I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 13

Page 13

“Junior brother, you can count. Today, without you selling calligraphy and painting, the business here is a lot worse, and the calligraphy and paintings hanging in the store are almost sold.”

As soon as Jiang Lin opened the door, Qiu Sheng complained to him.

“Are you still selling calligraphy and painting?” Ren Tingting walked in and heard Qiu Sheng’s words, and immediately felt that Jiang Lin’s image became elegant.

“These are all written by you. Did you draw this painting? It really looks like it.” Ren Tingting was attracted by the calligraphy works and sketches in the cosmetics store, and she forgot that she was here to buy rouge.

When Qiu Sheng saw Ren Tingting, his eyes were glowing.

She’s so pretty, I’d love to be my wife.

Jiang Lin smiled and nodded. In this era, it is rare to see paintings such as sketches, and then he introduced them to each other: “Qiu Sheng, this is the daughter of Master Ren, Miss Ren, he is the apprentice of Ninth Uncle, Qiu Sheng. , I call him senior brother.”

“Senior brother, Miss Ren came here to buy rouge, know how to do it.”

“It’s up to you to say it.”

Qiusheng took out the best rouge in the counter.

Ren Tingting was very satisfied with the makeup here, then looked at Jiang Lin, and said a little embarrassedly: “Jiang Lin, the camera I bought is broken, can you help me fix it? Your paintings are so beautiful, can you give it to me? Draw a picture?”

“It will be all right.”

“Okay, then you go home with me, and I’ll give you the camera.”

“I’ll fix it at your house. It’s estimated that a lot of tools will be needed. I don’t have it on hand.”

Qiusheng looked at Jiang Lin and Ren Tingting, and shouted in his heart: Why can’t I fix my camera, why can’t I paint.

So go to people’s homes.

The younger brother has been aphrodisiac, and when he arrives at Miss Ren’s house, will he…

No, fight for it!

“Miss Ren, I can also repair. Although I’m not good at cameras, I’m no worse than junior and junior.”

Jiang Lin looked at Qiusheng with a strange expression, when will this guy fix the lights?

No, this thing wants to be a light bulb!

Qiusheng put his arm around Jiang Lin’s shoulder and whispered, “Fair competition.”

“I’m a serious craftsman.” Jiang Lin patted Qiusheng’s hand and responded in a low voice.

“Very good.” When Jiang Lin said this, Qiu Sheng believed it.This kid has always been well-behaved in front of the store to draw pictures with girls or something.

Qiu Sheng had never seen Jiang Lin eat tofu or take a peek.

It just so happened that a few bulbs in the house were broken, and if Qiusheng could fix it, there was no need to find a worker. Ren Tingting asked Qiusheng to follow him.

As a result, after arriving at Ren’s house, Ren Tingting asked the housekeeper to take Qiusheng away and take him to repair the light bulb.

Lightbulbs should go with lightbulbs.

“Jiang Lin, do you think this can be repaired?” Ren Tingting took out the camera and placed it on the table in the lobby, in front of Jiang Lin.

“I’ll give it a try.” Jiang Lin started to check with a tool in his hand.

Ren Tingting held her cheek in her hand and looked at Jiang Lin like that.

After the eyes met, Jiang Lin felt his heart beat faster.

At this time, Ren Tingting was like a beautiful work of art under a ray of sunlight.

I’m going to paint her in a while.

Jiang Lin’s gaze followed the little braid that was draped over Xiang’s shoulders, and moved a little, a white flower…

“Are you hot?” Ren Tingting found that Jiang Lin’s ears were all red.

“No, it’s just that I’ve never been this close to another girl.” Jiang Lin was embarrassed and his nose was sweating.

Just then, Jiang Lin’s eyes met her again.

“I…I’ll pour water for you.”

Ren Tingting blushed and ran to the side.

When a boy blushes when he meets a girl, it must be because he likes it.

Every time Jiang Lin looked at her, his expression changed slightly.

Ren Tingting didn’t think of this episode once, nor twice, but there were so many silent hints, and she wasn’t stupid.

Jiang Lin, a ‘serious craftsman”, really didn’t do anything, and then he confessed.

He didn’t say a word.

Ren Tingting poured tea on the side and glanced at Jiang Lin secretly.

When a man is serious, he is handsome.

In addition to his good looks, Ren Tingting’s heartbeat has a different rhythm.

“Please drink water.”

Jiang Lin was pondering the circuit structure inside the camera, when he inadvertently raised his hand, he happened to touch Ren Tingting’s hand.

Instantly pulled back, Jiang Lin’s face flushed red.

This was really the first time he touched a girl’s hand.


The teacup fell to the ground, and seeing Jiang Lin blushing like Guan Gong, Ren Tingting’s expression also became coy.

Just at this time, Qiusheng ran over with a sullen face, and saw Ren Tingting with a flushed face and Jiang Lin, who was like Guan Gong, and then saw the broken teacup on the ground, and he was stunned.

Brother, what are you doing while I’m not here?What about fair competition?

Seeing Qiusheng’s fire-breathing eyes, Jiang Lin immediately felt wronged.

I’m really just a serious craftsman.

Chapter [*] Feelings Warm Up

I believe you a ghost, you stinky boy is very bad, and it made Ren Tingting’s face red.

“I’ll come, don’t hurt your hand.” Seeing that Ren Tingting was about to squat down to clean up the porcelain, Jiang Lin took the job over.

“Well.” Ren Tingting hummed softly, giving people the feeling of being very well-behaved.

“This kid is really courteous.” Qiu Sheng rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin and pushed him away.

“Of course I’ll do this kind of rough work, senior brother, you can concentrate on repairing the camera.”

“Qiusheng, have you repaired the light bulb?”

Ren Tingting looked at Qiusheng. There were a lot of broken light bulbs in her house these days, and they were repaired in such a short time?

Qiusheng looked embarrassed. Not only did he not fix it, he also screwed it up.

“That…it’s not fixed.” Qiu Sheng scratched his head, feeling like he was going to find a crack in the ground to drill.

“Then leave it to Jiang Lin, I think he should have fixed the camera.”

Ren Tingting was even more convinced of Jiang Lin’s skills when he saw Jiang Lin’s camera click.

“Senior brother, I’ll accompany you to take a look at the bad electric light.” Jiang Lin gave Qiusheng a meaningful look.

There is no diamond, but also the porcelain work.

“That… I feel that my aunt should be angry when she sees that I haven’t gone back for so long, so I’ll go back first.” Qiu Sheng ran away, afraid of being embarrassed in front of Ren Tingting.

All the other lights that could be on were blindly adjusted by him, and all of them couldn’t work.

When Jiang Lin went to wipe Qiusheng’s ass, he wanted to give Qiusheng a thumbs up.

The electric switch was not turned off, the live wire and the neutral wire were connected randomly, and if the electricity did not kill him, he was considered to be burning a high incense, and the wires were blown several times.Ren’s phone is no longer available.

Qiusheng’s light bulb is very qualified. Those lights and circuits can’t be done well without two or three days.

Jiang Lin said that he would come over these two days to help the Ren family repair the lights and telephones.

After Master Ren found out, he was very happy and praised that Jiang Lin, like Ninth Uncle, was willing to help others.

Although it was wonderful to be with Ren Tingting, Jiang Lin still brainwashed himself: This is a mess made by senior brother, and I came to Ren’s house to help him clean up.

Yizhuang, Qiusheng had a bitter face, Jiang Lin told him the consequences of his blind adjustment, and he really didn’t dare to go to Ren’s house.


“Wencai, why are you so sad?” Qiu Sheng saw that Wencai had lost his soul, and for the first time he didn’t attack him.

“Today I went to a western restaurant for dinner, and the eldest Miss Ren didn’t look at me at all, and only talked to my junior and junior brothers.” Wen Cai pursed his lips, feeling that the sky above his head was gloomy.

“Learning Taoism is not as good as junior brother, and chasing girls is not as good as him.” Qiu Sheng patted Wen Cai on the shoulder and comforted each other.

If Jiang Lin heard this, he would definitely shout that he was wronged.

First, he didn’t express himself deliberately at all, and second, he didn’t take the initiative to talk to Ren Tingting.

I have to say that Qiusheng’s work in repairing the light bulb is really not a problem. The next day, Jiang Lin was busy for a day, and only half of it was done.

On the next day, Jiang Lin went to Ren’s house again, and Mr. Ren asked his daughter to entertain Jiang Lin directly.

Ren Tingting is wearing the costume of a girl from the Republic of China today, which is completely the temperament of Xiaojiabiyu.

As a result, Jiang Lin blushed again when he saw the other person’s face. Ren Tingting probably understood Jiang Lin’s thoughts, and her blush also appeared on her face.

The two looked at each other silently, only blushing.

“Jiang Lin, I have a music box, which was given to me by my second grandfather. It can no longer play music. Can you show it to me?” Having seen Jiang Lin’s craftsmanship in repairing things, Ren Tingting thought that she liked it very much before. The music box is unfortunately broken.

“Bring it to me and have a look.” Jiang Lin didn’t say too much, in case he patted his chest and promised, he couldn’t make it right, and he would be embarrassing himself.

“My second grandfather brought this back from Japan. He brought two gifts, a music box for me, and a music clock for my cousin.” Ren Tingting took out the music box, Lightly placed in front of Jiang Lin.

Bridge bean sacks, music clocks?cousin?

Is it a musical zombie plot?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then began to check the music box in his hand. The reason why the music box was broken was because the spring inside was deformed. Jiang Lin used his physical knowledge to play ping pong, and the music box could run again.

“Jiang Lin, you are really amazing.” Ren Tingting clapped her hands and was about to take the music box, but she slipped and crashed into Jiang Lin’s arms.

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