I am Succubus!

Chapter 127 – A Date with Kana and Mio (Part 1)


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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All I had was the Goddess of Everlight's word that she lifted the curse. There would be no telling if it succeeded until some months later when the dark elves start showing baby bumps.

"That's about all I can do. I wish there was a better way to prove that it worked," I said to Queen Elendir.

"It has." She nodded. "I can feel it in my very soul, the Everlight's presence. Thank you, Queen Saeko. I'm not sure what it is you two spoke about, but a feeling within my heart assures me that our affliction is lifted."

In that case, thank goodness. Or thank goddess was more appropriate this time around?

Regardless, I was able to repay Shayle, the artifact hunters, and the dark elves for helping me defeat Sarena. Even if they were part of the reason that put me in the situation to begin with.

"So, what's the plan for the dark elves now?" I asked.

"We make up for lost time, of course." Elendir smiled.


When I glanced behind me, all the dark elves and succubi had already disappeared back into the manor. The only ones left outside were Mio, Hana, and the light elven artifact hunters who were blushing at their peers' baby making sounds from within. They certainly had a lot to do in order to repopulate their people.

"Perhaps you would like to stay a while longer and provide me with an offspring?" Elendir waved the potion that granted a dick between her two fingers.

I gulped hard and declined her advances. "I-I don't think I'm ready to have children yet, and I should really get back home before my sister gets angry at me."

"Well, that's too bad. A child birthed from two queens would surely be a strong one. I shall at least like to name my first child after you." Elendir bowed in an excessive display of respect.

"I'm honored!" I instinctively bowed back..

My memories wandered back to the talk from last night about how she would take charge of educating her children on sexual matters… Future Saeko was a lucky one indeed.

"I won't keep you waiting then. My deepest gratitude isn't enough to thank you for what you have done for my people. If you ever return to Elza, please do not make yourself scarce." Elendir cut open a portal and embraced each of us in turn.

"Queen Saeko, wait!" Layla came rushing out of the manor before we entered the portal.

"Sorry, Layla! We didn't get much time to get to know each other. Maybe when I come back next time—"

"I've been meaning to ask if I can come to the human world with you?" she asked.

"Sounds fun to me, but then no one would be here to run the succubi," Mio said.

"Mio's right," I added worriedly. "Not that I mind you coming to Earth if you behave, but the succubi of Elza won't have a leader."

"Technically, I am their superior since defeating you has put me above you in the hierarchy of leadership," Elendir interjected.

"Oh," I simply uttered.

Although I lost in a battle of sex as a succubus, it wasn't as humiliating or disgraceful as I thought. Against someone like Elendir, losing wasn't so bad. Apparently Mio and Layla couldn't match the dark elven queen's techniques either. Maybe one day when I returned, we could have another go for me to reclaim my crown.

"Queen Elendir has actually been ruling the succubi in my place for some time now. She is exceptionally good at keeping them in line! So, will it be alright? It isn't that I want to have sex with humans. Exploring Japan just sounds like so much fun!" Layla got all up in my face with glittering eyes.

There might be money in opening up a travel agency between worlds one day.

"Fine, but you have to report to my home first. I can't risk letting rogue succubi run around in the open," I relented.

The masochistic succubus grabbed my hand and shook it like crazy. "Thank you so much! Once I have everything in order here, I shall go straight to finding you!" 

We all said our farewells, then crossed the portal's threshold and came into my living room.

"Well, my dearest little sister. Are you ready to hear what it is that I wanted for letting you go to another world?" Hatsumi asked, sending a chill up my spine. She was sitting on the couch, one leg crossed over the other, sipping on coffee. Though her eyes were closed, a smile flashed across her face.

"Lotta fun, guys! Guess I'm gonna just skedaddle and leave you to it!" Hana took off running.

I took a deep breath to steel myself. "Y-Yes… I'm ready."

It had to just be sex, right? After all, we've done so much with each other. What's the worst that she could ask for next?

"For the next three months," Hatsumi began, "I will take over the role of being the queen succubus in your place."

Mio and I blinked absentmindedly with our mouths hanging, trying to process the words that came out of Hatsumi's mouth.

"I'm sorry… what?!" I exclaimed.

"I received a call from your homeroom teacher last week. Your grades have been slipping since May. Selene also tells me she has been picking up your slack at kendo club. She doesn't mind, but aren't you supposed to be their club manager?" Hatsumi folded her arms.

Wait… Hatsumi was absolutely right. Ever since becoming a succubus, focusing on school has gotten a lot harder. With the recent events lately, I've been slow to finish homework and keep up with studies. Regarding kendo club, I'd pretty much forgotten all about it.

"Uu… So… You're going to take over my rule so I can focus more on school?" I pressed my fingers together in shame.

My sister nodded. "With college over the horizon and entrance exams coming up, you need to stay focused. This will only be temporary. I'll turn over the crown to you at the end of February."

January and February were going to be the most grueling months for high schoolers trying to get into college.

"Guh… Even after I just got back to being queen… Okay, fine."

"Hatsumi as queen, huh? This oughta be good. So much for being a model student." Mio flashed a toothy grin.

"What about you? Your grades can't possibly be better than mine!" I accused her.

"Actually, Mio has been excelling in every class and subject. The homeroom teacher expects that she can get into Tokyo University if that's her first choice," Hatsumi said.


"Heh. Your human studies ain't shit but child's play to me." Mio turned her nose to the ceiling to bask in Hatsumi's praise.

Could she have charmed her way to good grades? No way. Something like answers on tests and homework could easily break logic.

A deal was a deal, and I had to hold up my end of the bargain. I summoned the Blade of the First Temptress. The only way to make Hatsumi queen was to transform her into a succubus, and the last time she became a succubus…

"Are you going to be okay, too? Isn't college and career-hunting keeping you really busy?" I asked my sister.

"Your big sis is already on top of everything! What's important now is ensuring you enter college. Otherwise, we'll have bigger things to worry about than explaining to our parents that you're a girl," Hatsumi said.

I had no choice… If my grades continued dropping, I wouldn't be able to get into college. This much was true.

"Alright… Here you go…" I reluctantly handed the sword over to Hatsumi.

The moment she took hold of it, a blinding light illuminated the room. When it subsided, Hatsumi was transformed back into the succubus form that I last remembered during Beatrice's reign of terror. She was, suffice to say, absurdly powerful. The subtle feeling of having a secondary energy bank disappeared from me, and I felt hungrier for it.

"Hmm. The sword still remembers that I was worthy." Hatsumi swung it around a few times, then vanished it.

"Succubus Hatsumi, huh. Color my pussy dripping wet." Mio licked her lips.

Already, I was regretting my decision.

"Hehe. I'll start taking care of things as queen. You two have until this weekend is over before you have to put your all into school. Is that understood?" My sister asked, grinning and narrowing her eyes at me.

Shivers crept up my spine again as I found myself under the burning lustful gaze of Hatsumi, the new succubus queen.

"Y-Yes, sis— mmpff!"

Hatsumi cupped my face in her hands and lifted me up for a deep kiss. She was practically deepthroating me with her tongue.

"Good girl," she said once our lips parted. "I hope you're prepared for the next three months."

Leaving me with that cryptic message, Hatsumi left home to demand fealty from the other succubus in Japan.

"Dunno about you, but I like where this is going." Mio cackled at my expense.

College, huh? This was going to come up inevitably. I just wished I had more time, like another year. My youth was slipping right by, and before I knew it, adulthood would smack me in the face after college.

The doorbell suddenly rang.

"Who could that be?" I wondered aloud.

Hatsumi wasn't airheaded enough to leave her keys behind, and none of us were expecting any packages today. When Mio and I went to answer the door, Kana was there fiddling his fingers at the entrance.

"Oh, good timing!" Mio leaned into my back from behind. "Hatsumi's not home. Wanna fuck?"

"N-No! Today I actually… Saeko, Mio… I, uh… I… I want to take you guys out on a date!" Kana exclaimed.

"Date? W-What brought this on?" I asked, quickly turning red.

"Well… We've been in a relationship for a while now and haven't gone on a real date yet. So while you were gone, I've been planning a whole day for us to surprise you. I-I even had a nice place reserved! What do you say?" he asked timidly.

A… A date… with Kana… 

My heart was already throbbing. The three of us had been together for a few months now, but aside from sex, we never didn't  anything that couples did. Part of that was because Mio and I were succubus, and this relationship was a rather unconventional one.

"The whole point of a date is to get to the fucking, right? Why don't we just skip the boring parts and get straight to it?" Mio folded her arms, appearing slightly disappointed.

"We can't keep having sex all the time!" Kana cried.

"We can't?" She scratched her head in confusion.

"Relationships are more than just sticking it in. I want to make more memories with you guys— memories that aren't just sex. How about it?" he asked again.

Mio and I traded glances, then nodded.

A date would be a nice change of pace. Hatsumi did say we had until this weekend was over, so we might as well make the best of it.

We got changed and took the train out to Yokohama. With winter upon us, everyone was bundled up in warm clothes and blowing into their hands. If it got any colder, we might even get some snow down in Tsukiji.

Like a good boyfriend and guide, Kana took us to a number of places. He had tickets to the Sea Paradise aquarium, where Mio was running all over the place, face pressed to the glass and mouth agape in awe from all species of fish swimming around us.

We visited Yokohama Bay Quarter, a shopping mall where they erected a two-story tall Christmas Tree in celebration of the coming holidays. Mio couldn't hide her childish wonder. Kana and I had to hold her back from flying up to the decorated tree.

"It's so pretty! How do humans put all the decorations up without being able to fly?" Mio asked, who was at the edge of the fence that kept people like her from trying to climb on it.

"Same way we make big things. With big machines and ladders," I answered with amusement.

"I wanna take a picture! Let's take a picture, guys!"

The most surprising thing to me was how bubbly Mio was. I understood that it was her first time seeing it all and somewhat expected a unique reaction given that she didn't belong in this world, but this wasn't it. But no one was complaining.

After taking a bunch of selfies and having a stranger take a picture for us, Mio was eager to see more and took the lead from Kana despite it being his date.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" I asked him, squeezing his hand as we trailed behind Mio.

Kana shook his head. "I'm honestly just as surprised as you are. I didn't expect her to be enjoying it this much."

"Who's that old guy and why are kids sitting on his lap?" Mio pointed to a man dressed in red, surrounded by children and fake presents in a scenic photography section.

"That's Santa Clause," I answered. "On Christmas night, he goes from house to house, delivering presents to good children. "

"For real?" Something clicked in her head.

At Mio's insistence, we got in line with Santa Claus. Thankfully, it wasn't as awkward being high school students because there were a number of adults also in line. Christmas was a growing tradition in Japan, an excuse to give each other gifts and enjoy time with family. I was going to have to think about what to get my friends soon.

When it finally came time for our turn, Mio threw herself onto Santa's lap.

"Ho, ho, ho! Quite the eager young lady, are you?" Santa bellowed joyously.

"I heard you're in the business of giving good kids presents. What about naughty, naughty girls?" Mio asked, drawing circles on his chest and leaning in too close for comfort.

Kana and I had a very bad premonition.

The man behind the costume grew visibly anxious. "Well… Th-There's still time to be a good girl, and maybe there will be a present under your tree when I visit your house!"

Even so, Santa maintained a professional appearance and kept his cool.

"But Santa~" Her hand began to slowly move down his chest. "If I am a good girl, will you show me what's inside this Christmas present?"

Both of us dragged Mio off Santa's lap.

"Sorry for the trouble!" we exclaimed, pulling her away from the area.

"I can't believe you tried hitting on Santa…" Kana groaned.

"There are kids here, Mio!" I scolded her.

"Hey, hey! What did Santa mean by 'under your tree'?" Mio asked, our admonishing flying over her head.

Kana threw me a look to just let it go.

"Traditionally, people buy and decorate their own Christmas tree at home. It won't be as big as the one you saw earlier, but it can look just as pretty," he explained.

"Does that mean—" Mio turned to me.

"Yeah. Hatsumi and I celebrate Christmas, too. We always buy a fresh tree to put up," I said.

"Sweet! I can't wait to decorate it with you guys!" She threw her arms around me.

If Mio was going to be this excited, then it would be difficult to be angry at her earlier offense.

It was starting to get dark, but Kana apparently had several more things he wanted to do before going home. Imagine our surprise when Mio and I got to the pier, and a boat was waiting for us with guests eating dinner on the deck.

"No way. You got a reservation for a dinner cruise?" I thought I was seeing things.

"Reservations were out a while ago. I've been checking almost every hour for the past few months, waiting for a cancellation. It finally paid off though," Kana said.

Mio was at a loss for words as she glanced up at the large boat. One of her greatest wishes was to travel the seas on a ship. I still remember when she first told me. Though I had told Kana once as a passing comment, I didn't think he would make it come true.

"Come on, guys! I booked a private room. The ship is due to set off in a few minutes!" he said.

Dinner was exquisite. The ship took us out to Tokyo Bay, and we ate in a private room with a beautiful view of the sea thanks to being seated by the wide windows. I must have had enough seafood to last me a lifetime. Oyster, crab, lobster, sushi, salmon… you name it, the menu had it.

"Uuu… I'm stuffed…" I moaned.

"You said it… I don't think I can even move right now." Kana loosened his belt and burped. "By the way, Mio's gone to the restroom for a while now. You think she's seasick or something?"

Mio had gone up to go to the bathroom almost twenty minutes ago. Someone who liked the sea as much as her couldn't possibly have gotten seasick. Or maybe it was possible and she was just all talk.

"I'll go look for her." I left the room and searched the restrooms, but Mio was nowhere to be found.

It wasn't until I reached the top deck did I see her, standing against the railing, hair fluttering from the winds, and gazing out to the seas. She didn't flinch or react when I joined her.

"Your food won't eat itself."

"Figure I'll have my fill of you and Kana to make up for it later," Mio said, finally turning my way. "I can't put into words how much fun I had today. Guess the cum hydrant was right. Maybe there are some things just as good as sex. I'm starting to see why you fell in love with the guy."

"Funny way to say you're also in love with him," I teased.

"Heh. Maybe I am. Thanks to him, I'm on a boat! Dunno what it is, but seeing all this while standing on my two feet instead of flying… There's something nice about it."

We enjoyed the view of the seas for a little while longer. The cold stopped registering when I was with Mio. Eventually, she wrenched herself from the railings and skipped up to the door.

"I'm glad it was you I turned into a succubus back then. It was a shitty thing to do to you, but I really wanted someone— anyone just to not be alone. Now I have a cute girlfriend and boyfriend who makes me so happy, I could cry. So… thanks." Mio smiled.

I walked up to Mio and grabbed her hand, then pointed to the mistletoe above us.

"What's that? Another Christmas thing?" she asked.

Without answering, I got on my toes to kiss her.

"You're supposed to kiss the one you like while under it," I said after pulling away.

Maybe it was my imagination, but Mio appeared to have blinked away a tear and looked away from me.

"You humans and your weird traditions. Can't say I hate it though. What say we get our boyfriend over to get in on this?" Mio smirked.

"Hehe. Sounds like a plan."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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