I am Succubus!

Chapter 134 – Onsen Gangbang


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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The three of us changed into the light blue yukata and sandals provided to us by the resort, then made our way to the hot springs. According to the amenities list, there were private indoor onsens that we could have taken a dip in alone together, but visiting an onsen resort, one just had to check out the main attraction as intended. 

We stopped, however, at the multiple entrances at the end of the hall. There was a separate side each for women, men, family, and mixed. This was a great quandary for us. Other inn guests casually slipped past, and an occasional few threw us an odd look because we were idling at the entrances.

Our predicament was a great one.

Mio started walking towards the men's entrance. Hatsumi and I grabbed her by the collar of her yukata.

"Killjoys. Fine, but just know that no matter which side I go, it's a buffet for me. You guys know I'm coming back later regardless," Mio said.

"Then as long as we can help it, the motion is rejected." I sighed.

"Mio, we don't want to cause trouble for the inn. Behave to the best of your ability while we're here, or they might kick us out. I think the best decision is clearly family, because we're a family after all!" Hatsumi smiled, putting two hands together.

A mother walking her two elementary-aged kids into the family's entrance made a disapproving face at us.

"Sorry, sis. I think that's also rejected. There are actual families in there that want a family experience, not the other family experience you're thinking about," I scolded.

"Aww…" Hatsumi frowned.

We were no closer to entering the baths. In fact, we only reduced our choices by half.

"We're women, so obviously we take the women's entrance. No complaints?" I asked the gallery.

Both of them shook their heads.

Right through the entrance was a nice changing area with wooden modular boxes, within which were baskets containing a towel for us to use, and to put our clothing and other possessions into. As I stripped and tied my hair up, the gazes of two hungry succubus were burning into my back.

Please, mercy. Just let me get through this bath without incident, I prayed to whatever god in the mountains of Hokkaido was listening.

As much as my succubus cravings sought out sexual relief, the human side of me wanted to enjoy what Kosei had to offer. It had been a roller coaster of a year. This was finally a chance to just simmer down, take in the atmosphere, and—

"Heya, hot stuff. Those juicy lips looking for a home?" Mio hit on a foreign caucasian woman, and we weren't even out of the changing room yet.

I went to pull her away and said in English, "Sorry! Please, excuse my friend."

"No worries," she fluently replied in Japanese, smiled at me, then left to join her other friends in the bath.

A shock ran up my spine, and it wasn't the cool breeze from the glass door opening as people came and went from the onsen.

 "Damn it, Mio. If you get us thrown out because you're sexually harassing people, I'm going to be very upset." I glared at her.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your britches in a bunch. I'll cool it with the horny," she said, walking past to head in.

"Shall we?" Hatsumi asked.

When I faced her stark naked body, my face and ears went red. Mio controlling herself was one thing, but me controlling myself was another. As a result of being sexually intimate with Hatsumi more often lately, the sight of her breasts and the neatly trimmed stuble between her legs was turning me on.

We entered the open air onsen to a blast of steam first, then the breeze followed that made me shiver. The stone flooring was warm to the touch despite being moist. I was treated to a beautiful view of the snowy mountains, but too bad their peaks were obscured behind low clouds.

A large stone boulder at the center of the pool spilled piping hot water in. The few brave women, or maybe they were actually the lucky ones, sat by it to soak in the warmth.

"Here I come—" Mio was about to cannonball in until I pulled her by the hair.

"No, you don't! We have to rinse off first," I said, pointing to the washing area.

Mio, Hatsumi, and I took turns scrubbing each other's backs. When it came down to my turn, they appeared almost… competitive.

"Tsk, tsk. As the older sister, Saeko's hygiene is my responsibility. I've washed her back since we were children. Isn't that right?" Hatsumi asked, dragging me into their argument.

"All that means is it's high time you move aside and let me do the scrubbing. But if you're gonna be difficult about it…" Mio slipped in front of me with a hand towel and scheming grin. "Then the front is mine!"

"Guys… We're in public… Can we move this along so I can get in the bath already?" I groaned to make my displeasure apparent.

Hatsumi and Mio start scrubbing me with a soapy towel each. However, it became increasingly obvious that both of them were not trying to get me squeaky clean. Rather…

With only the wet towel between us, Hatsumi's breasts pressed against my back and scrubbed me that way. Meanwhile, Mio groped my breasts and had her tail sneakily try to tease my pussy.

I had to knock my aura against both of theirs' in order to get them to stop. If someone saw us like this, it would be very bad.

And yet…

"I think I might be overheating," a woman said to her friend.

"Mmm… Let me see." Her friend pressed their foreheads together. They slowly closed the distance until someone dropped a wooden bucket on the floor and startled them.

On top of there being three succubus here, two who were expressing lust toward me were beginning to affect people around us.

I picked up the shower head to spray Hatsumi and Mio, threw a bucket of water over my head to wash the suds off, and marched into the onsen. A very audible sigh could be heard from the both of them.

Crisis averted. For now.

They soon joined me, one on either side, with a towel over their heads. The warmth from the hot spring penetrated me to the core better than a dick ever could. Having a breathtaking view of the Hokkaido mountains made the tranquil soak even better.

"Huuu! Water's so hot and comfy, I could fall right to sleep," Mio said, shutting her eyes and submerging up to her chin.

"You shouldn't stay in for too long, or you might overheat and faint," Hatsumi warned.

"Yeah, yeah. What do you think I'm made of?" She swam away to enjoy herself closer to the center.

My heart was beating so fast with Hatsumi naked next to me. I jumped when she leaned so close that our shoulders touched.

"It's not often we get to just relax together like this. It feels like we're losing more and more time together the older we get," Hatsumi said.

I had no idea Hatsumi was worried about something as trivial as that. Since she also attended Tsukiji University, we would be together for two years. However, I would be joining a dormitory.


Now that I thought about it, we really might see less of each other. That made me… sad. This trip must be her way of making more memories before that time comes.

"Well, we do get to do a lot more things we couldn't have as kids. Like going on a trip to Kosei." I smiled.

"Hehe. That's true. We better enjoy it as much as we can then." She held my hand underwater, and I squeezed back.

"Guys… I'm getting dizzy…" Mio sank into the water. A few air bubbles floated to the surface, then stopped completely. I thought she was just messing around, but she wasn't coming back up.

"M-Mio?!" I cried.

We fished Mio out and returned her to our room. Her face was completely red, breathing was shallow, and suffering from slight dizziness.

"Ughhh… My head is killing me," Mio moaned.

"A sento has nothing on a hot spring when it comes to hot water. Don't worry, a little rest should fix you right up," I assured her.

"Excuse me! I've brought your dinner!" 

Hatsumi opened the door to two workers holding large wooden trays. On each were a vibrant array of food which they set forward for us, including a ceramic carafe of sake. Both workers bowed, then shut the door. Mio and I brought the trays over to the table.

Kaiseki ryori, a traditional multi-course cuisine that dated back centuries ago and used to only be served during tea ceremonies. In the modern era, it has become sort of an artform for chefs, arranging them in colorful ways in beautiful bowls and dishes, providing a well-balanced meal for the palette. 

Our mouths watered just looking at it.

In their own plates, rice, tofu, miso, steamed vegetables, grilled salmon, tempura vegetables, pickled radish,crab legs, piping hot sweet potatoes, and more.

"Thank you for the meal!" we exclaimed together.

As I dug, Hatsumi poured herself sake into a small cup. The contents of the liquid came out steaming. While I hadn't touched alcohol given my age, I was aware that sake could be served cold or warm.

"Oooh. Whatcha got there, Hatsumi?" Mio asked, drawn in by the fragrant rice wine.

"It's sake, but I don't think you two are old enough to drink it. That just means more for me," Hatsumi said, quietly sipping and somehow making it look extremely delicious even though I've never drank before.

"Hey, hey! Don't leave me out of it. I'm definitely old enough!" Mio grabbed a cup herself and extended it towards Hatsumi, who proceeded to fill it gladly.

Both of them drank the sake together and expelled a blissful sigh.

"More please!" she demanded.

"I-I really think you two should slow down!" I implored.

My words of caution went unheard. They drank shot for shot and downed the entire carafe together. Both of them were slumped over on the table, stupid smiles on their faces, and unable to make proper speech.

"Saaeeekooo~ Let's sleep in the same futon!" Hatsumi pleaded, crawling over to me with her yukata disheveled. However, in her approach, she knocked over some plates. Tears welled up at the corner of her eyes. "I…I… made a mess… hic!"

"This is probably the most drunk I've ever seen you." I shook my head.

After helping the two of them into their futon, I grinned at how I ended up being the one to take care of Hatsumi. Seeing my sleeping sister, passed out and yukata half off, made my head spin with dirty thoughts.

I reached out to touch her warm body, running my fingers along the curves. Leaning down next to her snoozing face, I was about to steal a kiss when she stirred.

"Saeko… I feel strange," Hatsumi said, rising from her futon with a hand pressed to her head, and the other was squeezed between her legs.

I snapped back up and cleared my throat. "Th-That's what you get for drinking so much."

"It's not that… I can't… I'm still so hungry, and my body feels so hot…" she groaned.

"After such a big dinner, you're—" A sharp gasp escaped my lips. I rushed over to Hatsumi to check her temperature. Her forehead was perfectly fine, but her chest was warmer than the hot springs.

There was only one thing I could think of that could put Hatsumi in this state.

"You haven't been feeding?" I asked.

Hatsumi shook her head. "Of course… not… How can I be intimate with anyone other than you?"

Why didn't I realize this sooner? She hadn't done it with anyone. What Selene told me about them getting it on must have been a lie. This was my sister after all, who loved me too much to want anyone else. That meant all this time she was running on fumes. Without sexual energy, she would starve and go insane. I needed to do something.

"Do you think you can summon the Blade? I might be able to do something," I said.

My sister manifested the sword between us. Naturally, it didn't respond to me. There was, however, the faintest hum. I could tell it was running out of sexual energy. All that I had previously stored must have been feeding her. It explained how she lasted until now.

I urged my sister back into bed, using my magic and aura as a greater succubus to lull her into a sleep. It only worked because she was in a weakened state. Once she drifted back to slumber, I weaved together a nice dream of us to hopefully ease the excruciating hunger.

"Open up to me," I pleaded to the sword. "Tether my sexual energy to you so I can help Hatsumi. You want to be fed, too. Don't you?"

It worked. I felt a connection to the Blade again. Not nearly as strong as when I fully possessed it, but there was now a one way funnel into it.

Time to get to work.

Earlier, Mio wanted to go into the mixed baths for a little fun. Taking a page out of her book, I snuck out of the room with the intention of doing the same.

Many people still loitered about, enjoying the rest of the evening as things winded down. Some walked up and down the engawa, gazing at the starry sky which was untouched by city pollution. A couple was making small talk with a worker at the front counter.

These little things, peaceful moments that were like music to my ears, put me at peace. It was only something a resort like this could have achieved.

At only eight in the evening, guests were just finishing their meals and spending the rest of the night in their rooms. There shouldn't be much of a crowd left in the onsen, but hopefully enough to fill me up.

The next question was, what kind of people were left? Hopefully they wouldn't just be wrinkly old men. I had enough of that with Mio in Okinawa over the summer when we hit up the retirement home…

Being a succubus has given me a new perspective when it comes to things like this.

The young had a lot of energy and passion, but they were too quick to finish. Adults were more skilled, but work sucked out more energy and passion than a succubus could. Old folks surprisingly fucked like animals, probably to enjoy what little time they had left, but they didn't have any energy at all. 

Good looks were nice and all, but it was just garnish in the end. If it didn't fill me up, then what's the point?

I casually entered the mixed gender entrance to the shocked stares of a few men who were on the way out, now reconsidering whether or not they should take another dip. As I boldly pulled the belt off, they faced their baskets again as if trying to act busy. Since a yukata was all I wore and nothing else was underneath, I accidentally let it drop down to my ankles.

Several hard gulps could be heard. Their eyes burned into my back just as intensely as Hatsumi and Mio earlier. However, being seen this time in public, by men who I didn't know and without charming them, made me very hot.

As I bent down to pick up my fallen yukata, giving them a full view of my ass and pussy, I knew with certainty they saw how wet I was. Heading into the onsen, the men followed me in. There were other people relaxing in the waters or just finishing up, but I turned heads as soon as I entered. Not a single woman was in sight, but about six guys of varying ages in total were available as my second full course meal.

While rinsing by the showers, letting the waters cascade down my body and casually playing with myself, pinching my nipples, running a hand down my lower belly and inner thighs, I noticed the onlookers were beginning to squeeze their legs shut.

Please, look at me more, I begged in my head. I feel like I can cum from just being watched

One brave man, whose glasses he foolishly brought into the onsen were fogged up from the steam, approached me with a small towel covering his crotch.

"E-Excuse me, would you… like someone to wash your back?" he asked.

"If you're offering," I began with seductive intent. "Can you make sure to get every inch of me?"

The man used the wet towel to scrub my back, but I felt his bare hands making moves on me as if I wouldn't notice.

"Mmm… Wash my front, too." I moaned out loud, raising my arms.

Two groping hands reached forward to knead the side and underside of my breasts. The tip of his erect dick was poking my lower back. He grew brave and tried to move his lands lower until I splashed a bucket of water on myself.

I left him, seemingly disappointed that he didn't get to go further, and went into the hot springs itself. It was a whole lot more peaceful and beautiful at night. Stars shining, steam rising into the sky, and raging hard ons that were throbbing for me.

A foreigner, possibly college-aged, body sculpted like a statue and short hair moist from staying in the waters for a long time, sidled up to me, making no effort to hide his stiff member.

"You're really pretty," he complimented in what sounded like English was his second language. "Are you here alone?"

"The ones I came with passed out from drinking too much, so I guess I am alone. Are you going to keep me company?" I replied back in English, cozying up to his broad chest and stroking his large cock.

 The guy brought one hand behind my butt, fingering me from the back. His other hand lifted my face by my chin and rubbed a thumb across my lips.

"I didn't know Japanese girls can be so slutty. Maybe I should come here more often." He grinned, pinching my nipples.

"I'm not like other girls. I'm more of a succubus." I winked, then knelt down to start giving him a blowjob.

This foreigner's cock was girthier than I expected. He threw his head back as I bobbed up and down, sucking on the throbbing piece of meat. My perception of race must be skewed, because I thought it would taste different. However, it was just like any other cock. Delicious and brimming with sexual energy.

"Mmm… shllrrp… shllrrp… How ish it?" I asked with a mouthful of dick.

"Your mouth is like a pussy… I'm cumming!" he cried.

The thickest load of my squirted down my throat. When I pulled away to jerk off his horse cock, more gushed out and splashed onto me.

Others drew closer, drawn in by my slutty display.

The college guy pulled me out of the water, laid down, then beckoned me onto his dick. I wanted it so badly and obliged. The thick meat stretched me out so much, I orgasmed as it went in.

"Aaahhhh! You're so big… You're making me feel good without even doing anything yet… mmmm!" I shuddered from a climax, impressed that he had another two inches when it already hit the entrance to my womb.

"Fuck! Your pussy is so tight… Wow, I never expected to bang a Japanese babe!"

He was no slouch when I started riding him. His hips pounded me from below, giving me pleasure with each thrust. Some of the men who were too afraid to interrupt us were masturbating from afar.

What a waste, I thought and gestured them over with my finger.

The two-person romp quickly turned into a full-blown gangbang. I began to suck and jerk off the five surrounding me. Their sizes didn't compare, but they tasted gourmet all the same to me.

College boy switched our positions and began screwing me doggystyle. He fucked me like he had something to prove, pulling on my hair and slapping my ass. I didn't mind. My pussy was on fire from being railed so hard.

"Take it all slut!"

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Ahhhhnn! Aaahhh! I'm cumming so hard!" I cried.

A hot load gushed into my womb, and the other men bukkake all over me.

"Hey, cutie. Screw these other guys. How about you come back to my room. We can fuck all you want?" the college guy offered, seemingly desperate to have me for himself.

"Sorry, but tonight… I'm public use. Make sure to take turns cumming inside me, okay? I can't get pregnant," I said, lying on my back and using my fingers to spread the lips of my pussy.

They were suddenly put off, but not by me.

"What's going on here? The baths are closing up. I gotta clean the place!" a furious, young male worker shouted.

However, the second he saw me naked in the middle of a bunch of men, drenched in cum and moisture, the mop and bucket dropped away from his hands.

"I have a better idea. Do you want to join us?" I asked, biting down on my lips as his pants grew a bulge.

Instead of kicking us out, the worker put a 'Do Not Enter' sign at the entrance, then came back to join in gangbanging me. We had sex well into the night, and when some began to feel faint from overheating, the worker brought us to an empty room to continue.

All of them took turns fucking me like we were on a honeymoon.

In the morning, Hatsumi awoke after I'd come back from grabbing breakfast in the hall and teasing the men I fucked last night. Many of them were begging for seconds, but I had other things in mind.

"Hatsumi! Are you feeling better?" I asked.

"I am. Did you…?" Looking me in the eyes, Hatsumi already figured it out. She poured herself some tea from the boiler I had running before I left.

"Are you mad that I did it with other people?" I sat quietly across from her.

Hatsumi sighed, but her eyes softened into an understanding gaze.

"I would have starved before being intimate with anyone else. There's no way I can be angry at you, especially if you did it for my sake." My sister reached across the table to stroke my face, then pulled me in for a kiss.

It quickly became more than that. We went into each other's tongues. She crawled over the table to me, pushing me down to the floor, nibbling my neck and shoulders. 

"Why does my little sister have to be so cute and tasty? Haaumphh!"

"Mmm… Hatsumi~" I moaned, embracing her body.

Embraced by my own sister granted me more pleasure than those seven men could in their lifetime. I was overwhelmed by ecstasy as she dominated me.

Both of our tails started whipping around, slowly finding their way to the other's pussies. Pinned beneath Hatsumi, being pleasured by her, we allowed our lust to overflow and fill the room.

That sweet, suffocating scent stirred someone awake.

"Hiiyaaahhh!" Hatsumi yelped.

Behind my sister, having invited herself into our intimate moment was Mio, two hands on Hatsumi's plump butt and tongue ravishing her pussy.

"Mio, wait— aahhh! I'm going to cum again if you… aahhhhh!"

"Mmmm! I've always wanted to eat you out, Hatsumi, and I ain't disappointed. Your morning dew is my hangover cure. You guys aren't going to leave me outta this, are ya?" Mio licked more fiercely, bringing Hatsumi to an orgasm and shuddering on top of me.

"Well, sis." I cupped her face which was contorting with pleasure between my hands. "I hope you're ready to taste how succubi sisters have sex."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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