I am Succubus!

Chapter 170 – Clubs and Circles


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


When the alarm sounded, I slammed a fist onto my phone to silence it. Nine on the dot. Plenty of time before my first class. The great thing about college was that I set my own schedule, and didn't need to wake up as early as seven. But…

"Ugh…" I sat up, clutching my head with both hands.

The bedsheet fell away. Lying face down next to me was a stranger. It took a few seconds, but memories of last night resurfaced in full. Thanks to Mio, I ended up having sex with a couple of guys and brought this one back with me.

Across the room, Mio snoozed with a boy of her own.

My head was spinning. I had no idea climaxing from exposing myself could feel so good. The collar was still fastened on my neck, proof that there were plenty of experiences left before the magic waned.

Today was the first day of classes, and I didn't want to miss any of them. There was also something like a club expo on campus today, and I made plans to meet with Taira much later to talk about Isekai Gohan.

I opened the bathroom door to find a naked male student rinsing with mouthwash. We locked eyes briefly.

"Guess I'll come back after you're done— ahh!" 

The guy pulled me inside and shut the door. I was briefly awash with panic until the sensation of his hard dick pressed to my pussy.

"A quickie before class?" he asked.

"Do I even know you?" I raised a brow.

However, already turned on by the prospects of sex in the morning, I scooted up onto the sink counter and wrapped my legs behind his waist, then pulled him closer until his morning wood entered me. Two groping hands squeezed my breasts. I grabbed ahold of his hands and made him squeeze harder.

He soon shuddered from climaxing inside me. I felt his warm cum spill into my pussy, and while it brought me pleasure, I didn't come close to an orgasm.

"Whew. You're seriously hot. I can't wait to tell my friends I fucked a succubus. Wanna do this again sometime? It looked like you really liked it," he said.

"No, and no. I didn't cum at all," I said, inadvertently destroying his pride as a man.

It looked like his entire world shattered. 

"W-Wait, I can keep going! How about I eat your—"

"Get your clothes and go home," I ordered, charming him to leave.

As soon as he left, I wiped the semen and cleaned myself to get ready for classes. Mio was up by the time I got out of the bathroom.

"How was last night?" Mio asked with a smirk. "You and Kairi were cumming like crazy. The waterworks were crazy! Huuu~"

"Because of this stupid collar, I can't cum from anything else now!" I groaned.

"Hehe. That just means we need to do something crazier. How about I walk you to class naked right now," she offered.


Bare naked in front of the entire campus. Exposing myself outright so people could know right away what kind of person I was. Then maybe they could make public use of me in class. Just the thought was getting me wet. 

I shook the thought away.

"W-We got morning classes, so get up already!"

While Mio rummaged through the closet for clothes, I tiptoed out of the room to check on Kairi. Mio didn't hold back with her last night. Hopefully, she wasn't too drained to go to class.

I knocked on the door and no one answered. It might be an invasion of privacy, but I was worried and twisted the doorknob. The door gave way. Kairi was sleeping soundly inside. No stranger in her bed like there was one in mine and Mio, thank goodness.

"I'm ready, buckaroo!" Mio emerged from the room with only a laptop.

Blessings of the modern century. No need for notebooks and pencils. Universities were also more lax on bringing tech into classrooms, at least as long as they didn't disrupt the lesson.

We were about to head out, but the front door jiggled open. A blonde girl with caucasian features stumbled in with a suitcase in each hand. They became unimportant the moment she saw us.

"Hiiii! I'm Casey! You two are the succubus, right? It's nice to meet you!" the blonde girl exclaimed in fluent Japanese, but in a very recognizably American way.

"Uh… I'm Saeko— eh?!" I froze up as Casey threw her arms around my shoulders and patted me on the back. "Are you our roommate?"

"Yeah! Sorry, I'm late. Been with my parents all week. They needed me 'coz they don't speak a lick of Japanese. I see you guys are making use of my furniture. Nice! Oh, you're Mio? Hiii!" Casey did the same touchy-feely greeting to Mio, who was more than happy to reciprocate in the same manner.

"What's good, roomie!" Mio hugged it out with her.

My brain was having a hard time processing Casey's energy, but at least Mio was able to match it.

"I'm originally from New York. I moved to Tokyo two years ago. Gotta say I love it here. Japan is so cool! I hope we can continue to get along. So, is my roommate Kairi already here? I'm gonna go say hi! Kairi!"

Casey moved like the wind. She completely forgot about her suitcases, so we brought them in for her. A few seconds later, Kairi shrieked. 

"I like her! Plus, Casey's got cake." Mio grinned.

"Glad you do… I'm exhausted just listening to her. Let's go before she comes back," I said.

Both of us stretched as we shuffled out of the lecture hall from our final class of the first day.

"Man, college is great! I can sleep through it without getting yelled at, eat when I want, and dick around on my laptop. Why the hell did we go through high school first?" Mio asked, raising both arms up until her joints popped.

To say Mio paid absolutely zero attention in class… would not be an understatement. It boggled my mind that she got through high school with flying colors and ranked higher than me.

"Even after a year, you're still a mystery to me." I sighed, then pulled out a pamphlet.

"Whatcha looking at?" Mio rested her chin on my shoulder to look.

"All the circles and clubs are listed on here. Apparently, throughout all this week, they're out in force advertising themselves to new students. I want to check a couple out."

"Huh. How come this one is crossed out?" She pointed to the camping circle.

"You know why…"

It was the one with Sai and Kenta, and I didn't want to deal with the latter after what happened last week.

We ventured to the main courtyard, where a large promenade that was rectangular in shape stretched across the length of the campus. Members from clubs and circles were set up in rows upon rows of tables up and down the promenade. There was a rugby club, displaying trophies of their national wins. The tea club was performing a tea ceremony and produced beverages for students to drink. A cooking circle had a cooking griddle on their table to make and sell crepes.

Mostly first-year students like myself and Mio crowded the more popular tables. Less popular or more niche ones like rock climbing, sumo wrestling, and board games were attracting a lot fewer.

"Is that Saeko and Mio I see?" an excitable and familiar voice asked from afar.


I almost turned tail to run, but Casey bolted up to us first.

"Hey! Perfect timing, you two. I was just talking with a senpai from the soccer club! He told me they have a mixer later tonight and could really use some girls to even out. Will you please, please, please come with me? There's a really cute guy I want to get close with!" Casey pleaded.

"No, shit? Count me in." Mio jumped on that like a starved dog.

"I knew I could count on you!" she exclaimed, then both of them turned to me.

"Ehhh… but I don't really feel like joining the soccer club," I said.

After being the manager of the kendo club for all three years, I just wanted to pick a casual circle and relax. Especially since Mio and I needed a part-time job to pay through college. Besides, joining another sports club would almost guarantee me becoming a cheerleader or manager again…

"Oh, don't worry about that. You don't have to join. It's just for the mixer to welcome freshmen. Their club is mostly boys anyway. A whole testosterone sausagefest, if you catch my drift," Casey explained.

"Believe me, I do. Fine. Mio's giving me the eyes anyway, and I can't tell her no when that happens. When and where?" I asked, relenting to Casey's whims.

"Yes! Tonight, eight at Mori-Mori on the dot. The club is covering the reservation and food. Apparel is casual but dress to impress!" she said before taking off back to the table.

"Damn, that girl's got no brakes," Mio remarked with amusement.

"Yeah, like a grown-up Hana on a constant sugar rush."

We spent most of the afternoon listening to clubs give a sales pitch as to why we should join. Only a handful of them were interesting. As the sun began to set, some clubs started to pack their things and leave.

"I'm bored. Where's the adult video club? I wanna join something like that," Mio said.

"There's no such thing!" I retorted, burying my face into the pamphlet again.

"Whatcha looking for now? Haven't we gone through like every table?"

"I wanted to check out the manga circle. It doesn't look like they were out here."

Mio pulled back with a smug look. "Oh, I see. You wanna find some nerds to fuck. I see you. That's your flavor, isn't it?" 

"N-No! Who they are has nothing to do with it! I just want to pick something casual, and I like manga, too!" I fired back.

"Ah, well. I'll join whatever you join, but I'm gonna head home first. Before I go…" She extended a hand to me with the palm up. "Gimme your panty."


Mio dragged me over to a set of vending machines, then pinned me between them and the wall.

"Think about it. You walking around without your underwear while people are still around. Since you're wearing that skirt. A nice little breeze might give everyone a sight to remember. Take it off for me," Mio whispered into my ears and leaned in to nibble the lobe.

Shivers traveled down my spine. A pair of passing students were too busy chatting to notice us. I forced my pounding heart to calm down, then slowly and inconspicuously pulled my panty off.

"Guh… Happy?" I asked.

"Yep." Mio snatched it out of my hand and stuffed it into her pocket. "Now to find someone to give this pair of succubus panty to."

"W-Wait— mmphh!"

Mio silenced my protests with a deep kiss and shoved her tongue down my throat. She pressed her knee between my legs, then raised it to stroke my clit. My mind went blank with pleasure as our bodies pressed together, making out while other students were likely watching.

"Ah~ Delicious as the first day we met. Right, don't forget about the mixer. See ya!" Mio giggled mischeviously as she left.

"Uu… Now I'm really wet…" I sighed.

It was almost time to meeet Taira. I instinctively rushed for Tanigawa Hall. My skirt flared up, and I quickly pleated it down. Panic set in, thinking that it had risen high enough that someone saw it. Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying me any mind.

Not good, I'm starting to get horny again…

I went the rest of the way with my arms down to my sides and walked slowly.

"Yo!" Taira waved, coming out of the lecture hall. "Wow, Saeko! You really look the part of a college student now. Refined, cute. Feels like just yesterday we were working at Isekai Gohan together! Heard you and Mio wanted to pick up some part-time work again. You two really coming back? Regular customers have been asking a lot about you two!"

Taira wouldn't think I was refined if she knew I wasn't wearing underwear right now…

"Still deciding on that or an on-campus job just to be closer. For now, we were hoping to get a few hours of part-time a week. So, do I start calling you senpai at school now?" I asked.

Taira belched a laugh. "I'll let the manager know! And aww, my little kouhai at work and at school. Nah, you can keep calling me Taira like always. I'll let you call me senpai if you join my club! You guys joined any yet?"

I shook my head and told her about the soccer club's mixer we were going to tonight.

"So someone's got to you first, huh? Well, if the soccer club isn't your thing, you can try the cosplay circle I'm with!" Taira said, eyes glinting with the idea of having me as a new member.

"S-Sorry, Taira… as much as I liked cosplay at work, I was thinking of joining the manga circle!" I backed away with each step she advanced into my personal space.

"Manga circle, huh…" Her shoulders slackened. "I heard they have trouble recruiting girls though."

"Why's that?"

"One of my club kouhai tried to join in her first year. Said something about them making outrageous requests that was borderline sexual harassment. Maybe they changed. I dunno. Up to you to find out," she said.

After promising to hang out some more in the future, we went our separate ways on campus. I headed to the student resource building, a three-story lounge called Bukatsu-don where most of the clubs and circles had their own rooms to conduct activities. Apparently, all of the high-population clubs and circles were on the third floor. The smaller ones were on the bottom.

The circle I was going to was on the first floor. Their door was decorated with stickers and posters of characters from anime, manga, and light novels. A pinboard next to the door had a piece of paper for sign-ups to join the circle. It had all but two names, and they were names of male students.

Taking a deep breath, I searched for the courage from when I joined the kendo club and opened the door.

"Excuse me! I'm interested in joining your circle!" I declared aloud.

Three guys at the far end of the room in front of a computer snapped up to me. They were about average as average could be. None of them seemed to have any shame, since the shirts they wore had full body illustrations of female heroines from eroges that I recognized. 

"Uhh. If you're looking for the sports clubs, they start at the second floor," one guy said.

"I'm not interested in the sports clubs. This is the manga circle, right? It says so on the front door." I thumbed behind me.

"Wait, you're serious? You… You want to join our circle?" the other, who was more rotund than the other two, asked me..

"Yeah? Is that so unbelievable?"

Though, I supposed it was like this for the manga club at Tsukiji High, too. Koga and his friends used the club as a personal space to hang out. No girl ever took interest in it until I came along.

All of a sudden, the three of them scrambled out of their seats and shoved each other to get to me.

"I'm Riku—"

"My name's Yu—"


In their mad dash, Daichi got shoved a little too hard and tripped. I sidestepped his fall to avoid being crashed into. He rolled across the ground and stopped with his head right beneath me.

"Sorry, Daichi!" the other two exclaimed.

It didn't occur to me until Daichi opened his eyes. They snapped wide open.

"N-No… p-p-panty…" Daichi stammered.

Both our gazes met, and we turned bright red. I quickly backed away, but the damage was already done. A hundred thoughts crossed my mind on how to explain myself. It didn't matter, however, when a tall male student in a track jacket entered and put the other three on edge.

"New school term, so you know what that means. Pay up, nerds. You don't need your circle funds for anything," the guy said.

"J-Jiro…" Riku muttered. "We're not giving you money this time!"

"Hah? What did you say?" Jiro asked, tightening his gaze on Riku.

"Because… We have a new member!" He pointed to me.

As soon as Jiro's eyes fell to me, it was like a wolf had found fresh prey.

"This chick?" Jiro shoulder-checked Riku so hard that he crashed to the ground. Daichi and Yu hurried to help him. Jiro sauntered up to me and threw an arm around my waist. "Why don't you come over to the swimming club instead? I'll show you a real nice time, cutie."

"You've been taking their circle funds?" I asked.

"They don't need it. Me, on the other hand? I need a new swimming cap and trunks. Gotta be in top shape for the swim meets—"

I lifted Jiro's wrist off me and stepped away.

"So you're just a bully. Get out of here and never come back again," I ordered, strangling him with my aura.

"You got it." Jiro tensed up and headed for the exit. "I won't come back here ever again."

"Wait… what did you just do?" Riku asked.

Sighing, I let my succubus features show. All three of them gasped so hard they started choking on their own spit.

"Just for full transparency's sake, my name is Saeko Ito, and I'm a succubus. Yes, the succubus you probably saw on the news and internet. I'd like to join your cir—"

"Please, join our circle!" they exclaimed and prostrated themselves on the ground in front of me.

I pleated down my skirt again just in case.

"Y-You're not the ones who should be asking! Get up before someone walks by and thinks I'm bullying you!"

They didn't get up. Instead, they crawled forward with their foreheads to the ground.

"Saeko, we're more than just a manga circle. We're trying to become a doujin circle. The three of us have been working on an eroge and want to finish before summer Comiket. Will you… Will you please voice act as the main heroine for us?" Riku begged.

"Eh? Voice act as in… in the eroge… which would mean, doing… doing the—"

"That's right!" Yu began. "That includes the H-scenes, too!"


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


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