I am Succubus!

Chapter 164 – Camping Trip


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available for pre-order on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


"So… Did we come at a bad time?" I asked the three supreme kami sitting around a table within the Celestial Palace.

Amaterasu, Raijin, and Tsukuyomi were giving each other the silent treatment. I wasn't sure what we were expecting to see, but an awkward Thanksgiving dinner with wildly different political views wasn't it.

"Hey, I got a joke to break the ice. Wanna hear it?" Mio asked.

"Mio, none of them sound like they want to hear a—"

"Three all-powerful gods walk into a bar. The bartender rips off his cross necklace and throws it in the trash," she said.

I pursed my lips tightly and put on my best poker face possible.

Raijin turned away from his two siblings and pressed a hand to his mouth to stifle his laughter, then their glares brought him to silence.

"Why have you come? We're busy quarreling," Amaterasu said.

"You call this quarreling…?" I muttered.

"Better than letting them duke it out," a tengu remarked with relief from the side.

At least that was something we all could agree on.

"I'm here because the dagger you gave us was cursed. My boyfriend's been possessed by an onryo after using it on Tamamo, and you're our last hope of exorcising him," I explained.

Only Amaterasu broke away from the staredown. She peered down at Kana with disinterest, like he was just another soul out of billions.

Mio flew up to her face. "Bitch, you better not say you can't do it. We did you a solid by sealing those evil demons, remember?"

"And who was it that allowed for their release?" Amaterasu asked.

The question caused Mio to shrink and landed back down next to me.

"This spirit," she began, "is no ordinary onryo. It is the spirit of a lesser kami."

"A kami is possessing him?" I gulped.

"Yes and no. This kami was once human, but their soul appears to have elevated into the status of a lesser kami. It must have happened some hundred years ago, because we know for sure that blade was once imbued with a human soul," Raijin explained.

A kami… possessing Kana? 

"There may be a way. Follow me. We shall be back to continue this discussion, Tsukuyomi." Sighing, Amaterasu stood up from her seat. "Come, Raijin."

"Don't be gone too long again, sister." Tsukuyomi sneered.

We followed them across Takamagahara to a run down shrine that was about the size of a toolshed. The wood was rotting, the sign had fallen, and the island the small building was on had long become barren.

"This is the shrine of that nameless kami," Amaterasu said.

When I put Kana down, he absentmindedly walked up to the shrine and placed a hand on the door. There was a sad look on his face, like unhappy memories had resurfaced just being here.

"Kana?" I called out and pulled him away from the shrine, but blank eyes stared back at me.

"Hm… The doors are closed. Someone blocked it from the other side," Raijin said, putting his weight in trying to pull them open.

"You're telling me all-powerful gods can't pry open the damn doors because it's boarded up?" Mio squinted.

Both Amaterasu and Raijin heaved an ashamed sigh, almost like they didn't want to admit it.

"We kami are bound to Takamagahara. Our influence on the mortal realm manifests as natural occurrences. Raijin can send a bolt of lightning to open the way, but may also inadvertently destroy the shrine entirely," Amaterasu explained.

"Then what do we do now?" I asked.

"You must travel to the shrine's location from Japan, open the way, and perform the exorcism there," she said.

"And where exactly is this shrine located?"

"It lies northwest of Mount Fuji, nestled somewhere in the forests of Aokigahara," Raijin hesitantly answered.

"A-Aoki… gahara…?" I stammered.

"What's got you so pale?" Mio asked me.

"It's a dense forest that people tend to easily get lost in. Plenty have gone missing whether intentionally or not, such that it's been given a scary nickname— Suicide Forest," I explained with a shudder.

Who knew how haunted Aokigahara had become since yokai were released into the world. I might be a powerful succubus, but the supernatural was still scary.

"We're going on a road trip, bitches! Whooooo!" Mio shouted out the passenger window at passing cars on the road.

"Mio, stop screaming at people. It's bad manners!" I groaned.

"Man, you could stand to be a lot more excited about this. We're going camping! That doesn't sound like fun to you?" she asked.

"We're going for the sole purpose of finally exorcising Kana. This is a serious trip!"

Passed out in the backseats were Kana and Mikami. Even now, my boss of all things occult still wore the mask. Talk about dedication. My boyfriend had his head rolled back and snoring like a cute baby.

Then there was Mio, bouncing in her seat since we left Tsukiji. Although we could have taken the Tokaido line and made it there in two hours, she was insistent that we road trip it.

Hatsumi and my parents were kind enough to help me buy some camping equipment. We didn't tell them the truth of why we were going, only that it was going to be our post-high school trip.

Meanwhile, I had a few succubi fly ahead to scour Aokigahara for a shrine that looked to be in shambles— which might have been too much to ask considering how large the forest was. This entire adventure might even be a waste. 

We arrived at the Koan camping grounds at noon, legs aching and butt numb from sitting in the car for almost six hours. As soon as we left the warmth of the car's heater cranked up to high, the mountain chill froze me down to the bones even with a heavy jacket on.

"Whew! Thanks for inviting me along, you guys. Never thought I'd get to experience the great outdoors like this! Never really had the money to." Mikami stretched her arms until the joints popped.

"More like I should be thanking you for coming along," I said.

"Oh, shucks. It's the least I can do for my favorite acolyte." She patted me on the back.

"I'm your only employee…"

The actual campsite was a few miles walk from where I parked. We fished out our equipment to begin the trek there. On the way, Kana was dipping in and out of consciousness. Strangely, his body continued to move as if normal.

"You doing okay?" I asked.

Kana snapped from his distant state. "Huh… Yeah. It's weird. Sometimes I slip, then I'm back. But I don't remember anything in between."

"It's not unusual while under incomplete possession." Mikami chimed in. "The spirit doesn't have full control of your body, but it is trying to take over. Don't worry though. I'm here, and we'll expel the onryo out once we find the shrine!"

Mikami's gusto was comforting. I believed her and hoped we could put the onryo to rest so Kana would finally be free.

At the end of the road, we got to the Koan camp ground and paused, awestricken by the sight before us. The fresh mountain smell was the first thing I noticed. Then the wide green field, populated with tents and campers. Across the shimmering Motosu Lake was Mount Fuji and its sparsely snow-dusted peak at the current summer season.

"Awww, man. I wanna spread my wings!" Mio squealed.

"Save it for later. We don't want to draw too much attention," I warned, suppressing my own desire to do just the same.

We found a nice place away from the bulk of the campers and began to set up.

"You brought a tent, too?" I asked Mikami as she unpacked.

"Of course, I brought my own tent! You think I'm going to bunk with you three lovebirds? Besides, zero chance you guys are going to keep it in your pants during this trip," Mikami said.

Kana and I turned red, but Mio knew what she wanted out of our trip.

"I-It's not like we're going to do it the whole night. C-Can we focus on setting up instead of thinking about sex?" I sighed.

The four of us got to work, helping each other raise the tents. A kind family who saw us struggling offered a hand. Mikami raised hers a bit away from ours. In case it got too loud, was what she said.

Well, she was probably right. Knowing Mio, nothing less than a nightlong threesome was going to satisfy her later.

Our brown tent was cozy, large enough to comfortably fit three of us side by side and plenty of legroom to store our stuff. While Kana and Mio were setting up the boiler, I pulled out the sleeping bag and was surprised to find only one.

"Where are the others?" I asked, searching our bags for more.

"What do you mean? That's the only one," Mio said.

When I unrolled it, the sleeping bag was much wider and larger than I expected. It was couples-sized

"I thought I told you to buy three…"

"But this one's better! All three of us can fit snug like a burrito." Mio threw herself on top of the sleeping bag and rolled around in it.

This was actually meant for two people, so it was a little cramped for the three of us. Well, whatever. It would be nice to be all snuggled up later.

"We should start searching now. Mikami can look after Kana while we're gone," I said.

"Already? Shit. We just got there. Let's have some fun and do it tomorrow?" Mio asked.

"I'm fine with waiting," Kana chimed in. "We're here on vacation, too. Might as well have fun while we're out. Just being with you two out here is nice. Everything is so peaceful and… I dunno. Kinda just want to enjoy it."

We followed Kana's gaze across Lake Motosu. The calm waters reflected the beautiful Mount Fuji up to its peak. A gentle chill caressed our cheeks, the only part of us not covered by heavy clothing. It made the contrast from being warmed by the bubbling pot and jackets even comfier.

Mio and I knocked Kana onto his back, then pulled his pants down. Immediately, a raging erection sprung up between our faces.

"If we're going to enjoy it, what better way to start off than this?" I kissed the tip of Kana's cock, sending shivers down his spine.

"Six hours cooped up in the car and this was all I could think about." Mio grinned and squeezed her tail around the base.

After sucking Kana dry, he went with Mikami to the souvenir shop. Mio fell asleep naked, sexually satisfied for the time being.

I climbed out of the tent in time to two guys approaching my tent. They were maybe only a few years older than me, skittishly waddling up to us. They looked beyond timid. One was scrawny, and I could tell by his sagging jacket that he didn't fill in at all. The other was a chubbier guy with glasses, cheeks and nose rosy from the cold.

"H-Hi! You guys look new to camping so we wanted to drop by and say hello. I'm Kenta. That's Sai. We noticed you didn't stake your tent down yet," the chubby guy said.

"Stake?" I repeated, following their gazes to the corners of our tent.

"Yeah. If you don't stake it to the ground, a strong wind might blow it away," Sai explained.

We found the metal pegs they were talking about in a plastic bag, and they staked each of them into the corners of the tent with a rubber mallet. Already our tent looked much more anchored than before, looking less like it was about to fly away. They did the same for Mikami's tent, too.

"Hey… What's with all the racket?" Mio crawled out of the tent naked, shocking our new friends with a full frontal of her bare body.

"Mio, put some clothes on!" I shoved her back inside. "S-Sorry about that… my girlfriend doesn't really think things through."

"It's no problem!" Kenta said, blushing up redder than a tomato.

"Anyway… Thanks for looking out. We were planning on hiking into Aokigahara, so we might have lost all our stuff to the winds if you two hadn't helped us," I said.

"Wait, you guys plan on going into Aokigahara? Our group is going, too!" Sai exclaimed.

"Sai and I actually come camping every year!. This year though… a couple of our college senpais wanted to explore Aokigahara…" Kenta glanced over his shoulder to a group of rowdy college students, roughly the same age.

There were two other boys and girls, sitting around a steaming pot and several cans deep into beer. They were a stark contrast to Kenta and Sai, neither of whom looked at all happy to come along with them.

"If we go as one big group, maybe they can help us find that shrine?" Mio asked, emerging from the tent in just a light shirt and sweatpants.

"Shrine?" Kenta echoed, his curiosity piqued as much as the obvious lust emanating from him.

"We're actually looking for an abandoned shrine somewhere in Aokigahara. Heard it was boarded up and wanted to check it out," I added.

"I'm sure there's a lot of small shrines in the forest, but we haven't run into any before," Sai said, turning to his friend who also shook his head.

They didn't seem to know much either. That was expected though. Not many people wander into Aokigahara, even less so with the purpose of finding a shrine.

"Saeko, Mio! Check out these charms we— Oh, hey. New friends?" Kana asked, returning from his trip with Mikami.

"This is Sai and Kenta. They helped stake our tents down. Sai, Kenta— this is Kana, our boyfriend," I said.

Both of them gawked at me.

"O-Our?" Kenta stammered.

"As in…" Sai lifted a shaky finger in our direction.

"Yeah." Mio threw an arm around Kana's shoulders. "Three of us are dating."

I saw the envy in their eyes, as well as the bulge in their pants as the fantasies and imagination of our relationship ran wild within them.

"Hey, nerds! You don't have enough game with those chicks. Come back and let's play some drinking games instead!" one of the jock-like guys shouted to them.

"Or maybe you can try inviting them!" the other added.

Their teasing drew laughter from the girls they were with, and caused Kenta and Sai to shrink out of embarrassment.

"I-If you guys want to hike together, just let us know," Kenta said before heading back with Sai.

"Guess we can expect bullying in college, too. Sucks that there are still people like that," Kanae remarked spitefully.

There was a lot more venom in his words than I expected, but I did share his sentiments. Mio did, too. I felt bad for Kenta and Sai, but we shouldn't butt into their outing.

Late at night when Mikami had gone to bed, and most of the campers were sleeping or winding down, Mio and I were taking Kana for a ride, hoping that we weren't keeping others awake.

"Yes, yes! I love your dick so much, Kana… Squeeze my breasts— aahhh!" I threw my head back in ecstasy, guiding Kana's hands to my chest for him to squeeze and pinch both nipples.

"Mmm… fuck! You're getting a lot… ahh… better at eating pussy, haven't you?" Mio smirked, grinding her ass into his head.

Our hips bucked and quivered together. Kana let out a hot load into me that my pussy drained up. He pounded harder, squirting a greater load each time that began to froth up where we were connected.

We left the tent only halfway zipped. I was sure a few people tiptoed by to peek in, and we were more than happy to give them a show. Voyeurs thought they were being sneaky, but we saw the silhouettes and smelled their lust. I also knew from earlier, that the outlines of someone inside the tent could be seen from outside.

"Mio… Saeko… I'm spent… I need a break." Kana gasped from between Mio's thighs.

"Awww, I wanted more cum. Guess I'll take some from Saeko." Mio shoved me onto my back, and Kana's dick slipped out of me with a pop. She buried her face into my cunt to lap up the dripping cum.

"Guh… Why do you two have to be so hot? Maybe I can go for a little more…" He grabbed Mio by the hips and plunged his dick to her squealing delight.

It wasn't just her tongue. Mio invaded my pussy with her tail, greedily scooping cum out from within me and bringing me to another climax.

As I laid there, enjoying Mio's cunnilingus, I locked eyes with a stranger just outside our tent who was jerking off to our threesome. He froze up and was probably thinking about running, but I formed a circle with my thumb and index finger over my mouth.

Next thing I knew, whoever it was shoved a hard cock glistening with precum through the tent flap, dangling it just above my face. I sucked on it without hesitation, but his meat throbbed intensely. He probably never expected for this to happen, and since it did, the absurdity of it all quickly brought him to an orgasm and squirted cum into my face.

The person ran away right after. A shame. I would have invited him in to fill in for Kana's if he was a little braver.

"Mmmph! I fucking love camping!" Mio laid down between Kana's legs to lick clean his dick next.

"Yeah, right. You just love fucking," I joked.

"Look, man. I have a loooooong list of places I wanna have sex at. We're ticking the boxes, alright?"

"Well, I can't get behind that. Kana, can you keep going~" I purred, lying down on top of him.

"I don't have your succubus stamina… Just go drain some other campers… I'm sure there's some horny ones out there." Kana panted.

Kenta and Sai were the first to come to mind. Maybe I could go pay them a visit. Throwing Mio a look, she seemed to be hot on the idea, too.

"Fiiiine. We'll be back later then," I said.

We got dressed and each kissed Kana before leaving our tent in search of new prey. It was a lot colder at night. However, gazing up at the deep blue sky revealed thousands of stars and a giant moon that hovered above us. A sight like this was impossible in Tsukiji, being around so many manufacturers and docks.

One of the succubus I ordered to Aokigahara flew down from the blanket of stars to report in.

"Queen Saeko, we've found many shrines but none that matched the description. We shall continue to look through the night—"

"It's alright." I caressed the bob-haired succubus' cheek. "Have the others stand down and take a rest for the night. Find someone to have sex with. You have my permission."

"Thank you, my queen! We shall redouble our efforts in the morning!" she exclaimed, then flew off to tell the others.

"Heh. If it was Bea, she would have told them to keep searching even if their wings fell off," Mio said.

"And that was a fast-track to getting herself dethroned by an army of angry succubus…"

Onto more important matters… If I remembered right, their tent should be to the left of ours and not very far. As we made our way over, a commotion over by the edge of the waters drew our attention. It looked like a group of people trying to skinny dip or something.

"Damn. They gotta be some brave bastards to take a dip at night," Mio said.

"You don't feel like swimming? Might be nice," I suggested.

"Nah. There was one thing I learned on a ship out at sea, it's that you never want to be in the water when it's dark."

That was a rule I could get behind.

When we got to Kenta and Sai's tent, we were disappointed that it was empty. In fact, even the tents of the people they came with were empty.

"You don't suppose they went hiking in the forest already?" Mio asked.

"Wait…" I turned back to where a rowdy group of people were laughing by the waters.

We ran over to investigate, and sure enough, the group of two guys and two girls were cackling at Kenta and Sai splashing helplessly in the waters.

"What's the matter, dude? Forgot how to swim?"

"If you make it back, I'll show you my tits!" 

"The fuck is wrong with them?" Mio clicked her tongue.

"Hey! What do you guys think you're doing?" I growled.

They jolted in turning around, shocked that anyone was still awake. Mio and I revealed our succubus form, and flew over to pick up Kenta and Sai.

"What the fuck— you bitches are succubus?" one of the guys gasped.

When we put Kenta and Sai down, they started coughing up water and were just as stunned.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"They… cough… cough! Pushed us in earlier…" Kenta wheezed and panted.

Mio flashed her fangs. "Huh. I wonder how you monkeys feel about getting pushed in? Since you know we're succubus, then wouldn't it be fun if we charmed you to walk in yourselves?"

"We didn't push anyone in. Ain't our fault they fell in," the more macho of the guys said.

"When I was little… I was bullied a lot for being different…"

Everyone turned around to Kana, standing behind the bigger man. His voice sounded different, eyes sharper than usual, and an air around him otherworldly.

"What the fuck do you want, midget? Get lost—"

Kana shoved him hard, sending him flying twenty feet across the water like a skipping stone. Something he shouldn't have been able to do. The other guy threw a punch, but Kana picked him up and tossed him in, too. Terrified, the girls ran away shrieking. When the guys resurfaced, they swam back and ran away, too.

"Fuck this! Fuck you, freaks!"

Mio and I stared at Kana, appalled.

"That's not you anymore, is it, Kana?" I asked.

"Is that the name of this body?" he asked, staring down at his two hands. "I wish I could introduce myself to you, but I'm afraid I don't remember my name anymore."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available for pre-order on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


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