I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Appetizer

Chapter 78 Appetizers

“Dad, why haven’t you come up yet?”

“You go first, Dad wait a minute!” Ning Tianlang said to Ning Yuer.


At this moment, a soldier came to Ning Tianlang and said, “Report, there are second-order zombies in the corpse tide!”

Ning Tianlang glanced at the soldier, then turned his head and said to his daughter.

“Okay, it’ll be alright, you go first, Dad will find you at the Qinshan base later, go first.”


Ning Tianlang didn’t wait for Ning Yuer to speak again, he closed the side door, and took out Shenjia No.1 and tied it around his waist! Then walk outside the safe zone.

“Before I leave, I can help you, I’m sorry~”

The helicopter behind    slowly ascended, with countless soldiers and Ning Yuer, who was staring at him blankly from the window, rumbled towards Huashi!

Watching the helicopter fly into the sky, Tang Ye’s heart trembled. He felt that the person he wanted to see was inside, but he didn’t know if she could see him.

He didn’t want her to see him attacking the safe zone with the corpse tide!

“Do not!”

Tang Ye let out a low roar and rushed forward in the rain of bullets, he hoped! I hope that Ning Yuer is still in the safe zone, so that she will still have a chance to see her!

Inside the safe area, Chen Chaoyang chased the helicopter with Ning Yuer and shouted: “Ning Yuer! Ning Yuer! Can you hear me, someone told me to bring you a word… Hey! Don’t go! ”

“Fuck! I r your mother!”

Watching the helicopter go away, Chen Chaoyang cursed on the spot. He had been looking for Ning Yuer when he first entered the safe area, but unfortunately Ning Yuer had already been transferred to the command camp by Ning Tianlang. Although he was a rich second-generation official The second generation, but he is not qualified to enter in his current identity! As soon as I entered, the soldier pointed a gun at the head!

The helpless Chen Chaoyang could only wait for the opportunity, but he didn’t expect that the corpse tide came, and he finally saw Ning Yuer, but he didn’t expect that she had already flown away! Thinking of Tang Ye’s appearance, Chen Chaoyang couldn’t help feeling chills in his heart!

Looking at the dense zombies on the outside, he couldn’t help feeling that Tang Ye, a terrifying existence, was watching him inside!

“Made! Go first!”

Knowing that he couldn’t take Tang Ye’s “goodbye” anymore, he immediately got on a helicopter. Anyway, let’s go now, looking at the defense line formed by the soldiers outside, there is pity in Chen Chaoyang’s eyes.

“There are so many zombies, I hope you can go away… May God bless you!”

took Ning Yuer’s helicopter away, Tang Ye’s heart was surprisingly calm.

“Oh forget it…”

Tang Ye thought it was okay, but the fierce light in the eyes of the soldiers was even brighter!

“It’s all of you! It’s all of you who are blocking me!”

Bullets hit his body one by one, Tang Ye’s defense has exceeded his own imagination, those bullets did not sink into the flesh and blood, but half of them were stuck outside the surface of the skin!

Tang Ye rushed at the front of the corpse group, attracting most of the soldiers’ firepower, and ten bone spurs waved like the tentacles of the **** of death! The corpses of the same kind who fell behind have been piled up to two meters high, and the three speed-type zombies that Tang Ye summoned before have already died on the road!


Tang Ye turned into a black shadow and walked in the “Z” position, dodging countless bullets, when he was several meters away from a soldier, the bone claws in his hand pierced in an instant, grabbed the soldier and threw it into the sky. Immediately fall to your death!

At the same time, Tang Ye’s ten bone spurs rushed into the group of soldiers, constantly harassing them. Some soldiers were unfortunately caught, and after making a mournful scream, their bodies slowly began to dry up.


Tang Ye raised his head to the sky again and made a terrifying cry like a demon. All the mental strings in his mind went to the zombies behind him. For a while, countless zombies roared and lifted up the same kind in front of them and rushed forward as a meat shield. go!

A part of the defense line consisting of hundreds of soldiers in front was choked up by Tang Ye. After killing a soldier again, Tang Ye looked at Yang Hong. His military rank had revealed his identity as a leader!

A blood-red killing intent flashed in his eyes, and Tang Ye rushed towards him!

And Yang Hong is not a coward. Looking at Tang Ye, a second-order zombie, he was not afraid at all, but took out the military thorns on his body and took up a fighting posture!


His voice was full of the iron-blooded will of a soldier, and he took the initiative to move forward, and the army stabbed towards Tang Ye who was about to rush!


A harsh rubbing sound sounded, Yang Hong’s body flew out instantly, the army thorns had already let go, and he was twisted into iron mud by Tang Ye’s ten bone spurs!

“Yes! I admire you very much, but you must die today! Jie Jie~” Tang Ye said to him hoarsely, his voice was a little fuzzy, Yang Hong didn’t hear what he said, he just thought he was making a zombie cry It’s just the sound!

He struggled to stand up, but Tang Ye wouldn’t give him a chance. He pursued his victory and continued to turn into a black shadow. He pulled out a long afterimage, and the bone spurs reorganized his arm and rushed towards Yang Hong, preparing to kill him with this strike. !

Yang Hong closed his eyes silently. He knew that even if he would not be killed by these second-order zombies, he would still die in this endless sea of corpses. Ning Tianlang held a meeting two days ago, and the general content was that there were corpses. When the tide appears, the safe area needs to be moved in time, but with so many people in the safe area, how can so many materials be completed in just two days? Although some survivors and materials can be sent to the Qinshan base in Huashi in batches, it is still too late to send everything away!

In the end, Ning Tianlang came up with a plan, which was to use the lives of some of the soldiers to stop the attack of the zombies. After all the survivors and a few soldiers in the safe area left, these heroes who resisted the corpse tide would be buried here forever, Yang Hong listened. When he heard such news, he was furious at first. He was the last person who wanted to see the soldiers die! He didn’t know how big the corpse tide was, and thought it was just that.

During the meeting, Ning Tianlang changed his tune despite his numerous objections. If the number of zombies was not large, he could consider transferring them all. But if the number is large, only some of the soldiers’ lives can be sacrificed to preserve the overall situation! But today it seems that he is just sitting in the well and watching the sky.

The number of zombies exceeded his imagination. From the moment the corpse wave attacked, he swore that he must live and die with the soldiers!

There are more and more zombies coming from all directions, as if the numbers just now were just appetizers, and evolutionary zombies began to appear in the zombie tide, short stature or crawling speed zombies, tall, strong or fat power zombies are also Standing out among thousands of corpses!

Tang Ye’s sharp claws were getting closer and closer to Yang Hong, and when he was about to pierce his heart, a black skeleton mecha arm stopped Tang Ye!

(end of this chapter)

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