I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 128

Page 128

“Missing teeth, hurry up!”

Just after Jiang Lin restrained the little zombie, a middle-aged man in a blue-gray Taoist robe turned from another street.

Behind him, followed by a Daoist boy carrying a Faji (bamboo frame for holding instruments), whose name seems to be Missing Tooth.

The middle-aged Taoist priest frowned when he saw the little zombie being stopped by Jiang Lin.

“The nineteenth generation disciple of the Maoshan Qingwei faction, dare to ask what kind of school you belong to?”

Seeing that Jiang Lin was just like himself at a young age, he was already a Taoist, and the middle-aged Taoist did not dare to think of his own age.

“The seventeenth generation disciple of the Chen Dao faction.”

Jiang Lin returned a salute.

“It turned out to be a Taoist friend of the Chen Dao faction in Xiangxi. This little zombie has chased the poor road for dozens of miles. I wonder if the Taoist friend can return it to the poor road?”

“Since fellow Daoists are chasing after him all the way, let’s do it. Go!”

Jiang Lin pointed at the spiritual power and drew a circle towards the little zombie, causing him to turn around and jump towards the middle-aged Taoist priest.

The first instruction of the Chen Dao School’s patriarch is to meet the disciples of Maoshan, and comity is the first.Although Jiang Lin was curious about the little zombie, he didn’t like doing things that cut people off, not to mention that the other party was a disciple of Maoshan, and he asked himself politely.

“Thank you buddy.”

“Missing teeth, go!”

After the Maoshan master and apprentice moved to another street, Jiang Lin vaguely heard the words of the middle-aged Taoist priest.

“Tooth is missing, the biggest wish of a teacher in this life is to catch a small zombie. Unfortunately, this small zombie is not a real small zombie, it can only be used for refining medicine.”

There is no lack of regret in the voice of the middle-aged Taoist priest.

“What is Master’s real little zombie?”

“Zombie babies born from the womb of zombie mothers are real baby zombies.”

“Then why did Master catch the little zombie, aren’t you tired? It’s been so many years.”

Missing Tooth doesn’t seem to understand that his master is so obsessed with catching little zombies.

“What do you know! If I meet a real little zombie, if I catch it, I can make it into a ghostly zombie king!”

Chapter [-] Swordsmanship

“Why does this line sound so familiar? Missing teeth? I seem to remember a movie with this name, which is also a zombie movie.”

Jiang Lin recalled for a while, but he really couldn’t think of which movie he had seen. In his impression, there seemed to be a little zombie in it.

Still just born.

At noon the next day, Jiang Lin returned to the Taoist Church.



Chen Yu was overjoyed, and Jiang Lin finally came back.

“Husband, I miss you so much.”

Jiang Lin pulled her into his arms and kissed her, pinched her little face, and said dotingly, “I’ve lost weight.”

“It’s just dinner time. I’ll fry another dish that you like.”

Jiang Lin had a smile on his face and was very satisfied with such a life.

“Master, this is the letter that my uncle asked me to pass to you.”

During the meal, Jiang Lin handed the letter from Uncle Jiu to Zhang Han.

“Lin Zi, what happened?”

After receiving the letter, Zhang Han asked what happened to the Ren family.

Jiang Lin told Zhang Han what happened in the past half month.

“Yimei taught you how to fight with others? Your kid actually won a fight against an evil wizard.”

After listening to Jiang Lin’s narration, Zhang Han had a bottom line, and roughly guessed the content of the letter from Uncle Jiu to him.

I am willing to teach Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled and said modestly, “It’s just a fluke.”

“Master, I want a sharper long sword. This time against Wu Nai, I found that the shortcomings of the peach wood sword are too great.”

When fighting with the wizard, the ninth uncle used a hundred-year-old peach wood sword, which was directly broken when killing Wu Nai.

Although the peach wood sword can cause a lot of damage to evil spirits, it needs to be replaced frequently.

Even a hundred-year-old peach wood sword will be corroded by killing a few black zombies.

“Do you want a bronze sword or a money sword?”

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, he didn’t like these two, bronze sword?There are enough bronze swords, and it is not the same when encountering a zombie.

The money sword is even worse. If you want to use it, you have to sing it like a mage every time before it can exert its power.

What he wants is a sharp blade that can have the power of the Yang Finger Sword and the sword body is hard enough.

The Yang Finger Sword is fine as an attack, but once approached by zombies or monsters, it can hardly resist physical attacks.

“Master, although it’s a bit whimsical, we cultivators used to be monks. Did Feijian exist? I want that.”

In the future, the laws of society will become more and more perfect. Whether you are a martial arts master or a Taoist, you must not carry a control blade with you.

Since Jiang Lin wanted a weapon, he might as well consider the long term.

If it really is like in the novel, a brocade box contains a small pocket sword, which can be used as a flying sword, Jiang Lin will do it.


The soup Zhang Han was drinking was sprayed out all the way. His apprentice’s vision was too high.

“Cough, to tell you the truth, there was a flying sword. In the past, when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was still sufficient, even the monks in the qi refining stage could use the flying sword.”

“Is it the kind of pocket instrument with the thickness of a finger? The kind that is placed in the box and sealed with talisman paper?”

Zhang Han shook his head and said: “What you said is a magic weapon, not a flying sword. The flying sword is hidden in the body. But all monks must study the swordsmanship, that is, flying swords. But from ancient times to the present, monks have Gradually disappeared in the torrent of history, and by the Qing Dynasty, all the swordsmanship had been lost, and only Shushan still retained the complete swordsmanship.”

Jiang Lin felt a pity and asked, “Is there not even Maoshan?”

If the Maoshan lineage still retains the sword-fighting skills, Jiang Lin can still make an idea from the ninth uncle.

“Maoshan’s swordsmanship has also been broken.”

Disappointed, Jiang Lin felt very disappointed, but Zhang Han’s next words ignited his inner hope.

“During the reign of Chongzhen, Maoshan was able to learn from Shushan’s sword-fighting skills because of some opportunities, and complemented their sect’s sword-fighting skills.”

“So, Ninth Uncle has it?”

Zhang Han looked at Jiang Lin quietly, gave him a look, and let him experience it for himself.

“That’s a secret technique that Maoshan didn’t pass on. Yimei just wanted to teach you. Would he dare? Sword-fighting is no better than other spells. In any case, it’s impossible to pass on the sword-fighting technique of this sect to outsiders. The teaching of Maoshan’s sword-fighting technique is I want to go to Grandpa Bing.”

Eat and eat.

Jiang Lin touched his nose, not expecting any kind of swordsmanship.

Since Maoshan is not rumored, let alone Shushan.

“Lin Zi, do you know why the patriarch of our Chen Dao sect established his own sect, but he was not expelled from his discipleship by Mao Shan?”

Zhang Han saw that Jiang Lin was extremely depressed and stopped attacking him.

Isn’t it because he sacrificed himself to eliminate the ghost witch line?

A curious brilliance appeared in Jiang Lin’s eyes, waiting for Zhang Han to continue.

“Maoshan’s swordsmanship can complement and restore the inheritance because of our ancestors.”

“Fuck, Grandpa is a good NB.”

Jiang Lin really wanted to give Yan Zhidao a thumbs up. If he hadn’t gone to Xiangxi to mix ghosts and witches, he might have become the head.

Restoring the inheritance of the sect is definitely a great achievement.

“How did Grandpa do it?”

“Hehe, the patriarch of our Chendao School was also a blessed person. His little lover was the precious daughter of the head of Shushan. Haha, our patriarch turned her elbows out and handed over Shushan’s swordsmanship to our patriarch. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be famous all over the world for his flaming finger sword.”

After listening to Zhang Han’s remarks, Jiang Lin had this insight: Fire and security guard daughter, if this daughter’s elbow is not turned right, it will definitely be a disaster.

“It turns out that Yang Zhijian is still related to Shushan Yu Jianshu.”

Jiang Lin did not expect that the spell he practiced was born out of Shushan Swordsmanship.

“Yang Zhijian, um, our second grandmother, her surname is Duan, from Dali, Yunnan.”

Zhang Han’s words completely shocked Jiang Lin.

Is it really a Yang finger and a six-pulse sword?

“Master, do you have Shushan’s sword-fighting skills there?”

If Jiang Lin can’t guess this by now, then his brain can raise fish.

“Yes, yes, but!”

Zhang Han’s face suddenly became serious, and he continued: “It is now the age of the end of the law, and there is a lack of spiritual energy in the world. Almost no one is going to practice swordsmanship anymore, even the disciples of Maoshan. It takes a lot of spiritual power to practice swordsmanship. I hope you think about it carefully. When you open a bow, there is no turning back. You must keep practicing the sword-fighting technique, otherwise the flying sword will directly attack its master. Opportunity.”

study!Of course learn!

The lack of spiritual energy in the world is a matter for him, and his cultivation relies on refining the corpse poison in his body.

“Master, the disciple has decided, learn!”

“Okay, come to my room this afternoon.”

Chapter [-] – Ossified Sword

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