I am Succubus!

Chapter 125 – Queen Elendir


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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If the fact that I hadn't just gone to a new world that didn't make my head woozy, then meeting the dark elf queen Elendir did.

"I-I, erm… It's a p-p-pleasure to please you— I mean, a pleasure to meet you!" I stammered.

My face went bright red, and I cursed myself for bumbling like an idiot right out of the portal to Elza. Queen Elendir, however, appeared smitten and amused by my mistake, giggling into the back of her hand.

"Elly! Long time no see!" Mio waved excitedly.

"Oh? Is that Mio and Hana I see?" she asked, pressing a hand to her cheek. "This must be quite the homecoming for you two."

By the sound of it, they were already friends. This was expected since succubi and dark elves were allies under the demon lord, and their interaction pretty much proved that to me.

"Uwahh~ The fresh smell of Elza, the sight of the shitty old building that demon lord shoved us all into, and green mountains as far as your wings can carry ya. We're definitely home again!" Hana dropped to her hands and knees to kiss the pavement in a show of excessive homesickness.

The rest of us stared at the pint-sized succubus making out with the floor.

Shayle cleared her throat. "Your Majesty, what shall we do with Sarena?"

Elendir walked up to the succubus bound to the wooden horse with a smile. She caressed Sarena's back and sent visible shivers through her body.

"Mmrrpphh… mmmh…"

"What a foolish endeavor to try and usurp your rightful queen." The elven queen shook her head. "Take Sarena to the dungeons to join the other prisoners. We will decide her fate at a later time. Until then…"

Several dark elves who had come out with her carried Sarena, the wooden horse and all, into the manor to be imprisoned. The remaining ones framed a path along the walkway like a group of knights in front of a castle.

Elendir placed one hand to her chest and gestured towards the entrance with the other. "Please, right this way. I have prepared a feast that awaits your palette."

However, a large number of succubus filled up and down the stairs, flying mid-air, and peeking in from the left and right hallways, confronted me. All of them with mixed expressions. Many were curious, and others were… less than enthusiastic to see their new queen.

Immediately, Mio and Hana came to defend me.

I pretty much expected that not everyone was going to accept my reign right off the bat. Although neither side seemed interested in fighting, some just wanted to get a few words in.

"That's the queen of the succubus?" 

"She doesn't look like much."

"The new queen is so small and cute!"

"Hmph. She looks weak."

Before Queen Elendir could say a thing in my defense, I walked past Mio and Hana, then summoned the Blade of the First Temptress to the gasps of everyone. My aura was at full blast, causing some of the weaker succubi to tremble where they stood and clutch their groins.

"My name is Saeko, your new queen. If anyone has a problem with it, I'll be waiting in my room later tonight for anyone who needs an intimate reminder." I vanished the sword once they got a good look at it.

"Me-yeow! I'll take you up on that offer," Mio purred.

"I-I'm so sorry!" A rather ditzy-looking succubus with thick glasses, her arms, legs, and wings tied behind her back, wormed through the crowds on the ground. "E-Everyone, please be on your best behavior while Queen Saeko is here!"

The outrageous scene was only made stranger by them dispersing and leaving the poor succubus lying bound.

"Is that… who I think it is?" I hesitated to ask.

"Yep. That's Layla." Mio nodded with sigh, then turned to the succubus in question. "I'd ask if you need help being cut loose, but I think I already know your answer."

"Oh, it's alright! Don't mind me. It's nice to finally meet you, Queen Saeko. I'm Layla, a greater succubus and squad leader of this hive," Layla introduced herself.

"How come it seems like you're the only succubus that's accepted my status?" I knelt down next to Layla who was clearly enjoying herself being tied up.

"Honestly, the idea of ruling any amount of people sounds like a lot of trouble. I only came into this position because the remaining greater succubi either went to Earth or perished in the war," she explained.

I totally understood her. Trying to supervise so many succubus and making sure they behaved was such a pain. The only saving grace was that I had great people helping me rule like Yumi, Selene, and Clerissa.

"Wait a minute. I thought Beatrice would have brought you along to Earth to add to her army's strength. Did she leave you here to look after the succubus?" I asked.

Elendir reacted by flashing a closed-mouth smile and glanced off to the side.

"Aha… Embarrassing story, actually." Layla squirmed with a hint of blush. "When the demon lord started the war, Beatrice sent me to the dark elves as an offering. It was such an honor! I spent years tied up as a sex slave, serving dark elves day in and day out that couldn't control their libido. Only last year was I finally released! Imagine my surprise when they told me we lost the war, and I needed to control a bunch of rogue succubus all over Elza."

Literally forgotten about until recently, huh?

Okay, maybe I didn't completely relate to her. Years in captivity as a sex slave? I went for days at a time, but years were… years… being surrounded by hot dark elves like Elendir and Shayle…

"Ahem. Perhaps we may further acquaint ourselves over luncheon?" Elendir suggested.

We left Layla— at her behest anyway— stranded there in the foyer while the rest of us continued into the manor. Entering the demon lord's 'summer home' as Elendir put it was a jarring experience, and instantly dispelled the perception I previously held of this place. Wide corridors in which the walls were painted in a beautiful ivory color, long crimson carpets with golden embroideries, and fine silken draperies on every window stitched with intricate patterns.

Succubi and dark elves alike were dressed in maid outfits going about their chores. A pair of elves coming down the hall stepped aside and bowed their heads as we passed.

"Is that Queen Saeko?"

"She's so pretty!"

Their hushed compliments reached my keen hearing nonetheless and made me blush.

We were led into a dining hall that was just as colorful and vibrant as everything else I had seen. Flowers were arranged in vases against the wall and smaller glass ones on the long, rectangular table, at the head of which was an extravagant throne-like seat.

"Your seat, Queen Saeko." Elendir pulled that very seat out for me.

"M-Me? Are you sure you shouldn't be sitting on it?" I asked.

"Nonsense. This was originally the seat of the demon lord and queen succubus, which you are now," she explained.

It was the strangest feeling taking the seat of the once powerful being who plunged Elza into war. When I put my butt on top of it, I realized that aside from how comfortable and ergonomic the seat was, nothing else was really different about it. 

However, there didn't appear to be any food on the table. Was this really a feast, or the food just wasn't done cooking yet?

The doors from what I assumed was the pantry and kitchens swung open. A large number of people walked out: dark elven women, humanoids with physical features of beasts, and even a several light elves were among them.

All naked. Every single one of them. The men were fully erect and women were dripping wet.

I should have known what a feast was for a succubus.

A bashful, young light elven boy with long golden hair who was shorter than even Hana, naked from head to toe, held a platter of fruits for me. He was unable to meet my eyes, red up to his pointed ears, but his penis throbbed intensely.

"Please, do not hold back. If none of them pleases you, be sure to let me know, and I will have my servants bring out more. Should even they not be suited to your likings, then it is up to me to take responsibility," Elendir said.

"Y-Y-Your… responsibility?" I gulped.

She couldn't possibly mean that, right? There was no way. But as I looked Elendir in the eyes, all I saw was a determination to please. Sure dark elves and succubi were allies, but wasn't my kind below them in hierarchy? Mio once told me we were like the support team in the demon lord's armies.

"Th-This is fine for me, but do you guys have actual food? I'm kind of curious about cuisines in Elza," I said.

"What the fuck, man? You're here to sample these delicious gnads. Look at 'em!" Mio was fingering a dark elf girl and jerking off a beastkin boy, both of them squirming from her technique. The moment they orgasmed, she licked the juices of her hands delightfully.

"I'm with Saeko this time. Bring on the chow, come on!" Hana exclaimed, slamming her fists on the table with fork and spoon knife in hand.

"Come to think of it, I feel like I've never seen you have sex before. Are you really a succubus?" I thought back on all the times I'd hung out with Hana, but rarely showed any sexual inclination towards anything.

"Uwa-ha-ha-hoh. I get it on alright. I'm just not as loud about it as loudmouth over here." She pointed a thumb to Mio.

"Who the hell are you calling loudmouth, washboard?" Mio taunted back and flung a globule of cum at Hana's face.

"Who do ya think saved ya from Sarena that night? Wanna go? Haahh?"

Both of them started bickering across the table.

Nice to know some things didn't change no matter where we were, or who was at the dinner table.

"This might be a weird question, but why does this place not look… demon-y at all?" I asked Elendir.

"Do you like what I've done with the place? Beatrice's tastes were so gaudy and gothic that it was all atrocious. I thought to liven up the manor after the demon lord died and she disappeared," the elven queen explained.

We shared stories about each other's worlds over lunch. I declined partaking in living food since I was still full from Kana. Oddly enough, every time I tried to bring up my purpose for being here, Elendir would steer the conversation away. She insisted that we leave such talks for the next day, and today was meant to both welcome my coming and my ascension to queen.

By the time we've talked enough and eaten our fill, evening had rolled around. One of Elendir's attendants guided me and Mio to our bedchamber. The room was large enough to be the entire first floor of my house. It had been furnished with a massive bed stacked with silken cushions. A balcony led to the front of the manor and provided a full view of the courtyard, where an elf below waved at me. In case I didn't want to leave, there was also a small study filled with Elzan books, a living room with couches around a crackling fireplace. 

"So this was Beatrice's room…" I picked up one of the many collars from an accessory branch on a vanity desk, then glanced over my shoulder to the many BDSM instruments. "Going by her personality, this was sort of a given."

There was even a branding iron by the fireplace…

Mio stretched her arms and cracked her neck. "Alright. Since we're here, we ain't spending the night alone. I'm gonna go find some vic— willing bedfellows to join our orgy tonight."

"You were just about to say victims, weren't you?" I squinted at her.

"Kahaha! Slip of the tongue." She bonked her own head to act innocent. "I'll be back in a bit. Then we can smear this place with our scent to drown out my sister's."

As soon as Mio left, I threw myself onto the large bed and rolled through the comfy sheets.

"Hehe… I know I gave Mio shit about it, but this really does feel like a honeymoon vacation." I grabbed a pillow to squeal into while kicking my legs.

While anticipating Mio's return and the surprise bag of fun from who she might bring, I ended up falling asleep where I laid.

Sometime later, I snapped awake when the door swung open. I thought Mio had come back, but it was actually a gang of five succubus. 

"Hello, Queen Saeko."

"An Earth-borne succubus, huh? We do things differently in Elza."

"Let's see if you have any bite without Mio and Hana around."

They shut the door behind them, but I was the only one who licked my lips. If Mio wasn't back yet, I hope she didn't mind me having a little appetizer.

After demonstrating who was boss around here, the five succubus were reduced to various states of mind brokenness on the bed. I made use of the BDSM toys available to drive the point home, because why waste a perfectly good opportunity to try them out on my subjects?

"So, have you girls accepted me as your queen yet?" I asked, smacking the ass of a succubus I had branded with the mark of a heart.

"Aahhh~ Yes, my queen… I live only for you! Please, keep punishing this disloyal and worthless succubus… Hit me harder!" she begged.

"Queen Saeko… Show me some love, too… I'll do anything for your touch again…" another pleaded whose wrists were tied to the bedpost.

I yawned into my hand, feeling refreshed after showing them their place. As fun as it was, having sex with them only left me craving for a better lay. If only Kana was here. I probably should have dragged him through.

"Sorry, ladies. I'm going to explore the manor for a bit. Have fun with yourselves until I get back." I got dressed and exited the room to their disappointed groans.

Trying to look for Mio in this place proved miserable. That horny succubus probably went ahead to dine on a couple of people without me. Ten might be a more accurate number. The manor was enormous, too. All the winding corridors made it easy to get lost in.

"Great… Maybe I really am lost."

The only orientation I had were windows facing out to the courtyard, so I at least knew that this was a hall along the front of the manor.

"Queen Saeko, are you perhaps lost?" Elendir was coming down the corridor from the other end.

"I'm kind of embarrassed to say that I am," I confessed, scratching the back of my head. "Do you happen to know where Mio is?"

The dark elven queen put a finger under her chin and thought for a moment. A smile creeping across her face told me she had other plans.

"Unfortunately, I do not. How about we look for her together? Follow me," she said.

I followed her downstairs to a basement level, but when Elendir pushed open two large doors a wave of warm steam blew past me like a gust.

"Uhm… Elendir, are you sure this is where Mio is?" I asked.

"No, it isn't. But you must want to bathe after such a long day. I assure you, though Beatrice and the demon lord had poor tastes, they did one thing right." Elendir twirled a finger, causing the mists to clear and give way to a grand marble bathhouse. 

Steaming water poured down between the legs of succubus statues on the walls to make it look like they were pissing. The ones who built this place had weird tastes, that's for sure.

Queen Elendir walked ahead, leaving me stunned by the extravagance of it all.

"We're not actually here to bathe, are we?" I walked in after Elendir as she flicked her wrist to close the doors.

"Have you already forgotten our tradition? I thought you and Shayle went through this back on Earth," she said.

It finally clicked in my head.

That tradition. Where dark elves and succubi forming alliances had to—

Elendir undid the ribbon behind her back and unstrapped the collar behind her neck. The beautiful gown slid down her bodacious body like a cascade of water. Steam and mist quickly collected her now bare skin, making it glisten under the dim magical lights. The elven queen exuded purity underneath a body made of sin, and her inviting eyes begged me, a succubus, to reconcile the two contradictory concepts.

"Come forth, Saeko. Let us two queens consummate an alliance."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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