I Am Stupid, Who Do I Fear?

Chapter 53 - Step into this gentle town

Now Emperor Seco is far away, and he finally set foot in this gentle country, although this is also forced to helpless, but it still feels strange.

The old bustard always appeared at the critical time: “Yo! This army man is so good, you are here for the first time! The girls here are all water spirits, if you want to see which one, despite telling me, we not only serve here Thoughtful and fair prices. “

Zhong Langyu found a chair and sat down: “Not busy, I still have a dozen or so brothers to come back. Are you enough girls here tonight, don’t wait enough!”

When the old bustard listened, his face suddenly smiled into a chrysanthemum: “Yo! See what you said, we don’t have anything else here, that is, there are many girls, don’t say dozens of people, there are hundreds of people, we have them here too. If it’s not enough, we can go to the branch to mobilize the girl urgently, you can’t miss your big event! “

Zhong Langyu nodded: “That’s good, by the way, mom, do you have any performances here?”

“Yes, of course, our Yihongyuan has all kinds of programs, singing and dancing, piano art, poetry, military lord, if you have any special hobbies, you can also order, our girl is satisfied with you.” Lao Bustard Said vividly.

“Well, go ahead first! I’ll call you back!” Zhong Langyu waved her hand and motioned her to leave.

“Good military lord, say something to me, ha!” The old bustard said, twisting the water snake’s waist away, and it was strange to say, how to do the old bustard’s waist is so twisted, it is unknown whether it is an occupational disease.

The time was not big. The generals under Hu Feiying came one by one. They looked nervously at Zhong Langyu: “Master, will you click here tonight?”

Zhong Langyu chuckled: “Why not?”

The lieutenant general called “Grandpa” smiled and said: “Dai Shuai is not afraid of breaking Dayou’s law. But Dayu’s law clearly states that soldiers cannot prostitute, and Daishu is not afraid of the emperor’s guilt?”

Zhong Langyu smiled slightly: “What are you afraid of, what’s the matter, the coach is on top, the emperor’s head is cut and the coach’s head is cut, it has nothing to do with you, you just play tonight, today everyone just call girls, the coach invites Now. “

Wow! No way! Is there such a good thing? Prostitutes do n’t break the law, do n’t say it, and it ’s free. Is n’t the sun coming out from the west!

The public will look at Zhong Langyu one by one with suspicious eyes: “Master, we don’t understand why you are doing this. If you don’t make it clear, we have no idea.”

Zhong Langyu nodded: “Okay! The coach told you that in fact, the coach wanted to make friends with you. Since the emperor made me stay on the south side, I will share with everyone in the future. So, the coach wants to be with everyone. To ease the relationship, I will invite guests tonight, everyone has a good time, but tomorrow everyone has to go to the lobby to order Mao, I wonder if you can give Zhong Mou this face? “

The audience will immediately understand the feeling, the feeling is that the handsome and we have compromised, we have trouble in the lobby during the day, he has no way, so he came up with this trick, he is pleased us!

“Thank you, Marshal. Thank you, Marshal. We will listen to Marshal on time tomorrow.”

Zhong Langyu pointed at the lieutenant: “You are called Qianye …”

The lieutenant immediately stopped him: “Marshal, marshal, don’t say that, it’s a ridiculous joke between you and the lord, he will not be called a **** grandpa, and his surname Shu is called Shanwei, and he is the vice lord. Please handsome Haihan! “

Zhong Langyu chuckled: “Shu Danwei, the coach thought you really called that **** name.”


“Haha, how could that be possible, take that name, how would my father call me? Isn’t that messy, do you say it’s handsome!”

The next side will also smile and come together: “Marshal, yesterday I disrespected the marshal, I will not accompany you here.”

Zhong Langyu felt that this person was familiar, but could not remember the name: “You are …”

Shu Danwei chuckled: “He is my godfather, oh yeah! It is the one who calls me the surname and the godfather.”

“The last surname is Zheng Shanming, rich. Yesterday it was a joke with the coach. At the end, the coach will be punished here.” Zheng Fu said with apology on his face.

Zhong Langyu waved his hand: “Let’s call it the same if we don’t know each other. Since the brothers recognize me as a handsome coach, they will have to give me this face in the future. Don’t embarrass me again.”

Shu Danwei clenched his fists: “That’s to say, the boss is treating us so well, we certainly follow the coach!”

Of course, there are also several civil servants who are not happy. They think that Zhong Langyu is a young boy who eats, drinks, and gambles. Shameless.

But there is no way, he is a handsome, those generals who support him again, we do not come and are afraid of being hit by the board, the small schools specializing in playing board are also coming, see their happy kind, maybe it is the other side Yes, if Zhong Langyu drank and started this time, my **** would probably suffer.

On the second day of the Wangfu lobby, the situation changed dramatically. Zhong Langyu sat in the handsome seat, and the generals gave their faces very well. They stood side by side with their chests and majestic majesty, and the guests last night showed initial results. Zhong Langyu was in a good mood, and he fell back: “You guys.”

“What do you command, handsome?” Several generals bowed to salute.

Wow! The reaction is quick! This beauty in Zhong Langyu’s heart! Still beautiful women have power, this king just makes them happy for a while, and they are so humble to me, which is totally different from yesterday. it is good! In this case, then we are adding a little potion, if there is color, there must be wine.

“You guys, don’t go back at noon. The coach has already set the banquet, please enjoy the light.” Zhong Langyu looked at the generals confidently.

These generals are dizzy, this is so good! In the past, Hu Dashuai was strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol. This one is good, please drink. This, this is too cool! The public will look at you, I look at you, I can’t believe it.

“Why don’t everyone appreciate the light?” Zhong Langyu asked.

“Go, why not go!” Shu Danwei said first.

The generals will also agree, everyone is happy in this heart! Following such a coach, let’s talk about eating spicy and spicy, and there are beautiful women bubble, compared with Hu Dashuai, that is much stronger.

“Thank you, handsome! Thank you, handsome!”

The counselor Zhu Xun has already noticed that it is wrong. What is Zhong Langyu doing? He does n’t do the right thing to lead these generals to eat, drink, and gamble. What he wants to do is to dispel our military hearts. No, Zhu Xun slowly realized that it might be that this kid is buying up the hearts of the people. Now these generals feel that they are better than this general. Isn’t that alienated from General Hu? Will the future of General Hu make them listen?

Zhu Xun felt more and more wrong when he thought about it. After the breakup, he did not return to his house, but went straight to Hu Feiying’s residence. He reported the situation locally to the original boss. Hu Feiying was shocked, but I didn’t expect this kid to give me this hand. I thought he would be discouraged after touching the wall a few more times. Who would think he would use this trick.

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