I am Succubus!

111 – Kendo Tournament Arc or Buffet?

Merry Christmas! This chapter is your gift!

This isn't to mean IaS is coming back in its entirety, but I'll occasionally release chapters. Next one will maybe be for Christmas.

For only $5 you can read 20+ chapters: I am Succubus! | Patreon

Sorry for the extremely large texts. Some people pester me A LOT in PM and inbox asking questions like if the series is updating again despite the answer being in the author's note. Hopefully they see it this time around.

"My diagnosis is that when you had gone into heat, your mental state couldn't handle it anymore and created a personality to cope," Yumi explained while I sat in bed with the other succubi and Kana around me.

"You're telling me there is another side of me that wants to milk the entire world? Doesn't that make me a walking time bomb?" I asked, appalled by this revelation.

"I'm afraid so." She nodded.

Everything that happened since the moment I lost control was fresh in my mind. The worst part was I saw and experienced it all but couldn't stop myself. I must have left a huge mess in the city, and the succubi that I charmed or mind controlled were probably pissed.

"So how's the city looking after my sex-crazed rampage?"

"I think it's best if you see it yourself," Kana said.

We went into the living room where Yumi switched on the television. The first news channel was talking about the sushi restaurant I went to last night.

"A popular late night sushi restaurant, sex cult or prostitution ring? Patrons arriving in the morning for a quick plate for sushi before work discovered staff and customers engaging in an orgy. More at 10."

"AAAAAHHHHH!" I clutched my head and screamed. "I'm a big fat hypocrite! I keep telling everyone to keep a low profile, then I go and screw an entire restaurant! To make matters worse, I have the Kansai Melee to worry about tomorrow!"

Mio smacked my ass so hard, I flew into the air and snapped back to my senses.

"What's done is done. We got girls out there fixing the mess, so it's chill. The problem is, what do we do if it happens again?" she asked us.

"The NTR roleplay you and Kana did worked! Why not do it again?" Hana suggested.

Kana and I looked each other in the eyes and blushed, then cast our gazes at our feet in embarrassment. After waking up back to my senses, I pretty much hogged him all morning to have sex with, all the while professing my love while Mio watched like a hungry voyeur.

"Nah. Ain't gonna work." Mio waved a dismissive hand. "Big S Saeko will know it's a trick next time."

"Why did you call the other me Big S Saeko?" I squinted at her.

"Because she's a hardcore sadist like me! Hell, we'd probably get along like two peas in a pod. The you right now is Big M Saeko because of how much you like getting teased! Kahaha!"

"I d-don't like getting teased!" I pouted. "By the way… what happened to the succubi from this morning? They were here one moment and gone the next."

"I had to forcibly send them away because they refused to leave your side. Your charm has worn off on them, but you have left a… lasting impression." Selene folded her arms and grimaced.

Mio scoffed derisively. She of all people, greater than even Kana's jealousy, hated the fact that I even touched another succubus. 

"We will have to figure out how to resolve your dual personality through magic at a later time. Until then…" Yumi provided me with the same potion she tried to hand over last night.

The contents of the reddish liquid was clear and swirled inside the glass with the viscosity of water. It slid down my throat with a hint of strawberry. Now, I shouldn't be able to get pregnant no matter how much sex I had. Hopefully it wasn't too late because of yesterday.

"Saeko, Mio, and I better get going." Selene stood up and downed her hot cup of coffee. "We have the Kansai Melee to get to. Time to see if those worms have what it takes."

As we were leaving and saying our goodbyes to Yumi, she gently patted my head before letting me go.

"W-What's this for?"

"Ufufu~ You had every reason to stop me from helping Selene, but refused to land a single hit on me. I knew a part of you was still there, so I didn't back down. Nevertheless, I'm proud of you for being able to fight against yourself to let me go. I'll do my best to come up with a fix for you, okay?" Yumi smiled.

"Come on! We're going to leave ya behind!" Mio shouted from the elevator lobby.

"You're always looking out for all of us. Maybe even the other me knew that." I bowed to Yumi, then went to catch up with the others.

The next morning, I awakened with Kana's throbbing cock in my mouth. He was still asleep, but stirred everytime I deep throated his erect member.

"Shllrrrp… mmmh… shllrrrp… aahhh… So good… mmm, shllrrrrp…"

"Nnh… Saeko…? Aahh! I'm cumming!" Kana grabbed my horns and ejaculated down my throat.

"Pwuah! Mio's right. You really are like a hydrant," I remarked, wiping my chin of spit and cum.

"Is that going to be my nickname forever?" He sighed.

My genderbent childhood friend relaxed into the bed as I continued to milk his cock. Since Mio was in the bathroom, it was just Kana and I snuggling. Once his meat rod went limp, I crawled up to lay down next to him.

Unlike when I turned into a girl, Kana didn't turn out to be as busty. Instead, he had very modest breasts that could let him easily pass off as a boy if dressed that way. While they didn't make for good pillows, lying on his chest put me at ease.

"The Kansai Melee is this weekend, right? Will you be okay? Should I go with you guys just in case?" he asked, enveloping his arms around me.

"If anything, I can fly back and get a quick round in. Besides, having you there might be problematic," I said.

"What? Why?" He sounded offended.

I sat up on his waist, humping my wet pussy against his dick until it got hard and slipped into me. It was right at home, squeezed between my fleshy folds. If only we could be this way forever, locked in the embrace of sex.

"Guuh… Saeko… I'm sensitive from your blowjob earlier— aahhhiiiiii!" Kana tensed up as I pushed my tail into his pussy.

"Ahhhn! Yes, fuck me! Your dick always makes me go crazy… It's so good, I'm close to cumming already… Mmmm, Kana!" I moaned loudly and began to bounce wildly.

However, before I could really get into it, the door to my room swung open. 

"The hell we got time for that! We gotta go," Mio shouted into the room.

"What? Already?" I asked, checking the alarm which still showed that we had an hour to spare.

Mio pulled me off of Kana's dick just as it squirted out another load.

Mio and I arrive at school to a charter bus waiting outside the gates. Selene was corralling the overexcited kendo club in. For many of the boys, they wouldn't be participating. Only the top three, Gouda, Hayato, and Yuuto would. The rest of them were here to cheer on their senpai or treat this as a vacation.

"Everyone is in peak form. We're ready to go to war," Selene said.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to treat this so violently?" I put a hand to my face and sighed.

"If they don't take this seriously as though their lives depend on it, they may slip up at some point," she replied.

"Let's do our best, Saeko!" Gouda said as he entered the bus.

Three years had led up to this. Before, I was so desperate to be part of the team, not realizing that I already was. It had nothing to do with me actually wanting to do kendo, but a way to vainly prove my masculinity.

Well, not anymore. I'd long set that aside. As a girl and as a succubus, I needed had to make sure to fuck every single—

I slapped myself across the cheek before I could finish the thought.

"What… What was I thinking just now…?"

Mio threw an arm around my shoulder and smirked. "Heh. I thought this kendo thing was going to be boring. Looks like we're gonna have a whole lotta fun."

The Kansai Melee was held in the heart of Kyoto, the cultural epicenter of Japan. Home to hundreds, if not thousands of buddhist temples and shinto shrines alike; one couldn't help but be closer to the gods here. While many of the religious sites were located outside of the city limits, plenty were nestled within the concrete jungles of the Kyoto metropolis. 

Although the event wasn't as prestigious as the Kyoto Taikai, the one we were participating in was spectated by many prominent members in the international kendo community. Essentially, a bunch of old guards hoping to see the youth carry on the tradition.

When we arrived at the sports center, many participants from schools all over the country were already here and grouped up in front of the building. All of them were kendo practitioners just as good if not better than the top three of my club, and others from more well-known schools.

"Well, well. If it isn't the runts of the litter. Tsukiji's first time here, huh? And they brought their entire club as a cheer team," a cocky student with short black hair remarked. The four other boys behind him burst into laughter as though on cue.

Their black and red tracksuit had the Tokyo Academy Prep emblem on it, the most reputable private school in all of Japan. They took first at the Kansai Melee last year, but it didn't look like their seniors were here this time. 

"You better do your best and not let your confidence get the better of you, Makoto. Never know if the underdog might take this year's tournament by storm," Gouda sneered in return.

"Do you two know each other?" I leaned in to ask.

"We went to the same elementary school. We've been childhood friends since, but he always gets worked up when it comes to this sort of thing," he replied.

"Ah. So it's that kind of trope this time."

"No, no. We don't have a trope going on. This is literally an act that he puts on. The Makoto I know is normally shy and is always sweating bullets around girls."

"W-W-Who says I'm shy around girls?! Shut up, Gouda!" the boy named Makoto yelled. "Tch. Third rate schools should know their place…"

"Hey, cutie. How about I pop your cherry in exchange for you throwing the tournament." Mio flashed an impish grin.

"M-My… cherry? I'll… I'll have you know… I'm not a virgin! I have plenty of sex because… right, I'm popular with the girls at school!" Makoto fired back, but the hesitation in his voice was clear that he was seriously considering the offer.

"I wanna tie him up and fuck his brains out," she whispered to me.

"Can you not… Sabotaging the competition is a low blow," I insisted against her suggestion.

Makoto and his group hurried away to the registration site, red up to their ears as Mio licked her lips. Knowing that look, she was probably going to go through with that promise by the end of this tournament.

"We should get going, too. The battle is here. Let's not keep our enemies waiting," Selene said.

"Yes, coach!" the team shouted.

"Oh, my god…How did it come to this?" I asked myself.

Before I could head inside with the rest of them, a couple of succubus auras approached me at high speeds.

"Queen Saeko!"

"I'm a big fan!"

They mobbed me with hearts in their eyes, blocking the entryway to get a word in.

"What's going on? Where did you all come from?" I asked in panic.

"Well, we were coming here for a quick snack because of all the lust in the air. Imagine our surprise when we felt your aura nearby," a red-headed succubus said.

"We heard about what happened in Tsukiji City. I got so wet listening to the other succubus talk about how you… treated her…" They were all breathing heavily like lovestruck fans.

One of them suddenly grabbed my hand.

"For as long as I live, I shall swear my undying loyalty to you! And... in return… could Your Majesty… punish me?" a masochistic succubus asked, her seductive amber eyes were luring me in.

"P-Punish… you?" I choked on my spit.

"There ain't room for another succubus in her life!" Mio shoved them away and pulled me into her arms.

Although I was shocked by the succubi's reaction, Mio's sudden jealous possessiveness was a welcome and refreshing change of pace.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" I asked, thinking to tease her.

She faced me with a determined demeanor I didn't expect. "It'll be a dry place in my cunt the day I let another succubus have you. You're mine. Don't forget that."

"O-Oh… I see…" I turned bright red, left speechless by the steadfastness in her words.

To the rest of the succubus, Mio had more to say.

"If any of you hornbats want a piece of her, you're gonna have to go through me." She raised a fist to challenge them.

They all understood what mine and Mio's relationship was like and wouldn't dare get in the way of that. At least when I wasn't all there in the head, they could blame me for overpowering them.

Realizing that they weren't going to get anywhere close to me with Mio around, the pack bowed in deference and left.

"Man, I let you out of my sight for one second and a whole swarm's buzzing around you." MIo sighed, still holding my hand tight.

It didn't occur to me how much Mio hated the idea of another succubus getting close to me. With Hana and Yumi, she trusted them enough not to butt into our relationship, which had to be why I was able to become such good friends with them.

"For what it's worth… I'm sorry for… you know… doing things with another succubus," I said, trailing off.

"It's not your fault. You weren't yourself—"

"Still! You aren't showing it on your face, but I can tell it's bothering you. Whatever happens, if I lose control again, um… I, erm… will always… love you…" I tried to cover my face with a hand, but remembered that Mio was holding one of them.

When I glanced up at her, Mio was blushing and facing away from me. She scratched the side of her nose, trying to come up with something to say.

"Used to be those words didn't faze me one bit. Feels like the longer I'm with you, the closer I get to figuring it out. Still don't quite understand it, but… when you said it just now, it made my heart skip a beat," she said.

"How about you try saying it?" I asked, unable to hide my smile from how happy I was to hear her say that.

Mio put a hand in my face. "Don't push your luck, kid."

Inside the building, people completely filled the seating area in the upper landing. There were no seats on the gymnasium floor to maximize the area for participant use. Twelve judges seated at the edge of the designated arena area patiently waited for the match to begin.

For some of the participants, this was going to be a life changing event. For others, this was just another Saturday. I knew for sure Gouda and Hayato were serious about kendo, wanting to continue this even after high school.

Each team was assigned a spot at the edge of the gym to set their stuff down and practice from. The only people allowed down here were direct participants, the coach, and an assistant. That meant Selene and myself. The rest of our club were up in the seating area with an unfurled banner. Mio, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen.

"Mio being missing can't be good…" I mumbled to myself.

"Alright… Huu…" Selene took a deep breath that filled her lungs and then some. "OOOORRAAAAA! WE'RE TAKING FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD THIS YEAR AND NOTHING LESS! IS THAT CLEAR?"

"Wha—" Startled by her explosive outburst, I merely stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"YES, COACH!" Both the trio and our group in the audience roared back.





"Why?!" I screamed back, quickly becoming embarrassed as we were drawing the attention of everyone in the gym.

"You heard them, my queen. We're going to defeat them in your name and bring glory to Tsukiji High," Selene said, standing tall and proud without a shred of shame.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of my life. Just when the hell did they start using that? None of them were even embarrassed to have said such a thing out loud. One thing's for sure, they had become ten times more motivated.

A staff member of the Kansai Melee raced up to our bloc.

"Yuuto will be competing first in twenty minutes. Please be prepared and make your way to the ring by then. Thank you!"

"Good luck, Yuuyan!" Hayato slapped his friend's back.

"Show 'em what Tsukiji's made of, alright?" Gouda high-fived him.

"You got it," he said.

Thinking back on it, Yuuto was the first person I had a sexual encounter with when I transformed into a succubus. He was very casual about kendo back then, but had come to build a passion for it over time. Seeing his growth was really something special.

"Yuuto!" I called out to his back as he made his way there. "Do your best!"

As our gazes met, his eyes flashed a pinkish glow. "You bet, Queen Saeko."

"Eh? Uh-oh…"

Merry Christmas! This chapter is your gift!

This isn't to mean IaS is coming back in its entirety, but I'll occasionally release chapters. Next one will maybe be for Christmas.

For only $5 you can read 20+ chapters: I am Succubus! | Patreon

Sorry for the extremely large texts. Some people pester me A LOT in PM and inbox asking questions like if the series is updating again despite the answer being in the author's note. Hopefully they see it this time around.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.