I am not a daughter of the vampire queen!

12. Ruined plan

An angry voice rang out from the side of the road. When Julia turned her head to look at the person, turned out to be a middle-aged looking man dressed in expensive looking clothes with a hat with a colorful feather in it. The girl shook when she heard his voice, noticing this Julia glanced at the man as he started to approach the girl. Surprisingly none of the guards attempted to stop him, two of the guards moved slightly closer to Julia with their hands on the hilt of their sword as they eyed the man.

“Causing troubles for the nobility like this. My deepest apologies my lady for the troubles my merchandise has caused you.”


The man glanced at the girl angrily before turning to face Julia, after looking at her for a split of second his expression softened and bowed to Julia as he spoke while simultaneously forcing the girl to perform a deep bow with his hand. But Julia didn’t paid attention to his apology. Did he just call her a merchandise?!

Julia was angry at the man for treating this girl as if she was an object that can be sold instead of a living, intelligent being. The man was still bowing most likely waiting for Julia to say that he can raise his head but Julia wasn’t planning to do so. Instead, a plan formed in her head, even if she didn’t like it, she was the princess of one of the most powerful countries in the world so she could most definitely use this to free this poor girl. Julia felt a sly grin forming on her face as she got ready to execute her plan.

“What is taking you so long? We have to go.”

Just when Julia wanted to proceed with her plan Loriam’s impatient voice came from behind her. Julia got scared that she will not be able to free this girl but when she thought about it, Loriam’s presence made it easier. After all, Loriam would more than happily confirm Julia’s identity.

“Y-Your majesty? Then this young lady is…”

Giggle. She is my daughter Julia. Say isn’t she just the cutest?”

“Y-Yes, truly a heavenly sight.”

The merchant bowed deeper once he noticed Loriam, as the cold sweat started to drip from his forehead. Realizing whose precious time he was wasting there wasn’t much he could do than to pray. Loriam herself though didn’t pay much attention and just like Julia expected hugged Julia with a smug smile as if she was bragging.

“Mother, please…there are people watching.”

Julia let Loriam hug her for few seconds before voicing her objection in an appropriate way. Normally she would just call Loriam by her name but since she was now surrounded by many vampires, she had to call her mother by vampiric etiquette. How bothersome, but I promised that I will act like a princess in public.

Loriam let out dissatisfied grumble and let go of Julia. Only for Loriam’s cheek to show a happy smile. You did this on purpose didn’t you?! Until now Julia never called Loriam a mother despite how much she was ask to do so. Julia glanced at Loriam annoyedly, Loriam seemed to understand why was Julia looking at her in such way and gave her an apologetic smile.

“Your majesty, your royal highness. I am terribly sorry for the trouble that have been caused to you by one of my merchandises. I will make sure to punish her for it.”

Oh, yea this scum is still here… wait, what did you said about her? Julia remembered existence of a slave merchant in front of her that she had erased from her mind. Her heart filled with anger when she heard him say ‘punish her’.

“That won’t be necessary, nothing bad has happened so there is no need.”

Loriam noticing Julia’s clenched fist decided to speak to the merchant and talk him out of the punishing the girl. Both the merchant and Julia looked at Loriam dumbfoundedly.

“Are you sure your majesty? Surely there is something for me to do in order to apologize properly for the troubles that have been caused by my possession. Maybe some gift from my inventory?”

You can die as an apology. Loriam was sure that Julia was thinking something similar to this. So Loriam had to finish things quickly before Julia would do something stupid.

“In that cas-”

“As I said there is really no need, beside we are in a hurry right now. So, there wouldn’t be much time to select anything.”

Don’t you dare. Loriam placed her hand over Julia’s mouth just as she began to speak. Julia was surprised by it but regardless attempted to remove Loriam’s hand from her mouth unsuccessfully. Loriam successfully silenced Julia as she turned down merchant’s offer while dragging struggling Julia to the carriage.

The merchant and the girl looked at the royal carriage passing by them with bewilderment. once the carriage and the guards were out of sight the merchant let out an exhausted sigh.

“You have more luck than a fairy sitting on pile of Four-leaf clovers, you know that?”

Merchant started to wipe sweat from his forehead as he glanced in the direction that the carriage left. Once he confirmed that no one was coming back he walked back in the direction of his provisional camp with the girl in tow.

As they returned to the camp, one of the others dark wolf slaves he had, looked at the girl with disgust. She only lowered her head, she knows how others from her race saw her to them she was no more than a traitor snuggling up to their oppressors. But they were the ones that were making everything complicated or at least she thought so. Vampires were just too powerful to deal with, in her entire live she couldn’t remember anybody successfully escaping nor leading any form of successful resistance.

True unlike most of them she had no idea of what being free meant. She was born in a breeding facility in the north, so only freedom she ever had was being able to pick different meal as a reward. But unlike those who were robbed of their freedom, she knows how to make sure that she will not suffer as much.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”


The merchant sat himself in a chair and pulled out a paper before asking her. He furrowed his brows at her answer as he looked up and down at her angrily.

“Don’t lie to me! Do you think that I can’t smell your blood? Do you think I am an idiot? Listen here girl you are on a thin ice if your value drops any further… you know what will happen, right?”

She was fully aware what would happen, she saw it too many times. She would be either killed or sold to the brothel. Her value was already pretty low despite her best attempts, so she watched with fear as the merchant scribbled ‘clumsy’ on the paper and moved his pen to the word ‘honest’.

“I-I wasn’t lying, sir. My leg got injured but that kind miss healed it for me.”

The merchant stopped his hand and looked at her with a dumfounded expression. She couldn’t really blame him after all she wouldn’t believe it either. A noble lady healing a random slave is just unheard off.

“So…her royal highness had healed your leg just because? You expect me to believe that? Take off your clothes, so I can see how bad it is.”

She gulped nervously and did as she was told, once she removed her ‘clothes’ the merchant began to inspect every inch of her body. She was used to these inspections for as long as she could remember.

“There is really no injury…not even a bruise. So, you weren’t lying after all.”

The merchant couldn’t find even a tiniest scratch on her body. With a relieved sigh he ordered her to put her clothes back on. Once she did so he sent her out with a guard of his, just before she left with the guard, she saw the merchant crossing out 20 and writing 14 as her price on the paper.

The guard led her to the cage in which there were several other slaves, most of which were elves but there were some black wolfs as well. The girl sat down inside of the cage as the guard attached chain to the collar around her neck. Soon after the guard came back and gave small bowl of plain porridge to all the slaves.

“…Tasteless as ever. For a warrior to eat this in enemy captivity, how humiliating.”

One of the black wolf slaves complained once he took spoonful of the porridge. The other slaves ate in silence grateful that they were even able to eat something.

“If you feel so much shame from this, then you should have committed airume and die with honor.”

But one of his fellow black wolfs decided to not remain silent and addressed him. It was a woman with brown hair and a scar on her face who was sitting in the further most corner of the cage.

“And what about you huh? Why didn’t you commit airume? Why did you let them capture you instead of dying with sword in hand?”

The guy turned around to her, pissed by her words he glanced at her with an intimidating look. She however didn’t pay attention to his stare and addressed him with a cold voice.

“I did, those bastards stopped me from honorable death and threw me here.”

She showed him the scar that was on her stomach. Elven girls that were there turned away in embarrassment. Woman herself only showed a self mocking smile at her predicament.

“I have been robbed of my honor but even so, I do not plan to submit to them. I will fight to retake my honor and die like a proper warrior.”

The man clicked his tongue and continued eating his food. The girl glanced at the two, she couldn’t understand their way of thinking. She understood what airume was, it was ritual suicide for warriors that failed their master’s trust. In black wolfs culture it was only way to die with honor in such case.

“…they want to sell you as a combat slave.”

She when she was serving the merchant, she managed to get glimpse of her evolution as well as the others, and she was sure that the woman that was currently daydreaming about warrior’s dead was evaluated as slave best suited for combat. The girl herself considered this terrible fate but the woman smiled.

“Is that so? then I am going to show them what a warrior can do. Who knows? Maybe they will even prove worthy of being my new master. Chuckle, seems unlikely though.”

The woman chuckled to herself as she continued eating. The girl returned her full attention to her meal. She really couldn’t understand them.

Seriously that was close, if I wouldn’t stop her, she would punch him. Loriam sighed as she stared out of the window of the carriage at the fields passing by. Originally, she planned for Julia to get more accustomed to being vampire princess before exposing her to the less pleasant aspect of their society, especially slavery. Who would think that a slave merchant would be in a random village?

Loriam understood that to her daughter their entire kind must look just like backward barbarians. After all they are still having slaves when most of the other races already abandoned it. Loriam never even paid much attention to this aspect before, for her slaves were just something that was natural part of their society. If Julia wouldn’t grow up as a human, then she would understand this.


“I forgot sorry.”

As Loriam was getting lost in her thoughts Julia reminded her that she still had Loriams hand blocking her mouth. Once she realized this Loriam removed her hand and Julia took a deep breath.

“Finally. Your hands are sweaty, you know that?”

Julia stared at Loriam angrily before leaning back in to her seat. With quick look out the window it was apparent that they had traveled quite some distance from the village. Which meant that I failed to save that girl.

“Why did you cover my mouth?”

Julia glanced at Loriam angrily before talking to her. Loriam looked at Julia as she tried to hold Julia’s hand but Julia moved her hand away before she could touch her.

“Because if I would let you, be you would either punch him or straight up kill him. And I can’t let you a princess to do either of those.”

Julia scoffed at the word princess and continued to stare out the window. You stopped me from saving that poor girl because of that? Julia was angry at Loriam for stopping her, true she understood that Loriam didn’t wanted Julia to punch him but still she could have saved that girl.

“Then why did you refuse his offer? I could have got her for free…”

Since he was offering a compensation then Julia would be able to demand that girl as one. And since she was a slave and the merchant was dealing with royalty he would most likely accept. Then Julia would be able to give her freedom, it was a perfect plan But Loriam ruined this plan completely.


Loriam seemed to understand something looked at Julia. Seeing her daughter like this was hurting her. Loriam sighed and tried to hold Julia’s hand again, this time she didn’t move away. This is going to be a long day, isn’t it?

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