I am Succubus!

Chapter 153 – Tamamo no Mae


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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"Kon, what happened?" I asked, rushing in with Mio.

Lifting Kon into my arms, we find no external wounds on him. He looked weak, breathed with difficulty, and didn't appear to realize we were here.

"Kon, wake up! Wake up before I step on your balls!" Mio shouted as she slapped his cheeks red.

"Okay, let's try not to actually hurt him." I shielded his face from Mio.

We propped him up against the wall in the seated position and searched for the bell. There was none to be found. It wasn't inside the altar cabinet like it should be.

"No choice but to find out what happened ourselves. Knock, knock! We're coming in!" Mio said, rapping her knuckles on his forehead.

Mio and I squeezed our auras tight, enveloping Kon like a cocoon. My consciousness began to slip and like a vacuum sucking me in, pulled my being into Kon's mind. I opened my eyes still inside the shrine.

"Did it not work this time?" I asked out loud.

"No, it worked alright," Mio said.

 I turned to find Mio bare naked, pinching a human form Kon's dick in between her big and second toe. 

"Ahh— What are you doing in my dream? This isn't a public show. Get out of here!" Kon exclaimed at me.

"Kon, we found you knocked out inside your shrine. What happened?" I asked.

"What do you mean knocked out? I'm clearly very much still conscious and enjoying a footjob," he said.

I slapped a hand over my eyes and sighed.

"Mio, stop jerking him off! You're distracting him!"

"Oops. Force of habit. Teehee~" Mio stuck her tongue out and clocked herself over the head.

The disappointed and blue-balled lesser kami pulled up his pants, dejected that he didn't at least get to finish.

"Kon, this is a dream. We jumped into it because we found you unconscious and needed to get some answers. Try to remember— what happened before you passed out?" I asked.

"I… can't for the life of me recall. One moment I was lounging around, and the next moment Mio came by to start pleasuring me. Then you dropped in," Kon explained, seemingly  just as confused as we were.

Why would Kon suddenly pass out like that? 

Something shuffled in the corner of my vision. Mio and Kon followed my gaze to the altar. Or more specifically, behind the table and the cabinet altar which sits on it. There were hushed voices coming from that direction, and I know for sure there were no other succubi in Kon's dream.

"Do you think they found out?"

"Shut up. There's no way they know, so keep quiet."

Their secret conversation wasn't as quiet as they thought.

I summoned the Blade of the First Temptress, channeled dark magic to the tip of the sword, and fired it at them. The table and altar exploded in a shower of splinters, revealing two yokai behind it.

"My shrine!" Kon cried.

"Relax, it's just a dream," I reminded him.

"Oh, right. Well, uh… m-my dream… shrine!" he corrected himself.

Two cowering yokai were huddled up behind the broken debris. The right one looked like a tapir, with a longer elephant trunk and boar tusks. The other was a frail, shakey old man with deep wrinkles and dressed in a white robe worn sloppily over his boney shoulders.

"Hiieee! Don't hurt us!" the tapir pleaded.

They were both holding onto each other.

"Yuck. Why they gotta be so ugly?" Mio asked.

"Yokai?" Kon tilted his head, pressing a fist up to his chin. "I recognize them. The tapir is a baku, yokai that consumes dreams and nightmares. The elderly one is a dream spirit that induces nightmares."

I knew what those were. Both of them alone were more or less harmless. Getting caught up with either of them alone, the worst thing that could happen was a sleepless night. Together, they were a buffet cycle for each other.

Normally, they should be the other's anti-thesis. But it looked like they planned to be here together.

"Snap Kon out of this dream. Now," I ordered, charming the two of them to do my bidding.

"At once!" they answered together.

An incredible gravitational force ripped me from the dream, and I woke up in the standing position next to Mio.

Kon, in kitsune form, was just now stirring awake. He stretched his body long and yawned, squeaking as he did.

"Awww. Aren't you cute?" Mio picked Kon up, scratching him behind his ears.

"S-Stop that right this instant! It's demeaning to a kami of my st… ooh… a little more to the right… yes, right there…" Kon shut his eyes and started purring.

Rolling my eyes, I noticed the two yokai had come out of the dream with us. They looked fatter than I remembered. Like rotund. Santa Claus fat.

"Y-You're not going to hurt us, are you?" the dream spirit asked.

"That depends." I stomped over to them and put both arms on my hips. "I've had a pretty rough week that's only recently starting to get better. Unless you want to give me a reason to get rid of you to make my week even better, tell me how you came to inhabit Kon's dreams."

The tapir gulped.

"Th-The gateway was open! We were just minding our business in Takamagahara when— kerplunk! We slipped through. It's the truth!" he explained.

All these yokai showing up out of nowhere wasn't good. If these two just 'slipped through' as they described, how many more came into Japan the same way? Or the world? Neither I nor my army of succubi could prevent all the malevolent and ill-tidings that yokai with less-than-kind intentions bring.

"Can't you guys like… go back?" I reluctantly asked.

"W-Well… we can," the now-fattened old man said. "But why would we when there's so many humans to give nightmares to?"

"You're going back." I summoned the Blade of the First Temptress and pointed it at them.

They hung their heads dejectedly.

"The bell's gone, remember? We can't kick 'em back even if we wanted to," Mio reminded me.

"Oh, if you're looking for the bell. I'm wearing it on my—" Kon choked down his next words as we turned our eyes on him.

"On your?" I raised a brow, zeroing my gaze at the new collar and bell.

Mio stopped petting and lifted him by the scruff of his neck.

"I… I can't tell you. If you're looking for my bell, that means you want to go back to Takamagahara. But things keep getting worse every time you go back! Can't you just stay out of our affairs?" he pleaded.

"Kon, we think Tamamo's residing in a shrine and that's why we're having a hard time finding her. I need the other kamis' help searching for her so I can put a stop to this," I explained.

The kitsune started grumbling.


Kon wriggled out of Mio's grasp and transformed into his bipedal form on the way down, landing on his knees. When he pulled the bell collar off his neck, it morphed back into the hand ringing bell.

Holding it tightly in his right hand, Kon hesitated to ring it.

"I should warn you, the kami are currently engaged in family squabble…" Kon said, then rang the bell.

The entire shrine lurched forward and creaked, a sign that we had entered Takamagahara. Kon returned the bell to his altar and grimaced at the fat yokai still inside his home.

"Will you please return the favor and vacate these yokai for me?" the kitsune kami asked.

"I got 'em." Mio grabbed them each by the collar of their robes, and I opened the shrine doors for her to chuck them outside.

At least that was two yokai I didn't have to worry about anymore. I highly doubted the rest would be so obedient.

With Kon's help, he navigated us to the shores of Takamagahara by boat. I keep my eyes forward, not looking up or down, too traumatized by the gargantuan dragon from before. Mio was staring straight down, eyes squeezed shut. I reached out to grab her hand, and she twitched from my touch, then relaxed. Her eyes opened slowly to meet mine.

"Never thought I'd be scared shitless by anything from your world," Mio said, sounding disappointed in herself.

"Scarier than being deprived sex?" I teased.

She flashed a smile.

The boat grinded to a stop on the sandy shores in record time thanks to Kon booking it. The lesser kami was gasping for air, exhausted down to his bones. Mio and I hopped off, carrying the stowaway yokai out and dropping them onto the beach.

"Thanks again, Kon!" I waved, taking flight into the sky.

While soaring over Takamagahara, I expected to be chased down by tengu. However, we were entirely left alone. Some semblance of normalcy had returned to the city. People were out and working, socializing, and filling the streets again. The realm, however, was under a state of twilight where the sun and moon were battling for territory above me. I could see the exact line that separated the two, but neither side was budging.

When we got to the entrance to Celestial Palace, I was expecting a big fight or siege to be going on.


"Tsukuyomi, open up! We have all of eternity, you know?" Raijin shouted, smashing all four fists against the large doors.

To his side, an impatient Amaterasu waited with her arms folded and sighed. I didn't see Uta with them, but maybe it was for the best that he didn't take part in their quarrel.

"What the hell's going on here? Where's the big fights and booms?" Mio asked.

The kami finally took notice of us.

"We've told you before," Raijin began. "We greater kami cannot come to blows, lest we wish to bring about cataclysmic disasters to Japan like tsunamis, thunderstorms, heatwaves, and the like."

"O-Oh. Then please, continue to not fight." I gulped. 

It was easy to forget how much I take living peacefully for granted.

"The Celestial Palace is protected by natural divine enchantments to safeguard the host kami. After I abandoned it and Tsukuyomi came to claim it, she is now recognized as the Supreme Kami. We cannot enter unless she allows it," Amaterasu added.

What? Then Amaterasu and Raijin were just going to stay out here bashing on the door until Tsukuyomi lets them in? That definitely sounded like family squabbling.

"Anyway, what have you two come back so soon for? We sensed that Shuten's spirit was cast back to Takamagahara— well done— but Tamamo still remains, does she not?" Raijin asked us.

"That's right! We came here to ask for help. I think Tamamo's hiding in a shrine, and that's why we can't find her outside. There's too many in Japan for us to comb over, so I was hoping you can help search from within Takamagahara?" I beseeched their help even though I didn't deserve it, and they had every reason to turn me away.

However, I knew very well that if they wanted Japan safe, then they would have to help. After all, a steady stream of souls that live good lives was key to this realm's prosperity. That wouldn't be while Tamamo was still out there.

Amaterasu and Raijin traded glances, then the goddess of the sun pressed a palm over her right eye. It was closed shut when she peeled her hand away and bulged with veins all along the right side of her face. 

A shiver ran through my spine, and Mio felt it, too. For whatever reason, we were compelled to look up at the sun and were greeted with a giant eyeball, scanning the entire city. That must have been how Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi knew where I was in Takamagahara.

"I see the shrine where Tamamo resides. It is Yogi Temple," Amaterasu said.

"Yogi Temple… That's in the hill behind Tsukiji University campus. She was nearby this entire time?" I muttered aloud.

"We shall go together. Amaterasu and I will help expel her from Takamagahara, but she will need to be defeated in your world for her to truly return here," Raijin explained.

"Wait… If you can access the shrine from here, can't you drag Tamamo through?"

Both kami shook their heads.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way," Amaterasu said. "Shrines straddle both realms, but our forms can only exist in one place. She is currently tethered to the mortal plane. You must sever that connection."

Figures. Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy.

As though sensing my worries, Amaterasu reached into her robe to produce a jewel-encrusted scabbard containing a dagger and a paper talisman.

"A child born of the sun must stick this talisman on her and plunge the dagger through it. Doing so will drag her back to a sealed shrine within Takamagahara," Amaterasu explained.

I took both items and pressed them into Mio's hands.

"Go back ahead of me. Gather the succubi to Yogi Temple and get ready to fight. Bring Kana, too, since only someone 'born of the sun' can defeat her."

"Time to pay that bitch back." Mio nodded, clenching the special talisman and dagger treasure in each hand.

Amaterasu tossed another talisman to Mio's feet, sending her back to Japan.

Together, accompanied by two greater kami, we flew across the city to a shed-sized shrine nestled in the forests at the edge of the island. I thought it was impossible that such a small building could fit that large fox demon, until Amaterasu blew open the doors with a wave of her hand.

Lounging inside the shrine, surrounded by red candles and emitting tendrils of black smoke from her body, was Tamamo no Mae. Immediately my nose wrinkled from the indiscernible smell. Like my very essence and soul heaved with fear of getting near it.

Even the kami next to me tensed up.

"Tamamo." Amaterasu spoke her name dripping with spite.

"Sun Bitch," Tamamo responded in the same manner. "It's too late. Do you know how many yokai have entered Japan? Thousands. It only takes a vicious dozen to wreak enough havoc to bring me back. Nothing you do can stop it now."

"You're right. There is nothing I can do. This succubus, however, can." The goddess of the sun performed a series of somatic hand signs, then forcefully pushed the space in front of her with two open palms.

Inside the shrine, Tamamo unleashed a feral snarl. The candles blew out, then a powerful gust of wind forced her to the back of the shrine, slamming into the wall.

"Mangy kitsune." Raijin growled. Four hands started beating the drums on his back, and from them channeled a bolt of lightning that fired at Tamamo.

As Tamamo was consumed by thunder and fire, the doors slammed shut.

"Go!" Amaterasu urged.

My body moved on her command. With the Blade of the First Temptress in hand, I flew into the shrine. The doors slammed shut behind me. Everything turned upside down, then rightside up. The sword clashed with Tamamo's claws as we're jostled around.

When the shrine lurched to a stop, both of us crashed out the doors and into the courtyard in front of the building, back to Japan.

"Saeko, there are no words to express how disappointed I and your mother are in you."

My father's voice brought a chill up my spine. My mind blanked out for a second, seeing the visage of him in front of me. Child-like fear welled up in my chest, causing me to choke anything I was thinking of saying back to him. 

This man… who was supposed to guide me through my childhood and was absent instead…

Boiled the blood in my veins.

"Saeko, snap out of it! You know it's not him! Tamamo's tricking you again!" Mio screamed as she, carrying Kana, flew in with a flock of succubi.

"It's fine. Because this way… I can blow off some steam!" I shouted.

A black ball of fiery energy shot forth from the tip of the Blade and slammed into Tamamo. She didn't brace herself in time and took the blast full on. It wasn't enough to knock her to the ground, but the form of my father began to distort and melt away.

"Holy shit! Nice shot!" Mio whooped, landing next to me and putting Kana down.

"How do you like that?" I taunted Tamamo. "I don't mind if you stay in his body. I'd still like to beat out my frustration."

The form fell away entirely, giving way to the nine-tailed humanoid body that was Tamamo no Mae.

"Oh, family troubles. The best kind of misfortune. When they, who are supposed to love and cherish you, turn out to be not so kind and almost treacherous… I just can't get enough of the taste," the yokai said, licking her lips and shuddering.

For the queen!" Selene ordered the army of succubus into battle.

Tamamo was overwhelmed in an instant as a group of succubi dogpiled into her. However, with a single pulse of force, she blasted them flying away. Despite our efforts to bring good fortune to the city, we still weren't able to take her on. She had grown stronger.

Hana torpedoed down with a giant ball of magic. "Spirit bo— oouugh!"

The yokai's tails flicked in her direction, stopping Hana in place and draining the magic right out of her hands. With the spell gone, Hana fell to the ground in front of Tamamo, who then flicked her away with a bone-crunching kick.

"I can do one better!" Tamamo conjured the same destructive energy as magic spilled forth from the tips of her nine tails to the palm of her hand.

"Get behind me!" Yumi warned, conjuring a barrier around us.

Right as she was about to launch it, time began to rewind. Tamamo's actions went backwards in time until the ball of magic vanished.

"No, I don't think you can." Ellara grinned, waltzing in with the pocket watch dangling by a chain attached to her finger.

"Ellara!" I exclaimed with relief.

"I'm expecting to be repaid with a little something-something later." The dark elf winked.

Selene, Mio, and I dove ahead to engage Tamamo head on. The kitsune fought with her bare hands and even bested Selene of all succubus.

Mio and I backed away, tearing portals into the space around Tamamo, and firing out chains to incapacitate her. However, she pointed at us with a tail each, glowing with reddish energy that zapped us more painful than Raijin probably could dish out.

As I dropped to the ground, the sword slipping from my hands, Tamamo walked up and kicked it away when I tried to reach for it. She lifted me up by the neck and smiled.

"When I'm done with this world, I'll find the other. What was it called again? Elza." Tamamo cackled in my face.

"Don't hurt my queen!" Layla shouted, throwing Hana's Insta-Bondage 3.0.

"Is this a joke?" Tamamo caught the baton in her other hand.

The bondage toy came alive and tied her up. Taking advantage of the distraction, I ordered the sword back into my hand, plunged into her chest, and created chains from the ground to drag her down to her knees.

Selene and Mio grabbed an arm each, and I put Tamamo in a chokehold. Even with the three of us, she was still strong enough to fight back. Yumi and Hana soon joined to try and hold her down.

"Kana, finish it!" I yelled.

"Oh, god… Why did I agree to this?!" Kana cried, charging in and slapping the talisman onto Tamamo's forehead.

The powerful yokai seized up and gasped.

Tamamo thrashed wildly, throwing Hana and Yumi off. Me, Selene, and Mio held onto her for dear life, because if she shook us off and ripped the talisman off her head, then we were done for. No, Japan would be done for.

Mio and I conjured more portals on the ground, shooting out chains to bring Tamamo to her knees.

"Kana… hurry the hell up, because we can't hold on any… longer!" Mio said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, alright! But this dagger is a cursed… Fine, whatever!" Kana pulled the ornamental dagger from its jewel-encrusted scabbard, then cut across his palm to draw blood. The blade soaked his blood up like a sponge and made a gruesome slurping sound. Holding onto it with both hands, he plunged it into Tamamo's forehead through the talisman.

All at once, Tamamo went limp. Her arms slackened to the side and her many tails drooped over each other in a furry pile. 

We did it. We defeated her. Right? 

Despite our victory, Tamamo began to laugh.

"This won't hold me for long. I've already succeeded, and I will return one day. As long as humanity exists, your misfortune will empower me enough to break out again. Until we meet again, have fun with the mess I left you!" Tamamo cackled.

At the yokai's feet, a giant yellow portal not of mine or the other succubus' making opened up. It looked like the reflection of the sun had cast itself on the ground. We leap out of the way as the portal begins to swallow her.

Once she disappeared, I appeared the Blade to my hand and sighed with relief that it didn't disappear with her. Even though Tamamo lost, a triumphant smirk flashed across her face as she sank into the ground.

"Thank god it's over…" I sighed, all the exhaustion weighing on my shoulders brought me to the ground.

"NOOOOOO!" Hana slammed into the ground where the portal that swallowed Tamamo vanished. "MY INSTA-BONDAGE 3.0!"

Oops. Since Tamamo was still bound by the device, it disappeared with her.

Hana got up, walked over to Layla who was lying on the ground, and started grinding her foot into her crotch.

"Uwahh! This is your fault! You threw it like some bola bola!" 

"Iiiee! Hana, wait! I'm sorry— aahh… No! I'm going to cum! Don't make me orgasm in front of the queen!" Layla cried, wriggling helplessly underneath her.

Ignoring the two stooges, I went to pull Mio back to her feet.

"Ugh… Let's not release another evil fox lady anytime soon. At least not unless we're double-team tail fucking her," Mio mumbled.

"Good to know your priorities are still in order," I joked, relieved that she was still in one piece.

Were blinded by a bright light beaming down on us from a break in the clouds. The swirling gray gloom was beginning to disperse, clearing away to a blue sky and shining sun. Being bathed in its warmth was therapeutic and washed away my stress from the entire ordeal.

Right away, I ordered the succubus to clean the place up. We spent more time here than necessary and probably drew a lot of attention. They went to charm stray humans who had seen the fight go down.

"Why don't you, Mio, and Kana leave first?" Selene suggested. "Let us take care of this."

"Thanks… I might just—" I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

The caller ID showed Hatsumi.

"What's big sis want?" Mio asked, resting chin on my shoulder.

"I'm not sure. I told her earlier what we'd be doing."

When I answered the call, Hatsumi didn't immediately greet me with her cheery self that I was used to. It left me puzzled for a second, but that confusion turned to dread in an instant.

"Saeko, where are you? Come home now. Your mother and I have a lot to talk to you about." The stern voice of my father came through the phone, chilling my blood to ice. Even Mio froze up from hearing it.

There was no other way he could be calling from Hatsumi's phone unless he was at home or with her. And knowing that terrified me.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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