I am Succubus!

Chapter 163 – Graduating Succubi


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


"As the school year comes to a close, I want our third years to know that we at Tsukiji High will be supporting you wherever you go. There will be new grounds for your feet to tread, new sights to behold, and new experiences to be had. They will be daunting. It will be scary. But remember that these are going to be the best years ahead of you. Look to your left and right, your front and back, fellow classmates who have been with you for three years— and some, for even longer. Face your uncertain futures and seize them by the hand together. Your futures are what you will make of them. I'm proud to have been your principal. Thank you."

Principal Murata moved away from the podium and bowed.

Everyone clapped for him. Clapped for ourselves. Tears and sniffling were plenty in the auditorium as graduating students, clutching the cylindrical container which held our diplomas, fought back their emotions. Some failed horribly and were bawling outright.

Parents, family, and friends who sat behind us, reigned in their energy out of respect to the principal and graduating class. When I glanced over my shoulders, however, my parents weren't here. I met Hatsumi's eyes, and she offered me a soft smile. To either side of her were empty seats where my mother and father should have been.

Mio grabbed my hand and squeezed. At the very least, I wasn't all alone. The principal was taking his place at the podium to speak again. Things were beginning to wrap up.

"Now, for some final few words from the next school term's student council president." Principal Nishida extended an uneasy hand to the left wing of the stage.

Emerging like a rockstar was the pink-haired helion, jumping and waving both hands enthusiastically. Hana.

Students all around us cheered like crazy. Meanwhile, I put a hand to my face and sighed. Somewhere in a row behind me, Hitomi sighed heavily.

"Third year students, what's good!" Hana exclaimed into the microphone.

A wave of excitement bellowed from the students, especially the first and second years who would be with her for the next school year.

"H-Hana, please! Don't rile them up. Just send off our third years normally!" Principal Nishida urged her from behind while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, alright. Ahheeem. Third years… You're graduating. LEEEEET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Hana howled, rousing the entire auditorium and including those who were emotional into elated roars.

With the graduation ceremony ended, everyone moved outside to the courtyard. Students reunited with friends and family. The entire school grounds were covered in confetti and balloons.

We ran into Yuriha, the sewing club's president, on the way out of the auditorium.

"I heard you're standing down as the club president for next year. Focusing more on academics for your third year?" I asked.

"As if. As a club member, I can dedicate more time and energy to working. I have an entire clothing brand to manage, dresses to design for a fashion show in Shanghai, and several broadway companies have reached out to my club to make their costumes. All of this wouldn't be possible without participating in that silly play for the culture festival. So thanks." Yuriha grinned, shaking mine and Mio's hands.

Tsukiji had always been a sort of factory that churned out the best kind of students with futures already set for them. Then there were those who carved their own paths like it was made out of butter. Being only a second year, Yuriha already achieved so much. 

"If you ever need models, hit us up." Mio threw an arm around my shoulders.

"I'll be sure to. As long as my mind is my own," she teased, then said her goodbyes to visit other graduating third years.

"Saeko, I did it!" Kaede barreled through the crowds and tackled me with a bear hug, burying a tear-stained face into my clothes.

"What'd you do?" I asked.

Kaede recomposed herself, put the diploma away into her backpack, and pulled out a piece of paper. It was a congratulatory letter.

"I won first place in the Young and Rising Mangaka award!"

"Wait, the one with mine and Saeko's look-alikes in there?" Mio's eyes widened.

"Yes!" she exclaimed.

"Kaede, that's great! That was a few months back, right? How did you manage to complete it in time?" I asked, recalling how her backpack had fallen into the river and soaked the manuscript.

"When you brought it back to me, I worked on it day and night for the whole month. I still couldn't believe you jumped into the water for it, but I didn't want the chance you gave me. Now my entire volumes one to three are getting published, and my manga is getting serialized! Thank you! I'm… I'm so glad I met you two!"

"Look at you, drawing hot succubus shit. I better get a signed copy." Mio smirked, grabbing Kaede and lightly grinding a fist into her head.

At the time, I was so devastated about my hand in releasing Tamamo into our world and consequently bringing misfortune to everyone. Thank goodness everything turned out fine.

"Oh, I forgot to ask. Where are you going to college?" I asked the budding mangaka.

"I'm not. Now that I've graduated, I want to dedicate my all into drawing manga. I… I hope I ask you two for help from time to time?" Kaede asked.

"Well, summer Comiket is coming up in August." I winked, causing Kaede to beam with joy.

"And I'm always down to dress like a slut," Mio said.

"If you need costumes, I'm your woman." Yuriha poked back in to drop that on us before returning to her club friends.


A massive group of boys surrounded us like sharks in a feeding frenzy.

"Please, take my second button!"

"No, take mine!"

"Saeko, I've always loved you!"

Several dozen hands with the button of their winter uniform stuck out towards me. It was a tradition in schools, where each of the buttons had a different meaning. They were trying to give me the second button of their uniform, which was something you usually gave to the one you treasured most or had a crush on.

Very quickly, my hands were filled to the brim with buttons. Many of them came from the kendo club, boys I had sex with, and others hoping I would have sex with them.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" I groaned.

"That all ya got? Those are rookie numbers." Mio smirked.

When I glanced over, she had a mountain of buttons and some of which were clattering down the pile.

"When you say rookie numbers…" I squinted with judging intent.

"I'm kidding! I can maybe count the number of people I fucked at school on one hand," she said.

Before I could scold her, I saw my sister making a beeline towards us like a stampeding bull.

"Saeko!" Hatsumi cried, enveloping and suffocating me in her arms. "I never thought I'd see the day you would graduate from high school and into the adult world. I'm so proud of you that I'm at a loss for words!" 

All of the buttons got knocked out of my hands. This time, I didn't struggle and instead reciprocated the hug.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," I said.

"Can I get a hug, too?" Mio asked, throwing her arms out.

Hatsumi and I dragged her in without hesitation.

"So, mom and dad couldn't make it?" I asked.

My sister pursed her lips, then looked past mine and Mio's shoulders. I followed her gaze to my parents, each with a bouquet of flowers in their hands and dressed up more sharply for the occasion. My eyes started getting watery.

"Saeko, congratulations on your graduation," my father said.

"Y-You actually came?" I stammered.

"Why wouldn't we?" He seemed almost insulted, then nudged my mother forward. She stumbled a step and tried to play it off by clearing her throat.

"We missed our first child's graduation. We were not going to miss another. And… we…" My mother hesitated to continue, like she struggled to get the words out.

"Your mother got you a car," Dad chimed back in.

"You got me a car?!" I gasped.

He pointed past the school gates to the curb, where a brand new car sat. A four-seater, ivory white electric car that was already drawing eyes from students passing by.

"Please, don't misconstrue my intentions," she corrected him. "We bought you a car so that you're less inclined to fly. It's fully electric. I know you're still intent on not having us pay your tuition. This way, you can still network in college and drive to a job without spending on gas."

Dad leaned into me and whispered, "Network is just her way of saying go make some new friends. Now, what do you have to say to your mother?"

I walked up to her, whose arms were folded and seemingly in no mood to humor what he just said. She probably wouldn't care if I didn't say thanks. However…

"Thanks." I hugged her to everyone's surprise. "Thanks for coming to my graduation, mom."

My mother drew a sharp breath, then awkwardly returned the embrace by holding me by the shoulders.

"Hatsumi had you take your driver's license exam when you turned 18 last year, correct? Your summer vacation just started. Spend it well before college begins," she said, pressing the flowers into my hands along with a key and then walking away.

"She loves you and Hatsumi very much. She just has trouble expressing it," my father said, giving me the other bouquet before following after her.

Gone again without even letting me get a word in. However, as I gazed at the flowers in my hands and the car that awaited me, a kind of reassurance washed over me that they would stick around. I knew that wasn't possible. Of course, they were going to be gone again.

Both of them worked overseas and had a team to manage at a major company. At least, if they did leave, I was confident that they wouldn't go without saying goodbye this time around.

"Quit spacing out! Let's check out the car!" Mio shook me back to my senses.

"But I…" Glancing at my sister, even she was urging me to go with a smile.

"You should go. Just make sure to drive safely like I taught you!" Hatsumi waved.

Kana, Mio, and I spent the entire day just aimlessly driving around anywhere that we could have gone while flying. In fact, driving instead of flying left us with a lot less places to go.

However, Mio was insistent. Since it was an electric car, we ended up stopping a lot to recharge. I had pulled over to a lonely scenic view on the Tsukiji port, overlooking the seas as night fell. 

That new car smell was quickly replaced by the scent of sex and sweat from us fucking the night away. Mio and I, as we usually did, drained Kana to exhaustion. While he slept in the back seat of the car, we sat naked on the open trunk, sipped milk tea, and counted the stars. The humid warmth of summer approaching enveloped our bare bodies.

"Hey, what's uni like?" Mio suddenly asked.

"It's new for me too, so I don't know that much. From what Hatsumi tells me, it's like high school but a lot more work, drinking, and fun. Uni is going to be that awkward inbetween where we start realizing we're not kids anymore and have to act like adults," I explained to the best of my ability.

"Not gonna lie. Kinda excited. Just bummed that cum hydrant won't be with us," she said.

"Knowing you, you're just going to find a replacement. Besides, if we ever want to see each other, we can just take the train. Or fly. Or car. We have that now." I patted my baby.

Mikami and I still hadn't found a way to rid Kana of the onryo. The status quo remained the same, but time was running out. Although he would occasionally fall into bouts of sleepwalking, we were always around to save him. We wouldn't be able to keep an eye on him once he goes to Tokyo.

"Delilah… Your mom, I mean. I guess she isn't that bad. This is no galleon, but it's a pretty sick ride," Mio said.

"Do you still—"

"You're goddamn right I still want to kill her," she answered promptly. "But I care about you more. That bitch ruined my past, but she doesn't have to ruin my future. What I'm more afraid of is the whole Beatrice coming back thing."

I summoned the Blade of the First Temptress into my hand. It was bristling with fresh sexual energy after having sex with Kana.

"I'm just baffled that Beatrice could even come back after that. We killed her." I sighed.

"Maybe Sarena had the right idea. I wonder if there's some way to seal it for good without cutting you out." Mio chewed on her thumbnail, recalling the brutal battle we waged against the usurper.

"We can try asking Queen Elendir?"

A rematch awaited between us. It hadn't stopped bothering me that she defeated me in a battle of sexual prowess.

We drove to Yumi's place and were disappointed to learn that Shayle was no longer staying at her place, and had returned to Elza. 

"I'm sorry, you two. Shayle does plan on returning next week. Our world is too attractive for her to leave entirely," Yumi explained.

"Damn. Too late, huh." I sighed, then glanced around the room for a tall yokai woman. "What happened to Hachishaku?"

"I banished her," she said as a matter of factly.

Mio and I blinked in silence.

Yumi continued, "She grew a little too possessive of my children so I asked a specialist to help me remove her from existence. I believe you know her."

Mikami. I suppose we know who the biggest shotacon was.

Since Shayle wasn't around, Mio and I were about to leave when the doorbell rang. We opened the door to a dozen elementary-aged boys rushing into the condo.

"Aunt Yumi!"

"We're on summer break now!"

"Sleepover time!"

"Ara ara~ You're all here early. Let me see my friends out first. The bath is already running, so everyone go on ahead, okay? I'll join you in a moment." Yumi giggled.

"Awww. You're not gonna play with us, big sis?" one boy asked, tugging on my sleeve.

"I'd like to keep a clean slate in this world, thank you very much." I cleared my throat and backed out of the room.

"See ya!" Mio waved, shutting the door on the way out.

When we got back to the car, Kana was awake and sitting upright in the backseat. Something about his tense posture put us on guard.

"Kana?" I called to him.

"S-Sorry, I dozed off a little…" Kana said, rubbing the crust from his eyes.

"You doing okay?" Mio asked.

"I, uh… I think I've started hearing voices again. First they were asking for help because they sounded in pain. Now it's… they want revenge on someone," he explained.

"Alright. That's it." I jumped into the driver's seat and beckoned Mio to hurry in. "We're going to the one place I know might be able to help."

"Where's that?" Mio leapt into the backseat to keep an eye on Kana.


We drove to Kon's shrine, the only place I'd known to traverse from our world into the other realm. The lesser kitsune god opened the door, eyes half open and rubbing his belly.

"Hmm… You two again? What is it that you need now?" Kon asked wearily.

"I need you to give Kana an earring and bring us to Takamagahara again. I want to see Amaterasu, or anyone really, to help my friend with the onryo that's possessing him," I explained.

"Well, I can certainly bring you all to Takamagahara. Your friend there doesn't need an earring. He's half-yokai after all," the kitsune said.

"What?" Mio and I choked.

"N-No, he's human! I've known him my entire life," I fired back.

Kon shrugged.

"You can tell me he's human all you like, but I've lived for hundreds of years and know a yokai when I see one. But we can both be correct. That's why I said half-yokai. Whatever is going on with your friend, a spirit has latched itself so tightly to his soul that they are becoming one."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available for pre-order on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


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