I am Picking Up Shards of All Attributes in Apocalypse

Chapter 24 - Rich Second Generation

Chapter 24: Rich Second Generation

All the zombies pounced on him. Hades raised his Saber and slashed horizontally.

The zombies were all cut in half and fell to the second floor.

The girls expressed their gratitude to Hades as if they had been reborn.

“Where are the people here?” Hades asked.

“In a room inside,” the girl answered.

“How many more people are there?”

“About thirty…”

“Are you here to save us?” Another girl mustered up her courage and asked.

“I’m here to save you. Now, take me to them.”

Hades could save most of the people in the cafeteria, except for Bossel.

He still couldn’t let go of this hatred. He was the one who chased Hades out of the dorm and almost let Hades die.

Although Hades could only have obtained the system’s ability because he was chased out of the dormitory, he would never thank anyone for that.

Because it was Bossel who forced him to leave. He didn’t know that Hades could obtain the system, nor did he intend to make Hades stronger.

He just wanted Hades to die.

If Hades died, he would only laugh.

Just because Hades did not die, he happened to survive and gain the ability of the system.

So Hades would not be grateful to anyone, he would only be grateful to the system.

He would not be grateful to anyone.

And he would not have any good feelings for Bossel who chased him out of the dormitory.

Because this person just wanted him to die.

Hades was full of hatred for Bossel at the moment, so he would not let Bossel go so easily.

However, Hades did not hate anyone else, so he would also help the others.

The girls brought Hades to the kitchen. Many students relied on the corner of the kitchen to defend against the zombies.

After walking in, a blonde student walked out and said to Hades,

“You’re the student who killed the zombies outside the door? You’re very good.”

This blonde student was different from the others. The others’ clothes were more or less dirty, and their school uniforms were also a little tattered.

However, this blonde student was wearing a white suit, and even his hair was covered with hair gel.

He seemed to be completely living in the world before the apocalypse. He was not affected by the threat of the end of the world, and he was still in the state he was in before.

His clothes, his hair, and he did not look hungry at all.

It seemed that this person, like Bossel, was relying on occupying other people to maintain his rule.

Hades also had some impression of this person. He was probably the son of a rich man in the city, Mckay.

His family group was extremely rich in the entire city. They allied with many financial groups and monopolized almost everything in the city.

They were almost as rich as a country. As the heir of his family, Mckay.

He was also a spendthrift at school. He didn’t care about spending money at all because he was too rich. He had many lackeys by his side who wanted to follow this young master to gain benefits.

Mckay’s reputation was very bad before the apocalypse. He could be said to be an out-and-out bully.

His favorite thing to do was to test the limits of humanity.

He used to tempt people with money. One of the stories was that he had recruited a new guy as his underling.

He made the new guy his chauffeur and gave him a lot of money.

One day, while crossing the street, a pregnant woman was walking on the crosswalk.

Mckay took out a million dollars and let the new student run over the pregnant woman.

The new student was shocked when he heard about the million dollars. He hesitated and looked at the pregnant woman, not daring to drive over.

But Mckay promised that he would get the best lawyer for him. He would not be convicted, and even if he was sentenced, his sentence would be reduced to a minimum of one or two years.

Mckay raised the price to 10 million, and the freshman could not resist the temptation and crashed the car.

The police quickly arrested the freshman, and in the end, he could not resist the pressure and confessed these things.

But Mckay accidentally denied all the facts, and used the most powerful legal team to exonerate himself..

The result, of course, was that Mckay was acquitted, and the poor freshman could only spend the rest of his life in prison.

The story was sensational. People didn’t believe Mckay’s lies, but his lawyers were so eloquent that Mckay was able to get away with it.

That’s the power of money.

And when the end of the world came, Mckay just saw it as a game.

He had two bodyguards in black, to keep him safe, and they took a room, and a lot of food and water.

Mackay promised the two bodyguards enough money, and the bodyguards believed that Mackay could afford it, so they almost occupied the campus.

After taking the strength of the bodyguards, they subdued the students who came here to take refuge, and made them work for free. They turned the cafeteria into a fortress to defend against zombies.

At first, they thought that this was just an experiment by the military, and soon the army would come to the campus to wipe out all the zombies.

However, as the days passed, the military still did not come.

Everyone felt that the situation was not optimistic. Only Mckay was still living the life he enjoyed before the end of the world.

He did not care about the situation at all. He was just a little angry. The internet was cut off, and he had nothing to do every day.

He could only hang out with women who wanted to eat.

Such days were very boring. He also wanted to get out of this damn campus as soon as possible.

He wanted to go to his yacht and luxury club to enjoy the life of a rich man.

He didn’t want to hide in the corner of the cafeteria and eat the food from a few days ago.

At this time, Hades appeared.

Seeing that Hades was fully equipped and there were so many zombies outside, he came to the cafeteria. His father must have sent someone to save him.

Mckay believed that his father would send someone sooner or later, but it was a little late.

Moreover, Hades didn’t seem to have a gun on him, which made Mckay a little disappointed.

“Take me out now.”

Hades looked down on such a rich second generation. He snorted and kicked mckay’s stomach, sending him flying.

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