I am Succubus!

Chapter 174


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


"Damn, Saeko. You had a whole treasure trove of magical items to choose from, and you went and picked the most boring ones. Seriously?" Mio frowned at my choices, all of which were picked last minute because they rushed me.

"W-What did you want me to choose? It's not like I'm familiar with this world! The only magical item I'm used to using is the sword! Maybe this was a bad idea after all…" I sighed.

After browsing the vault for hours, I came away with a longsword with a blade of ice, leather bracers that deflected projectiles, and a ring with some minor foresight enchantment. Or, in Mio's words, the boring ones.

"While you were shopping in the kid's aisle, mama was browsing the adult's section. Check out these guns!" Mio cracked the fiery whip and purposefully moaned with delight. "Feel that snap, baby!"

In addition to the whip, Mio also wore a pair of boots that had short distance teleportation capability. The golden tiara on her head could fire volleys of elemental spells. Lastly, her bondage get-up apparently had the ability to leave her body and tie things up.

"Nothing wrong with the simple things in life," Shayle chimed in. "Everyone has made their choices, and they're solid picks. By the way, I have a healing scepter and can use latent magic. I also have several potions for when things get hairy."

"Should we expect to run into any troubles?" I nervously asked.

"No, but you can never be too careful. Elza has become a dangerous place in the years following the war. Our biggest concern are errant light elves who don't like the idea of an alliance and want to start something."

"Meh. We'll be fine. I hope they try something, so I can fuck 'em. Been craving their taste ever since I got here," Mio said.

I rolled my eyes. "Lucky you… I can't exactly have sex until—"

A sudden vision of Mio smacking into the wall flashed before my eyes. When I came to, Mio was clicking the heels of her boots together.

"Uh, Mio? Maybe wait until we're outside before trying that out," I suggested.

"Just because you're not used to magical items, doesn't mean I'm not either. Watch and learn, sucker!" Mio activated the heels.


"Rainbow slime king, watch out! We're coming to—" Mio vanished, then reappeared to face plant into the wall.

Shayle and I winced at the bone-cracking impact.

"See, simple is best." Shayle waved the bronze scepter over Mio, healing her of her bruised forehead and nose.

Unfortunately, it couldn't heal her bruised ego.

"Ow… Fuck it. Let's just go already!" Mio exclaimed.

Shayle pulled out the mirror artifact. In a bright flash of light, it sucked us into a portal and spat us outdoors to cool winds, the rustling of trees, and… a dozen spears pointing at us only inches from our faces.

"Two succubus and a dark elf!"

"What do we do?"

"You will stand down," a tall elven woman said. "For you stand before the queen succubus of two worlds, Saeko Ito."

The three of us sighed in relief when their spears retracted. I almost pissed myself. But it didn't look like the danger was over yet. Our unlikely savior was a light elven woman who stood a head taller than the rest of us. The oppressiveness of her imposing demeanor was second only to the piercing and burning gaze. Unlike her armored fellows, she was dressed in white officer's regalia seemingly made from expensive textiles, pinned with many badges, decorative golden epaulets on her shoulders, and a white peaked cap with long, blonde hair draping down it like a curtain.

"Well, if it isn't Dulua Parmuse." Mio grinned.

"D-Do you know her?" I asked timidly.

"Captured the bitch during the war. Fucked her like a mutt until we traded prisoners," she whispered.

The light elf must have overheard, because she shot the two of us a glare.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of this sudden visit? I imagine if it was to fight, then you would have brought a larger army," Dulua said.

"Captain Dulua," Shayle began, stepping in to mediate before things got tense. "I believe it's best if we speak in private. The matters are delicate and may concern… Beatrice's return."

They both turned to me, and Dulua ultimately nodded.

"Open the gates!" Dulua shouted.

The earth shuddered. I didn't realize it until now, but glancing to my left and right, the entire break in the forest was blocked off by a giant natural wall of interwoven roots, tree trunks, and thick branches. The 'gate' before us was no different. Bark chipped off the roots as they parted an opening like unraveling fingers of a clasped hand.

As soon as we crossed into the forest, the gate closed behind us. A beaten dirt path into the forest laid before us which forked not too far down. The tree above me rustled. Loose leaves fell to my feet. Glancing up, I saw why. There were many light elven soldiers lying in wait and hidden in the canopy. They made their tents and hung hammocks up there.

"You've got a lot of manpower out here, Dulua. If I didn't know better, you were preparing for war again," Shayle said.

"Don't worry. They aren't for you. Rogue bands of demons, beastkins, and bandits are still many. We have to stay on our toes. Which is why I'd like to know what you're doing here," Dulua demanded, stopping at the fork and staring at me in particular.

"It's quicker if I show you," I said.

Summoning the Blade of the First Temptress spooked Dulua. Although she didn't panic, her eyes went wide briefly with understanding and recognition.

Dulua cleared her throat. "I… see why this is of grave concern. However, that doesn't explain why you're here. Shouldn't you be seeking help to put a stop to that?"

"We're hunting a rainbow slime king to do just that," Shayle explained. "There were apparently sightings of one in your country. Any ideas?"

The light elven captain thought for a moment.

"I remember receiving reports about a slime problem at a village some twenty miles from here. That may be your rainbow slime king," Dulua said.

"Great. So we can be on our way, and—" I was interrupted by Dulua raising a finger at me.

"I don't think so. You won't be going alone. I shall accompany you to make sure you aren't up to anything suspicious" she insisted.

"You wanna come along, hoping to get laid by two succubus. Admit it," Mio taunted.

Dulua held her stone-cold demeanor but became entirely red in the face.

"Wait… Is that really the reason?" I asked.

"Of course not. Let's get this done and your corruptive vices out of this enlightened country. Try to keep up in the meantime." Dulua turned to the left fork in the road, cast magic at her feet, and levitated in the air to fly.

As though to show off, Shayle popped open a potion and downed it. Feathered wings sprouted from her back, and she flew after her light elven counterpart.

I shot Mio a look as soon as they were out of earshot.

"Exactly what happened to Dulua during the war?"

"Just a bit of succubus mojo." Mio winked.

The four of us reached a village called Ambervale, named after the deep orange leaves that grew naturally here rather than the usual green. The village was a modest one. There were few homes here, and according to Dulua, the farmers made their living cultivating mushrooms underground.

Three light elven children were outside kicking a ball back and forth to each other when we got there. Mio landed and caught the ball on the sole of her foot. The children screamed. They split in every direction to their homes.

Ten adult light elves raced out after a second, armed with pitchforks and magic bristling in their hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. If these aren't dicks. I don't want 'em poking me." Mio pushed away one of the pitchforks a little too close to her face.

"What are you doing here, succubus?" one of them angrily asked.

The rest of us caught up just in time before things became dicey.

"Damn it, Mio! I said to let me get here first." Dulua sighed.

"Captain Dulua! Do you know these demons?" another asked, his eyes still trained on us.

"I do." She nodded. "We're here to take care of your slime problem. They will be on their way right after."

While Dulua calmed the villagers down, a vision of Mio getting hit by a flying rock came to me.

As funny as it would have been to let it happen, I searched the village for where it would come from when I noticed a small girl winding for a pitch. She lobbed a rock. I tried to catch it, but before it landed in my palm, the rock careened to the side for Shayle— but she caught it and squinted at me.

"It wasn't me!" I panicked.

The girl had already run off. Weird. Did the bracers do that? I swore I should have caught that.

"S-So… People here really don't like succubus?" I asked.

"No shit. We enslaved them as sex slaves," Mio said.

"Dark elves used them as breeding fodder," Shayle added.

"What is with you guys and lewding light elves…"

"It's fun," they answered at the same time with a shrug.

Dulua returned to hear that last part and put both hands on her hips.

"Fortunately for you three, the villagers have allowed us to pass. The rainbow slime king's presence here has been ruining the soil, and they can't wait to be rid of it. Let's get this over with already," she said.

A lone farmer who had seen the slime last led us through the forest. Shayle and Dulua were behind him, and Mio and I had the rear. A howl in the distance made my heart skip a beat. Rustlings from the canopy were plentiful. My hands had gotten clammy and my throat parched. The sooner we were out of here the better.

"What's wrong?" Mio asked.

"I-I've been a city kid all my life… I'm not used to being out! Everything sounds so scary, and it's not like my succubus powers will be of any help here," I said.

"If it makes you feel any better, you can fuck 75% of the wildlife and flora out here."

"No… that doesn't make me feel better. I can't even have sex without risking Beatrice's return!"

"You're gonna be fine!" Mio grabbed my hand and locked our fingers tightly together. "Hell if I'm gonna let anything happen to you."

"Thanks…" I looked down at my feet as my face turned red.

The others had stopped up ahead. Mio and I caught up and followed their gaze to a car-sized slime, lounging under the sunlight from a break in the canopy. The body glistened with a beautiful array of colors.

"Thank you. You should be on your way. The battle may be dangerous," Dulua told the farmer, who bowed and hurried back the way we came.

"Here's the plan," Shayle began, using a stick to direct our attention to the dirt as she drew out a battle map. "We're going to spread out to attack it from all sides. It is too dangerous for us to clump up, otherwise— Where's Mio?"

Our huddle was missing a fourth person. Dulua, Shayle, and I traded awkward glances with each other. A sudden vision of Mio stuck in the rainbow slime king's body flashed in my mind.

"Screw planning! This slime king's as good as dead!" Mio shouted, flying right in and flourishing her fiery whip.

"Mio, wait! You're going to get caught!" I warned.

The whip struck the slime and engulfed it in flames. Its color shifted to red. Tentacles snatched Mio by the legs and reeled her into the gelatinous body. She pounded against the surface from within but couldn't break free.

Dulua and Shayle spread out. The light elf conjured a golden spear and threw it. The color of the slime turned yellow. When the spear hit, the slime was seemingly unfazed. Shayle drank a potion, filled her lungs with air, and unleashed a fiery breath. The slime turned red again.

"Its elemental resistance is insane… We have to strike it at the same time with different elemental attacks— now!" Dulua ordered, conjuring another holy spear.

I drew my icy sword. Shayle breathed fire again, and Dulua launched her spear. I plunged the blade of ice into the slime, and Mio barely moved out of the way as it went just underneath her armpit. She stared angrily at me.

"S-Sorry, Mio! Did it work?" I asked.

The slime, true to its namesake, glistened with all the color of the rainbow and was unhurt. Tentacles emerged from the slime. We dashed back, but it grabbed us each by the ankles. It began to pull us in.

There had to be something…

In the corner of my eyes, the gems on Mio's tiara reflected sunlight back to me.

"Dulua, hit me with your holy spear! Mio cast fireball from inside before the spear hits me!" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me like I was insane.

"Are you crazy? You're a succubus. A demon. If I hit you with that spell, it could kill you," Dulua said.

"Well, then I better hope my plan works out… Just hit me with everything you got!"

While flying backwards against the slime's pull, Dulua summoned the holy spear. She looked me dead in the eyes, and I nodded. The spear left her hand with incredible explosive power.

Realization hit Mio like a truck. She manifested fireballs within the slime king's body. It began changing to red like I expected. Just before the spear plunged into me, I raised the enchanted bracers up and deflected it towards the slime king. It was too slow to change colors this time. The holy spear pierced the monster's body, cracking the core.

Unable to maintain its blob form, the rainbow slime king deflated into sludge as did the tentacles holding us.

"Whew…" I wiped the sweat from my face.

"I thought… I was going to drown in there…" Mio panted, crawling up to lie down next to me.

I flicked her forehead. "Looks like I'm the one doing the protecting."

We returned to the manor with the rainbow slime king's magic core and an extra baggage in tow…

"So, why did you come back with us?" I asked Dulua.

 We waited outside of Queen Elendir's bedchamber while she and Shayle performed alchemy within. They didn't want us inside and potentially learn the secrets of their alchemical processes.

"Don't get the wrong idea. It's not as if I want to be here. I'm merely making sure you rabid dark elves and succubi aren't scheming anything." Dulua folded her arms and faced away from me.

"Uh huh. Don't worry, Dulua. I got you. Once we're done helping Saeko, I'll happily fuck you to your heart's content. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" Mio grinned.

"W-What a preposterous thing to—"

The doors burst open. The two of them emerged from the room, covered in so much sweat that their thin robes clung to their voluptuous and moistened bodies. 

"We've done it," Queen Elendir said, handing me a small vial of rainbow liquid.

"You're sure this is going to work?" I asked them.

Queen Elendir and Shayle opened their mouths to answer, but no words came out.

"Great…" I sighed.

"Theoretically, it should work. The process bleeds your mana out, but it won't hurt," Shayle said.

"Put a little trust in Elly." Mio threw an arm around my shoulder and almost knocked the potion from my hand. "This big bootie queen was the one who designed the miracle elixir that saved the dark elven race after all."

Elendir smiled. "Mio flatters me because she uses that potion for her own sexual predilections. We dark elven use it for survival. At any rate, the concoction is safe. That much we assure you."

"I'll take that chance… bottom's up." I tipped the liquid into my mouth.

It tasted sweet and tangy, almost like orange juice.

"Counting down… Let's get Saeko inside and onto the bed. We have another minute left," Shayle said while looking into a pocket watch.

"Huh? Another minute of what?" I looked to each of them for answers but received none.

A cool sensation dripped into my stomach and spread through my body with a rippling effect. Mio and Shayle picked me up by my arms, dragged me into the room, and over to Elendir's bed. Heat built up within me, originating from my crotch.

Then it hit me.

I keeled over at the foot of the bed and brought the two of them down with me. It was like a punch in the stomach. Instead of pain, however, pleasure struck me out of nowhere.

"Guuh… Guys, what's going on…? I'm… cumming— aaahh?!" I shuddered all over. My nipples were hard. There was a damp feeling between my legs.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. The process of bleeding mana is like the opposite of draining. You're climaxing the sexual energy out of you," Elendir said.

"That's the most important part— ughh… Another… orgasm… is coming— nnngh!" I crawled onto the bed and thrashed around in the sheets. Every nerve in my body was firing off pleasure signals.

Mio suddenly climbed on top to pin me to the bed, snatching my wrists in each of her hands and licking her lips.

"This is the best part," Mio said.

"Wait… not right now!"

Mio peeled my skirt and panties off. Her tail wagged excitedly from behind. Without warning, she buried her face between my thighs and lapped at my pussy like a dog. The pleasure sent my mind spiraling down an abyss. I was falling, but I was lying still on a bed. My shaky hands found purchase of Mio's horns.

"Damn it… nngh… Mio, stop… I'm cumming like crazy… Someone stop her!" I pleaded.

"The potion's effects last four hours. We have to facilitate your mana bleeding process by making you climax as much as possible," Queen Elendir said while stripping off her robes.

"Well, since Dulua is here…" Shayle groped the light elven captain from behind. Together with Queen Elendir, they apprehended Dulua and began taking off her clothes amidst her protests.

"I told you, I'm not here for that! I'm— mmrphh?!"

Shayle sealed the protesting Dulua's lips with a kiss. Their tongues entwined and overlapped one another. Queen Elendir embraced them both from behind, ushering them closer to the bed. While Mio was busy eating me out, I watched as three busty elves surrounded me in bed.

"Worry not, Saeko." Queen Elendir leaned down and rested the weight of her breasts on top of me. She stroked my cheeks, her eyes gazing affectionately into mine. "The potion makes it so that you cannot drain us. Just fall to the pleasure as you have always done."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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I am Succubus! is available on Amazon! Thank you for your continued support, readers!

I am Succubus!: Vol. 1 - Kindle edition


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