I am Succubus!

113 – Enemies in the Void


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I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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All at once, the room went cold and tense. The three of us glared at Sarena, ready to to fight should the moment demand it. A lesser succubus shouldn't have put us at the edge of our seats like that, but the audaciousness and presumptuousness of the request made her sound so sure of herself.

Selene rose to her feet and clenched both fists, glowing intensely with magic.

"If you want Queen Saeko's sword, you will have to go through me to get it," she declared.

"That makes two of us," Mio leaned across the table and snarled.

"Wait, you two. I'm sure she has a good reason for bringing it up. We should at least hear her out," I said.

Both of them settled back into their seats, but were no less enthused about hearing her out like I was. But it was understandable. Just like the succubi under Beatrice when she was queen, they were loyal to the one who led them. Because I was queen now, and had both affection and adoration from my subjects, they were much more fiercely loyal.

That's right… As the queen, how should I… respond…?

My mind grew foggy. A voice knocked at the very back of my thoughts, demanding that I let whoever it was in. As the banging grew louder, the hinges that held the voice back broke off.

"My queen?" Selene called out to me, but it wasn't me who proceeded to answer her.

"It seems this lesser succubus requires a lesson in manners to remember herself. Asking for the Blade of the First Temptress from her monarch? Unthinkable. I shall have to chain you to the ground and teach you the pleasures of my feet," I said as my body morphed into the succubus form.

"Oooooh. Someone's in big trouble. Queen Bitch wants to have a word with you," Mio smirked.

However, as magical chains emerged from the ground to bind Sarena, she scooted away from the table to prostrate herself before the chains could.

"A thousand apologies, my queen! I would never intentionally offend you. If you will humbly spare an ear to listen to my request, we may come to an understanding that I have little to benefit from. It is for your sake. Yes! Yours, my queen. I only look after your well-being—"

I snapped my fingers, forcing the chains to pull her onto the ground facing up. Because a foot was all she deserved, I used my big toe to tug at her kimono around the chest and loosen the obi tying it together.

"I see only a usurper who threatens my well-being. Explain yourself." I summoned the sword into my hand and pointed the tip at Sarena's head.

The lesser succubus hesitated to answer. 

When I pressed the tip into her cheek to draw a little bit of blood, she finally caved.

"Artifact hunters, Your Majesty. We are not the only ones who possess methods of traveling between words. Those pesky elves have caught our scent," Sarena said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Am I being taken for a fool?"

"Nah," Mio interjected. "They're real alright. In our world, a group of dark elves and light elves set aside their differences to hunt for powerful enchanted weapons instead. The bastards are coming here, huh? Looks like we can finally get a taste of elf poon again."

"Why should I have to fear them?" I asked.

"They are entirely selfish and possess in their arsenal incredible weapons collected over the centuries. Previously, the existence of the Demon Lord and Queen Beatrice, in addition to the powerful magisters of both dark and light elven races served as deterrents to keep the artifact hunters from acting," Selene added.

"We're alone in this fight, and without even the full nest to face these foes," I concluded after them.

Sarena clapped her hands enthusiastically. "As expected of Queen Saeko! You're certainly quick on the uptake. No wonder you defeated Beatrice! Ahahaha—" 

Her laughter was silenced as I commanded the chains to force her back to the ground.

"That still doesn't explain why you want my sword. Following the logic of this conversation, it sounds to me like you want to hand it over to them to save our skin. I can assure you, I will sooner fight than let that happen," I said.

"What an incredible fight that would be! But I would never ask you to part with the Blade. However, I can make quite the convincing forgery. An exact copy that mimics a fraction of its power. I only need it for but a few seconds," she urged.

I set Sarena free by vanishing the chains. She rubbed her wrists and glanced at me expectantly.

"Not today. This is something I must consider on my own. You will wait for my answer until then."

"I eagerly await your answer! The hunters, however, will not. In that case, I shall take my leave here, but please enjoy the rest of your evening at my expense!" Sarena rose to her feet and bowed, fixing the loose kimono and obi from falling off her body. She snapped her fingers and several young waitresses entered the room with more food in their hands. It only occurred to me now that they were under her charm.

The entire place probably was.

Mio, Selene, and I returned to our hotel room after the meeting. The kendo members were in separate rooms. Some of them were already asleep, and others were still up to mess around.

"Did my other self really just take over during that meeting?" I asked.

"Yep, and you made Sarena look like a little bitch. Kahaha!" Mio threw herself onto the bed and buried her head into a fluffy pillow.

Selene entered, heaving a sigh.

"I will never understand human teenage boys. For one, punching each other in the nether regions does not look like a very fun game," she said.

"Guys, I'm having a mental crisis over here! I keep losing myself to my other self and there are artifact hunters after my sword?! HELP!" I yelled.

"Oh, pipe down. Those hunters ain't gonna be here in the next day or anything. You've got plenty of time to think about it. Yumi's also on it about your split personality. Maybe she's got something once we get back home. Besides, I'm more interested in finding out if the elves coming here have any cock potions." Mio brushed aside my concern by bringing up dicks.

I expected nothing less.

All of this just had to come up during the kendo tournament when I was supposed to be supporting my club. Now I had worse things to worry about.

Later at night, after Mio and Selene had gone to sleep, I received a text from Gouda asking if I'd like to celebrate with them in their room. It would be rude to decline, especially since I'd been out for most of the day. After today's bombshell of a revelation, a much needed unwinding was necessary to take my mind off things.

"Mio, I'm going over to the boy's room. You want to come with?" I asked, shaking her shoulder. She turned over onto her back, snoring as drool dripped out the side of her mouth.

Guess she was tuckered out.

I threw on a light hoodie and sweatpants. No need to dress up this late. I was most likely going to knock out once I got back anyway.

Since we fundraised so much, we were able to book a room for each grade level and include an additional booking for just a girls' room. That was a godsend because the most affordable rooms only had two beds. Some of the boys were okay using sleeping bags, and it turned out to be like a sleepover or school trip for them.

As I got to the third years' room, I became hesitant to knock. I totally wasn't hoping for anything more than just talking to the members. Definitely not. We were friends. I only had sexual encounters with like two of them, and they totally didn't remember a thing.

The door suddenly swung open.

"I'm going to get some drinks and snacks before Saeko gets here— Oh, you're already here!" Gouda paused at the door as our eyes met.

The other boys in the room peeked over his shoulder and waved.

"Hey, Saeko!"

"We've been playing old maid. Wanna join?"

The third years Hayato, Yuuto, Kurama, and Nobito were playing cards on the bed. Their clothing and bags were strewn all over the place, empty chip bags and bottles spilled over the trash bin, and bedsheets had been moved to the floor. As expected of boys who had messes taken care of in their stead for years.

I folded my arms at the threshold of the room. "You guys only called me here to clean the place up, huh?"

They looked around like there was no mess and shrugged.

"Room cleaning will take care of it tomorrow," Yuuto said.

My busy-body instincts just couldn't let this pass. Instead of letting them wallow in their own filth, I tidied up the room for them before joining their games.

"Ahh~ I bet Saeko's going to make some guy a very happy husband one day," Gouda remarked wishfully.

"With how much Saeko's been glowing recently, she probably already has a boyfriend." Kurama's off-handed comment hit the rest of them harder than it should have.

All eyes went to me.

"What's the verdict, Saeko? Y-You in a relationship?" Nobi asked, fearful of the answer.

"D-Do we really have to talk about me?" I returned the question, blushing as I thought of Mio and Kana. We three had been together for quite some time now. A polygamous relationship of carnal debauchery.

Naturally, the next step was marriage, but polygamy was illegal in Japan. That wasn't to say we couldn't be together. It just would have been nice to be married to the ones I loved.

"Damn, ya can tell by that look she already got a boy… Ain't no hope for us…" Hayato hung his head.

"That's not it! I…" I bit down on my lip, because I couldn't exactly tell them I was dating Mio when we were pretending to be cousins. "I… I'm in an open relationship."

Their faces lit up like hope had been restored.

Oh, no. What have I done? Did I just make it seem like I'm giving them a chance?

I finished cleaning and finally joined them in their game of old maid. But something was weird. These guys were throwing looks at each other, like they were scheming behind my back.

"Why don't we up the ante? Everytime someone loses, they have to take off a piece of clothing," Kurama suggested.

"Isn't that a little too much?" I exclaimed.

"Come on, Saeko. You gotta live a little. We're heading to college soon, which means things will be a lot crazier. And besides, we've played old maid all the time in the club together," Gouda said.

"B-But back then, I was a boy…" I mumbled, but my racing heart wanted to do it. "Okay, fine."

We played a couple of games, and although the boys each lost once, I ended up losing three games and was butt naked. After all, I only wore three articles of clothing: hoodie, pants, and underwear.

My face was red. All the boys were having a hard time focusing on the game and were staring at me instead. The bulges in their pants showed how much I was turning them on.

"Well… Since Saeko doesn't have any more clothes on, does that mean the game is over?" Nobi asked, shifting his legs to hide the boner.

"Doesn't have to end here," Kurama chimed in. "We can change it to a punishment game."

"You guys… are really pushing this, aren't you?" I squinted at them as I covered my naked bits with each hand.

"What's wrong, Saeko? Giving up already?" Gouda's smug expression taunted me from across the bed.

"I'm not giving up, just… nnh… Alright. A few more games then!" I declared.

But the next match didn't go my way. I lost again, picking the old maid after everyone depleted their own hand. They definitely had a plan going on that ensured I would lose each match, but I had no proof to back up the claim.

"Guh… You guys are definitely cheating…" I said accusingly while despairing at the old maid card in my hand.

"Dunno what you're talking about." Hayato threw his hands in the air. "Ya agreed to the rules, Saeko. It's time for your punishment!"


The person who won depleted his cards first had the honor of declaring the punishment. This time, it was Nobi.

"Alright, Let me… touch your boobs for one minute," he said.

A shock ran up my spine as the succubus side of me had a feeling where this was going.

"If you're really against it, you don't have to. We won't force you," Gouda added.

"No, I agreed to this. I have to go through with it…" I replied, steeling my resolve.

I sat forward and stuck out my chest. Nobi gulped as he stared at my perky mounds and nipples that were getting hard.

"G-Get on with it already," I urged as my face became hot.

His inexperienced hands obliged and squeezed the underside first, sinking his fingers into the fat.

"Wow… They're so big and squishy, it's like my fingers are getting absorbed" he mumbled.

This was so embarrassing, but the more he fondled them, the less I hated it. Not that I was disliking it from the start. Having them watch as this was happening had me all hot and bothered that I leaned in, wanting for more.

Then I got my wish.

Two fingers then pinched my hard nipples, causing my mind to briefly flash white.

"Aah!" I covered my mouth and was met by the lustful stares of five horny teenage boys.

"Sorry! I couldn't help myself…" Nobi said.

"It's… okay," I replied bashfully.

The rest of them gulped.

"The… The one minute timer's up." Hayato tapped his phone.

We continued to play more, and unsurprisingly, I lost again. Kurama won the next match, and I waited eagerly to hear what his punishment for me was— if it could really be considered a punishment at this point.

"If… If it's alright with you, would it be alright to kiss you?" Kurama asked sheepishly.

"Is that really a punishment?"

"Kurama, you're really asking for it!"

The others protested his choice of punishment.

"I don't mind," I answered to their surprise, then shut my eyes and puckered my lips in anticipation to be kissed.

"I've fantasized about this since the day you turned into a girl… Here I go…"

It felt like minutes had passed by. My heart was going to leap out of my chest. What was he waiting for?

The sensation caught me by surprise. "Mmh!"

We were finally kissing, and now my heart was soaring. Kurama's lips were stiff and shaky. This boy, who was a club member I had helped many times in the past, hung out with like one of the guys, confessed that he fantasized about me. I wanted to do more with him and the others.

Kurama pushed me down on the bed, still locked to my lips. When I pushed my tongue into his mouth, he reacted with shock for only a moment, then reciprocated. I felt his muscular chest on my body, the same kind of physique that I once wanted was now pinning me down.

A bulge between his legs pressed against my bare crotch, quickly soaking his pants in my juices. He glanced down, then back at my timid self.

"P-Please… Fuck me," I begged, wriggling my hips against his erection.

Kurama swallowed his hesitation and whipped his dick out, positioning it in front of my pussy. The rest of them gasped, but stood by and watched. I threw my legs around his waist to push him down the rest of the way. His meaty cock slammed into me and electrified my body with pleasure.

Finally, another dick was inside.

"Saeko… you're so hot… I can't believe I'm actually getting to have sex with you," he said.

"Aahh… Your cock is making me feel so good… Fuck me like I'm yours," I whispered sweetly to his ears.

Schlap! Schlap! Schlap! Schlap! Schlap! 

"Yes! Aahh— so good… aahhhh! Harder, please! I want to feel more of you!"

The powerful body of an athlete pistoned into me, making so much noise as it fucked my sopping wet pussy. Our lustful lovemaking was too much for the onlookers to take that some of them started masturbating.

Schlap! Schlap! Schlap! 

"Saeko… Me, too." Yuuto waved his dick in my face, which I instinctively wrapped my lips around. 

"Mmrh… Mm… shllrrp… shllrrp… mmmph!"

Two people used my hand to jerk themselves off and another positioned himself on my chest to titfuck me. With five dicks all around me, I was in heaven.

"I'm cumming!"

"Me, too…"

"Her mouth is so hot…!"

All five of them smeared me white with hot cum. As they were catching their breaths, Gouda came to his senses.

"Oh, shit— Sorry, Saeko! We didn't mean to," he apologized.

I ignored his apology and laid there on the bed, fingering myself, squeezing my breasts, and desperate for more.

"As your club manager… It's my job to take care of you guys," I said, spreading my legs and beckoning to invite another to fuck me. "Feel free to use me as much as you want. Treat me like your personal pocket pussy… Just make me feel good…"

Everyone in the room gulped in unison. Their still hard members throbbed in eagerness.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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