I am Succubus!

Chapter 132 – Winter Break!


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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A week had gone by since the Hatsumi incident, and she hadn't shown herself to be any more overbearing than the usual big sister complex that was normally being displayed. Thanks to her giving me some space, I was able to put my all into studies and exams. Going over to Kana's place or having him come over was still awkward, but at least my sister didn't express any desire to charm him into oblivion. But those sentiments were probably forgiven because he was helping me with coursework.

As I passed forward to turn in my English exam, a weight had lifted off my shoulders faster than a rocket launch. Exam week had finally ended. My final exam finished. Winter break was upon me at last.

I didn't— wouldn't have realized it until Hatsumi mentioned it before I left for Elza, my academics really had slipped.

Before becoming a succubus, kendo club and school were the only things on my mind. Taking the role of queen, having a girlfriend and boyfriend, including all the things I was already doing before, really do eat into my time.

Not to mention all the sex.

So. Much. Sex.

Maybe the absolute mental exhaustion and brain dump that followed every time a student finished an exam was what's hitting me right now, but my empty head has reached a certain kind of enlightenment. My past year was filled with debauchery. More than I could put a number to. Hell, before I changed, I never expected to get laid. Now here I was.

"That much got your brain fried already?" Mio asked, leaning back on her seat like the entire exam week was a breeze.

"I thought you were the sex-addict. Just what is your brain made of?" I shot back.

"This stuff's too easy. It's like knowing where the clit is and how to—"

"Ahem." Our homeroom teacher, Suda Sensei, cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention to the front. "It's been quite the three years we had together, and when you next come back after your break, it will be our last and final term together. Entrance exams are at the start of February, many of you will be saying goodbye to those you've known for years, but know that it is only just the beginning. So that there won't be anymore regrets, make sure to enjoy the new year and your last winter break as high schoolers to the fullest."

While not the most vocabulary-rich instructor any of us have ever had, Suda Sensei never minced words. Everyone understood and took them to heart.

"Rise," Rika said, calling everyone to their feet. "Bow!"

Sensei bowed in return and smiled, then walked out the door.

Everyone launched into cheers and applause. Suda Sensei poked his head through the door and silenced the premature celebrators.

"I forgot to mention: students I spoke with earlier in the day, report to the faculty office for remedial lessons over break. Your grades are in jeopardy. That includes you, Kameshiro. I want you to graduate so I don't have to see your butt anymore," Sensei said before leaving, drawing laughs from everyone at Kameshiro's expense.

"Oh, come on. You didn't have to single me out like that!" Kameshiro groaned.

Kana walked over to my desk, chuckling at his classmate's misery. "No offense to Kameshiro, but I think everyone stands to gain from him graduating."

"Except for whichever college or career he gets into," I joked.

Compared to summer break, students had a much more mellowed out reaction for the winter counterpart. There was a very relaxed atmosphere. People were trading gifts, making plans with restrained enthusiasm, and talking about dates.

Unlike the joyous, familial season celebrated in the western parts of the world, Christmas was more of a couples' holiday here in Japan. A time to confess and take a leap of faith with one's feelings. It explained why some of us had been getting more and more confessions lately.

As students were leaving the room, a few were waiting outside my class ready to spring the big question on me.

"What have you guys got planned for break?" Kana asked me and Mio.

"Nothing really," I answered. "Few weeks ago we asked Hatsumi about going to Hokkaido, but she hasn't said anything. Probably too busy with school and work."

Mio kicked her feet up on the desk now that no teacher was here to scold her. "If it comes down to it, we'll fly off to do our own thing."

After rejecting two dozen pleas for a date right out the door from different students, I headed downstairs to the shoe lockers. Mine was stuffed full with love letters.

"Kahaha! Hey, check this one out." Mio showed me one of the letters she had received. "The guy is willing to bark for me. I'm kinda down for it."

"S-Saeko!" Kaede came rushing down the stairs to the shoe lockers, arms full of notebooks and loose papers. However, in her hurry, she tripped over her own foot.

Thankfully, my locker was close enough to the stairs that I managed to catch her from a bad fall.

"Are you okay?" I asked, letting the flustered girl go.

"Sorry… I was in so much of a hurry to catch up. I really wanted to show you something! Uhm…" Kaede frowned at the mess of papers on the ground.

Mio and I helped her pick them up, and it was Mio who had apparently found something that made her smile and eyes go wide.

"These are what you call porn mags, right? Them's what all boys have in their bedrooms?" Mio asked, flipping through the pages, biting down on her lower lip.

"They're actually my one-shot doujins! I've been working on them in my free time and finally got around to finishing them last month. I wanted to get your opinions… b-because, it feels weird to bring up my hobbies to anyone else," Kaede said.

Her artistic skills had improved by leaps and bounds. Boner-inducing content aside, one can tell by the shading and details that Kaede put a lot of effort into them. However…

"This is really good, but… Is it just me, or does the main character look like me? In fact, the MC even has an obsessive older sister character! This is totally based on me, isn't it?" I asked, pointing to multiple features and parts of the story to support my claim.

"I did take a lot of inspiration from your appearance. I just thought you would make for a great main character. If you want, I can tweak her looks to appear less like you." Kaede pressed her fingers together.

"You don't have to! It just surprised me a little."

Kaede still didn't know about my identity as a succubus, so it was ironic that she drew me as one in her fiction. That time I saved her from falling must have really stuck with her, even though I had tweaked her memory a bit. 

"Which brings me to my actual request… Winter Comiket is coming up. I'm planning on going to sell my doujinshis. Mangakas tend to get a lot more attention when they bring cosplayers along, and well… I was hoping… you two would come with me and cosplay as my characters from the doujins," Kaede said.

"Wait, you want us to dress up as these bimbos? Count us in!" Mio threw an arm over my shoulders to make the decision for me.

"C-Cosplays… again…?" I dreaded to think of how many pictures of me were circulating on the internet. 

Before this year, I'd always gone to Winter Comiket as a visitor to support independent mangakas by buying their one-shots. This year would be supporting Kaede. It sounded fun, but…

"Please!" Kaede pleaded. "Yuriha's already made the outfits for me, I would be so grateful if you. I'll only need your help for the first day since Hana promised to help me with the second, that way I won't take up any of your new years plans."

Even Yuriha had the costumes ready? Declining would be a slap in the face to the both of them.

"Fine. I'll help," I agreed.

"Thank you, thank you!" Kaede shook both of my hands.

Mio was reading the doujin as we flew home, and by the cackling laughter, she was clearly enjoying it.

"This shit is spicy. They got the main character getting fucked by goblins and orcs. It's even better because she looks like you. I can totally get off to it," she said.

"Oh, god… Kaede, how am I going to look you in the eyes after I read it?" I sighed.

Although I said that, my succubus and nerd brain had made me deathly curious about how the h-scenes were drawn.

When we got home, Hatsumi called us from the living room.

"Welcome back, you two! Before you go to your room, can you come into the living room for a second?"

Mio and I entered Hatsumi revealing three rectangular placards imprinted with the image of Kosei Onsen, a famous hot springs resort in Hokkaido. 

"Surprise!' she shouted.

My brain went blank. "K-Kosei Onsen?"

That was a highly renowned resort and one of the first names suggested to wealthy tourists searching for such places. Never mind that it cost a fortune, it was usually booked years in advance.

"Oooh, shit! Are we really going on vacation together?" Mio took one and jumped with joy.

"How did you get this?" I asked.

"I have a friend whose parents work at Kosei. A teensy bit of magic might have been used to compel them to free up a booking," Hatsumi said.

A trip to the countryside of Hokkaido had been on my list of places to go for a while. Just to see the snow-dusted landscape of the northern region of Japan. Well, that would just be the bonus, considering Kosei was the main dessert of the trip.

My fingers were shaking just holding the placard. The departure date was…

"The day after tomorrow?!" I exclaimed.

"That's right." Hatsumi smiled. "Make sure to get everything in order until then. We'll be flying straight out on Christmas morning!"

Talk about a surprise Christmas gift. Well, at least it was only a four-day trip. We would be back in time for Winter Comiket, but I'd be cutting it close the next day since getting to Tokyo Big Sight in Koto City was a four hour train ride.

I already promised Kaede. Mio and I would just have to make it work somehow. Then immediately a day after that was the new year's festival. That one I was particularly excited for because it would be my first time wearing a kimono.

But at the moment…

While Mio was brimming with excitement, the date on the placard only reminded me that I'd forgotten one thing— a Christmas present for Mio, Kana, and Hatsumi. With all that happened lately, it just slipped my mind.

"Uhh… I'm going to head out for a bit," I said, excusing myself from the room.

"Where are you headed? I'll come with!" Mio caught up, but I blocked her at the door.

"It's fine! It's going to be really boring anyway. Just picking up some stuff for tomorrow!" I bolted out of the house before Mio could say anything.

My entire afternoon was spent flying everywhere in the city to find suitable gifts for the three of them. It didn't matter if I was looking at jewellry, novelty gifts, or what, I couldn't settle on would be a good choice for anyone.

I stopped by a cafe to grab hot chocolate to warm up only to sense Yumi's aura inside. She turned and waved to me as I entered.

"Did school let you go early?" I asked.

"Well, the principal dropped by to ask Naruse on a date to get an early start on their Christmas holiday. Ufufu~ Those two have been sounding very much in love lately," Yumi said.

Mio's irresponsible charm back then really set in motion for the nurse and principal to hook up. Their memories should have been fixed and lingering charm dispelled ages ago, but maybe their mind and body still desired each other.

If I remember correctly… Principal Murata was married and had kids, while Nurse Naruse had a boyfriend… I wondered how that was going…

"What brings you out here, Saeko?" Yumi asked. "I figured you would be with Mio."

"I've been trying to come up with a gift for a couple of people, Mio being one of them. So as you can see, I can't exactly bring her along or that'd spoil the surprise." I sighed.

It had come to my attention that despite us being in a relationship, I knew nothing about what they liked and didn't like. I suppose for Mio, 'a good fuck' would be the first thing out of her mouth, and Kana would be fine with anything. Same for Hatsumi. In fact, she enshrined the last several things I gifted her…

"By your two empty hands, I imagine you must be having a hard time." Yumi giggled.

We got to the front and when it was Yumi's turn, she offered to buy me something to drink. She and Taleia really were sisters of the same feather, even though only one of them showed kindness by legal means.

An open table by the window allowed us to enjoy the beverages in comfort. The hot chocolate filled with white chocolate flakes, peppermint sprinkles, and heavy whipped cream filled my body with warmth as soon as I took a sip. Glancing outside, snow began to fall with greater intensity. It was beginning to look like a white Christmas after all.

As I turned my eyes back to the drink, I noticed Yumi watching with a smile.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, wiping my lips with a napkin.

Yumi shook her head. "I'm starting to understand why your sister loves you so much. It's hard to disagree about how adorable you are."

My face turned red. Compliments were never not going to trip me up.

"Regarding the gifts to your loved ones, maybe you're thinking too hard on what to get? At the end of the day, it's how you spend time with them that matters the most. If you want to get something for Mio no matter what, I think the answer is a lot simpler than you think," she said.

Simpler than I think?

What Mio likes. Simple.

Wait, ships and sailing! This wasn't about topping Kana's gift. It wasn't going to happen. Kana had that date planned in advance and unique to his emotions. What was unique between me and Mio was her telling me that she wanted to sail the seas in Elza. 

"I think I got it. Thanks, Yumi! Have a great Christmas and New Years!" I rushed out of the cafe with the hot chocolate in my hands.

A quick trip to the mall, and I found a costume shop that was selling their inventory at a big discount considering the holiday. A tricorn hat made the perfect gift for Mio, even if I was going to have to hear her yarrr like a pirate every so often. I even purchased a stuffed parrot that straps onto the shoulder and an eyepatch for her.

"While I'm here…" I also picked out a see-thru Christmas corset lingerie for myself.

For Hatsumi, since I knew for sure she was fine with anything, I purchased a kitchen utensil set and a cute apron. Once I gift-wrapped Hatsumi and Mio's gift, I changed into the lingerie and flew to Kana's house.

When Kana opened the door, his jaw dropped upon seeing me in succubus form and wearing the holiday lingerie.


"Merry Christmas!" I waved a mistletoe above us. "It turns out Mio and I are going to Hokkaido with Hatsumi, so I'm here to deliver an early Christmas present to you— me."

Kana instantly popped a boner and was emitting such an overwhelming amount of lust that I could climax just standing there. I pushed my speechless boyfriend into his house, got on my knees, and held the mistletoe just above my head and his groin.

"Merry Christmas to me, too." I licked my lips.

After leaving Kana with another pleasant memory and filling my sex gauge to full, I returned home with my two gifts in hand. Mio came down to the living room just as I was putting her and Hatsumi's presents under the tree. The succubus lit up like the tree itself when she laid eyes on the gift-wrapped box.

"Is that for me? It's for me isn't it? Can I open it now?" Mio rapidly fired off these questions like a child in the morning of Christmas.

It took everything I had to hold her back.

"Sorry, Mio. You have to wait until Christmas morning like everyone else," I said.

"Oh, alright." She relented, then created a portal to pull a small, rectangular present out to put under the tree. "If that's how it is, guess you're going to have to wait for your present, too."

Now I was super curious. I didn't expect Mio to have a gift for me prepared, but my excitement for winter break had just been dialed up a notch thanks to her.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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