes not.

As expected of one of the four insolents, although Dou Mei was planted in his hands, the hidden dangers left him do not know how long it will affect him.

Perhaps this influence can be eliminated in one fell swoop when he kills Shen Chong and the others.

After chasing them all the way, under the condition of affected thinking and consciousness, the thought of killing two people has almost become an obsession that must be executed, and it is also the only thought that can counteract the numbness.

Lu Zhen squinted at Shen Chong and Xia He who were sitting next door across an aisle.

Xia He didn’t know whether he fell asleep or fell into a coma. He leaned his head against the window and didn’t move at all.

Shen Chong felt Lu Zhen’s gaze and turned his head to Lu Zhen laughed.

There were not many people in the car, many of them were vacant seats, and a few passengers were sitting in front, sometimes peeking back at Xia He, no one paid attention to Shen Chong and Lu Zhen.

“Lu Zhen, do you know the meaning of the existence of omniscience?” Shen Chong said suddenly.

Lu Zhen rolled the eyes: “The biggest shit stirrer in the alien world.”

Shen Chong was stunned for a moment: “Then it’s true, our whole nature is indeed a shit stirrer. Stick, but it is precisely because of the existence of this shit stick that the balance of the Inhuman world is maintained.”

He leaned back on the back of the chair, found a more comfortable position, and pushed Putting on the tattered glasses, he continued: “Most of the Inhumans see us as the heretical path of the devils, and the gathering place of lunatics is actually just prejudice.”

“The so-called fidelity is nothing but a focus on one. Acting according to one’s own nature, aliens are cultivators, and they are also human beings, but human beings have desires.”

“Happiness, anger, sorrow, evil, fear, etc. are all naturally possessed, and the omnipotent is the With all this natural nature, if even human nature is suppressed, what kind of cultivation is it? To put it in a bad way, it’s just self-castration.”

His voice was gentle, as if he was with a friend Speaking: “So as long as there are aliens, then our whole nature will exist, because no one can eliminate the desires of others, or no one can control our innate desires, of course, this desire does not need to be controlled. .”

“From this point of view, the existence of the omnipotence is not because of the strength of the omnipotence, but because of the strength of human desires. Even if the ‘fullness’ can be eliminated, it may not be possible tomorrow. There is a ‘fidelity’ that emerges and is more secretive.”

“So it is better to let the whole sex exist as a faction that absorbs the heretics of the Inhuman world, and control it to a certain extent, maintain Living in the balance of the Inhuman world.”

Lu Zhen sneered: “You mean, the biggest difference between your whole nature and the rest of the Sect is the difference in philosophy? It’s just a different attitude towards desire?”

“That’s the truth.” Shen Chong nodded with a smile, “The so-called Tao is natural, people are born with desires, that desire is nature, it is the Tao, and our whole nature just follows the way of nature.”

“People do have desires, hunger and hunger, cold and warmth are desires, but these desires can also be restrained.” Lu Zhen squinted and looked towards the scene that flashed through the window, “You are all but Let desire dominate reason, let people be dominated by desire, what can cultivation produce in the end?”

Lu Zhen looked towards Shen Chong who wanted to speak: “Hu Jie father and son sink into desire. Among them, did you lose yourself?”

Shen Chong was slightly surprised: “You even know Hu Jie’s father and son? I thought we hid deep enough, didn’t you? ‘t expect…”

shook the head, Shen Chong said with a smile: “Hu Jie father and son are indeed sinking into desire, it’s just because of their own desire, the two father and son Seeing Xia He’s desire, we just help them guide their desire out. “

Lu Zhen corrected: “It’s not guidance, it’s magnification. You magnify their father and son desires many times before they sink. Otherwise, how can a single desire make aliens who have been cultivating for many years?” Sink into that look? “

Shen Chong didn’t refute, just said with a slight smile: “Lu Zhen, I’ve read your profile, since you left the Lu Family, you definitely don’t want to go back to the Lu Family, as for everything. With your style of conduct, they see it as a source of trouble, how about joining us? Same as Lu Liang. “

Lu Zhen was a little stunned, so said with a smile: “You let me, who can kill you at any time, join the whole sex in turn? “

“What’s impossible about this? You have already missed the opportunity to kill Xia He and me. In this situation, I don’t want anything to get worse, especially if the ordinary person is involved, so you can’t kill us. “

Shen Chong looked towards Lu Zhen and said seriously: “Quanxing is absolutely different from what the outside world thinks, otherwise how could it attract so many people to join?” Why don’t you join in first and see how it goes? We have always been free to choose to stay or leave. “

“Don’t waste your words.” “Lu Zhen closed his eyes,” I’ll kill you first. “

Shen Chong shook his head: “You can’t kill us, once there is a tendency to disrupt the balance, you won’t ignore it even if it works.” “

Lu Zhen said lightly: “Quanxing has nothing to do with me, I just want to kill you and Xia He. “

“Really…seeking revenge for the slightest grievance.” “Shen Chong smiled bitterly, “It’s suitable for all. “

Lu Zhen didn’t speak.

Shen Chong looked towards the window and didn’t speak either.

Half an hour later, the bus stopped and Chen Chong woke up Xia He, get off the bus together.

Lu Zhen got off the bus after the two of them.

There are no people around the remote bus stop, and there are few vehicles on the street.


There are rows of low and dilapidated houses on both sides, like an urban village area.

A Ruyi Vigor sinisterly walked towards Shen Chong and the confused Xia He ahead.

But Shen Chong didn’t dodge this time.

A powerful palm came first, casually pressing on Ruyi Vigor.

Burst In the sound, Qi Jin was blowing dust.

“Is it the Lu Family kid who has chased you all the way to the sky and no way to enter the earth? The man’s low and powerful voice sounded.

The dust was blown away, and a man in long clothes and trousers appeared in front of Lu Zhen.

He had short hair, no beard, and a very tall stature. He is not strong, but a little thin, and gives a full sense of strength.

The arms hanging by his side are much longer than the average person, but there is no sense of incongruity at all, but it makes him feel strong.

His body looks eerily perfect.

With such a physique, coupled with his piercing eyes and the cinnabar red between his eyebrows, he adds a strange charm.

No matter where he appears, this man should be the center of everyone’s attention.

It’s different from Xia He.

Xia He is watched because he is excited The eroticism and possessive desire of others, but this man was watched by others because of his undisguised sense of aggression.

The sense of aggression that made Lu Zhen instantly hair stands on end!

“Ding Shiman! ”

(end of this chapter)

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