I am Succubus!

Chapter 168 – Our Roommate’s Kink


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


"Kairi, I'm sorry but we can't just go around charming whoever we want. If we're found out, we can get in big trouble with the school," I explained to our roommate's disappointment.

"Now, hold up. Let's hear her out. Maybe it's nothing big. Just a little suggestion. Who do you want charmed and why?" Mio asked.

"It's someone I just don't want bothering me anymore. I hate her, and I just want her to leave me alone. Please? I'll do anything. As succubus, you have to have sex and drain people, right? I'll… I'll let you do whatever to me in return," Kairi pleaded.

The offer riled both of us up, especially Mio, but I didn't smell any lust from it.

"Oh, fuck yeah—"

"No, Mio! Down. Bad, Mio!" I dragged the horny succubus away from our roommate. "We can't be using our powers irresponsibly. What if the person somehow breaks it and tells faculty? You really want to risk expulsion?"

Mio groaned and returned to the couch to eat with Hana.

"If you really won't help, then fine…" Kairi sighed, then retreated back into her room.

"Kairi, wait!" I followed after her but she slammed the door in my face.

"Why's it matter anyway?" Hana asked with a mouthful of wings. "You guys have been charming people left and right. What's one more?"

"That was before the public knew we were succubus, and we had everything under control. There's a lot more eyes on us, so we have to be careful what we do."

"All I'm saying is we're missing out on a potential sex friend at the start of college. Kana's gone. Our usual friends are gone. Gotta start getting creative." Mio shrugged.

"As succubi, I have zero doubts that we'll have any problems on that front," I said.

The next morning, I emerged from my room yawning and found Hana and Mio sprawled over each other on the couch. My eyes traveled to Kairi's door, lamenting how hurt she looked last night. Since everyone was still asleep, I returned to my room, shut the door, and turned on my computer to make a video call to Kana.

It took a few seconds before the call finally connected.

"Saeko? Can you see me?" Kana asked, his voice slightly staticky from the poor connection.

"I can hear you! How about you? Can you see… this?" I lifted my shirt to flash my breasts at him.

As soon as the image cleared up on both ends, Kana blushed up like a tomato.

"Y-Yeah, I can see you… Thanks for that," he whispered out of embarrassment. "So how's the dorm? You moved in, right? I can't imagine your sister's okay with you being away."

"She handled it pretty well, and it feels really nice having my own freedoms. I finally feel like an adult! But… things are getting a little weird. Hopefully it's just my imagination. Remember that guy Kenta from our camping trip?" I asked.

"I remember him. What's up?"

"Well, I only had sex with him a few times, now he's all over me thinking I'm his soul mate. Can't charm him to leave me alone, because he's too obsessed and my magic won't get through to him."

"Geez… Then it is pretty bad. I'm sorry, Saeko. I wish I could do something, but…" Kana sighed.

They were hours apart. No more easy access to each other anymore. While watching my boyfriend shuffle around, probably fiddling with something on another screen or on his desk, I moved a hand into my pants to finger myself and the other to knead my breasts. When Kana realized what I was doing, he turned red.

"Er… Saeko?" Kana cleared his throat.

"Sorry! I want to have sex so bad right now… I can't remember the last time we were so far apart," I moped.

"You know I'm okay with you being intimate with other people, right? It's fine. It really is! Better than draining me half to death every night." He rolled his eyes and made sure I saw it.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that classes haven't started yet. There aren't a lot of people around. I sure as hell don't want Kenta anymore. Last night, Mio tried to get in our roommate's pants. There's no way a shy girl like that is going to be okay with it."

We talked for a while longer until Kana finally convinced me to go scouting for potential sex partners on campus. He had to leave anyway. By the looks of it, something important came up. I took his advice since it was a matter of life or death for me and Mio. We would literally starve otherwise.

Sexual energy had always been weird to me. Any one person could be an incredible source of lust just as much as a dry lake. Kana's love and desire for us, like Hatsumi's obsession with me, made them deep fonts of energy to drain from. At the same time, their lust could rise one day and drop the next. I also can't just strip naked in front of desperate men to boost their lust for me. They were just a pale fraction, and I'd need to fuck a whole lot before sating my hunger.

I spent the entire morning exploring Tsukiji University. There was an interesting part of campus called Old Town, named this way after the traditional architecture of the buildings. The interior, however, was anything but and far more modernized than most major cities I've seen. The university's convenience store was fully automatic with no employees, high-tech vending machines made ramen and brewed all sorts of beverages, and delivery robots zoomed past to bring food to students in their dorm.

The university would be quite the sight once classes start. Unfortunately, the campus was mostly empty since vacation hadn't yet ended.

As I perused one of the vending machines, I noticed Kairi emerging from the book store. The drab girl wore a white camisole and jeans, eyes cast down to her feet as she walked. Someone followed her out. A taller girl with blonde hair in a light maroon jersey. Although they walked together, it didn't seem like Kairi was appreciative of company.

"Hmm… Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" I asked myself.

Against my better judgment, I decided to follow them. The two continued and took a left at a fork, heading onto a lesser walked path behind a lecture hall. I stayed behind a row of trees and a tall bush line to eavesdrop.

"Well, Kairi? Did you sign up for those classes yet?" the blonde asked.

"Not… yet. We still have a few more days before the deadline, so—"

"Tch. I asked you to sign up for them a week ago! How else are you going to help me pass my classes? We're best friends, right? You wouldn't turn your back on me. Because of you do, I might get a little loose-lipped," she threatened.

"No, please!" Kairi folded her hands tightly together. "Y-Your classes don't align with my degree, but I'll do it. Just… please don't tell anyone…"

It sounded like this girl had something on Kairi. Blackmail? Seeing her so helpless like that… Maybe I should give her a hand after all.

I stood up, only for something to rustle behind me.

"Hey, Saeko!" Kenta greeted as he crawled through the bushes.


"F-Fancy meeting you here! Saw you walking down Old Town and thought I'd say hi. It's so nice and secluded. We could probably get away with doing naughty things… aha… So what are you up to?" he asked.

"Kenta, I don't have time for this. Please, stop bothering me," I said, tightening my aura to a suffocating vise in an attempt to charm him to go away.

However, my magic didn't take effect. The guy was too obsessed to even consider that leaving me was a thing he would do.

I clicked my tongue. "Just stay quiet." 

When I glanced back at Kairi, they were already gone. I put a hand to my face and groaned.

"You hungry? I know a nice place just outside of campus we can eat at. I'll even treat you!" Kenta insisted.

"Sorry, I'm not really hungry and something came up!" I spread my wings and flew straight into the air.

The few students and faculty on campus who saw, gaped at the succubus flying over their heads. Them being stunned and frozen at the sight of me made it easier to find Kairi, who was walking back to our residence with her head down.

"Kairi!" I landed in front of her. "I noticed—"

My shy and gloomy roommate gasped, then quickly wiped the tears from her eyes.

"What do you want?" Kairi asked.

"I didn't realize you were crying. Here…" I pulled out a handkerchief for her, but she brushed my hand away.

"We're just roommates, right? So don't try to make friends with me!" She took off running back home.

Great. Now I was the one who got off to a bad start with my roommate. Maybe Mio had the right idea. I should have agreed to help her from the start.

As I flew back to our apartment, Kairi was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't have been that fast. I should have easily caught up unless I missed her along the way back?

I thought to check inside when Kenta came running up from behind me, out of breath and still desperately clutching onto the hope that we were meant to be.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

"Saeko! You flew off in a hurry so I got worried! If it makes you feel any better, we can go to my place and hang out. I'll cheer you right up. I got… popcorn, some anime—"

"Kenta, catch a clue already! I'm not interested in you. You were nice, and I'm super thankful that you led us to the shrine, but it was just a fling that I obviously really regret now. Please, just leave me alone!"

When I drew magic into the palm of my hands to threaten Kenta, it didn't seem to sway him from coming closer.

"You're just being hard to get. I understand! Girls like that sort of thing, so—"

"Get away from my girlfriend, you creep!" Kana came storming up to Kenta and sucker punched him in the stomach. The blow knocked the wind out of his lungs, bringing him to his knees and keeling over.

My jaw dropped.

"K-Kana? What are you doing here?" I gasped.

"You said your magic wasn't working on him. I know you're holding back from doing anything rash, so I came to settle it for you," Kana said.

"Wait, so… when you said you were in a hurry to leave…?"

"To catch a train." He nodded. "Picked up an annual pass. Figured I might as well."

"Uu… Kana!" A tear streaked down my cheek, and I threw my arms around him for a tight hug.

Kana stroked the back of my head and smiled. "Oh, you crybaby."

"It's not fair!" Kenta cried. "How come you get to have two girlfriends? Succubus girlfriends, too! What about me? I thought we had something special!"

"This isn't about what's fair. Saeko and Mio aren't commodities. Maybe if you didn't treat girls as something to have and instead as someone to be with, you'd have a shot. Stay away from them, or there's more where this came from." Kana clenched a fist at him.

Kenta looked to be on the verge of crying, then got up and left in a huff. I didn't feel bad at all. He had his fun with me, but it was his own fault for getting all weird about it.

"Thanks," I said. "Sorry for making you come all this way…"

"Psh. To see you guys? It's nothing. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Kana partially let go to pat me on the head.

It was times like this that I knew I picked right. The Kana who protected me when I was a helpless boy continued to protect me now as his woman.

"So… While you're here… do you want to come back to my place?" I asked sweetly.

It wasn't a question. I practically dragged him back to the apartment and had sex the entire afternoon. Apparently Mio was out at the time, but she joined us the moment she got back. Too bad all good things had to eventually come to an end, because Kana needed to catch the last train home.

"By the way, Saeko. About your roommate situation. Maybe you might get in trouble a little, but I remember you always do what's right. You're too concerned about not hurting other people, it's probably why you couldn't bring yourself to just give Kenta a good punch yourself. As the queen succubus, as just a high school girl, even now as a college student, just do what you think is best," Kana said.

"I'll keep that in mind." I smiled.

Mio and I each gave him a goodbye kiss, then sent him off with a smack on the ass. 

Of course, Kana was right. Things didn't change just because I graduated high school. If a bully like that blonde was giving Kairi trouble, then I had to act.

"Oh, I know that look. Took Kana giving you a good dicking to finally grow some balls again?" Mio smirked.

"Shut up and help me make dinner," I said, ignoring her teasing.

Mio and I prepared some fresh spring rolls for dinner. The cold vegetables and rice paper really hit the spot in the summer. I knocked on Kairi's door thinking to invite her to eat and tell her I want to help, but she didn't seem to be around.

"Guess Kairi really likes staying out a lot," Mio remarked.

"What about last night?" I asked.

Mio nodded.

"Yeah, but I was probably half-asleep. Heard the doorknob jiggle though—"

Someone began incessantly knocking on our door. It couldn't be Kairi. She had her own keys. When we went to answer the door, it was the same blonde girl I saw earlier in the day.

"Oh, hey. You two must be Kairi's roommates. She in right now?" the girl asked warily, yet to realize what we were.

Fate had a funny way of bringing people together.

"No, but why don't you come in?" I offered.

"Uh. It's fine. I'll just come back later," she said, the squint in her eyes seemed suspicious of us. As she was about to walk away, I tightened my aura on her to make her stop where she stood. Panic set in quickly. "W-What's going on? What the hell is this?"

"You fell into the crosshairs of succubus. That's right. Kairi's roommates are succubi." Mio leaned up close and grinned.

"S-Succubus… You guys really are real…?"

We compelled her inside the apartment to sit down on the couch. Mio sat next to her and threw an arm around her shoulder. The girl's name was Tsubaki Ibaraki. Poor Tsubaki was shaking so much, one would have thought winter had come back early.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I can easily get the questions out of you by force, but I'm giving you the chance to answer it yourself. First question: why are you tormenting Kairi?" I asked.

"K-Kairi helped me throughout all of high school… Hell, she's probably the reason I landed Tsukiji. I need her to get me through college, so we have to take the same classes!" Tsubaki hastily answered.

"And what do you have against her that she's willing to go along with your demands?"

Tsubaki clammed up. This time, even our glares didn't make her budge. Was it that bad? Or did Tsubaki think she was protecting Kairi by not saying? I couldn't tell.

"You're not going to tell anyone else?" Tsubaki asked.

"What you say here doesn't leave this room. I promise you," I said.

"Kairi, she… she's an exhibitionist," she answered to our surprise. "One night after club activities, I was going home when I realized I left something behind. Went back and ran into Kairi, start naked in her birthday suit."

"Damn! That Kairi? She's shyer than a turtle!" Mio exclaimed.

To think, our shy roommate was actually a raging exhibitionist. Maybe Mio had the right idea about making her a sex friend after all.

"You don't just follow someone into college like that. You're actually really good friends with Kairi, aren't you? How come you're blackmailing her to help you like that?" I asked.

"It's true… We were like best friends in middle school. If it wasn't for me, she would've been bullied out of high school for the way she dressed and looked. That girl can't make friends even if her life depended on it. I really can't let her out of my sight," Tsubaki explained.

Mio scoffed. "That doesn't make you a friend. You're just an asshole, bitch."

"You're going to leave her alone from now on. We won't stop you if you want to continue being her friend, but be her friend and quit bullying her around. Otherwise, if we hear a peep from Kairi that you're still tormenting her, we'll show you what a succubus is really capable of," I warned, spooking her as my eyes glowed with magic.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" she apologized profusely.

We let Tsubaki leave, but one more problem still remained.

Mio and I went in search of Kairi to tell her the good news since she hadn't come back yet. Most people had gone home or turned in at this time of the night. The only people around were security officers who patrolled the campus and residences, and food delivery robots.

"Alright, so we know Kairi's kinky. Can I call first dibs on fucking her?" Mio asked.

"Why is that the first thing on your mind?" I sighed.

"Hello, succubus! I'm a succubus! You are, too!" She pointed to her tail, wings, and horn.

"Look, last time I saw Kairi, she got really upset. Let's worry about her safety first, okay?"

Someone down below was tiptoeing around, their head snapping in every direction. It was a girl. Even from here, we could tell she was naked. Dressed in nothing but a mask to cover the bottom half of her face.

The smell of lust was heavy here. It emitted directly from her.

"Why hello, gorgeous." Mio landed first to confront Kairi, startling the girl half to death.

The blood drained from her face. She turned to run until I intercepted her.

"Kairi? That's you, isn't it?" I asked.

No answer but a furiously shaking head. It couldn't be more obvious. The long black hair, glasses, and dreary eyes were a dead giveaway. I was drawn to how endowed she was. For such a drab girl, Kairi was more stacked than Mio.

The will to escape vanished from Kairi, and her shoulders slackened. She ripped the mask off.

"It's over… My college life is over. First Tsubaki, and now you two. You're going to blackmail me, too, aren't you? Make me do your bidding?" Kairi asked, her voice quivering.

"No," I said. "We took care of Tsubaki. She won't be bothering you anymore."

"You… did?" she squeaked in surprise.

"Scared her half to death! You really should pick better friends though. Like us! 'Cuz goddamn, I wanna make friends with a pair like this… " Mio embraced Kairi from behind, cupping both hands underneath the incredible mounds.

Kairi shivered and squeezed her thighs together. A moist patch on her crotch told us all we needed to know. This girl was a pervert who liked being seen.

"Uh… Mio, can we not do this out here?" I asked, glancing left and right in case someone saw us.

"What's the harm? She likes it. Besides, the deal was that we handle her problem, and she does whatever we want. I'm collecting on it." Mio licked Kairi's cheek, then slapped a collar around her neck.

"Eh? Ehhhh?" Kairi brushed a hand across the black leather collar which had a magic crystal dangling from a chain.

"Damn it, Mio!"

As I moved to help Kairi, Mio moved faster and placed a collar around my neck, just the choker gifted to me by Koga. Magic pulsated from it, and suddenly my nipples got hard. They rubbed against the fabric of my clothes and brought me close to an orgasm. However, a great urge to strip naked overwhelmed me. It took everything to resist, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew following such whim would grant me incredible pleasure.

"W-What is this?" I asked, unable to pull it off.

"That is one of Hana's newest inventions, enchanted with both succubus and dark elven magic: the Exhibitionist-Slut-Maker Prototype. It prevents you from getting orgasms, but continues to tease and edge you for as long as you wear it. The only way it comes off is to complete ten acts of exhibitionism, and completing each one will reward you with an orgasm," Mio excitedly explained.

"One of… Is that what was in that heavy ass box? Just get this off of us already!" I groaned as the sensation around my nipples grew hot and left my legs shaking.

"Wait!" Kairi exclaimed. "I want to experience more… Please… teach me the pleasures of being an exhibitionist!"

"Hehe. With pleasure." And with that, Mio flashed the most scheming grin she had in months at us.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


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