I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 155

Page 155

In fact, for the local townspeople, there are not many people who are really willing to believe, but these monks know how to capture people’s greed.

Believe in the Lord and get eternal life is empty talk, but if you believe in the Lord, I will send you rice, oil, and clothes, and you can benefit from it.

In this way, more people will send letters, and then a small number of people will drive the people around, just like a snowball effect.

On the side of the church, foreign monks are distributing daily necessities to the townspeople, and there is a situation of looting.

Jiang Lin shook his head, no matter when, there is no shortage of such scenes.

Even if a hundred years later, the car overturned on the highway, sprinkled salt, and dropped oranges, as long as anyone saw it, it would be a call for friends.

Grab it and it’s over.

Is it true that life has come to the point where you can’t live without that little salt and oranges, and starve to death?

Not really.

“Master, what do you think?”

“Wait for the mage to finish speaking.”

Ninth Uncle also felt a headache. Although he was quite famous in Jiuquan Town, these townspeople were short-handed. If he and Jiang Lin went up now, I’m afraid the townspeople would think bad things about them.

Jiang Lin’s brows were also furrowed. In this situation, the townspeople regarded priests and the others as great benefactors. If they went up to confront these foreign monks, the situation would be conceivable.

“Have faith, piety, and devotion. The Lord be with us. For the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

After the priest preached the teachings, Annie walked to the fundraising desk at the entrance of the church and said, “Come, come, do good deeds. Let’s all donate together.”

In order to regain Anne’s love, David followed behind Anne and donated a large amount of money.

Annie thanked her and kissed her on the cheek.

Qiu Sheng, who rushed over, saw Annie’s behavior and was immediately angry.

“She…she actually kissed another man.”

Jiang Lin patted him on the shoulder unkindly, and sent a sentence: “Senior brother, if you want to live a good life, you have to have a little green on your head.”

Such a woman, if the psychological quality is not good enough, don’t stick to it.

Be careful of the Hurunbeer prairie above your head.

Ninth Uncle waited for Father Wu to finish speaking. Seeing that the monks were about to open the main door of the church, he stepped forward and said, “The church cannot be reopened!”

“You cleaned up the things around here? What do you want to do?”

Father Wu looked around and remembered some strange flags and talismans that he cleaned last night, and said, ‘sorry, I didn’t know it was yours. I’m Brother Wu, from the Vatican.”

“I’ve only heard of Jingyanggang and Wollongong, but nothing of the Vatican.”

“Uncle Master, the Vatican is a small foreign country and the center of Catholicism. Its status is the same as that of Maoshan for Maoshan disciples. This Master is there and is called a priest.”

Jiang Lin explained to Ninth Uncle that, with him, he could prevent Ninth Uncle and Father Wu from talking together.

“Father, this is Uncle Ninth.”

When David saw that his ninth uncle was not allowed to reopen the church, he also rushed over to support Father Wu.

Although Jiang Lin was here to act as an interpreter, Father Wu did not understand Chinese culture at all.

He also said that if the church is open, he can help with Mass after the dead.

Jiang Lin couldn’t help slandering you for being a big-headed ghost. Father Wu couldn’t understand the situation at all.

“David, Father Wu, he doesn’t understand. I think you should understand. The three evil positions cannot be opened, and people will die in a meeting.”

Jiang Lin did not try to convince Father Wu that cultural differences doom him to disbelieve, but David is different.

No matter how foreign he dresses, he is still Chinese.

It’s a pity that David was confused when he understood that it had nothing to do with the dead, and it wouldn’t be him who died. The church reopened, and he had money to make it.

Regular fundraising, the money will definitely go to the mayor.

The argument between Father Wu and Ninth Uncle also attracted the attention of others. Just at this time, he stretched out his hand to sign the cross to ask for the holy name. Ninth Uncle thought that the priest was going to fight with him, so he took a stand.

“Do it? You want to fight me?”

Annie’s father went up and grabbed the ninth uncle and said, “Ninth uncle, this is the place of the public house. The priest wants to open a church, but you are not willing. What do you think when we ask the mayor to vote? Although Annie believes in the Lord, I will support it. yours.”

“Uncle, for now, this is the only way to go.”

When he arrived at the mayor’s house, Jiang Lin knew that the church had to be opened.

Mayor Ye’s house is full of supplies to be distributed, and the living room is full of banners of God’s love for the world.

After some bullshit, Mayor Ye said that he advocated reopening the church, and everyone would benefit.

The most important thing is that he can make money.Of course, he could only keep this in his heart.

Although Ninth Uncle objected and Annie’s father also supported him, the townspeople only saw the supplies brought by the monks, and no one opposed the reopening of the church.

They only care about their immediate interests, what are the three evils and four evils, who have the ability to collect firewood, rice, oil, salt, and clothes for nothing?

For these people, Jiang Lin can only spread his hands, they want to die, no one can pull them back.

If you deadlift, you might be bitten back.

“You bastards, I’m too lazy to care about you.”

Ninth Uncle was so angry that his lungs hurt, and he uttered foul language.

He, Zhang Han and Jiang Lin worked hard for so long, just to make Jiuquan town peaceful.

But now it’s better, half of the people think that Ninth Uncle is worried about the reopening of the church, which will affect his reputation.

After the townspeople voted, David ran to congratulate the priest, saying that he supported the reopening of the church.

When the main entrance of the church opened, Jiang Lin, who was not far from the church, seemed to sense the presence of evil things.

More than one.

“It must be a special fate to meet each other along the way. Good luck, three evil, Western zombie. God help me too.”

In the secret room under the church, a figure sat cross-legged in the dark, revealing two fox-like eyes.

There are extremely complicated patterns on the ground, and upon closer inspection, there are runes of skeletons.

Chapter [-] Western Zombies Appear!

“Jiang Lin, we are going to live here for a while. The three evil positions have been opened. I believe that strange things will happen soon. Now the townspeople don’t believe it at all, and I don’t bother to ask any more.”

Now Jiang Lin is half of Ninth Uncle’s apprentice. Ninth Uncle thinks he doesn’t need to ask Jiang Lin’s approval. He wants to stay here for a while.

“no problem.”

The three evil positions have been opened, and maybe they can attract some demons and ghosts to Jiuquan Town. Jiang Lin is in a hurry and wants to kill more evil spirits.

That night, David invited the ninth uncle to the restaurant. On the stairs, the ninth uncle saw that the seats were filled with the owners of the smokehouse and the casino, and the housekeeper of the hospital. He didn’t go upstairs and left directly.

Jiang Lin knew why Jiu Shu went to Renjia Town for development, and he really couldn’t stay in Jiuquan Town with his character.

Perhaps it is because Jiuquan Town is relatively backward, and it is more chaotic than Renjia Town.

There are four casinos, three smokehouses, and two cellars.

There is only one Yi in Renjia Town) (Red Courtyard.

“My master is not feeling well tonight and can’t come.”

Qiu Sheng went upstairs and informed the priest, David and others.

Seeing Annie and David sitting together, Qiu Sheng felt overwhelmed.

It doesn’t matter if a man can’t get a woman. After he gets a woman, he will be given a hat, and it will take a few years for him to develop cancer.

After returning, Qiu Sheng’s state was a bit sluggish, and Jiang Lin could do nothing about it. Who could blame him for losing his mind because of the beauties?

So if she gives it to you casually, she can’t give it to others casually?

But after two days, Qiusheng wanted to start, and Quan Dang went to the cellar to play for one night, and specially invited Jiang Lin to have a meal.

Feeling that Qiusheng still cares about Annie, Jiang Lin reminded Qiusheng.

“Meet Annie and tell her not to open the window at night.”

Jiang Lin remembered that Annie was attracted by the fake zombie because she was wearing a shirt and dangled by the window. Finally, the fake zombie turned into a real one, so she let her down.

Qiusheng went to Annie that night, gave her a reminder, and then had another meal in Annie’s room.

Jiang Lin was downstairs with Annie. After waiting for a long time, Qiusheng didn’t come out. He scolded, “What a man who gives birth to Yanghua!”

After that, Jiang Lin went to the church. He would sneak into it every night to check. After all, this was the hometown of Ninth Uncle. It would be best if he could not die.

But even if there are no Western zombies, Jiuquan Town will be restless, and the three evils are so evil.

Jiang Lin couldn’t help the townspeople dying in other ways.

But what made Jiang Lin strange was that he rummaged through the church and even looked at the secret room below a few times, but he didn’t find any Western zombies.

“Did the previous induction go wrong?”

Jiang Lin frowned and left the church.

After he left, in the secret room under the church, a figure appeared in the corner, and at the same time, there was the Western zombie on the ground that was pierced by a cross.

“Jie Jie, let’s absorb some more yin and evil energy. Kill this kid at that time. Even if he can’t kill him, it can buy me some time to recover from my injuries. The little zombie in Teng Teng Town should be born soon. wait for me.”

In the darkness, eerie and eerie voices echoed in the secret room.

Seven days later, a little monk was repairing the cross in the church, and a strange sound came from the secret room below the church.

The little monk entered the secret room to check and found a huge cross, and there seemed to be a person lying underneath.

The light in the secret room was very dark, and the little cultivator thought that there was a human lying on the ground, so he pulled up the cross.

There was a scream from the grounds of the church.

On the same night, Taoist Tu Long brought a group of fake zombies to Jiuquan Town.

Because of Qiusheng’s reminder, Annie didn’t open the window, which saved her life.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Taoist Tu Long worked hard for the fake zombies he brought. Not only did they smear zombie oil all over their bodies, but they also got a slight corpse poison.

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