I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: It’S As Simple As Eating Shit

Chapter 104 It’s as simple as eating shit

If Su Sigui hadn’t crossed over, she should still be in Liangshi at this time, fleeing with a group of survivors!

She didn’t know exactly what happened in Linshi as she came to the end of the world ten years later, but today, judging from the flyers sent by the helicopters that flew over Linshi, the cleaning operation on it was extremely ridiculous to her!

Linshi, one of the birthplaces of the Corpse King, was really cleaned up by the rescue team sent by the Qinshan Base. Then those terrifying Corpse Kings in the late apocalypse simply took a piece of tofu and shot themselves to death!

Now, both the central government, the Yindan base in Liangshi and the Qinshan base in Huashi have inexplicable fears of Linshi, and Su Sigui knows the source of their fears best.

is nothing more than the dragon that evolved from a giant python in Zhiyang Lake, but it suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason. It should have been hunted and killed by a more terrifying existence!

Those superiors don’t even know what kind of terrible existence still exists in Linshi, and what kind of disaster it will cause to human beings, and they are still scheming for their rights in vain!

Funny humans.

Wait till you die!

“Time is running out…” Su Sigui muttered to himself.


Yan Xing asked with a bewildered expression, unable to understand what she was talking about.

The figure reappeared in his mind, the black robe, the long white conspicuous hair, and the face like a ghost, it seemed to say that everyone owed him the hatred!

Su Sigui’s body began to tremble, and he didn’t know whether it was excitement or fear. He was in Linshi and would meet the future Corpse King at any time. There were still two years left. will appear here! And Su Sigui waited silently here until the Corpse King appeared!

Then… fight to the death!

hoo hoo hoo!

Ah Fu roared up to the sky, and the terrifying roar shook the sky! The helicopter hovering in the sky, the X-132 machine gun continuously ejected 120mm thick bullets, any one of them can easily tear the human body, but when they hit Ah Fu, there was only a flash of fire!

The muscles of A’Fu’s body are condensed together. The second-order zombies focus on strength, and the strength-type zombies are good at defense. Its defense can be imagined. Although it is obtained by sacrificing speed, it is also terrifying. abnormal!

“Made, you can’t break the defense!”

On the helicopter, a man wearing goggles said, holding the frame machine gun tightly in both hands, constantly stabilizing his figure, and keeping himself from being shaken back by the huge back seat!



Ah Fu roared in his mouth, and anyone could hear his anger from the sky! It instinctively lifted one hand to support its head, and let the X-132 machine gun shoot frantically. Although the power of the bullet could not break its skin like a turtle shell, the impact on it was still a little hit. retreat!

“I’m running out of bullets, help me reload the chain!” the man wearing goggles shouted, pointing to the loading port on the side of the machine gun.

“How long are we going to fight like this? Don’t fight anymore.”

“What! Don’t fight?”

“You darling, take a good look? This ghost zombie has nothing to do, it’s a complete waste of bullets!”

A man behind the goggles said that he had made a wound on Ah Fu’s body before, but if he looked at it again, the wound was restored by Ah Fu’s own powerful self-healing ability!

The goggle man’s face sank after hearing this, but he was not reconciled. He looked at Ah Fu with greed in his eyes!

In the Qinshan base now, those banknotes before the end of the world are useless, they are traded with gold or bartered, and what can be used as currency is the evolutionary crystal in the zombie brain, which will be bought by those high-level executives!

Evolutionary crystals are useless to ordinary people, but new humans can strengthen their strength if they eat them. If a first-order new human eats the evolutionary crystals of second-order zombies, his body will be strengthened again. If you are lucky, you can still do it. Directly become a new human!

Survivors outside always thought that when entering the base, they would not enter the normal life track like before the end of the world, but is that really the case? The materials in the base are also limited, and most of them are used to support those soldiers and senior management. The remaining ones assigned to the large number of survivors are not enough!

Might as well eat shit! At least you’re still full!

The genes in the new humans are powerful, and the super cells make up their bodies, but they also need several times more energy than ordinary people! What an ordinary person eats, a new human needs to eat three times!

For this reason, many ordinary people in the base gathered to initiate several riots, went to the base headquarters to make trouble, and made a very ridiculous request, that is, to kill all the new humans, they are no longer human!

But the current government is no longer the one before the end of the world. In the face of large-scale disturbances by ordinary people, they choose force, and even massacre with guns! Leave a pile of corpses behind and wait for the timid survivors to automatically collapse!

Now those ordinary human survivors who did not serve in the military, their lives are not worth even a piece of moldy bread! It’s useless, hiding in the base every day, waiting for the distribution of supplies!

In the face of zombies, one by one cowardly group, for the leaders of the base and the major high-level executives, even if these people take out a small leek tower from their teeth, they will feel it is a waste!

As for becoming a new human, this is different. It will enter the noble area, receive warm greetings from Chen Huaijiang, the second-in-command of Qinshan Base, and then enjoy a good life and be treated above others, but at the same time, you have to help those high-level officials. Some things, such as beating a person, joining the new human army in tomorrow’s plan to kill a zombie or something.

Anyway, if you become a new human and get caught, you don’t have to worry about being infected!

In order to make the new humans under their hands evolve stronger, those high-level people will also fight their lives to seek for them. This evolutionary crystallization is what allows the new humans to evolve!

First-order evolutionary crystals can exchange dozens of pounds of food, let alone second-order?

stared at Ah Fu for a while, then the man in goggles gritted his teeth and said, “No, keep fighting, so many bullets have been wasted, what if it really succeeds?”

The man behind    shook his head, and his eyes flickered when he looked at Ah Fu. People always have a fluke, but how can they get what they want?

He quickly took off the empty ammo chain and prepared to connect a new one, but the X-132 machine gun also stopped firing temporarily, which gave Ah Fu a breather!


Feeling that there were no bullets on his body, Ah Fu angrily roared at the helicopter, then strode towards an abandoned car, clasped his hands, and lifted the car up easily with great strength!

(end of this chapter)

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