I am Succubus!

Chapter 166 – Fishing Trip


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


With Kana no longer possessed, I was finally able to relax after what felt like an eternity standing on the edge of a cliff. The original intention of coming here was to exorcise him, and now that we've succeeded, we were able to enjoy the rest of our camping trip in peace.

"Mikami, you ready? We're about to head to the creek," I hollered from outside the entrance to her tent.

"Just a second!" Mikami shouted back.

She stumbled out a moment later in fishing overalls like the rest of us, but still wearing the mask over her face. It was like the one thing that never changed. Sometimes, I wanted to rip it off just to see underneath.

We stared at each other, both dressed in the same thing for our outing. Normal clothes and jackets would only get in the way or get wet. Overalls were necessary. Although Mio and I had magic to get past that sort of thing, it was fun to be a part of the occasion.

"What?" Mikami asked, noting my laughter.

"It's your mask… it looks so out of place in fishing gear," I answered while trying not to lose it.

"Hmm…" She turned around and dug into her knapsack, then faced me with a new mask. "How's this?"

I slapped a hand over my mouth. What was previously covering half her face was now a full, happy mask like one right out of a theatre play.

"It's not meant to make you laugh! Otherwise…" Mikami replaced the mask with a frowny-faced one and invaded my personal space.

"Wait a minute… Why do you have so many masks to begin with?" I asked as my stomach ached from keeping it in.

"Hey! We're heading out now!" Mio waved from afar with the rest of our group.

Mikami put on her usual mask again, and together we caught up to the others. Kenta knew of a creek where fish swam upstream around this time to birth newborns. That gave us plenty of opportunities to catch a few.

Once we got off the beaten path and slowly tiptoed our way down the uneasy grassy knoll, we came to a shallow creek with calm and clear waters that flowed gently by. I could see the rocky creekbed at the bottom. It was a stone's throw from the break in the treeline to the waters, with a shore of rocks between them.

"Awww, shit. Look at all these fish. I can't wait for them to get in my belly!" Mio exclaimed.

Sure enough, even as I stood by the edge of the creek, I saw many of them swimming against the currents to reach the spawning grounds.

Mio's tail whipped back and forth like a cat ready to pounce on the buffet before her.

"Calm down there, tiger. Do you even know the first thing about fishing?" Kana asked.

"The seas were my element. Watch me. I'll catch enough to put a pro fisherman to shame!" Mio flung her line back first, but the hook caught on the strap of my overalls.

"Mio, wait!" I shouted.

Mio put such goliath strength into yanking the fishing pole forward that she sent me tumbling. The next thing I knew, I was soaking wet and cold in the freezing waters.

"Saeko, are you okay?" Kenta asked as he rushed up to help me.

"Yeah, I'm fine…" I said, rubbing my sore butt.

When Kenta helped me to my feet, he blushed up and faced away. I looked down and saw that the shoulder straps of my overalls had slipped off, and my soaked shirt clung tightly to my braless breasts.

"S-Sorry!" Kenta snapped his hands back to his side and scampered back to his friend.

I sighed, disappointed that although they knew I was a succubus, neither he nor Sai were making a move on me.

Notice damn it! Willing slut, right here ready to open her legs at a moment's notice. 

Maybe it was because they knew I was in a relationship and didn't want to make a move. However, their scent oozing of lust was doing the work for them. Mio might not have noticed because she was so focused on fish. I would be nice to have sex with some new people for once, especially since I wouldn't see them again when we leave.

A single flick of my wrist magically pulled the moisture from my clothing, like mists traveling away from me and sinking back into the creek.

"The hell?" Mio reeled the line back and cocked her head at the empty hook. "Where's my fish? I coulda sworn I got a bite!"

"Mio… I think you should throw your line as far from the rest of us as possible." I sighed.

The six of us fished well into noon to no success. Our buckets remained empty. The only thing we caught— rather, that Mio caught— was a single boot that had a hole in the sole. We saw the fish in the creek, but they just weren't biting. Or we were just that bad at fishing.

"Alright, I'm getting real bored." Mio groaned aloud, ass on the shore and holding the fishing pole between her knees.

"Weren't you raving about how many fish you'd catch? Besides, this is usually how fishing goes. It's mostly just sitting around and recasting the line until you get a bite," I said.

"Okay, but I ain't getting my chow at this rate. We're succubus, so we should be catching with style." She let the fishing pole go and waltzed into the middle of the creek. The height of the waters went halfway up her shins.

"Uh, Mio? I'm not sure that's such a good idea," Kana warned.

I grabbed Kana's hand to keep him from going after Mio.

"Let the big girl do her thing," I suggested.

We watched as Mio fired her tail a few times into the water in an attempt to spear the fish that way. She grew more frustrated with each failed attempt. Eventually, Mio braced both hands against the surface of the water. A bad feeling like a chill worse than the frigid breeze crept up my spine, then—


Mio blasted the creek with a magic bolt, splashing the water like a wrecking ball had fallen in. The geyser went up nearly twenty feet and crashed down. Kenta and Sai, slack-jawed at the devastation of Mio's magic, made a break towards the treeline in fear. Meanwhile, Mikami watched on with a big smile while drinking from a can of beer.

When the mists settled, Mio had been swept up by the currents and was flowing downstream in a panic.

"Help! Help me!" Mio shouted.

I unfurled my wings to fly down and fish her out. Mio underestimated the water. There were metric tons flowing by every second. Lose your footing, and into the water one went.

"Well…?" she asked, coughing her lungs out on the shore as Kana patted her back. "Did I catch any?"

"No. You obliterated them instead." I pointed to the fish guts and viscera drifting down the creek.

Fish were fragile creatures after all. It was one thing to spear them, but another to magical-dynamite blast them.

"Why don't we split up?" Sai suggested. "One group goes upstream, and the other goes downstream to fish. We might have a better chance in smaller groups, and the fish will be less prone to swimming away in panic."

"I'm down as long as we can get some fish. Getting tired of those instant stuff. It's all making my stomach churn." Mio grimaced.

"In that case, why don't you two go with Saeko? Let's split the succubi up for safety," Kana said, then gave me a knowing look.

I knew exactly what Kana was thinking. Even my own boyfriend was wingmanning for me.

The groups split up into Kana, Mio, and Mikami going downstream. Kenta, Sai, and I headed up. As I walked ahead, I felt the boys' eyes on my back.

"Saeko, why don't you let me carry your bucket?" Sai picked it up from my hand.

"I-I can hold your fishing pole!" Kenta insisted.

Suddenly, I was holding nothing.

This must be how it was to be a circle princess. In some clubs and circles where there was only a single girl, the guys often fawned over and tried to get on her good side. 

"How long have you two been camping for?" I asked, trying to make conversation before I eventually fuck them.

"Sai and I met in highschool. I think we started camping around our second year. We kind of saw an anime about it and tried it ourselves. It's a lot more fun than being cooped up at home," Kenta explained.

"I can understand that. It's part of why I eventually joined the kendo club. Among other things…"

"So, uh… You and… those two… How did you and Mio end up with Kana?" Sai cleared his throat to ask.

Or… They could just steer the conversation that way and do the work for me.

"It's less that we ended up with him. More like they ended up with me. Kana is my childhood friend. Mio came along later. And if you're wondering… Yes, we have lots of threesomes together," I answered in a sultry tone that made their Adam's apples bob.

"O-Oh, is that so… You three must be pretty lucky to have each other then… I'm kind of jealous of your boyfriend. He gets to be with two really hot succubus," Kenta chimed back in.

Something inside me switched on.

"You guys want to hear a secret?" I asked, lowering my voice and slowing down to their pace as they gave me their full attention. "Because we're succubus, Kana's really understanding about it. He lets us have sex with other people. As much as we want, too~"

The moment those words left my mouth, an excessive flow of lust from them smothered my sense of smell. A bucket slipped from Kenta's hand and Sai stopped cold in his tracks.

"I-If you don't mind me asking, how many people have you done it with?" Sai hesitantly asked.

"Hmm.. Too many to count," I answered casually and smiled. "Do you want to add to those numbers?"

"Is it… really okay to have sex with you? I thought you had Kana? O-Or is it because he's into being cuckolded?" Kenta asked.

"Pfft…" I tried to hold in my laughter. "We just have a very understanding boyfriend. Nowadays, he's glad to slow down on having sex with us. Don't tell me you're hesitating."

"Er, well… it's just, you know… we're…" Both of them stammered at the same time, stumbling over their words.

At the corner of my eyes, I caught sight of a large rock half-way buried into the ground close to the creek. I began to strip before their burning gazes, and let my succubus features slowly emerge. First was my horns. When I got my overalls and shirt off, freeing my breasts that rivaled the glory of Mount Fuji, the wings unfurled on my lower back. Finally, I kicked away my pants and panties, letting my tail curl outwards.

The bulges between their legs got bigger as I beckoned them closer with my tail.

Sai was still frozen in place, so Kenta was the only one who moved. 

I sat down on the rock and spread my legs open, feeling the cool winds against my bare skin. Kenta was drawn to my pussy, and seeing how wet it was vanished any moral dilemma in his mind. He hurriedly unzipped his pants and rubbed the tip against my lower lips, sending shivers through me.

"Are you going to make me wait?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes.

"Oh, god… you're so hot… I can't believe I'm about to do this," Kenta said and pressed the tip into me.

Both of us sighed in ecstasy. It had only just gotten in, and I was on fire. Who needed clothes out here anyway?

"It's… it's so good… C-Can I… kiss you?" he timidly asked.

I placed a hand behind his head and pulled him in. Our lips acquainted themselves first, but he was clearly inexperienced. Forcing my tongue through surprised him, and doing so made his dick twitch excitedly. 

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Kenta heaved into me, grunting with each thrust. His hands kneaded my breasts with great curiosity. Almost like it was his first time touching them.

"Am I… doing good? Are you feeling it, too?" he asked.

"Yes, your dick feels good… so keep fucking me!" I cried, throwing my arms around his neck.

Kenta held me tightly from behind, his hands caressing the length of my curves and squeezing my breasts. Our clapping hips joined the chorus of the steady river.

There was no savoring in the pleasure, he took me like it was his only chance. Two fingers of each hand pinched my nipples hard. I threw my head back and climaxed. My quivering pussy must have been too much for him to handle. His cock throbbed intensely, and suddenly, it became really hot inside.

"I can't stop… cumming inside you…" Kenta moaned.

"It's okay! Let it all into me like you want to get me pregnant!" I encouraged him.

When Kenta squirted everything into me, he pulled away. His still erect dick was drenched in juices from my pussy and his own cum.

"M-Me, too! Can I have sex with you, too?" Sai pleaded with cock in hand.

"Only if you will fuck me from behind." I smiled.

Sai didn't hesitate. He grabbed my ass, clenching into the fat. Another dick entered me, and we were drowning in pleasure again. Kenta went behind the rock and waved his dick in my face. I happily opened my mouth to accept it, licking clean and milking it for more.

"Shllrp… shllrrp… mmm… more… fuck me more!" I begged them.

Being spitroasted out in the open where anyone could see us excited me. I almost hoped hikers saw us, so I could invite them to join.

The two of them started shuddering. They were getting close again. However, Sai pulled out and ejaculated on my back. Kenta did the same and gave me a facial.

"Awww, you got me dirty. Now I have to go wash off," I said, slipping off the rock to jump into the creek. "Does anyone want to help me?"

They swallowed hard, but didn't hesitate. Kenta embraced me from the front and forcibly kissed me, this time shoving his tongue into my mouth so I could suck on it. I locked my legs around his waist to bounce on his cock, but another force knocked on my back door. Sai pushed his dick into my ass, and the two of them proceeded to double-penetrate me.

"Aaahhh! It feels so good… being fucked in both holes… Use me… Use me more!" I cried desperately, letting my voice echo aloud for anyone to hear.

Hot cum filled my ass and pussy, and both boys were beginning to get tired.

We washed off for real this time, but they were especially touchy with my clit and breasts. As I got back to the shore to get dressed, Sai hurried to catch up.

"Is it alright if we took a picture together like this? I want to remember this forever!" Sai said.

The idea that they were going to use the photo as fap material was exciting. I agreed. Even if they did upload it, that somehow turned me on.

Sai put the camera on the rock with a countdown timer.

I got on my knees, both of them to either side of me and their dicks in my mouth. The flash went off, capturing this moment in time.

"Oh, crap. It's almost time to regroup with the others. We don't want to stay out too late," Kenta said, panicking as he checked his phone.

"Eh? Have we been having sex for that long? But we didn't catch any fish!" I exclaimed.

The three of us turned a disappointed look to the empty buckets and unused fishing pole.

We prayed that the others had better luck or weren't distracted like us. After getting dressed and picking up our belongings, we followed the creek back down to find our group.

As soon as Mio saw me, she flew right over with a full bucket of flopping fish in both hands.

"Read 'em and weep, Saeko! I told you I'd catch a whole lot! Look, there's got to be like a dozen. If you ask real nicely, I'll share with you the juiciest one." Mio beamed, flashing her pearly whites and bouncing with joy.

Sometimes I forget that Mio was still a kid behind those big boobs of hers.

"Alright, Mio. You proved your point." I rolled my eyes.

On our way back to the campsite, I pulled Mikami aside a little farther behind the group and showed her the ring.

"Hm? Oh, my acolyte! Are you proposing to me?" Mikami feigned exaggerated flattery.

"No! It's from that guy who was about to hang himself. I want you to have it. You can do whatever, sell it, pawn it, or throw it somewhere. I don't have much to thank you for helping me exorcise Kana, and this is about all I came up with. Not to mention you gave me a job when I was struggling. Seriously, thank you," I said.

Mikami picked up the ring from my palm and gazed at the small, glittering diamond.

"Well, it's been a lot more fun working with a succubus. Before you, it was just me, my father, and grandad." She smiled at the jewelry, pinched between her thumb and index finger.

"First time you've mentioned anything about yourself. So you came from a family of exorcists?" I asked.

"If by family you mean just the three of us? Yeah, it was great being a kid and having two adult role models tell you ghosts and spirits really exist."

The nostalgia and somber tone in Mikami's voice told me that neither of them were around anymore. I decided against pressing any further. She clenched the ring, then tossed it as far as she could down the creek to my horror.

"Wha— You really went and chucked it?" I stared at her with my mouth agape.

"You gave me the choice, right? Maybe the ring will find its way to someone who needs it. Besides, I want a handsome man to give me a ring. Not a succubus!" Mikami smirked.

"If you can ever find a man." I teased. "By the way, I'll be entering college soon. Can't work with you forever. You going to be alright alone again?"

"Ah, don't worry. I'm used to it. There's one last exorcism I'd like you to help me with. What do you say?" she asked.

"After you helped Kana? Anything. What kind of exorcism?"

Mikami smiled. "That will be a talk for when we get back. Until then, let's enjoy the rest of this vacation."

We brought the fish back to the campsite and grilled the fish on a cooking set that our new friends had brought. Since Kenta and Sai were experienced campers, I was surprised at the amount of specialized equipment they had. For example, a foldable grill precisely for cooking something over a portable gas burner.

Since we had so much fish, we gave some away to the other campers. Suffice to say, we ate well in the evening. A little salt and pepper, sprinkled with dried seaweed and sesame seeds, was all the seasoning needed to make a tasty fish.

"I'm so full!" Mio threw herself flat into our tent and expelled a blissful sigh.

"Wipe and rinse your mouth first. I don't want to smell your grilled fish breath when we go to sleep!" I dragged Mio back out by the ankle, then wiped her mouth and face down with a hot towel.

Drowsiness was claiming Mio first. She nodded in and out even as I held her. Somewhere inside me, I wanted to stick my tongue into her pussy and stir her awake. But she did catch a bunch of fish for us and deserved a good night's rest.

As the night winded down and people returned to their own tents, I started getting ready for bed when I looked out my tent and saw the light still on in Kenta's tent. Mio and Kana were fast asleep, maybe I could grab myself some desserts.

I quietly tiptoed out in my PJs and heard rapid shuffling inside.

"Kenta?" I called out.

A sharp gasp was followed by clothes rustling. He unzipped the tent and met my eyes.

"S-Saeko?" Kenta said, squinting to make me out in the dark.

"You were masturbating with the photo of me, weren't you?" I grinned.

"N-No! I was just.. about to go to sleep…"

"Are you sure you don't want to pick up where we left off?" I asked, crawling into his tent and climbing on top of him.

The two of us fucked until Kenta was too exhausted to get it up anymore. He spooned me the rest of the night, both hands planted firmly on my breasts and occasionally sliding down to finger my pussy drenched in his cum, and his limp cock settled firmly between my butt cheeks.

"Uhm… Thanks for making this camping experience memorable for me," Kenta said.

"Just because I had sex with you?" I chuckled.

"You also stood up for me and Sai! We were on the verge of just… not camping anymore because of them. It wasn't fun anymore since they were always mess with us. Didn't matter where we go. They just invited themselves and there was nothing we can do about it…"

"I don't really have good advice to give other than to stand up for yourself. It was like that for me and my parents, too. Then I stood up to them, and they started treating me like an adult. Besides, confidence is pretty attractive to girls."

"Thanks! I'll try to be more confident. When I get back to Tsukiji, I'll tell my senpai off even if they beat me up," Kenta vowed.

"That's go— wait. Tsukiji? You go to Tsukiji?" I asked.

The blood in my veins went cold.

"Yeah! Sai and me both. We're second years. Why do you sound so put off?" Kenta asked.

"I'll be… attending Tsukiji…"

The university student started getting hard again. I could feel his dick pressing against my pussy from the excitement of knowing we were going to see each other again.

"That's great!" Kenta exclaimed. "Why don't you join our camping club? W-We can even have sex again, right? Right?"

Great, I sighed internally. It looked like I already made my first obsessed sex friend before college even started.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


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