I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 102

Page 102

“Get down! Lie down!”

Jiang Lin ran out at a very fast speed and knocked down Jingjing and the younger brother who were outside the door.


It was like a real grenade exploded in the room, and the body of the royal zombie was directly blown into a lump of minced meat, and the paste was everywhere.

“Pop! Kill Zongsha and get [*] points of suffocation.”

so much?

Jiang Lin couldn’t believe it, the hostility in this royal zombie was almost double that of the old old man Ren.

“Finally dead.”

Jiang Lin got up and looked inside the house.

The four-eyed Taoist priest, Grandmaster and Jia Le fell on the ground ahead of time because of his reminder, but they still had a lot of dirty pus and meat on their bodies.

disgusting enough.

“Jiang Lin, tell me, is the last one the Bian Yang?”

The four-eyed Taoist was the first to get up, ignoring the dirt on his body, and he would drag Jiang Lin when he went up.

Jiang Lin immediately said: Dirty refusal!

“Uncle Simu, it’s Zhanyang, and the principle is the same as Yanzhihe. But I’m not going to sell it now, I’ll keep it for myself, because there is still room for improvement.”

Jiang Lin did not conceal the existence of the Exploding Flame Talisman, but he also made it clear that he would only use it himself for the time being, and would not spread it.

The reasons for this were Jiang Lin’s own thoughts, and the stability of the Exploding Flame Talisman. He always felt that it might pose a threat to the caster.

“No… not for sale?”

The fiery heart of the four-eyed Taoist priest seems to have been poured into a basin of cold water. Don’t you sell such a good thing?

“Uncle Shi, it is not for sale for the time being. After the improvement is completed, I will definitely give priority to meeting with Uncle Shi.”

Seeing that the master was hesitant to say anything, Jiang Lin also smiled and said, “If there is something I need in the master, I can change it, or buy it.”

“it is good!”

There was a smile on the master’s face. Buddhism’s means of exorcising evil spirits were generally magic tools, but he just lacked such tools.

This time when I encountered this royal zombie, if Jiang Lin wasn’t there, I’m afraid he and Jingjing’s master and apprentice would be in danger.

The master wants to prepare for Jingjing.

Chapter [*] Planning

“Master, it smells so bad.”

Jia Le was the closest to the explosion, his whole body was dirty, and the strong corpse stench made him vomit wildly.

After Jia Le’s reminder, the four-eyed Taoist priest and the master turned their attention to the smell.

It stinks.

“Uncle Shi, you guys can take care of it, I’m going outside.”

After confirming that the royal zombies were killed, Jiang Lin didn’t want to stay in the stinking Taoist hall.

Jiang Lin predicted that the houses of the four-eyed Taoist priest and the master should be burnt down and rebuilt.

The zombie’s corpse exploded like this, sticking to the wall, and it has to be burned if it is not burned, otherwise it will not be able to live.

The master’s house is connected to the four-eyed Taoist priest, so it is impossible to burn only one room.

Besides, the master’s house was also stained with the blood and minced flesh of zombies.

Everyone cleaned themselves, burned what should be burned, changed into clean clothes, and moved to the master’s residence, and several houses of the four-eyed Taoist were no longer able to live in.

Grandmaster has no opinion on this either. Although he is always at odds with the four-eyed Taoist priest, those are all petty troubles, and it is really related to the juncture of safety and security. Grandmaster is not ambiguous at all.

“Uncle Four Eyes, you go and see Uncle Qianhe first. He only has scratched corpse poison left on his body. He should wake up soon. Jingjing, I’ll go over and see the bite on your foot.”

The corpse poison of the royal zombies is very domineering. After being stabbed, it will completely turn into a corpse within a few hours. If it is bitten, the corpse poison will explode faster and the corpse poison will be stronger.

“it is good.”

Jingjing took Jiang Lin to her room. Although she was checking the corpse poison, she was touching her feet after all, so she should avoid suspicion.

“Don’t look at it, or I’ll let Jiang Lin come back, and you’ll go over and check the wound?”

The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at Jia Le and stared straight at Jiang Lin and Jingjing, feeling a little angry.

He knew how strong the corpse poison of the imperial zombies was. His junior brother still had a poison suppressor on his wound. If they went a little late, there would be no such person as Daoist Qianhe.

Jiang Lin is understandable for taking precautions in the future. This family is not thinking about the good, but thinks in a crooked place, and is not angry.

“No need, no need.”

Jia Le waved his hands again and again, and then flashed someone to take care of Daoist Qianhe.

Jingjing sat on the stool and let out an inaudible grunt in her throat, and then she took off half of her small shoes.

Jiang Lin tore off the anti-virus talisman on his big toe and checked the dispersal of the corpse poison.

The effect of the antidote was not bad, the treatment was timely, and the corpse poison was accumulated in the wound, and did not enter the body with the blood flow.

Jiang Lin looked at Jingjing, and felt a little embarrassed. The corpse poison was in the wound, so…to smoke or not to smoke?

It doesn’t matter if you are stabbed or scratched, you can use the poison suppressor and snake medicine to guide the corpse poison to the wound, and clean it with glutinous rice water.

But the bite… If you don’t suck out the corpse poison as soon as possible, that’s a ticking time bomb.

If it were normal, the job of taking corpse poison would not be in Jiang Lin’s turn, but now the three men except Jiang Lin had been poisoned with corpse poison, and they could no longer deal with corpse poison in this way.

Jingjing was also poisoned, and she couldn’t suck it out for herself.

“Forget it, she was going to help me out of the siege at that time anyway, why don’t she just… suck a corpse poison.”

Between life and death, if you don’t have a relationship, let’s save people first.

A dignified seven-foot man, just have a clear conscience.

“Jingjing, this corpse poison needs to be sucked out.”


Jingjing nodded, hugged her little feet with both hands, and prepared to move her mouth.

Although the action is a bit funny, it’s better than being a zombie.

“Uh…you have been poisoned by corpse poison, you can’t do it yourself.”

“Now… it seems that only I can suck.”

Jingjing was stunned, she looked at Jiang Lin, and then at the wound on her toe.

Is this about… kissing my feet? ? ?

Jingjing’s face was like a red Fuji, and there seemed to be smoke coming out of the top of her head.

Jiang Lin is really MMP in his heart, that kind of picture, saying!OK.

Jingjing looked at her feet, and the more she looked, the redder her face became.

Not only Jingjing, Jiang Lin was also embarrassed.

If this is known, a man, go… kiss… oh hey~


After about five minutes, Jiang Lin raised his brows and thought of a way to avoid embarrassment.

“wait for me.”

Jiang Lin went outside and folded a hollow bamboo about the thickness of a chopstick. With his thumbs, the ends of the hollow bamboo became smooth and flat.


Jiang Lin wrapped the wound on Jingjing’s toe with one end of the hollow bamboo, and sucked the other end with his mouth, and the corpse poison adhered to the inner wall of the hollow bamboo.

Jingjing didn’t speak during the whole process, her attention was all outside, for fear of being seen.

“Okay. The corpse poison has been cleared, and other scratches or stab wounds can be treated with snake medicine and glutinous rice.”

After helping Jingjing solve the problem, Jiang Lin was going to see Daoist Qianhe.

Suddenly, his nose twitched, and a strong corpse poison was near him.

“Jingjing, are there any other bites?”

Jiang Lin asked.

Jingjing was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, “No, no more.”

Jiang Lin frowned, then took out four antidote talismans and placed them on the table, then turned and left.

“I must have sensed it wrong.”

After taking two steps, Jiang Lin found that the induction just now disappeared again, which made him a little confused.

After Jiang Lin left, Jingjing quickly put away the four antidote talismans.

“Jiang Lin, your uncle Qianhe is awake.”

Hearing the words of the four-eyed Taoist priest, Jiang Lin went to visit the Qianhe Taoist priest.

“Senior brother, junior brother is incompetent, incompetent in academic skills, being killed by zombies…”

As soon as Jiang Lin came in, he heard what Daoist Qianhe suspected to be entrusting him. It seemed that Daoist Qianhe thought he had returned to the light.

“Junior brother, you’re all right. What do you remember? That zombie has been killed by us.”

The four-eyed Taoist had a lingering fear in his heart when he thought of that zombie, and it would be best to never meet such a zombie again.

Qianhe was stunned for a while, and after listening to the explanation of the four-eyed Taoist priest, he realized that he was safe now.

“My nephew, I have taken all your kindness in my heart. I don’t want to say thank you for your kindness. If there is anything I can use for my uncle in the future, just say it.”

Knowing that Jiang Lin was taking corpse poison for his own treatment despite the danger, Daoist Qianhe could be said to be grateful.

“Senior Brother Yimei, this good relationship is a good one.”

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